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  1. Tests [Multisample, Offscreen, ..]: Add Snapshots and store them in (details)
  2. Add screenshot AWT version: TestGLReadBufferUtilTextureIOWrite01AWT (details)
  3. Fix path derivation of J2RE_HOME and JAVA_HOME (details)
  4. test script (details)
  5. Implement Bug #598 - JOGL ALL JAR File Change incl. it's Native Jar URL (details)
  6. Complete Bug #598 - Commit a393e45613d87101dbb13763df263c2f9291d2d0 (details)
Commit 741bc48237fb1735bab09843ebf09feba200bd81 by Sven Gothel
Tests [Multisample, Offscreen, ..]: Add Snapshots and store them in current directory instead of tempdir, so they get archived (CI/jenkins).

Multisample/TestGLReadBufferUtilTextureIOWrite01NEWT: Add offscreen test
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/caps/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/util/texture/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/offscreen/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/offscreen/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/caps/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/util/texture/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/offscreen/ (diff)
The file was modified src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/offscreen/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
Commit 2223a3242211e03bacfcb337d3f4e0e50533fb0e by Sven Gothel
Add screenshot AWT version: TestGLReadBufferUtilTextureIOWrite01AWT
The file was addedsrc/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/util/texture/ (diff)
Commit 7a6e924be7190685650d87c680635d7fe53963fd by Sven Gothel
Fix path derivation of J2RE_HOME and JAVA_HOME
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
Commit a393e45613d87101dbb13763df263c2f9291d2d0 by Sven Gothel
Implement Bug #598 - JOGL ALL JAR File Change incl. it's Native Jar URL Derivation

- Depends on GlueGen commit 9a71703904ebfec343fb2c7266343d37a2e4c3db

JAR file name changes:

- jogl.all.jar                -> jogl-all.jar
- jogl.all-noawt.jar          -> jogl-all-noawt.jar
- jogl.all-mobile.jar         -> jogl-all-mobile.jar
- jogl.all-android.jar        -> jogl-all-android.jar
- jogl.all-android.apk        -> jogl-all-android.apk

Atomic JARs:
-  nativewindow.core.jar       -> nativewindow-core.jar
-  nativewindow.awt.jar        -> nativewindow-awt.jar
-  nativewindow.os.x11.jar     -> nativewindow-os-x11.jar
-     -> nativewindow-os-win.jar
-  nativewindow.os.macosx.jar  -> nativewindow-os-osx.jar

-  jogl.core.jar               -> jogl-core.jar
-  jogl.sdk.jar                -> jogl-sdk.jar
-  jogl.glmobile.jar           -> jogl-glmobile.jar
-  jogl.glmobile.dbg.jar       -> jogl-glmobile-dbg.jar
-  jogl.util.jar               -> jogl-util.jar
-  jogl.glutess.jar            -> jogl-glutess.jar
-  jogl.glumipmap.jar          -> jogl-glumipmap.jar
-  jogl.util.fixedfuncemu.jar  -> jogl-util-fixedfuncemu.jar
-  jogl.awt.jar                -> jogl-awt.jar
-  jogl.swt.jar                -> jogl-swt.jar
-  jogl.util.awt.jar           -> jogl-util-awt.jar
-  jogl.os.x11.jar             -> jogl-os-x11.jar
-             -> jogl-os-win.jar
-  jogl.os.osx.jar             -> jogl-os-osx.jar
-         -> jogl-os-android.jar
-  jogl.gldesktop.jar          -> jogl-gldesktop.jar
-  jogl.gldesktop.dbg.jar      -> jogl-gldesktop-dbg.jar
-  jogl.glugldesktop.jar       -> jogl-glu-gldesktop.jar
-  jogl.util.gldesktop.jar     -> jogl-util-gldesktop.jar
-  jogl.omx.jar                -> jogl-omx.jar
-                 -> jogl-cg.jar

-  newt.core.jar               -> newt-core.jar
-  newt.ogl.jar                -> newt-ogl.jar
-  newt.awt.jar                -> newt-awt.jar
-  newt.event.jar              -> newt-event.jar
-  newt.driver.x11.jar         -> newt-driver-x11.jar
-         -> newt-driver-win.jar
-  newt.driver.macosx.jar      -> newt-driver-osx.jar
-     -> newt-driver-android.jar
-  newt.driver.kd.jar          -> newt-driver-kd.jar
-  newt.driver.intelgdl.jar    -> newt-driver-intelgdl.jar
-  newt.driver.broadcomegl.jar -> newt-driver-broadcomegl.jar

Test JARs:
- jogl.test.jar               -> jogl-test.jar
- jogl.test-android.jar       -> jogl-test-android.jar
- jogl.test-android.apk       -> jogl-test-android.apk
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-all-awt-cg.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-all-mobile.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-version.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-all-noawt.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-MovieCube-napplet.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-version-lancheronly.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/atomic/nativewindow-noawt.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified make/build-test.xml (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-gears-normal.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/atomic/newt-awt.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/atomic/newt-noawt.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-gears-normal-napplet2.html (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/ (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/atomic/nativewindow-awt.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified make/build-common.xml (diff)
The file was modified src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/cg/ (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-GraphTextDemo01.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-GraphUISceneDemo01-napplet.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-version-napplet.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/atomic/jogl-awt.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-ElektronenMultiplizierer-napplet.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-gears-normal-napplet.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-gears-special-napplet.html (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified etc/profile.jogl (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-gears-normal-launcheronly.html (diff)
The file was modified make/build-jogl.xml (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/atomic/newt-noawt-jogl.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified make/build-newt.xml (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-ElektronenMultiplizierer.html (diff)
The file was modified make/build.xml (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/atomic/jogl-noawt.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-MovieCube.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-all-awt.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-GraphUISceneDemo01.html (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/atomic/newt-awt-jogl.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt.jnlp (diff)
The file was modified src/nativewindow/classes/jogamp/nativewindow/ (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-gears-special.html (diff)
The file was modified src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/ (diff)
The file was modified make/build-nativewindow.xml (diff)
The file was modified jnlp-files/jogl-applet-runner-newt-GraphTextDemo01-napplet.html (diff)
Commit e51542375c4f736c396fd5a38288dd5129a09268 by Sven Gothel
Complete Bug #598 - Commit a393e45613d87101dbb13763df263c2f9291d2d0
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified make/build-common.xml (diff)