Currently the MacOsX platform doesn't pass the build and the junit tests.
On the new 10.6.3 Snow Leopard .. the <LinkerArg value="-arch x86_64"/> .. etc doesn't work anymore ..
Fix MacOsX platform: The commit of cpptasks.jar, git hash 129e783741d91e9ee5cd7da5d5c962c32ec96b0b, broke the universal binary build on MacOSX. The above change used cpptasks-1.05b with a few patches in regards to crosscompilation, but missed one, which accepts the '-arch' argument for GccLinker undecorated. The new cpptasks.jar is vanilla 1.05b + cpptasks-1.0b5-darwin-patch.diff, the latter a more refined one. This version accepts the '-arch' argument undecorated on the darwin platform.
MacOsX: - Fix missing refactoring in src/newt/native/MacWindow.m - Adding missing NSWindowDelegate protocol to NewtMacWindow as mandatory since 10.3.6