#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20150708 05:06:24 (UTC)

20150708 05:06:24 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20150707050623.html
20150708 05:06:24 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20150708050624.html
20150708 06:18:19 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 06:24:11 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 06:30:45 <elect> hi
20150708 06:34:15 <monsieur_max> hello
20150708 06:52:00 <monsieur_max> a little joke to start the day : http://i.imgur.com/GnZuV5D.jpg
20150708 07:10:59 <elect> ^^
20150708 07:17:12 <elect> how may I save a texture to file starting from a texture id?
20150708 07:35:27 <elect> http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/72911/how-to-save-am-image-of-a-screen-using-jogl
20150708 07:37:51 <monsieur_max> elect: so you plan to draw your texture then capture it using glReadPixel ?
20150708 07:38:08 <elect> yep
20150708 07:38:09 <xranby_GTX580> plomme: https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1172#c1
20150708 07:38:20 <elect> the method in the link is working
20150708 07:39:58 <monsieur_max> elect: one of my evil plan is to be able to record a video of the rendering, not investigated too much yet
20150708 07:40:42 <elect> what do you mean record?
20150708 07:40:46 <elect> saving frame by frame?
20150708 07:50:04 <monsieur_max> something like that yes
20150708 11:40:25 <xranby> the european parlament is voting on TTIP right now
20150708 11:41:00 <zubzub> I hope they slam it down
20150708 11:48:22 <xranby> live streams at http://www.bbc.com/news/live/uk-politics-33411698 & www.europarl.europa.eu/ep-live/en/plenary/video?date=08-07-2015
20150708 11:59:19 * eclesia (~husky@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 12:17:20 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 12:18:41 <xranby> idiocy.. the parlament president Schulz prevented the parlaments MEP's to vote on an amendment against #ISDS in #TTIP by interpretation of rules of procedure
20150708 12:19:27 <xranby> thus the MEP's then had to vote yes or no to the whole TTIP... and they voted yes
20150708 12:19:49 <xranby> welcome to corporate europe
20150708 12:30:20 <elect> crap
20150708 12:34:24 <eclesia> ...
20150708 12:34:51 <eclesia> civil war closing in
20150708 13:22:05 <xranby> sgothel: i have found an issue with gluegen that trigger on 32bit arm JVM's that cause all the mesa3d issues https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1166#c10
20150708 13:36:02 * eclesia (~husky@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150708 13:46:52 * eclesia (~husky@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 13:52:01 <xranby> if you experience crashed during GLX initialization on ARM and other 32 bit platforms, you probably want to use this patch: https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1166#c12
20150708 14:23:17 <elect> best way to add view and proj mat (as float[]) to a floatBuffer?
20150708 14:23:49 <elect> right now I create first view and upload and then proj and upload
20150708 14:24:09 <elect> since they are contiguous in the same ubo I would like to push them together
20150708 14:24:35 <elect> I can create a 16-slots floatBuffer with this:public static FloatBuffer newDirectFloatBuffer(int numElements)
20150708 14:25:17 <elect> and then how can I fill it?
20150708 14:25:46 <elect> sry, I meant 32-slots (4x4 times two)
20150708 14:26:55 <xranby> elect: use com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers
20150708 14:27:09 <elect> im doing
20150708 14:27:10 <xranby> example
20150708 14:27:12 <xranby> float[] colors
20150708 14:27:12 <elect> I found it
20150708 14:27:14 <elect> put
20150708 14:27:17 <xranby> FloatBuffer fbColors = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(colors);
20150708 14:27:43 <elect> public FloatBuffer put(float[] src, int offset, int length
20150708 14:27:51 <elect> this should fit perfectly
20150708 14:30:01 <xranby> elect: great, yes use that to update a part of the buffer
20150708 14:38:08 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20150708 14:41:29 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 15:07:10 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
20150708 15:10:38 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
20150708 15:21:39 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 15:32:40 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
20150708 15:45:27 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 15:51:20 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150708 15:59:03 <rmk0> do the jogamp servers get regular security updates?
