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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.



  1. copy gluegen-rt.jnlp with empty codebase to build folder for local (details)
  2. Fixing build scripts for Solaris systems. (details)
Commit 3cb1c4f7808ffa97981f4f8d0eb6b98bf2160e0e by Sven Gothel
copy gluegen-rt.jnlp with empty codebase to build folder for local testing.
this jnlp is not used for the distribution zip file.
The file was modified make/build.xml (diff)
Commit b649eb1b65614c6f1b2bc734cfb40580b931dc1d by Sven Gothel
Fixing build scripts for Solaris systems.
The file was modified make/gluegen-cpptasks-base.xml (diff)