Interface CommentEmitter

All Known Implementing Classes:
CMethodBindingEmitter.DefaultCommentEmitter, JavaMethodBindingEmitter.DefaultCommentEmitter, JavaMethodBindingEmitter.InterfaceCommentEmitter, ProcAddressJavaMethodBindingEmitter.WrappedMethodCommentEmitter

public interface CommentEmitter

Method Summary
 void emit(FunctionEmitter funcEmitter, PrintWriter output)
          Emit the body of a comment for the specified function; do NOT emit the open (e.g., comment "/*") or close (e.g., "*\/") characters.

Method Detail


void emit(FunctionEmitter funcEmitter,
          PrintWriter output)
Emit the body of a comment for the specified function; do NOT emit the open (e.g., comment "/*") or close (e.g., "*\/") characters.