#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20150930 05:05:14 (UTC)

20150930 05:05:14 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20150929050514.html
20150930 05:05:14 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20150930050514.html
20150930 05:55:31 * netlike (~netlike@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150930 06:43:12 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150930 06:49:42 <xranby_f22> good morning all
20150930 06:52:46 <netlike> morning!
20150930 07:14:58 * eclesia (~husky@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150930 07:15:03 <eclesia> good morning
20150930 07:20:13 <monsieur_max> xranby_f22: could not test RC yesterday evening, was sick :(
20150930 07:37:40 <xranby> monsieur_max: i hope this new RC will make you recover quicker: (21:32:56) sgothel: 2.3.2-rc-20150929 deployed .. (maven and in archive/master/)
20150930 07:38:29 <xranby> testing an RC a day keeps the doctor away
20150930 07:38:47 <monsieur_max> xranby_f22: already recovered ;)
20150930 07:38:55 <xranby> http://jogamp.org/deployment/archive/master/?C=M;O=D
20150930 07:49:20 * netlike (~netlike@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
20150930 07:54:35 * netlike (~netlike@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150930 08:00:06 -mquin- [Global Notice] On or around Friday, October 2nd we will be cleaning up the services database. Now's a good time to ensure you identify to services when connecting. Check out http://blog.freenode.net/2015/09/services-database-purge/
20150930 09:22:26 <bruce-> curious to see if it works with more recent versions of ffmpeg now
20150930 09:22:44 <bruce-> will try later today
20150930 09:26:34 <xranby> bruce-: i have tested using the ffmpeg versions packaged for fedora 22, if there a specific new version that you know of that has been troublesome to use?
20150930 09:29:17 <bruce-> on osx with jogl 2.3.1 I could not use ffmpeg versions more recent than 2.3.2
20150930 09:35:03 <xranby> thank you for this report
20150930 09:35:58 <xranby> i can try ffmpeg 2.8.0 on my linux machine here and see if it work
20150930 09:38:23 * xranby tries to use the premade packages from https://ffmpeg.org/download.html
20150930 09:42:17 <bruce-> for windows I compiled a jar with the dlls that are extracted on run-time, whish I could do the same thing easily for osx
20150930 09:45:00 <xranby> have you tested libav as well?
20150930 09:47:08 <bruce-> to be honest I always thought that was part of ffmpeg
20150930 09:47:34 <xranby> ffmpeg got forked into libav thus it is two separate projects
20150930 09:47:42 <xranby> with similar goals
20150930 09:47:51 <xranby> jogamp support both libffmpeg and libav
20150930 09:48:04 <xranby> the api's are very similar
20150930 09:48:33 <xranby> good news is that the libav and the libffmpeg developers share patches
20150930 09:48:51 <xranby> hence they are slowly reuniting again
20150930 09:50:25 <xranby> jogamp jogl dynamically probe the installed libffmpeg and libav librarys to check which functions exist at runtime
20150930 09:50:40 <xranby> and then uses what is available in a best effort to support all versions
20150930 09:52:16 <bruce-> hm, maybe libav has compiled libraries for osx that can be distributed easily
20150930 09:59:53 <xranby> -Djogl.debug.GLMediaPlayer <- usefull to debug issues loading GLMediaPlayer natives
20150930 10:00:43 <bruce-> I have been working on a library that is somewhat similar to Processing (but relies on existing development tools rather than making your own). I have been using this internally at our studio for 2 years now, but now that we have interns (from graphic and interaction design) use my library with pleasure I am working towards making it publicly available
20150930 10:01:52 <xranby> kudos!
20150930 10:02:38 <xranby> so it is more like codeblocks, with a low level api useable for java eclipse,netbeans... users?
