#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20160502 05:06:20 (UTC)

20160502 05:06:20 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160501050620.html
20160502 05:06:20 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160502050620.html
20160502 06:29:06 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160502 06:49:44 * elect (~GBarbieri@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160502 07:00:14 <elect> hi
20160502 07:31:45 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160502 07:55:26 * Eclesia (~husky@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160502 07:55:34 <Eclesia> good morning
20160502 07:56:14 <monsieur_max> hello
20160502 08:24:58 <guillaum1> Hi all
20160502 09:25:20 * bigpet (uid25664@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160502 12:08:39 <Eclesia> anyone tested GLTF ? https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF
20160502 12:26:50 <guillaum1> Eclesia: Apart it's the contraction of my initials (GL) and WTF, no.... I'm not offended because I'm really an open GL
20160502 12:27:53 <Eclesia> is GL 'open' to everyone ? ^^
20160502 12:29:15 <guillaum1> Eclesia: open = free of mind (of course !)
20160502 12:29:27 <Eclesia> hehe
20160502 12:41:59 <Eclesia> pfff it's another hacked format. shader:type 35633
20160502 12:42:22 <Eclesia> they didn't even replace 35633 by 'FRAGMENT' in the json
20160502 14:10:18 <elect> I gave it a look
20160502 14:14:47 <Eclesia> elect: so ?
20160502 14:15:08 <elect> it looks quite advanced
20160502 14:15:23 <elect> full support for all kind of effect and animations
20160502 14:15:39 <Eclesia> you can define your own shader if it's what you mean
20160502 14:34:39 <elect> also
20160502 14:38:11 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
20160502 14:38:50 <elect> what about newt and gui? Anyone implemented something?
20160502 14:43:42 <Eclesia> I have
20160502 14:58:22 <Eclesia> elect: you need a ui ?
20160502 14:58:34 <elect> yep
20160502 14:58:42 <elect> for newt?
20160502 14:59:05 <Eclesia> yes, that's the only thing I use
20160502 14:59:14 <elect> do you have some screenshots?
20160502 14:59:51 <Eclesia> http://unlicense.developpez.com/gallery/2D_widgets_l.png
20160502 14:59:55 <Eclesia> http://unlicense.developpez.com/gallery/2D_widgets_treetable_l.png
20160502 15:01:04 <elect> may I take a look to the rendering engine?
20160502 15:01:30 <Eclesia> sure, it's public domain ^^. compile, test, explore as much as you want
20160502 15:01:43 <elect> can you point me to it?
20160502 15:01:54 <Eclesia> http://unlicense.developpez.com :D
20160502 15:02:02 <elect> I am already there
20160502 15:02:26 <Eclesia> in module engine/engine-ui
20160502 15:02:32 * monsieur_max was trying to click on the screenshot to expand the nodes ...
20160502 15:03:06 <monsieur_max> nice widgets btw :)
20160502 15:07:02 <Eclesia> thanks
20160502 15:07:59 <elect> other screenshots?
20160502 15:08:11 <elect> don't you have a gallery?
20160502 15:08:21 <monsieur_max> ... try the url maybe
20160502 15:08:32 <monsieur_max> guessing : http://unlicense.developpez.com/gallery
20160502 15:08:36 <Eclesia> yop
20160502 15:08:46 <monsieur_max> forbidden
20160502 15:08:49 <elect> it's forbidden
20160502 15:08:52 <monsieur_max> ach ! verbotten !
20160502 15:08:53 <elect> italian filter
20160502 15:09:02 <elect> ah no wait, also the other french
20160502 15:09:04 <elect> good
20160502 15:09:05 <elect> ^^
20160502 15:09:30 <Eclesia> the other screenshots are older
20160502 15:09:58 <Eclesia> you should compile the project and run the demo, this way you will be able to see by yourself
20160502 15:10:33 <elect> im doing
20160502 15:10:35 <monsieur_max> 2 days later : "elect : I finally made ze compilazion !"
20160502 15:10:50 <elect> althought I am scared since last time I tried
20160502 15:10:57 <elect> I had to open hundred of projects
20160502 15:11:15 <elect> I cloned it
20160502 15:11:21 <elect> and compiled the unlicense project
20160502 15:11:35 <elect> I opened the engine-ui
20160502 15:11:52 <elect> how can I run the demo?
20160502 15:12:22 <elect> there is no main class there
20160502 15:12:45 <elect> did you mean the "demo" project?
20160502 15:12:57 <elect> inside "unlicense proect"?
