#jogamp @ irc.freenode.net - 20170324 05:06:24 (UTC)

20170324 05:06:24 -jogamp- Previous @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20170323050624.html
20170324 05:06:24 -jogamp- This channel is logged @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20170324050624.html
20170324 07:06:02 * elect__ (~elect@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170324 07:41:27 * jvanek (jvanek@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170324 08:21:19 * SHC (~quassel@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170324 08:30:49 <elect__> xranby, xranby1 which problem you are referring to?
20170324 08:30:56 <elect__> about natives?
20170324 08:36:42 <xranby> elect__: it was something long back in my head.. and i think it was related to ceylon instead of kotlin
20170324 08:37:17 <xranby> elect__: and it was related to the language loading each jar in its own classloader
20170324 08:37:37 <xranby> causing the native code loaded by gluegen not being available to jogl
20170324 08:40:52 <elect__> anyway, I still have a native problem whenever I use the 'screen' to get gl capabilities on linux
20170324 08:46:49 <xranby> elect__: so.. what happens?
20170324 08:47:52 <elect__> it can't find libnativewindow_awt.so
20170324 08:47:56 <elect__> https://github.com/xranby/jogamp-forum-examples/pull/1
20170324 08:48:01 <elect__> have you ever had that?
20170324 09:07:36 <xranby> elect__: what do yout display = line look like?
20170324 09:08:51 <elect__> ?
20170324 09:09:02 <elect__> I dont get, xranby
20170324 09:09:27 <xranby> elect__: you much have a line before Screen screen = NewtFactory.createScreen(display, 0);
20170324 09:09:33 <xranby> where you initialize display
20170324 09:10:09 <elect__> ah yeah
20170324 09:10:47 <elect__> Display display = NewtFactory.createDisplay(null);
20170324 09:17:23 <xranby> elect__: the junit test src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/mm/TestScreenMode00bNEWT.java uses a similar initialization like your code
20170324 09:18:16 <elect__> and it works?
20170324 09:18:26 <elect__> let me underline it
20170324 09:18:32 <xranby> I had one machine that did not pass in combination with some windowmanager this test as i can see from the log here: http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20151009050516.html
20170324 09:18:47 <elect__> for me it doesn't work when I include the jar
20170324 09:18:54 <elect__> and then jogl extract the natives from there
20170324 09:18:56 <xranby> however since no one was able to reproduce it
20170324 09:19:11 <xranby> except me we decided it not to be a release critical bug
20170324 09:19:12 <elect__> if I provide the plain directory
20170324 09:19:15 <elect__> no problems
20170324 09:19:52 <xranby> what windowmanager do you use?
20170324 09:20:17 <xranby> some bugs only show up in combination with some windowmanagers
20170324 09:21:02 <elect__> vanilla ubuntu
20170324 09:21:12 <elect__> grome?
20170324 09:21:15 <elect__> gnome
20170324 09:21:17 <xranby> compiz
20170324 09:21:29 <xranby> using the compiz plugin that have alla the unity buttons
20170324 09:21:40 <elect__> yep
20170324 09:21:56 <elect__> what did you have on that machine?
20170324 09:22:30 <xranby> i need to eat breakfast
20170324 09:22:32 <xranby> now..
20170324 09:22:45 <xranby> all i can recommend you to do is to run all the jogamp junit tests
20170324 09:22:54 <xranby> since i think your usecase is covered
20170324 09:23:08 <xranby> and if the junit test fail then we have a reproducer that we can look on more carefully
20170324 09:25:16 <elect__> ok
20170324 09:25:25 <elect__> have a nice breakfast
20170324 09:25:41 <elect__> Ps: isn't a little late for that? :p
20170324 09:31:22 * monsieur_max (~maxime@anon) has joined #jogamp
20170324 09:37:12 <xranby> elect__: yes it is a little late..
20170324 09:38:52 <elect__> here in hamburg are awesome sunny days here, I imagine also over there
20170324 09:38:59 <elect__> maybe a little colder, but still
20170324 09:45:49 <xranby> to summarise: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /home/elect/IdeaProjects/jogamp-forum-examples/natives/linux-amd64//libnativewindow_awt.so only happens for you when you 1. use maven 2. use the initialization mentioned in the comment https://github.com/xranby/jogamp-forum-examples/pull/1#issuecomment-283738568
20170324 09:46:13 <xranby> which is odd.. sure
20170324 09:47:57 <xranby> ... and you still get the exception when you use gluegen-rt-main and jogl-all-main instead of luegen-rt and jogl-all
20170324 09:48:25 <xranby> elect__: you need a change like this: https://github.com/xranby/jogamp-forum-examples/commit/27f4eabd399f4db3e84bf945cb765963b0b3c486
20170324 09:48:38 <xranby> else maven do not download the natives
20170324 09:49:33 <elect__> I was using gradle
20170324 09:49:58 <monsieur_max> so hipster
20170324 09:50:04 <elect__> ^^
20170324 09:50:10 <xranby> i mean gradle :)
20170324 09:50:17 <elect__> what's the difference between plain and -main?
20170324 09:50:25 <xranby> one have the natives the other do not
20170324 09:50:46 <elect__> -main hasnt?
20170324 09:50:52 <xranby> main have the natives
20170324 09:50:56 <elect__> ok
20170324 09:51:15 <elect__> ah interesting
20170324 09:51:30 <elect__> this could be useful for android
20170324 09:51:41 <elect__> philip was having trouble with the natives
20170324 09:51:46 <elect__> I'll mention that
20170324 09:52:10 <xranby> https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Corg.jogamp.jogl
20170324 09:52:20 <xranby> maybe i am confused
20170324 09:52:42 <xranby> fact one do not have the natives the other one do
20170324 09:53:49 <xranby> https://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/Maven
20170324 09:53:54 <elect__> I'll check
20170324 09:54:02 <elect__> they are just archives after all
20170324 10:17:15 * elect__ (~elect@anon) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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20170324 16:36:20 * SHC (~quassel@anon) Quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 360 seconds.)
20170324 18:09:27 * elect (~elect@anon) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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20170325 05:06:24 -jogamp- Continue @ http://jogamp.org/log/irc/jogamp_20170325050624.html