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  1. update make-all script (details)
  2. iOS build scripts: Bump iOS 12.2 -> 13.2; Use GLUEGEN_CPPTASKS_FILE instead of -DisIOS*=true (details)
  3. all build scripts: (details)
  4. Bug 1393: MacOS: getLocationOnScreen w/ JAWT Parent: Use parent's unblocking specialization (details)
Commit 3e8719272d435e4e4c278acafa063651144ee4e0 by Sven Gothel
update make-all script
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
Commit 4d070e6be4f6f5b2eeb4f29e5d3fe7d0fdc4c7ad by Sven Gothel
iOS build scripts: Bump iOS 12.2 -> 13.2; Use GLUEGEN_CPPTASKS_FILE instead of -DisIOS*=true
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
Commit ef2600134f07902dd32cf6524d9c947bdc915b45 by Sven Gothel
all build scripts:
The file was addedmake/scripts/ (diff)
The file was addedmake/scripts/ (diff)
The file was removedmake/scripts/ (diff)
Commit 999e1ca3ec1a406d3dba65f0bae79054580fb287 by Sven Gothel
Bug 1393: MacOS: getLocationOnScreen w/ JAWT Parent: Use parent's unblocking specialization

On MacOS, commit 12eed5d38616d23b6e8e2e5b497dfc2f54d90c90 replaced all
parent.getLocationOnScreen(..) calls with OSXUtil.GetLocationOnScreen(parentHandle, ..)
avoiding the EDT + Appkit Deadlock with native parenting.

On MacOS AWT and JAWT are using offscreen CALayer since Java >= 1.7.0,
therefor the MacOSXJAWTWindow's native window handle can't be used to gather
the screen position via OSXUtil.

However, the JAWT Window specialization MacOSXJAWTWindow implements a non-locking code-path
and we can decide to use it by querying the general interface OffscreenLayerOption.
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/driver/macosx/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/newt/event/ (diff)