---- Reported by nopalot 2004-10-05 12:39:23 ---- Hello, i tried to use a GLCanvas together with a JTabbedPane. Therefore i've inherited a new class from JPanel which implements GLEventListener. If i try to add one tab as a reaction of a user interaction (pushed button) the program terminates with "Unable to set pixel format" GLException on windows or with "Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x2d1)!" on linux. However, if the tabs are added in the constructor of the class that creates the JTabbedPane, everything works well. Ive tried to fix the problem by creating just one GLCanvas which is used for all tabs. (rather than creating a GLCanvas for each tab) But the same probem appeared. This approach has also revealed that if one GLCanvas is added to various tabs, only the last tab will display the GLCanvas. All previously created tabs will 'lose' there GLCanvas object. (GLEventListener.display() is no longer called automatically, calling GlCanvas.display() manualy doesnt display anything....) Please let me know if you need any further information. Thanks in advance, nop nop nop... ---- Additional Comments From nopalot 2004-10-05 12:44:03 ---- Created an attachment the prog displays a JTabbedPane using the same GLCanvas for each tab. adding a tab dynamically crashes the app. ---- Additional Comments From kbr 2005-01-31 16:11:42 ---- I no longer see crashes (on Windows) with the latest fixes to the JOGL_SINGLE_THREADED_WORKAROUND for ATI cards, in particular recent Windows-specific fixes. The changes are currently in the JOGL CVS repository and will be present in JOGL 1.1 b08. Please retest once this version ships (or with the current CVS sources) and reopen this bug if problems still occur. If they do, please indicate whether specifying -DJOGL_SINGLE_THREADED_WORKAROUND=true on the command line works around the issues. Regarding adding heavyweights like GLCanvas to a JTabbedPane: the JTabbedPane is a lightweight component and I would expect that adding a GLCanvas to it would have all of the same problems (maybe more) as putting a GLCanvas into a JInternalFrame. You will probably need to do some bookkeeping and manally add and remove the GLCanvas depending on which tab is visible. We'll try to accelerate the GLJPanel some more using pbuffers in an upcoming JOGL release for better performance with full Swing compatibility. --- Bug imported by sgothel@jausoft.com 2010-03-24 07:46 EDT --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 111 at https://jogl.dev.java.net/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=111 Imported an attachment (id=26) The original submitter of attachment 26 [details] is unknown. Reassigning to the person who moved it here: sgothel@jausoft.com.