Building JOGL on the command line

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To build JOGL on the command line, we'll need to install prerequisites like Ant, pull the code from a Git repository, and run the Ant build scripts.

Note: A static html version exists in the JOGL project doc folder, see.

Supported platforms

Currently we support building JOGL on Linux (x86 32- and 64-bit), Windows XP/Vista/7 (32- and 64-bit) and Mac OS X (x86 32- and 64-bit). Additional platforms like Solaris/OpenSolaris, FreeBSD and HP/UX are handled by the build system, but are not officially supported.

Install a JDK

The first thing we need is a Java Development Kit (JDK). JOGL will work with OpenJDK and IcedTea, but here we use Oracle's and Apple's JDKs as examples.

  • Check if you have a JDK
    • You must use a JDK, not a JRE, because Ant needs bin/javac, which doesn't come in the JRE. On Windows and Linux, Ant also needs lib/tools.jar, which doesn't come in the JRE.
    • On Windows and Linux, if you've got some kind of Java installed, but you're not sure whether it's a JDK or a Java Runtime Environment (JRE), look inside the directory. If it's got a jre subdirectory inside, it's a JDK. A JRE contains only bin and lib directories.
    • On Mac OS X, Apple's JDK 6 may be included with the operating system, depending on what version you're running. It would be at /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk. If you want to use Java 7, you'll need to install that yourself (see below).
  • Get a JDK if needed
  • Add the JDK's bin directory to your path.
    • On Windows, append ;your JDK\bin to your Path environment variable.
    • On Linux, append :your JDK/bin to your PATH environment variable.
    • On Mac OS X, prepend /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.x_x.jdk/Contents/Home/bin: (or /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin: for Apple's JDK 6) to your PATH environment variable.
  • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable
    • On Windows and Linux, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to your JDK path.
    • On Mac OS X, set JAVA_HOME to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.x_x.jdk/Contents/Home (or /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home for Apple's JDK 6).
  • Test your JDK by opening a shell and typing java -version and javac -version

If you're using an existing JDK instead of installing a new one, make sure you don't have any JOGL or ANTLR JARs in its extension directory. This can cause strange build or runtime problems.

  • On Windows and Linux, delete any JOGL or ANTLR JARs from jre/lib/ext
  • On Mac OS X, delete any JOGL or ANTLR JARs from /Library/Java/Extensions and ~/Library/Java/Extensions

Install Ant

If you don't already have Ant installed, or your version is older than 1.8, you'll need to install a new version of Ant.

  • Download Ant 1.8 or later from
    • For example, download the file and unzip it to your desired installation directory.
  • Set your ANT_HOME environment variable to the new installation directory.
  • Add Ant executables to your path
    • On Windows, append ;your Ant dir\bin to your Path environment variable.
    • On Linux, append :your Ant dir/bin to your PATH environment variable.
    • On Mac OS X, prepend your Ant dir/bin: to your PATH environment variable.
  • Test your Ant installation by opening a shell and typing ant -version

Unset the classpath

Unset the CLASSPATH environment variable if it exists. Having this set with random JARs on it is one of the main causes of build problems.

  • On Windows, remove it from the list of environment variables in "My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables > System Variables".
  • On Linux, remove it from your .cshrc or equivalent shell setup file.
  • On Mac OS X, remove it from your .bash_profile or equivalent shell setup file.

Install Git

The JOGL project uses Git for source code management and collaboration. If you don't already have it, you'll need to install Git 1.6.0 or later.

  • On Windows
  • On Linux and Solaris
  • On Mac OS X
    • Go to
    • Click the download link for an installer (for example git-1.7.7-intel-universal-snow-leopard.dmg). Once it's downloaded, click "Downloads > git-1.7.7-intel-universal-snow-leopard.dmg" to open it.
    • Double-click the icon for git-1.7.7-intel-universal-snow-leopard.pkg and follow the instructions to install it.
    • Prepend /usr/local/git/bin: to your PATH environment variable.
  • Test your Git installation by opening a new shell and typing git --version

Install MinGW (Windows only)

For the JOGL build scripts to run on Windows, you'll need Minimalist GNU for Windows (MinGW) so you can use the GCC compiler.

We have to use MinGW64 not just for the 64bit build, but for the 32bit build as well. Homepage is

MinGW64 is deployed in different configurations, the following lists the version we use:

  • version: 4.8.1
  • threading: win32
  • exceptions: SJLJ
  • revision: 5

Windows /x86 (32 bit)

Windows /x86_64 (64 bit)

Now you may test your MinGW installation by opening a new shell and typing gcc --version

Check and install developer packages (Linux and Solaris only)

Depending on your Linux or Solaris flavor and version, you may need to install some developer packages to build JOGL. See the list of developer packages for each operating system distribution to check if you're missing one.

Install Xcode (Mac OS X only)

The easiest way to set up GCC on Mac OS X is to install Xcode 4. It's a cheap download from the Mac App Store. Once you've installed it, open a new shell and type gcc --version to make sure GCC is available.

Pull the JOGL source code from GitHub or JogAmp

You'll need to get the source code for two projects, gluegen and jogl. The simple way to get it is by cloning the canonical repository.

If you wish, you can clone from git:// instead of git:// The contents of the two repositories should be the same.

If you're going to be contributing fixes or doing development, you'll need to check out from your own GitHub account. The instructions at "Contributing a new feature or fix" explain how to do that.

After this is done, you should see a gluegen and a jogl directory side by side in your working directory. They need to be together like this or the build won't work properly.

Build JOGL

You actually have to build gluegen first, then jogl.

  • Build gluegen
    • cd to gluegen/make
    • Type ant clean
    • Type ant
  • Build jogl
    • cd to jogl/make
    • Type ant clean
    • Type ant

During the build, ANTLR produces lots of warnings about the C grammar and our modifications to some of the signatures of the productions. The C grammar warnings have been documented by the author of the grammar as having been investigated completely and harmless, and the warnings about our modifications are also harmless.

Test the JOGL build

Before runing the tests, make sure the Z-Zip file archiver is installed.

  • If you don't have it, download the latest version from and install it.
  • Make sure 7z is visible in a command shell.
    • On Windows, append ;C:\Program Files\7-Zip to your PATH environment variable.
  • Test 7-Zip by opening a new shell and typing 7z

Then to run the full suite of JUnit tests:

  • For gluegen, cd to gluegen/make and type ant
  • For jogl, cd to jogl/make and type ant

Build Javadoc (optional)

Type ant javadoc in the jogl/make directory. This will produce the end-user documentation for JOGL along with some auxiliary utility packages.

Set up custom Ant properties (optional)

If you want to set different options for components and compilers during the Ant build, copy gluegen/make/ and/or jogl/make/ into your home directory (pointed to by the Java system property user.home) and edit them as desired.

For example, if you want to build JOGL with extra debugging information in the JARs and native libraries, create a file in your home directory and add these lines to it:


The first line puts debugging information in the class files so you can step through Java files. The second line puts debugging information in the native libraries so you can step through C files containing JNI code.

WARNING: Make sure there are no trailing spaces on the property lines in this file, or they may have no effect. This seems to be due to the way Ant reads these files.

Try the experimental nvidia Cg toolkit binding (optional)

If you want to try the experimental binding to nvidia's Cg shader language, first download the Cg toolkit for your platform. Then, when you build the jogl project, add the option to the ant command line. The Cg binding has been tested on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.


  • Original JOGL build instructions by Christopher Kline and Kenneth Russell, June 2003 (revised November 2006).
  • Revised by Sven Gothel and Michael Bien, May 2010.
  • Revised by Wade Walker, January-March 2011.