20150930 10:06:28 <xranby> or openframeworks
20150930 10:06:41 <bruce-> yeah, it is more like openframeworks
20150930 10:06:56 <xranby> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qcQnQ0ya1A <- OpenFrameworks for Processing Coders
20150930 10:07:06 <xranby> i always considered this video quite funny
20150930 10:07:16 <bruce-> it is just that I really don't want to introduce c++ in our workplace :)
20150930 10:09:40 <xranby> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0cYqCMn7qg <- Part 1 of GAFFTA OpenFrameworks for Processing Coders
20150930 10:11:27 <xranby> bruce-: i am looking forward to your javafied openframeworks :D
20150930 10:12:01 <xranby> then we can publish the BruceAwesome for OpenFrameworks video series
20150930 10:13:08 <bruce-> haha :)
20150930 10:18:07 * netlike (~netlike@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20150930 10:58:19 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150930 12:58:55 <bruce-> xranby: works with ffmpeg 2.5.3 and ffmpeg 2.8 on OSX using jogl 2.3.2-rc-20150929
20150930 13:16:23 <monsieur_max> bruce-: excellent news for me too
20150930 13:17:51 <bruce-> I am still not sure how to open camera streams (through avfoundation)
20150930 13:40:47 <bruce-> initStream: p1 GLMediaPlayer[Uninitialized, vSCR 2147483647, frames[p 0, d 0, t 0 (0.0 s), z 0 / 166], speed 1.0, 0 bps, hasSW false, Texture[count 4, free 0, dec 0, tagt 0xde1, ifmt 0x1908, fmt 0x1908, type 0x1401], Video[id 0, <unknown>, 0x0, glOrient false, 0.0 fps, 0.0 fdur, 0 bps], Audio[id -2, <unknown>, 0 bps, 0 frames], uri camera:/0?width=1280;height=720;rate=30, camera: 0]
20150930 13:40:53 <bruce-> initStream: p2 preferred AudioDataFormat[sampleRate 44100, sampleSize 16, channelCount 2, signed true, fixedP true, packed, little-endian], GLMediaPlayer[Uninitialized, vSCR 2147483647, frames[p 0, d 0, t 0 (0.0 s), z 0 / 166], speed 1.0, 0 bps, hasSW false, Texture[count 4, free 0, dec 0, tagt 0xde1, ifmt 0x1908, fmt 0x1908, type 0x1401], Video[id 0, <unknown>, 0x0, glOrient false, 0.0 fps, 0.0 fdur, 0 bps], Audio[id -2, <unknown>, 0 bps, 0 frames], uri ca
20150930 13:41:00 <bruce-> initStream: p3 cameraPath 0, isCameraInput true
20150930 13:41:02 <bruce-> initStream: p3 stream camera:/0?width=1280;height=720;rate=30 -> camera:/0?width=1280;height=720;rate=30 -> camera:/0?width=1280;height=720;rate=30
20150930 13:41:05 <bruce-> initStream: p3 vid 0, sizes null, reqVideo 1280x720@30, aid -2, aMaxChannelCount 8, aPrefSampleRate 44100
20150930 13:41:08 <bruce-> sorry that took more space than I anticipated
20150930 13:41:42 <monsieur_max> that's what she said
20150930 13:41:44 <monsieur_max> sorry :(
20150930 13:42:58 <bruce-> it ends with EVENT_CHANGE_ERR in attributesChanged
20150930 13:44:06 <bruce-> RuntimeException while initializing: GLMediaPlayer[Uninitialized, vSCR 2147483647, frames[p 0, d 0, t 0 (0.0 s), z 0 / 166], speed 1.0, 0 bps, hasSW false, Texture[count 4, free 0, dec 0, tagt 0xde1, ifmt 0x1908, fmt 0x1908, type 0x1401], Video[id 0, <unknown>, 0x0, glOrient false, 0.0 fps, 0.0 fdur, 0 bps], Audio[id -2, <unknown>, 0 bps, 0 frames], uri camera:/0?width=1280;height=720;rate=30, camera: 0]
20150930 14:16:02 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20150930 14:22:38 <sgothel> @bruce: can you use the camere w/ those ffmpeg commandline tools?
20150930 14:22:57 <sgothel> maybe we do the URI wrong .. sort of?
