#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20160130 05:05:21 (UTC)

20160130 05:05:21 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160129050521.html
20160130 05:05:21 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160130050521.html
20160130 07:11:18 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160130 07:47:51 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
20160130 08:39:11 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160130 09:22:21 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160130 11:07:39 * jvanek (~jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160130 11:07:50 * jvanek (~jvanek@anon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20160130 11:47:10 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
20160130 12:24:14 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160130 12:24:58 <Eclesia> hi
20160130 12:40:35 * Eclesia added MedianCut and K-Means algorithms used to create reduced image color palettes if anyone is interested.
20160130 13:35:07 * guillaum1 is interested
20160130 13:35:09 <guillaum1> hi
20160130 13:43:05 <Eclesia> guillaum1: o/
20160130 15:39:35 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has left #jogamp
20160130 16:31:20 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160130 16:31:23 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has left #jogamp
20160130 17:50:55 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160130 18:05:27 * bgroenks (~chatzilla@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160130 18:06:21 <bgroenks> rmk0: hi, julien asked me to speak to you about getting the jogamp libgdx backend on maven central
20160130 18:09:13 <rmk0> 'lo!
20160130 18:09:23 <rmk0> what do you need?
20160130 18:13:49 * rmk0 nudges bgroenks
20160130 18:20:54 <bgroenks> rmk0: sorry, I guess to just see what we would need to do?
20160130 18:21:15 <bgroenks> I can submit a sonatype request if you want. or we could use a jogamp maven repo.
20160130 18:21:29 <rmk0> have you seen the sonatype OSS guide?
20160130 18:21:43 <rmk0> the main steps are getting a (free) account, and getting a PGP key together
20160130 18:23:44 <bgroenks> rmk0: yes, I've submitted them before.
20160130 18:27:02 <rmk0> hm... you should just be able to submit a ticket that asks for the namespace you want, and then upload packages
20160130 18:27:19 <rmk0> i actually don't know anything about the libgdx backend
20160130 18:30:42 <bgroenks> it's being maintained in our forks of libgdx
20160130 18:31:00 <bgroenks> we would have to use our own groupId then, right?
20160130 18:31:07 <bgroenks> org.jogamp.libgdx
20160130 18:31:11 <bgroenks> or something
20160130 18:33:25 <rmk0> yep
20160130 18:33:58 <bgroenks> what about the PGP key? what should the username/email be?
20160130 18:34:54 <rmk0> that's up to you. the central repos requires that packages be signed by any key that can be fetched from a public keyserver
20160130 18:35:06 <rmk0> i tend to generate a new one yearly
20160130 18:46:08 <bgroenks> rmk0: hmm. so I can't just do gpg --gen-key on my machine?
20160130 18:48:57 <rmk0> you can, yes
20160130 18:49:06 <rmk0> you need to put the resulting key on one of the keyservers, though
20160130 18:49:30 <rmk0> http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/
20160130 18:49:35 <rmk0> think i use that one, normally
20160130 18:50:04 <rmk0> they propagate keys, so i don't think it matters which one you use
20160130 19:12:32 <bgroenks> rmk0: is there any way we could get deployment set up without having to use the project maven pom directly? it's just kind of awkward since its a module in a larger project that has its own release configuration.
20160130 19:14:26 <rmk0> bgroenks: which project pom? the main libgdx pom?
20160130 19:17:12 <bgroenks> the jogamp backend pom
20160130 19:17:15 <bgroenks> it's a sub-pom
20160130 19:17:19 <bgroenks> "module" pom
20160130 19:19:09 <rmk0> right
20160130 19:19:14 <bgroenks> the really annoying problem I'm trying to figure out right now is not having to manually deal with releases. Every time the LibGDX parent project does a maven release, all of their modules get updated but ours doesn't because it's in a fork.
20160130 19:20:44 <rmk0> where is this fork?
20160130 19:20:50 <rmk0> would be easier to see it than ask questions about it
20160130 19:21:24 <bgroenks> here's mine, it;s a fork of julien's: https://github.com/bgroenks96/libgdx
20160130 19:21:35 <bgroenks> here's julien's: https://github.com/gouessej/libgdx
20160130 19:22:07 * rmk0 eyes it
20160130 19:24:04 <rmk0> i feel like the right way to handle this would be to have just the gdx-backend-jogamp module in its own repository, declaring the parent to be whatever is the latest release on maven central
20160130 19:24:20 <rmk0> i assume you aren't making changes to anything else in their source tree?
20160130 19:25:22 <bgroenks> not generally no. I don't think that should be necessary.
20160130 19:25:37 <bgroenks> I also have a jenkins server here doing auto-merges btw :) http://jenkins.osspowered.org/job/libgdx-jogamp/
20160130 19:26:46 <bgroenks> so new repository.
