Interface GlueEmitterControls

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GlueEmitterControls

Specifies the interface by which a GlueEmitter can request additional information from the glue generator.

Method Summary
 String findHeaderFile(String headerFileName)
          Finds the full path name of the specified header file based on the include directories specified on the command line.
 void forceStructEmission(String typedefName)
          Requests emission of an accessor for a struct that will not be referenced by any functions or other structs.
 void runSymbolFilter(SymbolFilter filter)
          Runs the given filter on the #defines, enum definitions and function symbols that this controller has parsed.

Method Detail


void forceStructEmission(String typedefName)
Requests emission of an accessor for a struct that will not be referenced by any functions or other structs.


String findHeaderFile(String headerFileName)
Finds the full path name of the specified header file based on the include directories specified on the command line.


void runSymbolFilter(SymbolFilter filter)
Runs the given filter on the #defines, enum definitions and function symbols that this controller has parsed. It is valid to call this method as soon as GlueEmitter.beginEmission(com.jogamp.gluegen.GlueEmitterControls) has been called on the GlueEmitter, and it is recommended to call it from that method call. Calling it during glue code emission may cause problems.