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  1. removed CLContext factory methods with CLPlatform + CLDevice list (details)
Commit 91938387529fe220323e0c7472f788c78e1ace72 by Michael Bien
removed CLContext factory methods with CLPlatform + CLDevice list combinations.
- information is now no longer needed since every CLDevice knows its CLPlatform
- OpenCL device IDs are not portable between CLPlatforms

- Context factories will throw CLInvalidPlatformException if the platform of all CLDevices does not match

related changes:
- [persistance] CLProgramBuilder stores now the ICD suffix to be later able to map binaries back to the platform + device
The file was modified src/com/jogamp/opencl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/com/jogamp/opencl/ (diff)
The file was modified test/com/jogamp/opencl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/com/jogamp/opencl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/com/jogamp/opencl/ (diff)
The file was modified src/com/jogamp/opencl/gl/ (diff)