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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.



  1. build: Query git branch/sha1 and use it if not set and tools are (details)
Commit 6e6dd7228415e788ac254364c5f36a7d70216e6b by Sven Gothel
build: Query git branch/sha1 and use it if not set and tools are available; Add Java source zip file.

Query git branch/sha1 and use it if not set and tools are available.
This shall improve tracking of manual generated binaries/bundles.

Add Java source zip file. Contains all Java source code (incl. generated ones) enhancing
IDE usage, where API doc and source browsing of libs is supported (NB/Eclipse/etc).
The file was modified make/build.xml (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)