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    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x3590fc5b 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] main: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.postAttach_WithAnimator_-n0000-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8880-D24-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x3590fc5b 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x3590fc5b, angle 0.5, [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0 -> [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x3590fc5b 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] main: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.postAttach_WithAnimator_-n0001-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8880-D24-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] GLWindow LOS.0: 0 / 29
    [apply] NewtCanvasSWT LOS.0: 0 / 29
    [apply] main-Animator#00: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.postAttach_WithAnimator_-n0002-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8880-D24-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x3590fc5b: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x3590fc5b FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn - postAttach_WithAnimator
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn - preAttach_NoAnimator
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x34f7cfd9: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x34f7cfd9 isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x34f7cfd9 on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.3 (Core profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.3.0, vendor 18.3.6 ((Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 3.30 / 3.30.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  162
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x34f7cfd9 created: GearsObj[0x62230c58, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x34f7cfd9 created: GearsObj[0x2cd2a21f, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x34f7cfd9 created: GearsObj[0x2cd2a21f, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x34f7cfd9 FIN GearsES2[obj 0x34f7cfd9 isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x62230c58, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x2cd2a21f, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x2e55dd0c, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x34f7cfd9 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x34f7cfd9, angle 0.0, [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0 -> [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x34f7cfd9 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] main: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.preAttach_NoAnimator____-n0000-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8880-D24-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x34f7cfd9 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x34f7cfd9, angle 0.5, [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0 -> [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x34f7cfd9 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] main: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.preAttach_NoAnimator____-n0001-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8880-D24-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] GLWindow LOS.0: 0 / 0
    [apply] NewtCanvasSWT LOS.0: 0 / 0
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x34f7cfd9 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] main: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.preAttach_NoAnimator____-n0002-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8880-D24-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x34f7cfd9 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x34f7cfd9 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x34f7cfd9 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x34f7cfd9: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x34f7cfd9 FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn - preAttach_NoAnimator
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn - preAttach_WithAnimator
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x1eb5174b: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x1eb5174b isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x1eb5174b on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.3 (Core profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.3.0, vendor 18.3.6 ((Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 3.30 / 3.30.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  162
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x1eb5174b created: GearsObj[0x2f8dad04, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x1eb5174b created: GearsObj[0x29e495ff, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x1eb5174b created: GearsObj[0x29e495ff, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x1eb5174b FIN GearsES2[obj 0x1eb5174b isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x2f8dad04, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x29e495ff, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x41e1e210, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x1eb5174b 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x1eb5174b, angle 0.0, [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0 -> [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x1eb5174b 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] main: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.preAttach_WithAnimator__-n0000-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8880-D24-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x1eb5174b 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x1eb5174b, angle 0.5, [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0 -> [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x1eb5174b 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] main: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.preAttach_WithAnimator__-n0001-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8880-D24-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] GLWindow LOS.0: 0 / 0
    [apply] NewtCanvasSWT LOS.0: 0 / 0
    [apply] main-Animator#01: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.preAttach_WithAnimator__-n0002-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8880-D24-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x1eb5174b: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x1eb5174b FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn - preAttach_WithAnimator
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn - test_MultisampleAndAlpha
    [apply] req. msaa: true
    [apply] Requested: GLCaps[rgba 8/8/8/1, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 16/0/2, sample-ext default, dbl, mono  , hw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] Chosen   : GLCaps[glx vid 0x4c9, fbc 0x169: rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 16/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] has  msaa: false
    [apply] ShaderState: attachShaderProgram: -1 -> 4 (enable: true)
    [apply] 	null
    [apply] 	ShaderProgram[id=4, linked=false, inUse=false, program: 1,
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=7, type=VERTEX_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  2, source]
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=8, type=FRAGMENT_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  3, source]]
    [apply] reshape ..
    [apply] main: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.test_MultisampleAndAlpha-n0000-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8888-D16-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] reshape ..
    [apply] main: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.test_MultisampleAndAlpha-n0001-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8888-D16-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] GLWindow LOS.0: 0 / 0
    [apply] NewtCanvasSWT LOS.0: 0 / 0
    [apply] main: ** screenshot: TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn.test_MultisampleAndAlpha-n0002-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8888-D16-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn - test_MultisampleAndAlpha
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140667081 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140667081 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 2 ms
    [apply] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
    [apply] Testcase: postAttach_WithAnimator took 1.515 sec
    [apply] Testcase: preAttach_NoAnimator took 0.698 sec
    [apply] Testcase: preAttach_WithAnimator took 0.701 sec
    [apply] Testcase: test_MultisampleAndAlpha took 0.714 sec
     [echo] Testing com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor01 -- ../build/test/results/TEST-com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor01.xml
    [apply] Testsuite: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor01
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: tests to run: 1
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140668516 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140668519 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 14 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor01 - test
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test)
    [apply] SWT: Platform: gtk, Version 4930
    [apply] SWT: isX11 true, isX11GTK true (GTK Version: 3.24.5)
    [apply] SWT: isOSX false, isWindows false
    [apply] SWT: DeviceZoom: 100, deviceZoomScalingFactor 1.0
    [apply] SWT: Display.DPI Point {96, 96}; DPIUtil: autoScalingFactor 1.0 (use-swt true), useCairoAutoScale true
    [apply] Window handle.0 0x4e00014
    [apply] Window handle.1 0x4e00014
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test)
    [apply] Window handle.X 0x4e00014
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor01 - test
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140669594 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140669595 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 2 ms
    [apply] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.946 sec
    [apply] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140668516 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140668519 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 14 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor01 - test
    [apply] SWT: Platform: gtk, Version 4930
    [apply] SWT: isX11 true, isX11GTK true (GTK Version: 3.24.5)
    [apply] SWT: isOSX false, isWindows false
