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  1. Bug 1047 - jogamp.opengl.glu.mipmap.Mipmap now uses already parsed GL (details)
  2. LICENSE.txt: Emphasice incompatible A.7) module is OPTIONAL (details)
Commit f358c49418e95c622d50eb29f53c60dc4dbdee5b by Sven Gothel
Bug 1047 - jogamp.opengl.glu.mipmap.Mipmap now uses already parsed GL version number and GL profile selection

Since Bug 1047 didn't provide a unit tests, this must be fine for now.
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/ (diff)
Commit ef7ecf76e28a89b1cdef6c3c7b4ccca123921ae1 by Sven Gothel
LICENSE.txt: Emphasice incompatible A.7) module is OPTIONAL
The file was modified LICENSE.txt (diff)