ELF Reader 'jogamp.common.os.elf' currently uses Platform's pre-determined OS_TYPE and CPUType. It also uses the host platforms MachineDescription, hence can not read ELF files from other machines. This also forbids Platform to determine CPUType etc w/o having a valid 'os.arch' property. +++ ElfHeader should be split in - ElfHeaderPart1 (CPUType independent) - ElfHeaderPart2 (CPUType dependent) Fix shall make the ELF Reader self containing by only using ELF CPUType data, etc. This requires customization of struct parsing, where MachineDescription.Static index shall be - defined in ElfHeaderPart1 using e_Ident's CPUType. - used in ElfHeaderPart2 and all its struct types.
a3f2d08801c5a54048faca52f422bcededf81b2a - Fixed as described