    [apply] SWT: DeviceZoom: 100, deviceZoomScalingFactor 1.0
    [apply] SWT: Display.DPI Point {96, 96}; DPIUtil: autoScalingFactor 1.0 (use-swt true), useCairoAutoScale true
    [apply] Window handle.0 0x4e00014
    [apply] Window handle.1 0x4e00014
    [apply] Window handle.X 0x4e00014
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor01 - test
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140669594 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140669595 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 2 ms
    [apply] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
    [apply] Testcase: test took 0.864 sec
     [echo] Testing com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor02NewtGLWindow -- ../build/test/results/TEST-com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor02NewtGLWindow.xml
    [apply] Testsuite: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor02NewtGLWindow
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: tests to run: 1
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test)
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140670992 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140670995 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 14 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor02NewtGLWindow - test
    [apply] SWT: Platform: gtk, Version 4930
    [apply] SWT: isX11 true, isX11GTK true (GTK Version: 3.24.5)
    [apply] SWT: isOSX false, isWindows false
    [apply] SWT: DeviceZoom: 100, deviceZoomScalingFactor 1.0
    [apply] SWT: Display.DPI Point {96, 96}; DPIUtil: autoScalingFactor 1.0 (use-swt true), useCairoAutoScale true
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x78691363: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x78691363 isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x78691363 on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.3 (Core profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.3.0, vendor 18.3.6 ((Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 3.30 / 3.30.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  162
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x78691363 created: GearsObj[0x71e9ddb4, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x78691363 created: GearsObj[0x394df057, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x78691363 created: GearsObj[0x394df057, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x78691363 FIN GearsES2[obj 0x78691363 isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x71e9ddb4, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x394df057, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x45b4c3a9, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x78691363 0/0 600x600 of 600x600, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5800002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x78691363, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x78691363 600x600, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5800002
    [apply] Window handle.1 0x4e00018
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x78691363 600x600, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5800002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x78691363 600x600, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5800002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x78691363: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x78691363 FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor02NewtGLWindow - test
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140673641 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140673641 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 1 ms
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test)
    [apply] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.51 sec
    [apply] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140670992 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140670995 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 14 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor02NewtGLWindow - test
    [apply] SWT: Platform: gtk, Version 4930
    [apply] SWT: isX11 true, isX11GTK true (GTK Version: 3.24.5)
    [apply] SWT: isOSX false, isWindows false
    [apply] SWT: DeviceZoom: 100, deviceZoomScalingFactor 1.0
    [apply] SWT: Display.DPI Point {96, 96}; DPIUtil: autoScalingFactor 1.0 (use-swt true), useCairoAutoScale true
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x78691363: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x78691363 isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x78691363 on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.3 (Core profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.3.0, vendor 18.3.6 ((Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 3.30 / 3.30.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  162
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x78691363 created: GearsObj[0x71e9ddb4, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x78691363 created: GearsObj[0x394df057, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x78691363 created: GearsObj[0x394df057, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x78691363 FIN GearsES2[obj 0x78691363 isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x71e9ddb4, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x394df057, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x45b4c3a9, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x78691363 0/0 600x600 of 600x600, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5800002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x78691363, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x78691363 600x600, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5800002
    [apply] Window handle.1 0x4e00018
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x78691363 600x600, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5800002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x78691363 600x600, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5800002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x78691363: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x78691363 FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor02NewtGLWindow - test
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140673641 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140673641 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 1 ms
    [apply] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
    [apply] Testcase: test took 2.593 sec
    [apply] X11Util.Display: Shutdown (JVM shutdown: true, open (no close attempt): 1/1, reusable (open, marked uncloseable): 0, pending (open in creation order): 1)
    [apply] X11Util: Open X11 Display Connections: 1
    [apply] X11Util: Open[0]: NamedX11Display[:0.0, 0x7f7dccbfac30, refCount 1, unCloseable false]
     [echo] Testing com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec -- ../build/test/results/TEST-com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec.xml
    [apply] Testsuite: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: tests to run: 3++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140675072 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140675075 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 15 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test01JOGLGLCanvas
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test01JOGLGLCanvas)
    [apply] **** Pre Shell Open
    [apply] **** Post Shell Open
    [apply] [A-0 shallStop false]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x10e92f8f: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x10e92f8f isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x10e92f8f on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x10e92f8f created: GearsObj[0x3835c46, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x10e92f8f created: GearsObj[0x1dde4cb2, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x10e92f8f created: GearsObj[0x1dde4cb2, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x10e92f8f FIN GearsES2[obj 0x10e92f8f isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x3835c46, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x1dde4cb2, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x7714e963, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x10e92f8f 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x10e92f8f, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x10e92f8f 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x10e92f8f 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x10e92f8f 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 1, glob: 1]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 2, glob: 2]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 3, glob: 3]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 4, glob: 4]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 5, glob: 5]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 6, glob: 6]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 7, glob: 7]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 8, glob: 8]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 9, glob: 9]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 10, glob: 10]
    [apply] *R-Exit* shallStop true
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x10e92f8f: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x10e92f8f FIN
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test01JOGLGLCanvas)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test02NewtCanvasSWTPreVisible)
    [apply] EDT Counter before exit: SWT 10, NEWT 0
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test01JOGLGLCanvas
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test02NewtCanvasSWTPreVisible
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x6a2f6f80: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x6a2f6f80 isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x6a2f6f80 on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x6a2f6f80 created: GearsObj[0x76ed1b7c, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x6a2f6f80 created: GearsObj[0x11fc564b, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x6a2f6f80 created: GearsObj[0x11fc564b, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x6a2f6f80 FIN GearsES2[obj 0x6a2f6f80 isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x76ed1b7c, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x11fc564b, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0xfd07cbb, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6a2f6f80 0/0 128x128 of 128x128, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6a2f6f80, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 128x128, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] **** Pre Shell Open