20150930 14:24:17 <bruce-> I have been able to use that camera with an older version of ffmpeg at least, let me try with current.
20150930 14:24:44 <sgothel> and whats the proper URI .. etc, then we may need to patch a bit ..
20150930 14:24:56 <sgothel> *to patch* :)
20150930 14:25:39 <sgothel> also .. maybe add native debugging
20150930 14:25:58 <sgothel> -Djogl.debug.GLMediaPlayer.Native
20150930 14:26:30 <bruce-> ffmpeg -f avfoundation -i 0 out.mp4 opens the camera in 1280x720@30
20150930 14:26:52 <bruce-> and produces an mp4 with some guy staring at a screen
20150930 14:26:54 <sgothel> so the URI is fine '0'
20150930 14:27:19 <sgothel> pls add the resolution and fps
20150930 14:27:24 <sgothel> check API doc
20150930 14:27:28 <bruce-> I do
20150930 14:27:40 <sgothel> hmm
20150930 14:27:40 <bruce-> camera:/0?width=1280;height=720;rate=30 is what I use now
20150930 14:27:46 <sgothel> ah
20150930 14:27:55 <sgothel> ^^ native debugging
20150930 14:27:58 <sgothel> weird
20150930 14:28:03 <bruce-> let me enable that too
20150930 14:28:12 <sgothel> and commandline uses same native libs?
20150930 14:28:19 <sgothel> i.e. we do nothing else :)
20150930 14:28:46 <bruce-> yeah commandline uses same libs
20150930 14:29:04 <sgothel> then we have to learn .. whats the delta
20150930 14:29:27 <sgothel> i.e. either no access rights, or even our 'opening camera URI' code
20150930 14:30:06 <sgothel> ffmpeg 2.8 you said?
20150930 14:30:25 <bruce-> yeah, but this also did not work with older versions of ffmpeg
20150930 14:30:49 <sgothel> latest ffmpeg I have prepared is 2.5 .. hmm
20150930 14:31:17 <bruce-> I can switch to 2.5.3 easily I think
20150930 14:31:20 <sgothel> i.e. I tested (on GNU/Linux mostly) all versions I mention in the FFMPEG* API doc of ours
20150930 14:32:17 <sgothel> the EOS bug was from you right?
20150930 14:32:25 <sgothel> and you said ffmpeg >> libav on OSX?
20150930 14:32:30 <sgothel> i.e. works better
20150930 14:32:55 <sgothel> you can close the bug .. while offering a patch adding this details to the API doc
20150930 14:33:20 <sgothel> in the end .. all this is a bit hacky .. since we have to rely on an external version
20150930 14:33:39 <sgothel> if we can produce one library w/o violating ... well .. then .. you know it :)
20150930 14:33:59 <bruce-> the EOS bug is not mine, but I have just noticed I never receive EOS events (because I want to loop videos :P)
20150930 14:34:58 <bruce-> ok switching to 2.5.3 is not so easy because of dependency hell
20150930 14:35:29 <sgothel> I will go through new ffmpeg/libav versions this week .. on GNU/Linux, and well .. Windows + OSX as well
20150930 14:35:40 <sgothel> so lets accumulate all experience we have
20150930 14:35:58 <sgothel> always a little pain :)
20150930 14:36:27 <sgothel> due to their semantic versioning .. or lack of
20150930 14:36:28 <bruce-> yeah, after having looked at the code I can totally understand why :)
20150930 14:36:45 <sgothel> i.e. we have to determine compatible versions .. etc etc
20150930 14:36:55 <sgothel> make a choice which function to use .. blabla
20150930 14:37:00 <sgothel> but .. well, better than nothing
20150930 14:37:39 <sgothel> the actual code is quite tight & tiny though :)
20150930 14:37:48 <bruce-> I am already super happy that playing videos with ffmpeg 2.8 works super smooth on osx
20150930 14:37:53 <sgothel> so a great API .. but the versioning issue
20150930 14:37:59 <sgothel> good to know
20150930 14:38:21 <sgothel> pls open a bug (-> type TASK) .. ffmpeg/libav experiences for 2.3.2
20150930 14:38:33 <sgothel> and dump it all in there .. so it won't get lost
20150930 14:38:35 <sgothel> thank you!
