Mouse events received using JOGL and the BCM VC IV (Raspberry Pi) driver don't specify the mouse button that was pressed or released. See e.g.: MouseEvent[EVENT_MOUSE_CLICKED, [117]/[64], button 0, count 1, rotation [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * 1.0, pointer<1>[0/Mouse: 117/64, p[0.0/1.0=0.0]], InputEvent[modifiers: [], NEWTEvent[, consumed false, when:1463935695926 d 1ms]]] Processing is looking at nativeEvent.getModifiers() to have the bits for BUTTON1_MASK, BUTTON2_MASK, or BUTTON3_MASK set. Is this information somehow retrievable from Broadcom's driver? Thanks for looking into this!
Gottfried, thank you for your patches. Very much appreciated. I have merged your patch. Since I don't test this platform - I trust you here. Please reopen this bug if required.