20150708 15:59:21 <rmk0> i realize it's running debian stable, so it's all going to be old, but they do publish patches for security critical stuff
20150708 16:04:22 * eclesia (~husky@anon) has left #jogamp
20150708 16:15:29 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 17:03:21 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 17:25:43 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20150708 17:42:39 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
20150708 18:53:35 <xranby_GTX580> interesting limitation... java nio ByteBuffer can only be up to 2Gb of size because allocateDirect only takes a signed int http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/nio/ByteBuffer.html#allocateDirect-int-
20150708 18:54:42 <rmk0> it's bad
20150708 18:55:10 <rmk0> they should have exposed mmap() as if it were a closeable resource
20150708 18:55:23 <rmk0> just trivial absolute get and put methods
20150708 18:56:08 <xranby_GTX580> i would have expected ByteBUffer to at least take a long.. but nooo..
20150708 18:56:45 <rmk0> they've run into serious problems with their choice of interface as you probably know... you can't actually deallocate mapped buffers promptly
20150708 18:56:53 <rmk0> have to use some of the things in Unsafe to do it
20150708 18:57:19 <xranby_GTX580> sounds like gluegen will evolve into a side jvm with its own memory management
20150708 18:57:46 <rmk0> well it's trivial to write a good wrapper around mmap
20150708 18:57:55 <xranby_GTX580> Unsafe will be gone in java 9
20150708 18:57:57 <rmk0> i'd have done it myself but i don't want to have to produce native binaries for all these platforms
20150708 19:08:02 * odin_ (~Odin@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20150708 19:12:12 <zubzub> 20:56 < rmk0> they've run into serious problems with their choice of interface as you probably know...
20150708 19:12:22 <zubzub> you'd think oracle would learn from sun' mistakes
20150708 19:12:40 <zubzub> but you and I and everybody know better...
20150708 19:13:03 <zubzub> seeing how oracle is screwing javafx
20150708 19:13:45 <zubzub> and neglecting other parts
20150708 19:14:12 <zubzub> I'm afraid about the future of java
20150708 19:14:35 <rmk0> everything dies
20150708 19:14:46 <zubzub> either you adapt or you die
20150708 19:14:54 <zubzub> adapt/evolve
20150708 19:15:31 <zubzub> jni still a horribly manual process
20150708 19:15:39 <zubzub> lots of opportunities to fix that
20150708 19:15:55 <zubzub> always horribly abstracting away OS functionality
20150708 19:16:32 <zubzub> sadness
20150708 19:18:08 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 19:19:11 <zubzub> xranby_GTX580: do you know if robovm and stock jna work well?
20150708 19:19:59 <zubzub> ie, my project uses jna
20150708 19:20:10 <zubzub> I'd like to compile my project to native with robovm
20150708 19:20:13 <xranby_GTX580> zubzub: i recall there was some wierd issue, they bundle a custom jna version for their robovm license that break if it picks up the system jna
20150708 19:20:19 <zubzub> I was under the impression this should be possible in linux?
20150708 19:20:58 <xranby_GTX580> https://github.com/robovm/robovm/issues/661
20150708 19:21:20 <xranby_GTX580> zubzub: I think robovm will work OK if you build it from source
20150708 19:21:39 <xranby_GTX580> its their "properitary" licence thingy that breaks
20150708 19:22:22 <zubzub> xranby_GTX580: yeah I saw the issue, that's why I'm asking you now :p
20150708 19:22:41 <xranby_GTX580> you have a different issue than mine
20150708 19:22:53 <xranby_GTX580> you want to use jna from your robovm application
20150708 19:23:09 <xranby_GTX580> while my issue dealed with robovm failed to compile stuff
20150708 19:23:24 <zubzub> well if their jna works, then that's ok for me too
20150708 19:23:50 <xranby_GTX580> zubzub: they only use the jna at compilation because http://wyday.com/limelm/help/using-turboactivate/ uses jna
20150708 19:24:16 <xranby_GTX580> zubzub: if your application wants to use jna its a whole different story
20150708 19:25:28 <xranby_GTX580> lets see... if jna uses reflection then you need to pass some extra flags to inform robovm that it must compile some extra classes that are only reached using reflection
20150708 19:25:36 <xranby_GTX580> same thing with jogamp
20150708 19:26:24 <elect> again on 580..
