I am just starting to explore using gluegen to C<-->java binding and started looking at the example[1 .. n] scripts in the "doc/manual" area in the source distribution. The shell script for doc/manual/example1/gen.sh did not run under the mingw bash shell. To get it to run on a mingw shell on a windows machine this is what I encountered: #!/bin/ksh doesn't exist in the mingw install so it wont run from mingw bash shell (I switched it to #!/bin/bash) - The classpath wasn't in quotes. - The path to the antlr jar file was wrong. - The GlueGen package path has changed. (it's now com.jogamp.gluegen instead of com.sun.gluegen) I also set it to look at JAVA_HOME to find java as it wasn't in my base path in the shell. *(I need to switch between 32 and 64 bit at times) Once I fixed the above the gluegen I built ran and output code properly when running the sample script.