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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.



  1. added bandwidth benchmark. (details)
  2. BandwidthBenchmark fixes and code cleanup. (details)
Commit b680c4d4b5091f7f48bb8fd9812725111496ff99 by Michael Bien
added bandwidth benchmark.
The file was addednbproject/configs/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/com/jogamp/opencl/demos/bandwidth/ (diff)
Commit 192614e9166583929e43bfea065a3a6264624e4a by Michael Bien
BandwidthBenchmark fixes and code cleanup.
The file was modified src/com/jogamp/opencl/demos/bandwidth/ (diff)
The file was modified nbproject/configs/ (diff)
The file was modified nbproject/ (diff)