20150708 19:26:48 <xranby_GTX580> zubzub: take a look at https://github.com/robovm/robovm/issues/534
20150708 19:27:05 <xranby_GTX580> you need to pass -forcelinkclasses jogamp.**:com.jogamp.**:javax.media.**
20150708 19:27:47 <xranby_GTX580> if jna has some classes using reflection then you need to add the jna classes as well to the forcelinkclasses argument
20150708 19:29:57 <zubzub> I'm thinking of building a shaded fat jar
20150708 19:29:58 <zubzub> and use that
20150708 19:30:05 <zubzub> as it should have everything included already
20150708 19:30:48 <xranby_GTX580> remember that robovm is using ahead of time compilation
20150708 19:31:01 <xranby_GTX580> thus it must compile all classes, its not a jvm
20150708 19:31:40 <xranby_GTX580> robovm turns all the classes into native code
20150708 19:32:13 <xranby_GTX580> robovm only include classes in the executable that is reached from the main method
20150708 19:32:47 <xranby_GTX580> all classes loaded using reflection is invisible to the inclusion algorithm
20150708 19:33:18 <zubzub> ok ic
20150708 19:35:21 * xranby_GTX580 is now known as xranby_
20150708 19:35:56 <zubzub> RoboVM currently only supports the Java 8 language features (lambdas).
20150708 19:35:57 <zubzub> Support for Java 8 APIs like streams etc. Is in the works.
20150708 19:36:02 <zubzub> darn
20150708 19:36:19 <xranby_> elect: thank you for reminding me not to promote properitary gpu makers
20150708 19:36:32 <zubzub> oh well, aside from that it doesn't seem to give any other errors
20150708 19:36:44 <zubzub> cldc jna doesn't seem to use any reflection
20150708 19:37:03 <zubzub> but you do have to do a bit more manual work, but I'm ok with that
20150708 19:37:12 <xranby_> zubzub: do you have a simple test program that compiles fine uses jna and fails at runtime?
20150708 19:37:25 <xranby_> zubzub: if so... create a new robovm issue!
20150708 19:38:20 <xranby_> ntherning is quite supportive if you supply testcases
20150708 19:38:21 <zubzub> I'll do that once they suport java 8 api :)
20150708 19:38:52 <zubzub> I'm in no hurry to start using robovm soon
20150708 19:39:09 <zubzub> I wonder what the performance is
20150708 19:40:13 <xranby_> zubzub: you may want to look at avian that now support openjdk 8 as class library http://oss.readytalk.com/avian/
20150708 19:40:26 <xranby_> all depending how you want to deploy your application
20150708 19:41:02 <xranby_> take a look at the examples section a bit down
20150708 19:41:28 <xranby_> jvm + classes all compressed into a small executable
20150708 19:41:48 <rmk0> i'm interested in their vm experiments
20150708 19:41:59 <rmk0> thread-local heaps, continuations
20150708 19:43:08 <rmk0> imagine the jvm will sprout support for continuations eventually, the paralleluniverse people seem to be pushing for it
20150708 19:46:15 <zubzub> c# has it for some time now
20150708 19:46:34 <rmk0> no doubt
20150708 19:46:41 <xranby_> someone tested jogamp on ikvm recently?
20150708 19:46:41 <zubzub> but I don't suspect oracle to invest more in java until they win some landslide victory against google and cash on it
20150708 19:46:46 <elect> xranby_, :D
20150708 19:47:20 <xranby_> http://weblog.ikvm.net/2015/07/07/NewDevelopmentSnapshot.aspx
20150708 19:47:26 <xranby_> should be easy to test
20150708 19:48:37 <xranby_> on debian.. apt-get install ikvm
20150708 19:51:43 <xranby_> hmm the version bundled with debian did not work
20150708 19:59:23 * xranby_ (~familjen@anon) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20150708 19:59:55 * xranby_ (~familjen@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 19:59:56 * xranby_ (~familjen@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20150708 20:21:22 * xranby_GTX580 (~familjen@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 20:56:45 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
20150708 21:05:11 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150708 22:56:14 * bigpet (uid25664@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
20150708 22:57:26 * bigpet (uid25664@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 23:21:43 * xranby_GTX580 is now known as xranby_
20150708 23:22:05 * xranby_ (~familjen@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150708 23:22:36 * xranby_ (~familjen@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150708 23:31:30 * rmk0 (~rmk0@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
20150709 02:02:37 <xranby_> https://twitter.com/xranby/status/618962719690067969 <- anholts free software Raspberry Pi OpenGL 2 driver actually render something! - Mesa3D GL_VENDOR Broadcom GL_RENDERER Gallium 0.4 on VC4 GL_VERSION 2.1 Mesa 10.7.0-devel
20150709 05:06:24 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20150709050624.html