Mon Jan 13 2025 17:45:37 CET
The best weapon of a dictatorship is secrecy, but the best weapon of a democracy should be the weapon of openness.
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12 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
421 Jogl util sgothel CONF --- DDSImage methode getDepth is wrong 2019-03-29
310 Jogl util sgothel CONF --- Enhance TextureWriter to support decompression 2015-09-27
1242 Jogl util sgothel CONF --- Fix 'Texture.updateImage(...)' API and Implementation 2023-07-12
1313 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- IOUtil.testDirExec taking 30 seconds to execute or timeout (Windows 10) 2019-03-29
1321 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- JPEG encoder 2019-03-29
1352 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- Identify if the pressed CTRL button was the right or left 2017-03-18
1359 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- TextRenderer glyphs sometimes become garbled because LevelSet.compactAndAdd doesn't tell GlyphCache to update texcoords 2019-03-29
1360 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- TextRenderer doesn't flush drawn text to GPU when backing texture fills up, ends up drawing incorrect text later 2019-03-29
1264 Jogl util gouessej UNCO --- Methods to access (read, write) to pixels in TextureData 2019-03-29
811 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- The legacy text renderer doesn't support GL3 2019-03-29
1197 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- Texture and image API revamping 2019-03-29
1152 Jogl util sgothel UNCO --- StereoDevice: Add HSW Display (Health and Safety Warning) at least in combination w/ OculusVR 2019-03-29
12 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "util" component of the "Jogl" product