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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.

Console Output

Started by upstream project "jogl-demos" build number 265
originally caused by:
 Started by upstream project "jogl" build number 1146
 originally caused by:
  Started by user Sven Gothel
Building remotely on solaris-NVQUADRO-solaris10-jogamp-x64-sgothel-021 in workspace /export/home/jogamp/JogAmpSlavex64/workspace/jocl
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
Fetching upstream changes from git://
Checking out Revision cb27127c0be28cc1c864bcf5b6c94b860d3590d2 (origin/master)
No emails were triggered.
Triggering linux-armv7-img
Triggering linux-x86_32-amd
Triggering win7-x86_32-nvida
Triggering linux-x86_64-nvidia
Triggering solaris-x86_64-nv
Triggering win7-x86_64-nvida
Triggering linux-x86_32-nvidia
Triggering linux-x86_64-amd
Triggering android-armv7-img
Triggering linux-armv7hf-img
Triggering macosx-10_7-x86_64-nvidia_jre7
Triggering macosx-10_6-x86_64-nvidia
Triggering win7-x86_64-amd
Triggering solaris-x86_32-nv
Triggering win7-x86_32-amd
No emails were triggered.
Triggering a new build of jocl-demos #788
Notifying upstream projects of job completion
Finished: UNSTABLE