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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.



  1. ZIP archive: move native jar to jar folder (details)
  2. Use unresolved/tagged jnlp file for ZIP (details)
  3. Comply with JogAmp artifacts build properties ; Fix manifest build path (details)
Commit ba0bb74ffa5865dc4489f5c0575b0a7612343a80 by Sven Gothel
ZIP archive: move native jar to jar folder
The file was modified build.xml (diff)
Commit 075e32ec306dd45d1f67daf2184dc5fd36f557b9 by Sven Gothel
Use unresolved/tagged jnlp file for ZIP
The file was modified build.xml (diff)
Commit fd908ff95f540aab3e848b972b81bc20b7623940 by Sven Gothel
Comply with JogAmp artifacts build properties ; Fix manifest build path
The file was modified build.xml (diff)
The file was modified nbproject/ (diff)