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  1. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Fix yuv stored in alpha shader decode on ES2 and GL2 (details)
  2. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Cleanup AudioPusher 'usage', i.e. disabled for now (details)
  3. Movie JNLP/NAppletAdd: joal jar file shall come before jogl's (details)
Commit eeaa50a10c18c34384422e3bf6df586cdfd4b203 by Sven Gothel
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Fix yuv stored in alpha shader decode on ES2 and GL2

Regression introduced by:
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
Commit 7f5ba25559f593cc7b46ed0a35acfd1f9d97128a by Sven Gothel
FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Cleanup AudioPusher 'usage', i.e. disabled for now (subject to be removed).
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/util/av/impl/ (diff)
Commit 64d7c6b7f28649f01f7e7e34eb8cd5716c440238 by Sven Gothel
Movie JNLP/NAppletAdd: joal jar file shall come before jogl's (dependency - refine commit 3e4dac6373185a1a9061b394601221052b2bef84)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-MovieCube-napplet.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-MovieCube.html (diff)