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6a2f6f80 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6a2f6f80, angle 0.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6a2f6f80 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6a2f6f80, angle 1.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6a2f6f80 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6a2f6f80, angle 2.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] **** Post Shell Open
    [apply] [A-0 shallStop false]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 1, glob: 1]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 1, glob: 1]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 2, glob: 2]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 2, glob: 2]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 3, glob: 3]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 3, glob: 3]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 4, glob: 4]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 4, glob: 4]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 5, glob: 5]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 5, glob: 5]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 6, glob: 6]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 6, glob: 6]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 7, glob: 7]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 7, glob: 7]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 8, glob: 8]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 8, glob: 8]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 9, glob: 9]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 9, glob: 9]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 10, glob: 10]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 10, glob: 10]
    [apply] *R-Exit* shallStop true
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6a2f6f80: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6a2f6f80 FIN
    [apply] EDT Counter before exit: SWT 10, NEWT 10
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test02NewtCanvasSWTPreVisible
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test02NewtCanvasSWTSimple
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test02NewtCanvasSWTPreVisible)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test02NewtCanvasSWTSimple)
    [apply] **** Pre Shell Open
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x6f27a732: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x6f27a732 isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x6f27a732 on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x6f27a732 created: GearsObj[0x2525ff7e, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x6f27a732 created: GearsObj[0x524d6d96, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x6f27a732 created: GearsObj[0x524d6d96, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x6f27a732 FIN GearsES2[obj 0x6f27a732 isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x2525ff7e, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x524d6d96, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x152aa092, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6f27a732 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6f27a732, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6f27a732 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6f27a732, angle 0.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] **** Post Shell Open
    [apply] [A-0 shallStop false]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 1, glob: 1]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 1, glob: 1]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 2, glob: 2]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 2, glob: 2]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 3, glob: 3]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 3, glob: 3]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 4, glob: 4]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 4, glob: 4]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 5, glob: 5]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 5, glob: 5]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 6, glob: 6]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 6, glob: 6]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 7, glob: 7]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 7, glob: 7]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 8, glob: 8]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 8, glob: 8]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 9, glob: 9]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 9, glob: 9]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 10, glob: 10]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 10, glob: 10]
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test02NewtCanvasSWTSimple)
    [apply] *R-Exit* shallStop true
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6f27a732: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6f27a732 FIN
    [apply] EDT Counter before exit: SWT 10, NEWT 10
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test02NewtCanvasSWTSimple
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140679551 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140679551 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 1 ms
    [apply] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5.365 sec
    [apply] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140675072 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140675075 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 15 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test01JOGLGLCanvas
    [apply] **** Pre Shell Open
    [apply] **** Post Shell Open
    [apply] [A-0 shallStop false]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x10e92f8f: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x10e92f8f isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x10e92f8f on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x10e92f8f created: GearsObj[0x3835c46, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x10e92f8f created: GearsObj[0x1dde4cb2, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x10e92f8f created: GearsObj[0x1dde4cb2, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x10e92f8f FIN GearsES2[obj 0x10e92f8f isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x3835c46, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x1dde4cb2, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x7714e963, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x10e92f8f 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x10e92f8f, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x10e92f8f 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x10e92f8f 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x10e92f8f 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 1, glob: 1]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 2, glob: 2]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 3, glob: 3]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 4, glob: 4]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 5, glob: 5]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 6, glob: 6]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 7, glob: 7]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 8, glob: 8]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 9, glob: 9]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 10, glob: 10]
    [apply] *R-Exit* shallStop true
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x10e92f8f: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x10e92f8f FIN
    [apply] EDT Counter before exit: SWT 10, NEWT 0
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test01JOGLGLCanvas
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test02NewtCanvasSWTPreVisible
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x6a2f6f80: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x6a2f6f80 isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x6a2f6f80 on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x6a2f6f80 created: GearsObj[0x76ed1b7c, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x6a2f6f80 created: GearsObj[0x11fc564b, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x6a2f6f80 created: GearsObj[0x11fc564b, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x6a2f6f80 FIN GearsES2[obj 0x6a2f6f80 isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x76ed1b7c, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x11fc564b, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0xfd07cbb, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6a2f6f80 0/0 128x128 of 128x128, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6a2f6f80, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 128x128, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] **** Pre Shell Open
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6a2f6f80 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6a2f6f80, angle 0.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6a2f6f80 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6a2f6f80, angle 1.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6a2f6f80 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6a2f6f80, angle 2.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] **** Post Shell Open
    [apply] [A-0 shallStop false]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 1, glob: 1]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 1, glob: 1]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6a2f6f80 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 2, glob: 2]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 2, glob: 2]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 3, glob: 3]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 3, glob: 3]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 4, glob: 4]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 4, glob: 4]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 5, glob: 5]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 5, glob: 5]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 6, glob: 6]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 6, glob: 6]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 7, glob: 7]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 7, glob: 7]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 8, glob: 8]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 8, glob: 8]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 9, glob: 9]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 9, glob: 9]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 10, glob: 10]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 10, glob: 10]