20150930 14:39:51 <sgothel> me revisiting translucency on windows 10 .. PIA
20150930 14:40:04 <sgothel> seems they have an undocumented API for that now .. SetWindowCompositionAttribute
20150930 14:45:26 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150930 14:50:18 <sgothel> https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1232#c7 <- if anybody is curious
20150930 15:45:37 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150930 16:16:32 * eclesia (~husky@anon) has left #jogamp
20150930 16:25:10 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150930 16:59:30 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20150930 17:00:09 -mquin- [Global Notice] On or around Friday, October 2nd we will be cleaning up the services database. Now's a good time to ensure you identify to services when connecting. Check out http://blog.freenode.net/2015/09/services-database-purge/
20150930 18:39:46 <bruce-> sgothel: reported: https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1239
20150930 19:23:49 <sgothel> great thx .. will tackle that after other more blocking issues are gone, now we have good process of this
20150930 19:24:26 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150930 19:24:34 <Eclesia> hi
20150930 19:24:43 <sgothel> hi
20150930 19:50:53 <sgothel> Newspeek Update: 'Ahrar al-Sham and the al Qaeda affiliate the Nusra Front' are our good, are our friends and always were.
20150930 19:51:48 <sgothel> ^^ <http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-09-30/propaganda-war-begins-russias-syria-strikes-targeted-us-backed-moderate-rebels-west->
20150930 19:53:26 <sgothel> ^^ <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/9716545/Inside-Jabhat-al-Nusra-the-most-extreme-wing-of-Syrias-struggle.html>
20150930 19:56:46 <sgothel> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf7x3zW67zE> .. and now relax w/ George Carlin's 'Man Stuff' :)
20150930 19:59:30 <sgothel> .. followed up by 'Pussification' :)
20150930 20:10:38 * odin_ (~Odin@anon) has joined #jogamp
20150930 20:13:21 <Eclesia> Sweet, all hilarious links :D
20150930 20:13:36 <sgothel> at you service sir :)
20150930 20:14:44 <sgothel> <http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-09-30/propaganda-war-begins-russias-syria-strikes-targeted-us-backed-moderate-rebels-west-#comment-6612517> "Calling the Rebels the Free Syrian Army is like calling Obama a harmless nigger." :)
20150930 20:15:44 <sgothel> PC version: *negro* ofc
20150930 20:16:45 <sgothel> yeah, funny how many 'folks' (Obama talk) see the truth .. but still .. not enough to stop the madness
20150930 20:19:14 <sgothel> https://youtu.be/mN3z3eSVG7A?t=105 :)
20150930 20:34:03 <sgothel> http://thesaker.is/un-70th-general-assembly-live-vladimir-putin-speech/ .. w/ transcript
20150930 20:38:11 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150930 20:41:17 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20150930 20:48:58 <xranby_f22> https://processing.org/ <- version 3.0 released today, includes many new additions such as code completion, *tweak mode while a sketch is running*, improved debugging, uses jogamp newt, multi monitor support using newt.. and much goodies...
20150930 20:49:23 <sgothel> great news!
20150930 20:49:46 <xranby_f22> using jogamp jogl 2.3.1
20150930 20:49:53 <sgothel> hopefully they can do a little update w/ 2.3.2 later on
20150930 20:49:58 <xranby_f22> they will add 2.3.2 in their 3.0.1 update
20150930 20:50:03 <sgothel> great!
20150930 20:51:01 <xranby_f22> yes, they did look at all possible alternatives and jogl was the winning solution
20150930 20:51:12 <xranby_f22> good work team!
20150930 20:51:18 <sgothel> ah ..
20150930 20:51:28 <sgothel> they have a document about this?
