#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20130929 05:05:30 (UTC)

20130929 05:05:30 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20130928050529.html
20130929 05:05:30 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20130929050530.html
20130929 10:08:41 * cryobacterium (~ilias@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130929 10:13:24 <cryobacterium> hello all
20130929 10:15:00 <cryobacterium> I'm using JOGL in my project and I'm trying to create a jar for it; however I can't use WebStart, and it doesn't seem possible to build a single jar with all native libraries included...
20130929 10:15:17 <cryobacterium> would it be possible though to build several jars, each for a single architecture?
20130929 10:23:50 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130929 12:28:38 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has left #jogamp
20130929 12:46:22 <sgothel> http://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/JogAmp_JAR_File_Handling <- seems we have a regression regarding Test-2, but we shall fix this.
20130929 12:46:43 <sgothel> WebStart ofc allows you to use multiple jnlp/jar ..
20130929 12:47:00 <sgothel> http://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/Using_JOGL_in_Java_Web_Start
20130929 15:41:16 * odin_ (~Odin@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
20130929 15:47:45 * odin_ (~Odin@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130929 17:17:25 * jk4 (~jk4@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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20130929 17:21:55 * juank_prada (~juank_pra@anon) has joined #jogamp
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20130929 17:40:56 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130929 20:15:39 <cryobacterium> yes, I've noticed the regression in Test-2, thanks for mentioning! it would be very interesting to fix this actually
20130929 20:41:17 <cryobacterium> but there's also probably something I don't get right: I'm trying to build a jar of my project, that will contain only the natives of my platform (linux-i586) and nothing else; however I can't get this to work
20130929 20:42:14 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20130929 20:42:45 <cryobacterium> is this something possible?
20130929 21:01:19 <sgothel> sure is
20130929 21:01:54 <sgothel> and it is recommended .. i.e. 1:1 == java-jar : native-jar
20130929 21:02:14 <sgothel> as long you keep-up w/ that native-jar naming convention, you are fine
20130929 21:02:21 <sgothel> i.e. a.jar a-natives-.....jar
20130929 21:03:01 <sgothel> our code gets the java-jar basename w/ base-uri, and adds the natives-<os.and.arch> .. done
20130929 21:03:21 <sgothel> as described in the wiki .. / or html doc ..
20130929 21:04:00 <sgothel> the regression is mention in the forum already .. if you maybe like to 'hunt it down' .. thank you in advance
20130929 21:08:46 <cryobacterium> sgothel, thanks for all the info -- this is what I'm trying to do now, but I still seem to can't include the native libs, even if they appear properly in the jar
20130929 21:09:34 <sgothel> i.e you have merged: gluegen-rt + jogl-all + your-stuff -> lala.jar
20130929 21:09:51 <sgothel> then you have to merge the above natives to lala-natives-os.and.arch.jar
20130929 21:09:59 <sgothel> done
20130929 21:10:14 <cryobacterium> I've merged gluegen-rt + gluegen-rt-natives-linux-i586 jogl-all jogl-all-natives-linux-i586 + my stuff
20130929 21:10:21 <sgothel> 'merge' -> unpack and create jar w/ the content of all
20130929 21:10:38 <sgothel> nope .. you still have to split java-jar and native-jar
20130929 21:11:06 <cryobacterium> aha -- so I'll need a generic jar, and one for the natives
20130929 21:11:14 <sgothel> why is this better ? b/c you don't want users to load all native jars of all other platforms
20130929 21:11:40 <sgothel> .. and one native jar for each supported platform .. yes!
20130929 21:11:47 <cryobacterium> yes I see -- however users will need to download both jars
20130929 21:11:58 <sgothel> yup
20130929 21:12:19 <sgothel> if test-2 will work .. (issue fixed) .. only one :)
20130929 21:12:38 <sgothel> i.e. your-app.jar may include lala.jar and lala-natives-os.and.arch.jar
20130929 21:13:07 <cryobacterium> yeah this would be good actually...I wish I had time to look into it, but unfortunately I can't handle it, that's why I'm turning to the irc
20130929 21:13:09 <cryobacterium> o_O
20130929 21:13:34 <cryobacterium> still, I think I can live with two jars for the moment
20130929 21:13:53 <cryobacterium> it's way better than the approach of test-1, having all native libs in a folder next to the jar
20130929 21:32:38 <cryobacterium> the naming has to be exactly like this right? lala.jar, lala-natives-linux-i586.jar
20130929 21:33:56 <sgothel> yup
20130929 21:37:57 <cryobacterium> but is it enough for the two jars to be next to each other? it seems that lala.jar can't find stuff that already exist in lala-natives.jar
20130929 21:45:53 <sgothel> sorry have to go .. but that is how it work .. lala-natives-os.and.arch.jar ofc .. the latter only contains the natives
20130929 21:48:31 <cryobacterium> ok sgothel, thanks a million for all the help
20130929 21:48:41 <cryobacterium> you've cleared it out for me, I'll try to fix it now
20130929 21:50:42 * cryobacterium (~ilias@anon) has left #jogamp
20130929 22:16:59 * cryobacterium (~ilias@anon) has joined #jogamp
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20130929 23:00:44 * jk4 (~jk4@anon) has joined #jogamp
20130930 00:24:12 * juank_prada (~juank_pra@anon) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20130930 05:05:30 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20130930050530.html