20160130 19:27:03 <rmk0> that seems like the least painful way, if they aren't being helpful
20160130 19:27:24 <bgroenks> hmm. but does the pom still have to be a sub-module? I guess not...
20160130 19:28:38 <bgroenks> kind of confused as to how I would pull changes into the new repository though
20160130 19:28:48 <bgroenks> can you pull from a different project repository in git? I've never done that.
20160130 19:29:51 <rmk0> that i don't know, unfortunately
20160130 19:30:27 <rmk0> in maven, the parent to child links are just there so that maven knows to resolve local modules against the set in the current build, rather than trying to pull them from a repository
20160130 19:30:36 <rmk0> the parent to child links being the things in the <modules> element
20160130 19:30:53 <rmk0> the child to parent links are for inheriting things from the parent pom
20160130 19:31:04 <rmk0> the child to parent link being the <parent> element
20160130 19:31:21 <bgroenks> right.
20160130 19:32:17 <bgroenks> i'm just trying to think if there's a way I could handle deployment externally from jenkins without using the existing child pom
20160130 19:32:51 <bgroenks> could I just create a new alternate pom that thinks its a normal maven project (parent)?
20160130 19:37:04 <rmk0> well, unless you actually need some things from the libgdx parent pom, there's no technical reason you have to inherit from it at all
20160130 19:37:35 <rmk0> you could just declare a dependency on the right bits of libgdx and be otherwise independent from it
20160130 19:39:06 <bgroenks> when maven resolves child poms, does it just assume they are named pom.xml?
20160130 19:39:15 <rmk0> yep
20160130 19:46:24 <bgroenks> yeah I can't declare a different group id for the child
20160130 19:46:25 * Eclesia *pom pom pom*
20160130 19:46:32 <bgroenks> maven doesn't like that
20160130 19:46:59 <rmk0> what is it you're doing?
20160130 19:50:45 <bgroenks> making a separate pom that pretends the project is independent
20160130 19:50:57 <bgroenks> then we can use that pom to deploy it.
20160130 19:51:21 <rmk0> but you are inheriting from the libgdx parent pom?
20160130 19:51:37 <bgroenks> in the normal child pom.xml, but not in the deployment one
20160130 19:51:50 <rmk0> hm, ok
20160130 19:51:52 <bgroenks> we can't put the deployment stuff in the child pom because the groupId can't be different than the parent.
20160130 19:52:41 <rmk0> i was mainly wondering why either pom needs to do it
20160130 19:53:01 <rmk0> the gdx backends that are actually part of the project do it presumably just because that's how they've organized the project
20160130 19:53:10 <rmk0> but you may not actually need to do it for any practical reason
20160130 19:53:39 <bgroenks> mostly so that someone with a clone of the repository can build the full GDX project with the jogamp backend included
20160130 19:59:20 <bgroenks> rmk0: I forget, does maven look in the local repository by default or do you have to add it to the pom? I get it mixed up with gradle... because in gradle you have to add it
20160130 20:00:27 <Eclesia> it looks in the local repo first
20160130 20:01:07 <rmk0> it treats the local repos as a cache so that it doesn't have to pull from central on every build, so yeah, it always looks there first
20160130 20:01:38 <Eclesia> if jar in local repo is less then 1day he uses it, otherwise he makes a check online if there is a newer one.
20160130 20:02:26 <Eclesia> use : -U to force online update, use --offline do forbid online check.
20160130 20:48:12 <bgroenks> rmk0: I think the alternate pom will work. I'm trying to deploy to my own repository to test it but I'm having issues....
20160130 20:48:23 <bgroenks> maven seems to be downloading HTML instead of XML for the metadata
20160130 20:50:14 <rmk0> ...
20160130 20:50:53 <rmk0> is there something i can run?
20160130 20:53:20 <bgroenks> hmm hold on
20160130 20:54:54 <bgroenks> ok clone my fork: git@github.com:bgroenks96/libgdx.git
20160130 20:55:41 <bgroenks> git fetch origin jogamp-deploy
20160130 20:56:01 <bgroenks> git checkout remotes/origin/jogamp-deploy
20160130 20:56:43 <bgroenks> cd into backends/gdx-backends-jogamp/
20160130 20:56:56 <bgroenks> mvn clean compile deploy
20160130 20:57:40 * rmk0 watches progress bars
20160130 20:59:55 <bgroenks> I temporarily made the snapshot repository have deployment access for anonymous users
20160130 21:00:02 <bgroenks> so you shouldn't need to do anything with maven settings.xml
20160130 21:03:26 <rmk0> hm, compilation error
20160130 21:03:33 <rmk0> "git/com.github/bgroenks96/libgdx/backends/gdx-backend-jogamp/src/com/badlogic/gdx/backends/jogamp/JoglGraphicsBase.java:[346,21] error: cannot find symbol
20160130 21:03:36 <rmk0> "
20160130 21:03:39 <rmk0> not too helpful
20160130 21:04:00 <bgroenks> um
20160130 21:04:46 <bgroenks> that's odd
20160130 21:05:03 <bgroenks> I remember getting that recently though
20160130 21:07:09 <bgroenks> did it download the jogamp dependencies?