20150930 20:51:51 <sgothel> i.e. may help others to make a decision
20150930 20:52:22 <xranby_f22> https://github.com/processing/processing/commit/56e67c99977f207c07037086665ab92b13a08370 <- put JOGL back in this commit summarize it all
20150930 20:52:37 <sgothel> oh .. they kicked it out? didn't know :)
20150930 20:53:02 <xranby_f22> there is a discussion at the end
20150930 20:53:26 <sgothel> github dicussion .. oh well :-/
20150930 20:53:40 <sgothel> May 2015 .. ah
20150930 20:55:29 <sgothel> interesting .. claiming we stopped development last year ?
20150930 20:55:44 <sgothel> or is it .. err May 2010 ? :)
20150930 20:56:16 <sgothel> those abbreviated dates .. tsts
20150930 20:56:32 <xranby_f22> all in all they are super happy with the decision now, they enjoy the flicker free updates using newt, can output fullscreen to a different monitor while live tweaking on the main monitor, high dpi support ++
20150930 20:56:49 <sgothel> great
20150930 20:57:07 <sgothel> yeah .. AC is also very very cooperative
20150930 20:57:11 <sgothel> i.e. bug reports etc
20150930 20:57:22 <xranby_f22> they also enjoy having improved raspberry pi arm support added in the 2.3.2
20150930 20:57:23 <sgothel> Andrés that is
20150930 20:57:30 <sgothel> thanks to you!
20150930 20:57:56 <xranby_f22> one intern gohai has been tweaking the shaders in processing to make it more and more gl2es2 compatible
20150930 20:58:13 <xranby_f22> gohai ran a google summer of code to make processing work on arm
20150930 20:58:33 <xranby_f22> and i have been colaborating with gohai to make it work properly
20150930 20:58:46 <sgothel> something [still] good from google :)
20150930 20:58:54 <sgothel> KUDOS
20150930 20:59:10 <sgothel> hope you have used our shader tools .. to make them compatible .. or so
20150930 20:59:24 <sgothel> and to keep it working :)
20150930 21:00:42 <xranby_f22> we will see, i cant recall if i have made any shortcuts.. most of the shaders started to work back when i pushed initial gl2es2 support testing on my toshiba ac100
20150930 21:01:21 <xranby_f22> however now it will be an officially supported mode of operation, which is great
20150930 21:01:30 <bruce-> oh hm. I was recently wondering if someone here did something like transpiling to glsl from java (or just a very small subset limited to classes that can map to glsl)
20150930 21:01:58 <sgothel> i,.e they inject the proper GLSL version, the precision .. and the aliasing of the shader vars .. (one way or the other)
20150930 21:02:04 <sgothel> glsl -> java ? hu?
20150930 21:02:09 <bruce-> no the other way round
20150930 21:02:14 <sgothel> GPU talks .. ah :)
20150930 21:02:29 <sgothel> well .. that would be .. err. .. another level of errors?
20150930 21:02:40 <sgothel> there has been something done by AMD .. for OpenCL
20150930 21:03:04 <sgothel> but IMHO .. better to write proper GLSL .. close to metal, so there are no surprises
20150930 21:03:11 <sgothel> up until .. a common IR is supported
20150930 21:03:18 <sgothel> which .. is .. soon Vulkan
20150930 21:03:36 <sgothel> then we would need a Java ByteCode -> Vulkan
20150930 21:03:41 <sgothel> *Vulkan IR*
20150930 21:03:56 <sgothel> (but .. err... thats for OpenCL and Vulkan Compute)
20150930 21:04:07 <sgothel> maybe for graphics as well?
20150930 21:04:27 <sgothel> still .. would need extra love doing this, with probably limited usability
20150930 21:04:55 <sgothel> since optimizations might be hard due to lack of description of isolation / data-flow
20150930 21:05:19 <sgothel> i.e. thats the hard choice to make, always, .. data CPU <-> GPU, the expensive operation
20150930 21:05:38 <sgothel> just my thinking ..