    [apply] *R-Exit* shallStop true
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6a2f6f80: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6a2f6f80 FIN
    [apply] EDT Counter before exit: SWT 10, NEWT 10
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test02NewtCanvasSWTPreVisible
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test02NewtCanvasSWTSimple
    [apply] **** Pre Shell Open
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x6f27a732: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x6f27a732 isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x6f27a732 on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x6f27a732 created: GearsObj[0x2525ff7e, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x6f27a732 created: GearsObj[0x524d6d96, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x6f27a732 created: GearsObj[0x524d6d96, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x6f27a732 FIN GearsES2[obj 0x6f27a732 isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x2525ff7e, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x524d6d96, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x152aa092, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6f27a732 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6f27a732, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6f27a732 0/0 400x450 of 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6f27a732, angle 0.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.125, t 1.125] 2.0x2.25, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] **** Post Shell Open
    [apply] [A-0 shallStop false]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 1, glob: 1]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 1, glob: 1]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 2, glob: 2]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 2, glob: 2]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6f27a732 400x450, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 3, glob: 3]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 3, glob: 3]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 4, glob: 4]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 4, glob: 4]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 5, glob: 5]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 5, glob: 5]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 6, glob: 6]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 6, glob: 6]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 7, glob: 7]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 7, glob: 7]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 8, glob: 8]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 8, glob: 8]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 9, glob: 9]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 9, glob: 9]
    [apply] [SWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 10, glob: 10]
    [apply] [NEWT A-i shallStop false]: Counter[loc 10, glob: 10]
    [apply] *R-Exit* shallStop true
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6f27a732: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6f27a732 FIN
    [apply] EDT Counter before exit: SWT 10, NEWT 10
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTBug643AsyncExec - test02NewtCanvasSWTSimple
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140679551 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140679551 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 1 ms
    [apply] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
    [apply] Testcase: test01JOGLGLCanvas took 2.274 sec
    [apply] Testcase: test02NewtCanvasSWTPreVisible took 1.288 sec
    [apply] Testcase: test02NewtCanvasSWTSimple took 0.853 sec
     [echo] Testing com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTEclipseGLCanvas01GLn -- ../build/test/results/TEST-com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTEclipseGLCanvas01GLn.xml
    [apply] Testsuite: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTEclipseGLCanvas01GLn
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: tests to run: 1
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140680975 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140680978 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 13 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTEclipseGLCanvas01GLn - test
    [apply] GLProfile Natives[GL4bc false, GL4 false, GLES3 true [3.0 (ES profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL3bc true [3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL3 true [3.3 (Core profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL2 true [3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GLES2 true [3.0 (ES profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GLES1 true [1.1 (ES profile, arb, compat[FP32], software)], count 6 / 8], Common[, GL4ES3 true, GL2GL3 true, GL2ES2 true, GL2ES1 true], Mappings[GLES1 GLProfile[GLES1/GLES1.sw], GLES2 GLProfile[GLES2/GLES3.sw], GL3bc GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], GL2ES1 GLProfile[GL2ES1/GL3bc.sw], GL4ES3 GLProfile[GL4ES3/GLES3.sw], GL2ES2 GLProfile[GL2ES2/GL3.sw], GL2 GLProfile[GL2/GL3bc.sw], GLES3 GLProfile[GLES3/GLES3.sw], GL3 GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], GL2GL3 GLProfile[GL2GL3/GL3bc.sw], , default GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], count 10 / 12]
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test)
    [apply] resize
    [apply] (SWT:12951): Gdk-ERROR **: 03:11:22.687: The program 'SWT' received an X Window System error.
    [apply] This probably reflects a bug in the program.
    [apply] The error was 'GLXBadContextTag'.
    [apply]   (Details: serial 316 error_code 165 request_code 153 (GLX) minor_code 16)
    [apply]   (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
    [apply]    that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
    [apply]    To debug your program, run it with the GDK_SYNCHRONIZE environment
    [apply]    variable to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
    [apply]    backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
    [apply] Result: 133
     [echo] Testing com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn -- ../build/test/results/TEST-com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn.xml
    [apply] Testsuite: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: tests to run: 2
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140683522 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140683524 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 13 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn - test
    [apply] GLProfile Natives[GL4bc false, GL4 false, GLES3 true [3.0 (ES profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL3bc true [3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL3 true [3.3 (Core profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL2 true [3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GLES2 true [3.0 (ES profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GLES1 true [1.1 (ES profile, arb, compat[FP32], software)], count 6 / 8], Common[, GL4ES3 true, GL2GL3 true, GL2ES2 true, GL2ES1 true], Mappings[GLES1 GLProfile[GLES1/GLES1.sw], GLES2 GLProfile[GLES2/GLES3.sw], GL3bc GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], GL2ES1 GLProfile[GL2ES1/GL3bc.sw], GL4ES3 GLProfile[GL4ES3/GLES3.sw], GL2ES2 GLProfile[GL2ES2/GL3.sw], GL2 GLProfile[GL2/GL3bc.sw], GLES3 GLProfile[GLES3/GLES3.sw], GL3 GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], GL2GL3 GLProfile[GL2GL3/GL3bc.sw], , default GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], count 10 / 12]
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test)
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x3c22fc4c: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x3c22fc4c isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x3c22fc4c on Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.3 (Core profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.3.0, vendor 18.3.6 ((Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 3.30 / 3.30.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  162
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x3c22fc4c created: GearsObj[0xf155e46, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x3c22fc4c created: GearsObj[0x7c3e4095, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x3c22fc4c created: GearsObj[0x7c3e4095, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x3c22fc4c FIN GearsES2[obj 0x3c22fc4c isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0xf155e46, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x7c3e4095, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x7804adb8, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x3c22fc4c 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x3c22fc4c, angle 0.0, [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0 -> [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] main-Animator#00: ** screenshot: TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn.test____________________-n0000-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8880-D24-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x3c22fc4c: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x3c22fc4c FIN
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test_MultisampleAndAlpha)
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn - test
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn - test_MultisampleAndAlpha
    [apply] req. msaa: true
    [apply] Requested: GLCaps[rgba 8/8/8/1, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 16/0/2, sample-ext default, dbl, mono  , hw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] Chosen   : GLCaps[glx vid 0x4c9, fbc 0x169: rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 16/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] has  msaa: false
    [apply] ShaderState: attachShaderProgram: -1 -> 2 (enable: true)
    [apply] 	null
    [apply] 	ShaderProgram[id=2, linked=false, inUse=false, program: 1,
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=3, type=VERTEX_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  2, source]
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=4, type=FRAGMENT_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  3, source]]
    [apply] reshape ..