20160502 15:14:47 <elect> there isnt any main class in "demo" neither
20160502 15:15:14 <elect> ah no wait
20160502 15:15:17 <elect> now they appeared
20160502 15:15:25 <elect> full of errors :/
20160502 15:15:36 * bigpet_ (uid25664@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160502 15:16:27 <elect> it's missin all the ui stuff
20160502 15:16:38 <elect> guess I have to open also "engine-ui" and compile
20160502 15:17:18 <elect> it doesnt work, elect
20160502 15:17:20 <elect> Eclesia,
20160502 15:17:44 <elect> engine-ui opened and built
20160502 15:17:44 * monsieur_max still bets on 2 days ;)
20160502 15:17:56 <elect> "demo" still misses all these
20160502 15:17:56 <elect> import un.engine.ui.model.Column;
20160502 15:17:57 <elect> import un.engine.ui.model.DefaultColumn;
20160502 15:17:57 <elect> import un.engine.ui.model.DefaultRowModel;
20160502 15:17:57 <elect> import un.engine.ui.widget.WButton;
20160502 15:17:57 <elect> import un.engine.ui.widget.WContainer;
20160502 15:17:59 <Eclesia> build it with maven first
20160502 15:18:01 <elect> import un.engine.ui.widget.WLabel;
20160502 15:18:03 <elect> import un.engine.ui.widget.WSpace;
20160502 15:18:05 <elect> import un.engine.ui.widget.WTable;
20160502 15:18:07 <elect> import un.engine.ui.widget.frame.WDesktop;
20160502 15:18:09 <elect> import un.engine.ui.widget.frame.WFrameDecoration;
20160502 15:18:11 <elect> import un.engine.ui.widget.frame.WFrameDrag;
20160502 15:18:44 <elect> complete output
20160502 15:18:45 <elect> https://gist.github.com/elect86/7a8856411118fa12beef64c7013497bf
20160502 15:18:50 <Eclesia> Sorry I'm at work and busy know, could we continue in 1hour ok ?
20160502 15:18:55 <elect> sure
20160502 15:21:40 * bigpet (uid25664@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
20160502 15:25:26 * bigpet_ is now known as bigpet
20160502 15:53:01 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20160502 16:01:20 <Eclesia> elect: I'm going home, back in a half hour and I'll be all yours
20160502 16:01:36 * Eclesia (~husky@anon) has left #jogamp
20160502 16:01:36 <elect> ok
20160502 16:27:33 * elect (~GBarbieri@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
20160502 16:30:11 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160502 17:05:57 <Eclesia> I'm wondering if the build instructions aren't too complicate, what do you think ?
20160502 17:06:08 <Eclesia> 1. Clone project with Mercurial : hg clone https://bitbucket.org/
20160502 17:06:17 <Eclesia> 2. Compile using Maven : mvn clean install -DskipTests
20160502 17:06:25 <Eclesia> 3. end
20160502 17:43:08 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160502 19:55:00 * elect (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160502 19:58:17 <elect> sorry Eclesia
20160502 19:58:58 <elect> short story, forgot I had to accompany my wife to buy a dress for an upcoming wedding :/
20160502 19:59:23 <Eclesia> womans, that's life
20160502 19:59:44 <Eclesia> so, you cloned the project ?
20160502 20:01:03 <Eclesia> just to be sure before going any further. the widget toolkit require GL4 at this time
20160502 20:01:13 <Eclesia> backport to GL2 ain't finish
20160502 20:02:22 <elect> I cloned
20160502 20:02:33 <elect> and I built it through netbeans
20160502 20:02:55 <elect> actually I downloaded
20160502 20:03:01 <elect> extracted the zip
20160502 20:03:08 <elect> opened in netbeans and built
20160502 20:03:23 <Eclesia> that's fine
20160502 20:03:33 <Eclesia> build sucessful ?
20160502 20:04:16 <elect> so it says
20160502 20:04:30 <elect> but all the import I quoted were still missing
20160502 20:05:09 <Eclesia> right click on the demo module and 'reload pom'
20160502 20:05:31 <Eclesia> that should fix them.
20160502 20:08:45 <Eclesia> anyway it's just netbeans having troubles resolving classes, intellij has less issues on this, if it build the code is fine. you should be able to run the demo.ui.WidgetShowCase file
20160502 20:11:46 <Eclesia> elect: still alive ?
20160502 20:11:54 <elect> yep
20160502 20:12:02 <elect> I'll try the reload pom tomorrow
20160502 20:30:59 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20160502 21:06:08 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
20160502 21:22:46 * bigpet (uid25664@anon) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
20160502 21:29:15 * Eclesia (~eclesia@anon) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20160503 00:01:06 * philjord (599cc172@anon) Quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
20160503 03:55:06 * bigpet (uid25664@anon) has joined #jogamp
20160503 05:06:20 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20160503050620.html