
NativeWindow Protocol Specification Overview


Interface Summary
AbstractGraphicsConfiguration A marker interface describing a graphics configuration, visual, or pixel format in a toolkit-independent manner.
AbstractGraphicsDevice A interface describing a graphics device in a toolkit-independent manner.
AbstractGraphicsScreen A interface describing a graphics screen in a toolkit-independent manner.
CapabilitiesChooser Provides a mechanism by which applications can customize the window type selection for a given Capabilities.
CapabilitiesImmutable Specifies an immutable set of capabilities that a window's rendering context must support, such as color depth per channel.
NativeSurface Provides low-level information required for hardware-accelerated rendering using a surface in a platform-independent manner.
NativeWindow Extend the NativeSurface interface with windowing information such as window handle and position.
ToolkitLock Marker for a singleton global recursive blocking lock implementation, optionally locking a native windowing toolkit as well.
WindowClosingProtocol Protocol for handling window closing events.

Class Summary
Capabilities Specifies a set of capabilities that a window's rendering context must support, such as color depth per channel.
DefaultCapabilitiesChooser The default implementation of the CapabilitiesChooser interface, which provides consistent visual selection behavior across platforms.
GraphicsConfigurationFactory Provides the mechanism by which the graphics configuration for a window can be chosen before the window is created.
NativeWindowFactory Provides a pluggable mechanism for arbitrary window toolkits to adapt their components to the NativeWindow interface, which provides a platform-independent mechanism of accessing the information required to perform operations like hardware-accelerated rendering using the OpenGL API.

Exception Summary
NativeWindowException A generic exception for OpenGL errors used throughout the binding as a substitute for RuntimeException.

Package Description

NativeWindow Protocol Specification Overview


This specification, an optional set of packages, describing a protocol for a native windowing interface binding to Java(TM).
Currently specified native windowing systems are:

However, any other native windowing system may be added to the implementation, using a generic string identifier and an optional specialisation of:

The implementor has to provide the following:

This protocol does not describe how to create native windows, but how to bind a native surface to an implementation of and window to an implementation of NativeSurface.
NativeWindow specializes the NativeSurface.
However, an implementation of this protocol (e.g. com.jogamp.newt) may support the creation.


This binding has dependencies to the following:

Package Structure

The packages defined by this specification include:

Factory Model

Running on a platform with a supported windowing system, the factory model shall be used to instantiate a native window, see NativeWindowFactory.
The implementor has to specialize All supported Regardless of the knowledge of the underly

Revision History

Copyright 2010 JogAmp Community.