    [apply] main-Animator#01: ** screenshot: TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn.test_MultisampleAndAlpha-n0000-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8888-D16-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test_MultisampleAndAlpha)
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn - test_MultisampleAndAlpha
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140686414 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140686414 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 2 ms
    [apply] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.754 sec
    [apply] ------------- Standard Output ---------------
    [apply] GLProfile Natives[GL4bc false, GL4 false, GLES3 true [3.0 (ES profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL3bc true [3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL3 true [3.3 (Core profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL2 true [3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GLES2 true [3.0 (ES profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GLES1 true [1.1 (ES profile, arb, compat[FP32], software)], count 6 / 8], Common[, GL4ES3 true, GL2GL3 true, GL2ES2 true, GL2ES1 true], Mappings[GLES1 GLProfile[GLES1/GLES1.sw], GLES2 GLProfile[GLES2/GLES3.sw], GL3bc GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], GL2ES1 GLProfile[GL2ES1/GL3bc.sw], GL4ES3 GLProfile[GL4ES3/GLES3.sw], GL2ES2 GLProfile[GL2ES2/GL3.sw], GL2 GLProfile[GL2/GL3bc.sw], GLES3 GLProfile[GLES3/GLES3.sw], GL3 GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], GL2GL3 GLProfile[GL2GL3/GL3bc.sw], , default GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], count 10 / 12]
    [apply] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
    [apply] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140683522 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140683524 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 13 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn - test
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x3c22fc4c: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x3c22fc4c isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x3c22fc4c on Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.3 (Core profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.3.0, vendor 18.3.6 ((Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 3.30 / 3.30.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  162
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x3c22fc4c created: GearsObj[0xf155e46, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x3c22fc4c created: GearsObj[0x7c3e4095, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x3c22fc4c created: GearsObj[0x7c3e4095, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x3c22fc4c FIN GearsES2[obj 0x3c22fc4c isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0xf155e46, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x7c3e4095, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x7804adb8, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x3c22fc4c 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x3c22fc4c, angle 0.0, [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0 -> [l -1.3333334, r 1.3333334, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.6666667x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] main-Animator#00: ** screenshot: TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn.test____________________-n0000-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8880-D24-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x3c22fc4c: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x3c22fc4c FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn - test
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn - test_MultisampleAndAlpha
    [apply] req. msaa: true
    [apply] Requested: GLCaps[rgba 8/8/8/1, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 16/0/2, sample-ext default, dbl, mono  , hw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] Chosen   : GLCaps[glx vid 0x4c9, fbc 0x169: rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 16/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] has  msaa: false
    [apply] ShaderState: attachShaderProgram: -1 -> 2 (enable: true)
    [apply] 	null
    [apply] 	ShaderProgram[id=2, linked=false, inUse=false, program: 1,
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=3, type=VERTEX_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  2, source]
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=4, type=FRAGMENT_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  3, source]]
    [apply] reshape ..
    [apply] main-Animator#01: ** screenshot: TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn.test_MultisampleAndAlpha-n0000-GL3___-sw-onscreen-Bdbl-Frgb__Irgba8888-D16-St00-Sa00_default-0640x0480.png
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn - test_MultisampleAndAlpha
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140686414 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140686414 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 2 ms
    [apply] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
    [apply] Testcase: test took 1.144 sec
    [apply] Testcase: test_MultisampleAndAlpha took 0.42 sec
     [echo] Testing com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting01aSWT -- ../build/test/results/TEST-com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting01aSWT.xml
    [apply] Testsuite: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting01aSWT
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: tests to run: 1
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140687862 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140687865 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 13 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1)
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting01aSWT - testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] RedSquareES2 init on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] ShaderState: attachShaderProgram: -1 -> 1 (enable: true)
    [apply] 	null
    [apply] 	ShaderProgram[id=1, linked=false, inUse=false, program: 1,
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=1, type=VERTEX_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  2, source]
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=2, type=FRAGMENT_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  3, source]]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1)
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting01aSWT - testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140690372 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140690372 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 1 ms
    [apply] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.368 sec
    [apply] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140687862 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140687865 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 13 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting01aSWT - testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] RedSquareES2 init on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] ShaderState: attachShaderProgram: -1 -> 1 (enable: true)
    [apply] 	null
    [apply] 	ShaderProgram[id=1, linked=false, inUse=false, program: 1,
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=1, type=VERTEX_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  2, source]
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=2, type=FRAGMENT_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  3, source]]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 640x480 of 640x480, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting01aSWT - testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140690372 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140690372 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 1 ms
    [apply] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
    [apply] Testcase: testWindowParenting01CreateVisibleDestroy1 took 1.185 sec
     [echo] Testing com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting04SWT -- ../build/test/results/TEST-com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting04SWT.xml
    [apply] Testsuite: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting04SWT
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: tests to run: 2
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140691823 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140691826 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 14 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test01WinHopFrame2FrameDirectHop)
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting04SWT - test01WinHopFrame2FrameDirectHop
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] RedSquareES2 init on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] ShaderState: attachShaderProgram: -1 -> 1 (enable: true)
    [apply] 	null
    [apply] 	ShaderProgram[id=1, linked=false, inUse=false, program: 1,
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=1, type=VERTEX_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  2, source]
