Uses of Class

Uses of Vector4d in javax.vecmath

Methods in javax.vecmath with parameters of type Vector4d
 double Vector4d.angle(Vector4d v1)
          Returns the (4-space) angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
 double v1)
          Returns the dot product of this vector and vector v1.
 void Matrix4d.getColumn(int column, Vector4d v)
          Copies the matrix values in the specified column into the vector parameter.
 void Matrix4d.getRow(int row, Vector4d v)
          Copies the matrix values in the specified row into the vector parameter.
 void Vector4d.normalize(Vector4d v1)
          Sets the value of this vector to the normalization of vector v1.
 void Matrix4d.setColumn(int column, Vector4d v)
          Sets the specified column of this matrix4d to the vector provided.
 void Matrix4d.setRow(int row, Vector4d v)
          Sets the specified row of this matrix4d to the Vector provided.

Constructors in javax.vecmath with parameters of type Vector4d
Vector4d(Vector4d v1)
          Constructs and initializes a Vector4d from the specified Vector4d.
Vector4f(Vector4d v1)
          Constructs and initializes a Vector4f from the specified Vector4d.