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  1. Platform: Fix API doc of getCPUFamily(), getCPUType() and getABIType() (details)
  2. Refine test/TestMultiAndFatJar: Demoing test class outside of fat and (details)
  3. Bug 856 - Android: Support dual ABI (x86 i686 *and* ARMv7arm), i.e. pick (details)
Commit 748ad7e1e0d58d4e1f4bb41cea39af091b5bf5dd by Sven Gothel
Platform: Fix API doc of getCPUFamily(), getCPUType() and getABIType()
The file was modified src/java/com/jogamp/common/os/ (diff)
Commit 2868816971bb80eb226e6edffc527d909ced755b by Sven Gothel
Refine test/TestMultiAndFatJar: Demoing test class outside of fat and multi jar

Use 'output' folder

- Copy jogl-test.jar and junit.jar to output, to be used in executing (run-*.sh)

Works here ..
The file was modified test/TestMultiAndFatJar/ (diff)
The file was modified test/TestMultiAndFatJar/ (diff)
The file was modified test/TestMultiAndFatJar/ (diff)
Commit 022c31eefaa0c11fbc069fd35cf5311a556c9ae5 by Sven Gothel
Bug 856 - Android: Support dual ABI (x86 i686 *and* ARMv7arm), i.e. pick 'best' ABI

- Use 'os.arch' as a prelim CPUType for MachineDescription

- Always attempt to load a binary and parse it's elf header
  - Linux: self-exe
  - Android: gluegen-rt library
  - Other: java lib

- Always use details (ABI) if ARM

- Android: Check CPU_TYPE and CPU_TYPE2

//   We use sCPUType for MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic()
//   until we have determined the final CPU_TYPE, etc.
//   MachineDescriptionRuntime gets notified via MachineDescriptionRuntime.notifyPropsInitialized() below.
//   We could use Elf Ehdr's machine value to determine the bit-size
//   used for it's offset table!
//   However, 'os.arch' should be a good guess for this task.

Tested manually on
  - Linux x86, x86_64, armhf (raspi)
  - Android intel and arm
  - Windows x86_64
  - OSX x86_64
The file was modified src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/java-win64.bat (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified src/java/jogamp/common/os/ (diff)
The file was modified src/java/jogamp/common/os/android/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/runtest-x32.bat (diff)
The file was modified src/java/com/jogamp/common/os/ (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/runtest-x64.bat (diff)
The file was modified make/scripts/java-win32.bat (diff)
The file was modified src/java/com/jogamp/common/os/ (diff)
The file was modified src/java/jogamp/common/os/ (diff)