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=2, type=FRAGMENT_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  3, source]]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x6c6cb480: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x6c6cb480 isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x6c6cb480 on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x6c6cb480 created: GearsObj[0x762ef0ea, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x6c6cb480 created: GearsObj[0x31f9b85e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x6c6cb480 created: GearsObj[0x31f9b85e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x6c6cb480 FIN GearsES2[obj 0x6c6cb480 isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x762ef0ea, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x31f9b85e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x15ca7889, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6c6cb480 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6c6cb480, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6c6cb480 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6c6cb480 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6c6cb480, angle 0.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6c6cb480 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#01,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6c6cb480 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6c6cb480, angle 17.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#01,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6c6cb480 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6c6cb480, angle 50.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose FIN
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test01WinHopFrame2FrameDirectHop)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test02WinHopFrame2FrameDetachFirst)
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6c6cb480: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6c6cb480 FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting04SWT - test01WinHopFrame2FrameDirectHop
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting04SWT - test02WinHopFrame2FrameDetachFirst
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] RedSquareES2 init on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] ShaderState: attachShaderProgram: -1 -> 3 (enable: true)
    [apply] 	null
    [apply] 	ShaderProgram[id=3, linked=false, inUse=false, program: 1,
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=5, type=VERTEX_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  2, source]
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=6, type=FRAGMENT_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  3, source]]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x36d585c: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x36d585c isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x36d585c on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x36d585c created: GearsObj[0x61d6015a, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x36d585c created: GearsObj[0x2525ff7e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x36d585c created: GearsObj[0x2525ff7e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x36d585c FIN GearsES2[obj 0x36d585c isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x61d6015a, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x2525ff7e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x524d6d96, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x36d585c 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x36d585c, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x36d585c 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x36d585c 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x36d585c, angle 0.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x36d585c 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#03,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x36d585c 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x36d585c, angle 15.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#02,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#02,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#02,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#02,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#03,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x36d585c 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x36d585c, angle 45.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose FIN
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test02WinHopFrame2FrameDetachFirst)
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x36d585c: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x36d585c FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting04SWT - test02WinHopFrame2FrameDetachFirst
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140697988 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140697988 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 2 ms
    [apply] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 7.032 sec
    [apply] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140691823 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140691826 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 14 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting04SWT - test01WinHopFrame2FrameDirectHop
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] RedSquareES2 init on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] ShaderState: attachShaderProgram: -1 -> 1 (enable: true)
    [apply] 	null
    [apply] 	ShaderProgram[id=1, linked=false, inUse=false, program: 1,
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=1, type=VERTEX_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  2, source]
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=2, type=FRAGMENT_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  3, source]]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x6c6cb480: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x6c6cb480 isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x6c6cb480 on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x6c6cb480 created: GearsObj[0x762ef0ea, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x6c6cb480 created: GearsObj[0x31f9b85e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x6c6cb480 created: GearsObj[0x31f9b85e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x6c6cb480 FIN GearsES2[obj 0x6c6cb480 isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x762ef0ea, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x31f9b85e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x15ca7889, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6c6cb480 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6c6cb480, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6c6cb480 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6c6cb480 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6c6cb480, angle 0.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x6c6cb480 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#01,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6c6cb480 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6c6cb480, angle 17.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#00,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#01,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x6c6cb480 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x6c6cb480, angle 50.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6c6cb480: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x6c6cb480 FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting04SWT - test01WinHopFrame2FrameDirectHop
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting04SWT - test02WinHopFrame2FrameDetachFirst
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] RedSquareES2 init on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] ShaderState: attachShaderProgram: -1 -> 3 (enable: true)
    [apply] 	null
    [apply] 	ShaderProgram[id=3, linked=false, inUse=false, program: 1,
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=5, type=VERTEX_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  2, source]
    [apply]    ShaderCode[id=6, type=FRAGMENT_SHADER, valid=true, shader:  3, source]]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.init FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.0 0x36d585c: tileRendererInUse null, GearsES2[obj 0x36d585c isInit false, usesShared false, 1 null, 2 null, 3 null, sharedGears null]
    [apply] GearsES2 init 0x36d585c on Thread[main,5,main]
    [apply] Chosen GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x50a, fbc 0x1ab: rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms 24/0/0, dbl, mono  , sw, GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], on-scr[.]]
    [apply] INIT GL IS: jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] Swap Interval  1
    [apply] GL Profile     GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw]
    [apply] GL Version     3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software) - 3.1 Mesa 18.3.6 [GL 3.1.0, vendor 18.3.6 (Mesa 18.3.6)]
    [apply] Quirks         [No10BitColorCompOffscreen]
    [apply] Impl. class    jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl
    [apply] GL_VENDOR      VMware, Inc.
    [apply] GL_RENDERER    llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 128 bits)
