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  1. Don't ignore GlueGen.debug() in static DEBUG flags; Add (details)
  2. Add more debug/analisys information. Throw exception when attempting to (details)
Commit 0fcc397a5f46789dad7fb8507ee164ad7b341c3c by Sven Gothel
Don't ignore GlueGen.debug() in static DEBUG flags; Add JavaConfiguration.DEBUG_RENAMES
The file was modified src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/ (diff)
Commit a87a66cca58095d24b02eda5a35bdba1177edb28 by Sven Gothel
Add more debug/analisys information. Throw exception when attempting to override a rename instruction w/ diff new value
The file was modified src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/ (diff)
The file was modified src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/ (diff)