Class TNode

  extended by CommonAST
      extended by com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.TNode

public class TNode
extends CommonAST

Class TNode is an implementation of the AST interface and adds many useful features: It is double-linked for reverse searching. (this is currently incomplete, in that method doubleLink() must be called after any changes to the tree to maintain the reverse links). It can store a definition node (defNode), so that nodes such as scoped names can refer to the node that defines the name. It stores line numbers for nodes. Searches for parents and children of a tree can be done based on their type. The tree can be printed to System.out using a lisp-style syntax.

Field Summary
protected  Hashtable attributes
protected  TNode defNode
protected  TNode left
protected  int lineNum
protected  boolean marker
protected  String text
protected  int ttype
protected  TNode up
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addSibling(AST node)
          add the new node as a new sibling, inserting it ahead of any existing next sibling.
 TNode deepCopy()
          return a deep copy of this node, and all sub nodes.
 TNode deepCopyWithRightSiblings()
          return a deep copy of this node, all sub nodes, and right siblings.
 void doubleLink()
          set up reverse links between this node and its first child and its first sibling, and link those as well
 TNode firstChildOfType(int type)
          find the first child of the node of the given type, return null on failure
 TNode firstSiblingOfType(int type)
          find the first sibling of the node of the given type, return null on failure
 String getAllChildrenText()
          Returns the text for this node and all children
 Object getAttribute(String attrName)
          lookup the attribute name in the attribute table.
 Hashtable getAttributesTable()
          get the hashtable that holds attribute values.
 TNode getDefNode()
          return the def node for this node
 TNode getFirstSibling()
          return the first sibling of this node, which is this if the prev sibling is null
 TNode getLastChild()
          return the last child of this node, or null if there is none
 TNode getLastSibling()
          return the last sibling of this node, which is this if the next sibling is null
 int getLineNum()
          Get the line number for this node.
 int getLocalLineNum()
 boolean getMarker()
          Get the marker value for this node.
static String getNameForType(int t)
          converts an int tree token type to a name.
 TNode getParent()
          return the parent node of this node
 String getText()
          Get the token text for this node
 int getType()
          Get the token type for this node
 void initialize(AST tr)
 void initialize(Token token)
 int numberOfChildren()
          return the number of children of this node
 TNode parentOfType(int type)
          find first parent of the given type, return null on failure
protected static void printASTNode(AST t, int indent)
          protected method that does the work of printing
static void printTree(AST t)
          print given tree to System.out
 void removeSelf()
          remove this node from the tree, resetting sibling and parent pointers as necessary.
 void setAttribute(String attrName, Object value)
          set an attribute in the attribute table.
 void setDefNode(TNode n)
          set the def node for this node
 void setLineNum(int lineNum_)
          Set the line number for this node
 void setMarker(boolean marker_)
          Set the marker value for this node.
 void setText(String text_)
          Set the token text for this node
static void setTokenVocabulary(String s)
          Set the token vocabulary to a tokentypes class generated by antlr.
 void setType(int ttype_)
          Set the token type for this node
 String toString()
          return a short string representation of the node
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int ttype


protected String text


protected int lineNum


protected TNode defNode


protected TNode up


protected TNode left


protected boolean marker


protected Hashtable attributes
Constructor Detail


public TNode()
Method Detail


public static void setTokenVocabulary(String s)
Set the token vocabulary to a tokentypes class generated by antlr.


public void initialize(Token token)


public void initialize(AST tr)


public int getType()
Get the token type for this node


public void setType(int ttype_)
Set the token type for this node


public boolean getMarker()
Get the marker value for this node. This member is a general-use marker.


public void setMarker(boolean marker_)
Set the marker value for this node. This property is a general-use boolean marker.


public Hashtable getAttributesTable()
get the hashtable that holds attribute values.


public void setAttribute(String attrName,
                         Object value)
set an attribute in the attribute table.


public Object getAttribute(String attrName)
lookup the attribute name in the attribute table. If the value does not exist, it returns null.


public int getLineNum()
Get the line number for this node. If the line number is 0, search for a non-zero line num among children


public int getLocalLineNum()


public void setLineNum(int lineNum_)
Set the line number for this node


public String getText()
Get the token text for this node


public void setText(String text_)
Set the token text for this node


public String getAllChildrenText()
Returns the text for this node and all children


public TNode getLastChild()
return the last child of this node, or null if there is none


public TNode getLastSibling()
return the last sibling of this node, which is this if the next sibling is null


public TNode getFirstSibling()
return the first sibling of this node, which is this if the prev sibling is null


public TNode getParent()
return the parent node of this node


public void addSibling(AST node)
add the new node as a new sibling, inserting it ahead of any existing next sibling. This method maintains double-linking. if node is null, nothing happens. If the node has siblings, then they are added in as well.


public int numberOfChildren()
return the number of children of this node


public void removeSelf()
remove this node from the tree, resetting sibling and parent pointers as necessary. This method maintains double-linking


public TNode getDefNode()
return the def node for this node


public void setDefNode(TNode n)
set the def node for this node


public TNode deepCopy()
return a deep copy of this node, and all sub nodes. New tree is doubleLinked, with no parent or siblings. Marker value is not copied!


public TNode deepCopyWithRightSiblings()
return a deep copy of this node, all sub nodes, and right siblings. New tree is doubleLinked, with no parent or left siblings. defNode is not copied


public String toString()
return a short string representation of the node


public static void printTree(AST t)
print given tree to System.out


protected static void printASTNode(AST t,
                                   int indent)
protected method that does the work of printing


public static String getNameForType(int t)
converts an int tree token type to a name. Does this by reflecting on nsdidl.IDLTreeTokenTypes, and is dependent on how ANTLR 2.00 outputs that class.


public void doubleLink()
set up reverse links between this node and its first child and its first sibling, and link those as well


public TNode parentOfType(int type)
find first parent of the given type, return null on failure


public TNode firstChildOfType(int type)
find the first child of the node of the given type, return null on failure


public TNode firstSiblingOfType(int type)
find the first sibling of the node of the given type, return null on failure