    [apply] GL_VERSION     3.1 Mesa 18.3.6
    [apply] GLSL           true, has-compiler-func: true, version: 1.40 / 1.40.0
    [apply] GL FBO: basic true, full true
    [apply] GL_EXTENSIONS  232
    [apply] GLX_EXTENSIONS 34
    [apply] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [apply] gear1 0x36d585c created: GearsObj[0x61d6015a, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4]
    [apply] gear2 0x36d585c created: GearsObj[0x2525ff7e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] gear3 0x36d585c created: GearsObj[0x2525ff7e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.init.X 0x36d585c FIN GearsES2[obj 0x36d585c isInit true, usesShared false, 1 GearsObj[0x61d6015a, vbo ff 1, fs 2, bf 3, bs 4], 2 GearsObj[0x2525ff7e, vbo ff 7, fs 8, bf 9, bs 10], 3 GearsObj[0x524d6d96, vbo ff 13, fs 14, bf 15, bs 16], sharedGears null]
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x36d585c 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x36d585c, angle 0.0, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x36d585c 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x36d585c 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x36d585c, angle 0.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.display 0x36d585c 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#03,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x36d585c 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x36d585c, angle 15.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#02,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#02,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#02,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400002, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#02,5,main] RedSquareES2.reshape FIN
    [apply] Thread[main-Animator#03,5,main] GearsES2.reshape 0x36d585c 0/0 400x400 of 400x400, swapInterval 1, drawable 0x5400004, msaa false, tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] >> GearsES2 0x36d585c, angle 45.5, [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0 -> [l -1.0, r 1.0, b -1.0, t 1.0] 2.0x2.0, v-flip false
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] RedSquareES2.dispose FIN
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x36d585c: tileRendererInUse null
    [apply] Thread[main,5,main] GearsES2.dispose 0x36d585c FIN
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.parenting.TestParenting04SWT - test02WinHopFrame2FrameDetachFirst
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140697988 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140697988 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 2 ms
    [apply] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
    [apply] Testcase: test01WinHopFrame2FrameDirectHop took 2.576 sec
    [apply] Testcase: test02WinHopFrame2FrameDetachFirst took 2.275 sec
     [echo] gluegen.basename: gluegen
     [echo] jogl.basename: jogl

     [echo] ant.version                Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.5 compiled on July 10 2018
     [echo]           11
     [echo] java.version               11.0.5
     [echo] java.home                  /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
     [echo] jvmJava.exe                /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java
     [echo] jvmJava8.exe               ${jvmJava8.exe}

     [echo] javadoc.xarg1              -Xdoclint:none
     [echo] jogamp.jar.codebase        Codebase: *
     [echo] jogamp.version             2.4.0-rc-20200116
     [echo]         2414020
     [echo]          ${}
     [echo] target.user.set            true
     [echo] target.sourcelevel         1.8
     [echo] target.targetlevel         1.8
     [echo] target.releaselevel        ${target.releaselevel}
     [echo] target.rt.jar              /opt-share/jre1.8.0_212/lib/rt.jar
     [echo] javacdebug                 true
     [echo] javacdebuglevel            source,lines
     [echo] javac.memorymax            1024m
     [echo] build.archiveon            true
     [echo]            linux64-AMD58xx-debian7-jogamp-x64-sgothel-002
     [echo] android.api.level          24
     [echo] macosx.sdkroot             ${macosx.sdkroot}

     [echo] gluegen.cpptasks.detect.os.custom: NOP done

     [echo] os.version=4.19.0-6-amd64
     [echo] os.arch=amd64
     [echo] nativejartag.prefix = jogamp/nativetag
     [echo] c.compiler.debug=false
     [echo] c.compiler.use-debug=${c.compiler.use-debug}
     [echo] c.compiler.optimise=none


































     [echo] gluegen.cpptasks.detected.os=true
     [echo] gluegen.cpptasks.detected.os.2=true
     [echo] isCrosscompilation=${isCrosscompilation}
     [echo] isI386=${isI386}
     [echo] isAMD64=true
     [echo] is64Bit=true
     [echo] isAbiEabiGnuArmel=${isAbiEabiGnuArmel}
     [echo] isAbiEabiGnuArmhf=${isAbiEabiGnuArmhf}
     [echo] jvmDataModel32Bit=${jvmDataModel32Bit}
     [echo] jvmDataModel64Bit=${jvmDataModel64Bit}
     [echo] FreeBSD=${isFreeBSD}
     [echo] FreeBSDX86=${isFreeBSDX86}
     [echo] FreeBSDAMD64=${isFreeBSDAMD64}
     [echo] HPUX=${isHPUX}
     [echo] IA64=${isIA64}
     [echo] Android=${isAndroid}
     [echo] AndroidARMv6=${isAndroidARMv6}
     [echo] AndroidARM64=${isAndroidARM64}
     [echo] AndroidARMv6Armel=${isAndroidARMv6Armel}
     [echo] AndroidARMv6Armhf=${isAndroidARMv6Armhf}
     [echo] AndroidX86=${isAndroidX86}
     [echo] Linux=true
     [echo] LinuxAMD64=true
     [echo] LinuxIA64=${isLinuxIA64}
     [echo] LinuxX86=${isLinuxX86}
     [echo] LinuxARMv6=${isLinuxARMv6}
     [echo] LinuxARM64=${isLinuxARM64}
     [echo] LinuxARMv6Armel=${isLinuxARMv6Armel}
     [echo] LinuxARMv6Armhf=${isLinuxARMv6Armhf}
     [echo] LinuxAlpha=${isLinuxAlpha}
     [echo] LinuxHppa=${isLinuxHppa}
     [echo] LinuxMips=${isLinuxMips}
     [echo] LinuxMipsel=${isLinuxMipsel}
     [echo] LinuxPpc=${isLinuxPpc}
     [echo] LinuxPpc64=${isLinuxPpc64}
     [echo] LinuxPpc64le=${isLinuxPpc64le}
     [echo] Linuxs390=${isLinuxs390}
     [echo] Linuxs390x=${isLinuxs390x}
     [echo] LinuxSparc=${isLinuxSparc}
     [echo] OS X=${isOSX}
     [echo] OS X PPC=${use.macosppc}
     [echo] OS X x32=${use.macosx32}
     [echo] OS X x64=${use.macosx64}
     [echo] iOS=${isIOS}
     [echo] iOSAmd64=${isIOSAmd64}
     [echo] iOSArm64=${isIOSArm64}
     [echo] Solaris=${isSolaris}
     [echo] Solaris32Bit=${isSolaris32Bit}
     [echo] Solaris64Bit=${isSolaris64Bit}
     [echo] SolarisSparc=${isSolarisSparc}
     [echo] SolarisSparcv9=${isSolarisSparcv9}
     [echo] SolarisAMD64=${isSolarisAMD64}
     [echo] SolarisX86=${isSolarisX86}
     [echo] Unix=true
     [echo] Windows=${isWindows}
     [echo] X11=true
     [echo] os=Linux
     [echo] os=4.19.0-6-amd64
     [echo] arch=amd64
     [echo] build.dynamiclibs=true
     [echo] build.staticlibs=false
     [echo] output.lib.type=shared



     [echo] jogl-test.jar /home/jogamp/JogAmpSlavex64/workspace/jogl/label/linux-x86_64-amd/build/jar/jogl-test.jar

     [echo] Testing com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestNewtCanvasSWTBug628ResizeDeadlockAWT -- ../build/test/results/TEST-com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestNewtCanvasSWTBug628ResizeDeadlockAWT.xml
    [apply] Testsuite: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestNewtCanvasSWTBug628ResizeDeadlockAWT
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: tests to run: 1
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test)
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140699936 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140699939 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 14 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestNewtCanvasSWTBug628ResizeDeadlockAWT - test
    [apply] (java:13209): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 03:11:40.859: cannot register existing type 'GdkDisplayManager'
    [apply] (java:13209): GLib-CRITICAL **: 03:11:40.859: g_once_init_leave: assertion 'result != 0' failed
    [apply] (java:13209): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 03:11:40.859: g_object_new_with_properties: assertion 'G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed
    [apply] #
    [apply] # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
    [apply] #
    [apply] #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007fb4099d76c0, pid=13209, tid=13213
    [apply] #
    [apply] # JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (11.0.5+10) (build 11.0.5+10-post-Debian-1deb10u1)
    [apply] # Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (11.0.5+10-post-Debian-1deb10u1, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, g1 gc, linux-amd64)
    [apply] # Problematic frame:
    [apply] # C  []  gdk_display_manager_get_default_display+0x0
    [apply] #
    [apply] # No core dump will be written. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
    [apply] #
    [apply] # An error report file with more information is saved as:
    [apply] # /home/jogamp/JogAmpSlavex64/workspace/jogl/label/linux-x86_64-amd/make/hs_err_pid13209.log
    [apply] #
    [apply] # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    [apply] #
    [apply] # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
    [apply] # See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
    [apply] #
    [apply] Result: 134
