Class BitType

  extended by com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.Type
      extended by com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.PrimitiveType
          extended by com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.IntType
              extended by com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.BitType
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BitType
extends IntType
implements Cloneable

Represents a bitfield in a struct.

Constructor Summary
BitType(IntType underlyingType, int sizeInBits, int lsbOffset, int cvAttributes)
Method Summary
 BitType asBit()
          Casts this to a BitType or returns null if not a BitType.
 boolean equals(Object arg)
          Equality test for Types.
 int getOffset()
          Offset from the least-significant bit (LSB) of the LSB of this type
 int getSizeInBits()
          Size in bits of this type.
 void visit(TypeVisitor arg)
          Visit this type and all of the component types of this one; for example, the return type and argument types of a FunctionType.
Methods inherited from class com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.IntType
asInt, isUnsigned, setName, toString
Methods inherited from class com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.PrimitiveType
Methods inherited from class com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.Type
arrayDimension, asArray, asCompound, asDouble, asEnum, asFloat, asFunction, asPointer, asVoid, clone, getCVAttributes, getCVAttributesString, getCVVariant, getName, getName, getSize, getSize, hashCode, hasTypedefName, isArray, isBit, isCompound, isConst, isDouble, isEnum, isFloat, isFunction, isFunctionPointer, isInt, isPointer, isVoid, isVolatile, pointerDepth
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BitType(IntType underlyingType,
               int sizeInBits,
               int lsbOffset,
               int cvAttributes)
Method Detail


public boolean equals(Object arg)
Description copied from class: Type
Equality test for Types.

equals in class IntType


public BitType asBit()
Description copied from class: Type
Casts this to a BitType or returns null if not a BitType.

asBit in class Type


public int getSizeInBits()
Size in bits of this type.


public int getOffset()
Offset from the least-significant bit (LSB) of the LSB of this type


public void visit(TypeVisitor arg)
Description copied from class: Type
Visit this type and all of the component types of this one; for example, the return type and argument types of a FunctionType.

visit in class Type