20160130 21:08:00 <bgroenks> oh wait
20160130 21:08:04 <bgroenks> *facepalm*
20160130 21:08:14 * rmk0 bursts
20160130 21:08:22 <bgroenks> cd ../..
20160130 21:08:30 <bgroenks> so you're in the parent project
20160130 21:08:33 <bgroenks> and do:
20160130 21:08:36 <bgroenks> mvn clean compile install
20160130 21:09:52 <bgroenks> after that cd to jogamp and do: mvn -f jogamp-deploy-pom.xml clean compile deploy
20160130 21:10:41 * rmk0 watches progress bars
20160130 21:12:45 <bgroenks> loll
20160130 21:14:04 <bgroenks> *facepalm* I think I just figured out what the problem is
20160130 21:15:28 <bgroenks> the URL DNS masking is returning HTML pages pointing to the actual url.
20160130 21:15:46 <rmk0> ick
20160130 21:17:06 <rmk0> ok, deploying here tried to deploy to maven central, which rightfully returned 401 as i'm not permitted to push to that groupId
20160130 21:17:20 <rmk0> i'm not sure if it was supposed to do something else...
20160130 21:17:30 <rmk0> erk, no, i used the wrong pom
20160130 21:17:53 <bgroenks> I just updated the DNS configuration to forward only. so hopefully....
20160130 21:18:07 <rmk0> seems like i got html just then
20160130 21:18:26 <rmk0> i'll wait
20160130 21:19:51 <bgroenks> ok worked for me. but I'm getting unauthorized.
20160130 21:20:15 <bgroenks> I have the server login configured in settings.xml.... so not sure...
20160130 21:20:23 <rmk0> unauthorized when trying to push to central?
20160130 21:20:28 <bgroenks> no to my repository
20160130 21:20:40 <rmk0> same here
20160130 21:23:16 <bgroenks> hmm. I have an idea. stand by xD
20160130 21:26:54 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20160130 21:40:36 <bgroenks> ok do a git pull
20160130 21:40:39 <bgroenks> and try again
20160130 21:42:40 <bgroenks> rmk0:
20160130 21:44:57 * rmk0 watches progress bars
20160130 21:48:16 <rmk0> the snapshot deployed without any errors
20160130 21:48:34 <bgroenks> woot!
20160130 21:48:57 <bgroenks> so now the question is... should we submit a maven central request? or use a different repo?
20160130 21:49:06 <rmk0> always best to go to central
20160130 21:49:36 <bgroenks> yeah but will it be kind of awkward if the backend gets merged back into libgdx later?
20160130 21:49:44 <bgroenks> you can't delete stuff from central.
20160130 21:49:59 <rmk0> i don't think so, you've published under a different groupId
20160130 21:50:31 <rmk0> is possible to publish snapshots to central without making them permanent
20160130 21:50:55 <bgroenks> yeah but we'll have to publish releases in order to stay in sync with libgdx
20160130 21:51:31 <rmk0> is up to you. i wouldn't personally think twice about publishing to central
20160130 21:51:53 <bgroenks> even if the project might move later? you'd still do it?
20160130 21:51:59 <rmk0> yep
20160130 21:52:09 <rmk0> if you do get the work merged back in, the "official" version numbers will be higher and people can migrate to the official groupId
20160130 21:52:32 <bgroenks> ok. I'll submit the request.
20160130 21:54:40 <bgroenks> ugh I have to add a bunch of other stuff to the pom. I forgot about that.
20160130 22:22:24 <bgroenks> rmk0: thanks for your help!
20160130 22:23:40 <rmk0> no problem
20160130 22:32:21 * bgroenks (~chatzilla@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
20160130 23:12:13 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160130 23:42:11 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
20160130 23:50:14 * bgroenks (~chatzilla@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160130 23:52:35 * bgroenks (~chatzilla@anon) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20160130 23:52:45 * bgroenks (~chatzilla@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160131 00:03:56 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20160131 01:48:06 * bgroenks (~chatzilla@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
20160131 04:13:28 * bgroenks (~chatzilla@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160131 04:35:15 * bgroenks (~chatzilla@anon) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 44.0/20160128013150])
20160131 05:05:21 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160131050521.html