Uses of Class

Packages that use Color3f
com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp Provides ViewPlatform navigation utility classes. 
com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry Provides geometry construction, triangulation, and optimization utility classes. Provides the core set of classes for the 3D graphics API for the Java platform; click here for more information, including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide. 
javax.vecmath Provides 3D vector mathematics classes. 

Uses of Color3f in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp with parameters of type Color3f
 void WandViewBehavior.getEchoColor(Color3f color)
          Gets the 6DOF sensor echo color.
 void WandViewBehavior.setEchoColor(Color3f color)
          Sets the color of the 6DOF sensor echo.

Uses of Color3f in com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry that return Color3f
 Color3f Text2D.getColor()
          Returns the color of the text

Methods in com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry with parameters of type Color3f
 void GeometryInfo.setColors(Color3f[] colors)
          Sets the colors array.

Constructors in com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry with parameters of type Color3f
Text2D(java.lang.String text, Color3f color, java.lang.String fontName, int fontSize, int fontStyle)
          Creates a Shape3D object which holds a rectangle that is texture-mapped with an image that has the specified text written with the specified font parameters.

Uses of Color3f in

Methods in that return Color3f
 Color3f Controller.readColor3f( in)

Methods in with parameters of type Color3f
 void Controller.writeColor3f( out, Color3f color)

Uses of Color3f in

Methods in that return Color3f
 Color3f[] GeometryArray.getColorRef3f()
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for Color3f arrays

Methods in with parameters of type Color3f
 void Material.getAmbientColor(Color3f color)
          Retrieves this material's ambient color.
 void Light.getColor(Color3f color)
          Gets this Light's current color and places it in the parameter specified.
 void Fog.getColor(Color3f color)
          Retrieves the fog color.
 void ColoringAttributes.getColor(Color3f color)
          Gets the intrinsic color of this ColoringAttributes component object.
 void Background.getColor(Color3f color)
          Retrieves the background color.
 void GeometryArray.getColor(int index, Color3f color)
          Gets the color associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
 void GeometryArray.getColors(int index, Color3f[] colors)
          Gets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
 void Material.getDiffuseColor(Color3f color)
          Retrieves this material's diffuse color.
 void Material.getEmissiveColor(Color3f color)
          Retrieves this material's emissive color and stores it in the argument provided.
 void ColorInterpolator.getEndColor(Color3f color)
          This method retrieves this interpolator's endColor.
 void Material.getSpecularColor(Color3f color)
          Retrieves this material's specular color.
 void ColorInterpolator.getStartColor(Color3f color)
          This method retrieves this interpolator's startColor.
 void Material.setAmbientColor(Color3f color)
          Sets this material's ambient color.
 void Light.setColor(Color3f color)
          Sets the Light's current color.
 void Fog.setColor(Color3f color)
          Sets the fog color to the specified color.
 void ColoringAttributes.setColor(Color3f color)
          Sets the intrinsic color of this ColoringAttributes component object.
 void Background.setColor(Color3f color)
          Sets the background color to the specified color.
 void GeometryArray.setColor(int index, Color3f color)
          Sets the color associated with the vertex at the specified index for this object.
 void GeometryArray.setColorRef3f(Color3f[] colors)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.3, use geometry by-copy for Color3f arrays
 void GeometryArray.setColors(int index, Color3f[] colors)
          Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object.
 void GeometryArray.setColors(int index, Color3f[] colors, int start, int length)
          Sets the colors associated with the vertices starting at the specified index for this object using data in colors starting at index start for length colors.
 void Material.setDiffuseColor(Color3f color)
          Sets this material's diffuse color.
 void Material.setEmissiveColor(Color3f color)
          Sets this material's emissive color.
 void ColorInterpolator.setEndColor(Color3f color)
          This method sets the endColor for this interpolator.
 void Material.setSpecularColor(Color3f color)
          Sets this material's specular color.
 void ColorInterpolator.setStartColor(Color3f color)
          This method sets the startColor for this interpolator.

Constructors in with parameters of type Color3f
AmbientLight(boolean lightOn, Color3f color)
          Constructs and initializes an ambient light using the specified parameters.
AmbientLight(Color3f color)
          Constructs and initializes an ambient light using the specified parameters.
Background(Color3f color)
          Constructs a Background node with the specified color.
ColoringAttributes(Color3f color, int shadeModel)
          Construct ColoringAttributes object with specified values.
ColorInterpolator(Alpha alpha, Material target, Color3f startColor, Color3f endColor)
          Constructs a color interpolator with the specified target, starting color, and ending color.
DirectionalLight(boolean lightOn, Color3f color, Vector3f direction)
          Constructs and initializes a directional light.
DirectionalLight(Color3f color, Vector3f direction)
          Constructs and initializes a directional light.
ExponentialFog(Color3f color)
          Constructs an ExponentialFog node with the specified fog color.
ExponentialFog(Color3f color, float density)
          Constructs an ExponentialFog node with the specified fog color and density.
Fog(Color3f color)
          Constructs a Fog node with the specified fog color.
Light(boolean lightOn, Color3f color)
          Constructs and initializes a Light node using the specified enable flag and color.
Light(Color3f color)
          Constructs and initializes a Light node using the specified color.
LinearFog(Color3f color)
          Constructs a LinearFog node with the specified fog color.
LinearFog(Color3f color, double frontDistance, double backDistance)
          Constructs a LinearFog node with the specified fog color and distances.
Material(Color3f ambientColor, Color3f emissiveColor, Color3f diffuseColor, Color3f specularColor, float shininess)
          Constructs and initializes a new material object using the specified parameters.
PointLight(boolean lightOn, Color3f color, Point3f position, Point3f attenuation)
          Constructs and initializes a point light.
PointLight(Color3f color, Point3f position, Point3f attenuation)
          Constructs and initializes a point light.
SpotLight(boolean lightOn, Color3f color, Point3f position, Point3f attenuation, Vector3f direction, float spreadAngle, float concentration)
          Constructs and initializes a SpotLight node using the specified parameters.
SpotLight(Color3f color, Point3f position, Point3f attenuation, Vector3f direction, float spreadAngle, float concentration)
          Constructs and initializes a SpotLight node using the specified parameters.

Uses of Color3f in javax.vecmath

Constructors in javax.vecmath with parameters of type Color3f
Color3f(Color3f v1)
          Constructs and initializes a Color3f from the specified Color3f.