Fri Dec 13 2024 05:54:46 CET
Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future.
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1253 General source_c sgothel UNCO --- Analyze ongoing code and jar size growth, avoid bloating code base 2015-10-11
685 General source_c sgothel UNCO --- Analyze all core sources for FindBug hits as mentioned below (ongoing bug entry) 2013-03-27
921 General source_c sgothel UNCO --- Logging should be used instead of system out/err calls 2015-09-27
755 General source_c xerxes CONF --- Improve *.README.txt inside jogamp-all-platforms.7z 2013-06-23
747 General source_c sgothel IN_P --- Validate memory footprint and usage / General performance. 2013-12-10
887 General source_c sgothel IN_P --- General Performance - Top Bug Entry for Referencing 2013-11-04
888 General source_c sgothel IN_P --- Validate CPU Runtime Performance / General performance 2013-11-17
968 General source_c sgothel IN_P --- Validate API Semantics, Implementation and more .. 2014-02-13
8 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "source_code" component of the "General" product