20150930 21:06:02 <bruce-> I have a somewhat limited case actually. I have implemented a drawer for line/rectangle/circle/polygon/etc primitives and want to supply a way of overriding stroke and fill through custom programs
20150930 21:06:17 <bruce-> currently I do this through templated shaders and injecting small pieces of glsl code
20150930 21:06:26 <sgothel> good
20150930 21:06:46 <sgothel> here: you have a framework/spec to send data
20150930 21:07:00 <xranby_f22> whats on my mind,, yes,, i ran some tests today of processing 3 using various input devices in combination with the broadcom video core iv driver. the good parts: the touch screen under x11 in combination with the X11Underlay work superb i am really happy that it is snappy the hmm parts: if you attach a mouse input device that generate a-lot-of events then the bcm.vc.iv only consume one mouse input event per
20150930 21:07:00 <sgothel> similar to our fixed function pipeline emulation
20150930 21:09:29 <sgothel> so we need to compare this w/ plain X11 .. and see if it works there well
20150930 21:09:49 <sgothel> if so - why is event dispatching slowed down to raspi?
20150930 21:10:04 <sgothel> probably b/c we don't follow write-once model?
20150930 21:10:12 <xranby_f22> the event dispatching needs to update the bcm mousepointer
20150930 21:10:14 <sgothel> i.e. the events itself are copied for example
20150930 21:10:23 <xranby_f22> the special dispmanx surface
20150930 21:10:40 <sgothel> so maybe, we shall merge both EDT's here
20150930 21:11:13 <sgothel> i.e. need a custom EDT dispatch method handling both
20150930 21:11:29 <sgothel> should be possible, since we pass a Runnable for this task to the EDT
20150930 21:11:47 <sgothel> then: also need to patch the X11 event, so we don't need to copy it
20150930 21:12:07 <sgothel> this write method on the otherwise event object shall be mostly private :)
20150930 21:12:28 <sgothel> AFAIK: replace the target object X11 Window -> BCM Window
20150930 21:12:55 <sgothel> then we have input handling more fluent
20150930 21:13:18 <sgothel> instead of two EDT's periodically updating things .. horrible :)
20150930 21:13:30 <sgothel> while exchanging events .. more horrible :)
20150930 21:14:06 <sgothel> we touched this issue, at least the 'copy event' thingy a while ago
20150930 21:18:08 <xranby_f22> i am always happy to hear that you have a clear view, my mind always gets clogged when it get too much multithreaded
20150930 21:18:44 <sgothel> :) .. I have to put myself in a meditation state of mind to control 'em all :)
20150930 21:19:29 <sgothel> had this discussion around 2009 .. where some 'folks' liked to make it easier for an EDT (like AWT)
20150930 21:20:17 <sgothel> i.e. scarifying rendering and window operations for a one EDT loop
20150930 21:20:39 <sgothel> while this surely makes _implementing_ alot easier, it is not really nice ..
20150930 21:20:54 <sgothel> 'folks' read too much AWT and OSX-Cocoa bs
20150930 21:20:55 <sgothel> :)
20150930 21:22:13 <sgothel> best APIs for multithreading so far X11 and (surprisingly) Window's GDI
20150930 21:22:32 <sgothel> and OpenGL .. etc ofc ..
20150930 21:22:49 <sgothel> even though .. some implementers tried to neglect the fact of multithreaded GL .. oh well
20150930 21:23:06 <sgothel> (shared context .. multiple threads .. that is)
20150930 21:23:33 <sgothel> we will see this in a better state w/ Vulkan
20150930 21:42:28 <xranby_f22> sgothel: do you think that you will have time to look at this before the 2.3.2 release or do i need to level up quickly and gasp the many EDT aspects and fix it myself if i want it fixed before the 4 of october? :)
20150930 21:43:29 <xranby_f22> because I doubt that i will manage to fix it before the 2.3.2 release
20150930 21:44:39 <xranby_f22> it not the end of the world if it does not make it before the release
20150930 21:45:26 <sgothel> hmm .. either - or .. lets see how well things go, it surely is not a blocking issue
20150930 21:45:49 <sgothel> you make the bug report .. and after ffmpeg stuff .. I do that one
20150930 21:46:43 <sgothel> I see .. four days :)
20150930 21:47:02 <sgothel> so .. I could code it a bit, and you would need to test
20150930 21:47:03 <sgothel> ok?
