35622a7cef4a28ce7e32bf008ef331d9a0d9e3e2 - Detect EGL_KHR_create_context capability and utilize if available. - Implement EGLContext.createContextARBImpl(..), allowing native DEBUG context usage, where available. - EGL implements SharedResourceRunner, i.e. probing profiles on dedicated thread using common interface. - Probe desktop profile/context ability in EGLDrawableFactory SharedResourceRunner, Where EGLGLnDynamicLibraryBundleInfo covers EGL + desktop GL. - TODO: Tests w/ capable implementation
38baef0371fc55405779590d503f6e0de10fa9cc Refine criteria to allow OpenGL API usage for EGL It has been experienced w/ Mesa 10.3.2 (EGL 1.4/Gallium) that even though initial OpenGL context can be created w/o 'EGL_KHR_create_context', switching the API via 'eglBindAPI(EGL_OpenGL_API)' the latter 'eglCreateContext(..)' fails w/ EGL_BAD_ACCESS. Hence we require both: OpenGL API support _and_ 'EGL_KHR_create_context'. FIXME: Evaluate this issue in more detail! FIXME: Utilization of eglBindAPI(..) must be re-evaluated in case we mix ES w/ OpenGL, see EGL 1.4 spec. This is due to new semantics, i.e. API is bound on a per thread base, hence it must be switched before makeCurrent w/ different APIs, see: eglWaitClient();
Further work to achieve this feature is being continued in Bug 1203.