I am trying to render vertices in bindless mode I create each mesh and get their 64b vertex array pointer https://github.com/elect86/NvGlSamples/blob/master/NvGlSamples/src/nvGlSamples/bindlessApp/util/Mesh.java#L80 Then, before the mesh.render() I set the attributes, enable it and its client state https://github.com/elect86/NvGlSamples/blob/master/NvGlSamples/src/nvGlSamples/bindlessApp/util/Mesh.java#L115-140 and in the mesh.render() I set up the pointers to the vertices attributes https://github.com/elect86/NvGlSamples/blob/master/NvGlSamples/src/nvGlSamples/bindlessApp/util/Mesh.java#L186-188 and then finally render But I get this at the glDrawElements Caused by: com.jogamp.opengl.GLException: element vertex_buffer_object must be bound to call this method at jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl.checkBufferObject(GL4bcImpl.java:39146) at jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl.checkElementVBOBound(GL4bcImpl.java:39197) at jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl.glDrawElements(GL4bcImpl.java:5440) at nvGlSamples.bindlessApp.util.Mesh.render(Mesh.java:223) I think this is a bug of jogl that doesnt take in account the bindless rendering and requires a vbo in anycase You can reproduce it by cloning my bindlessApp sample, it is pretty small https://github.com/elect86/NvGlSamples you have also to clone jglm and sdk https://github.com/elect86/java-unofficial-opengl-SDK https://github.com/elect86/Jglm
I was joking, I tried again by using properly the dsa and it works... It is awesome!