20150930 21:47:19 <xranby_f22> i am here to test ye
20150930 21:47:27 <sgothel> great
20150930 21:59:07 <xranby_f22> bug filed: https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1240
20150930 22:00:17 <sgothel> excellent
20150930 22:18:07 <xranby_f22> i wonder what oracle is up to... java.net and netbeans.org is down
20150930 22:19:31 <xranby_f22> openoffice.org is down
20150930 22:19:48 <xranby_f22> no it is up
20150930 22:19:56 <sgothel> pulling the plug .. finally?
20150930 22:20:21 <sgothel> openoffice was transfered AFAIK .. to Eclipse foundation?
20150930 22:20:26 <xranby_f22> there is serveral technical editors thinking that
20150930 22:20:37 <xranby_f22> oracle has lost all interest in java
20150930 22:20:50 <xranby_f22> especially considering that they sacked all the java evangelists
20150930 22:20:57 <sgothel> well
20150930 22:21:07 <sgothel> that would imply they had any interest at all
20150930 22:21:07 <xranby_f22> http://www.infoworld.com/article/2987529/java/insider-oracle-lost-interest-in-java.html
20150930 22:21:53 <sgothel> would be great news .. if they would let go of all the IP threats
20150930 22:22:25 <sgothel> then things could finally reform ..
20150930 22:22:56 <sgothel> sure Oracle is trying to convince shareholders they are efficient .. see stock market
20150930 22:24:10 <xranby_f22> http://openjdk.java.net/ at least this is up
20150930 22:24:33 <sgothel> maybe Google can help out then .. when it happens :)
20150930 22:25:03 <xranby_f22> icedtea team thankfully has a backup on their server if all fail
20150930 22:25:05 <sgothel> Apache foundation, Google, even RedHat .. Eclipse .. all good
20150930 22:25:36 <sgothel> but .. like openoffice, it would require Oracle to 'let go' of the IP claims
20150930 22:25:44 <sgothel> unlikely ..
20150930 22:26:45 <sgothel> I would love to see an IR VM like vmkit via llvm or gcc
20150930 22:27:09 <sgothel> a total free language thingy .. IR interoperability .. and in runtime :)
20151001 01:33:04 * hharrison (~chatzilla@anon) has joined #jogamp
20151001 01:33:27 <hharrison> Good evening all
20151001 01:34:21 <hharrison> Getting back to things after a bit of an absence, seem to have a regression with the current devel version not upacking the native dlls properly
20151001 01:35:03 <hharrison> Has there been any changes to the temp-folder finding post 2.3.0?
20151001 01:36:04 <hharrison> it gives an error looking for the .so/.dll in pwd, rather than a temp folder
20151001 01:48:19 <hharrison> possibly bug 1145 causing changes for people building their own fat jars?
20151001 01:49:23 <hharrison> Like jaamsim's all-in-one approach:
20151001 01:49:25 <hharrison> https://github.com/jaamsim/jaamsim/blob/master/build.xml#L73-L87
20151001 02:00:11 -mquin- [Global Notice] On or around Friday, October 2nd we will be cleaning up the services database. Now's a good time to ensure you identify to services when connecting. Check out http://blog.freenode.net/2015/09/services-database-purge/
20151001 02:00:32 <hharrison> Nevermind, the folder structure of the -natives jars changed slightly and my fat-jar build script was no longer packing the native files
20151001 02:16:35 <hharrison> seems like current devel version is working well for jaamsim, will advise further after a few days of abuse
20151001 03:09:47 <sgothel> Hi Harvey!
20151001 03:09:59 <sgothel> Great to read from you :)
20151001 03:10:10 <sgothel> yeah .. we do our fat jar as well now
20151001 03:10:35 <sgothel> sweet .. that its all working
20151001 05:05:14 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20151001050514.html