     [echo] Testing com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor03AWTGLn -- ../build/test/results/TEST-com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor03AWTGLn.xml
    [apply] Testsuite: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor03AWTGLn
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: tests to run: 1
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140701721 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140701723 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 13 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] GLProfile Natives[GL4bc false, GL4 false, GLES3 true [3.0 (ES profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL3bc true [3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL3 true [3.3 (Core profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL2 true [3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GLES2 true [3.0 (ES profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GLES1 true [1.1 (ES profile, arb, compat[FP32], software)], count 6 / 8], Common[, GL4ES3 true, GL2GL3 true, GL2ES2 true, GL2ES1 true], Mappings[GLES1 GLProfile[GLES1/GLES1.sw], GLES2 GLProfile[GLES2/GLES3.sw], GL3bc GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], GL2ES1 GLProfile[GL2ES1/GL3bc.sw], GL4ES3 GLProfile[GL4ES3/GLES3.sw], GL2ES2 GLProfile[GL2ES2/GL3.sw], GL2 GLProfile[GL2/GL3bc.sw], GLES3 GLProfile[GLES3/GLES3.sw], GL3 GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], GL2GL3 GLProfile[GL2GL3/GL3bc.sw], , default GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], count 10 / 12]
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test)++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor03AWTGLn - test
    [apply] SWT: Platform: gtk, Version 4930
    [apply] SWT: isX11 true, isX11GTK true (GTK Version: 3.24.5)
    [apply] SWT: isOSX false, isWindows false
    [apply] SWT: DeviceZoom: 100, deviceZoomScalingFactor 1.0
    [apply] SWT: Display.DPI Point {96, 96}; DPIUtil: autoScalingFactor 1.0 (use-swt true), useCairoAutoScale true
    [apply] (SWT:13249): Gdk-WARNING **: 03:11:44.604: XSetErrorHandler() called with a GDK error trap pushed. Don't do that.
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test)
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor03AWTGLn - test
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140704912 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140704912 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 2 ms
    [apply] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 4.064 sec
    [apply] ------------- Standard Output ---------------
    [apply] GLProfile Natives[GL4bc false, GL4 false, GLES3 true [3.0 (ES profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL3bc true [3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL3 true [3.3 (Core profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GL2 true [3.1 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GLES2 true [3.0 (ES profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, software)], GLES1 true [1.1 (ES profile, arb, compat[FP32], software)], count 6 / 8], Common[, GL4ES3 true, GL2GL3 true, GL2ES2 true, GL2ES1 true], Mappings[GLES1 GLProfile[GLES1/GLES1.sw], GLES2 GLProfile[GLES2/GLES3.sw], GL3bc GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], GL2ES1 GLProfile[GL2ES1/GL3bc.sw], GL4ES3 GLProfile[GL4ES3/GLES3.sw], GL2ES2 GLProfile[GL2ES2/GL3.sw], GL2 GLProfile[GL2/GL3bc.sw], GLES3 GLProfile[GLES3/GLES3.sw], GL3 GLProfile[GL3/GL3.sw], GL2GL3 GLProfile[GL2GL3/GL3bc.sw], , default GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.sw], count 10 / 12]
    [apply] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
    [apply] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140701721 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140701723 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 13 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor03AWTGLn - test
    [apply] SWT: Platform: gtk, Version 4930
    [apply] SWT: isX11 true, isX11GTK true (GTK Version: 3.24.5)
    [apply] SWT: isOSX false, isWindows false
    [apply] SWT: DeviceZoom: 100, deviceZoomScalingFactor 1.0
    [apply] SWT: Display.DPI Point {96, 96}; DPIUtil: autoScalingFactor 1.0 (use-swt true), useCairoAutoScale true
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.swt.TestSWTAccessor03AWTGLn - test
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140704912 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140704912 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 2 ms
    [apply] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
    [apply] Testcase: test took 1.013 sec
     [echo] Testing com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT -- ../build/test/results/TEST-com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT.xml
    [apply] Testsuite: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: tests to run: 6
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140706496 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140706499 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 14 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test01SingleButtonPressAndRelease)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test01SingleButtonPressAndRelease)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test02SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithShift)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test02SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithShift)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test03SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithCtrl)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test03SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithCtrl)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test10HoldOneButtonAndPressAnother)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test10HoldOneButtonAndPressAnother)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test20PressAllButtonsInSequence)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test20PressAllButtonsInSequence)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: startTest(test30SingleButtonClickAndDrag)
    [apply] junit.framework.TestListener: endTest(test30SingleButtonClickAndDrag)
    [apply] setTestSupported: false
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test01SingleButtonPressAndRelease - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test01SingleButtonPressAndRelease
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test02SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithShift - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test02SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithShift
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test03SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithCtrl - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test03SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithCtrl
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test10HoldOneButtonAndPressAnother - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test10HoldOneButtonAndPressAnother
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test20PressAllButtonsInSequence - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test20PressAllButtonsInSequence
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test30SingleButtonClickAndDrag - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test30SingleButtonClickAndDrag
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140708349 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140708350 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 2 ms
    [apply] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 6, Time elapsed: 2.727 sec
    [apply] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.ctor()
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.lock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140706496 ms III - Start
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140706499 ms +++ localhost/ - Locked within 14 ms, 1 attempts
    [apply] setTestSupported: false
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test01SingleButtonPressAndRelease - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test01SingleButtonPressAndRelease
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test02SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithShift - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test02SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithShift
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test03SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithCtrl - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test03SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithCtrl
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test10HoldOneButtonAndPressAnother - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test10HoldOneButtonAndPressAnother
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test20PressAllButtonsInSequence - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test20PressAllButtonsInSequence
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.setUp: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test30SingleButtonClickAndDrag - Test not supported on this platform.
    [apply] ++++ TestCase.tearDown: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.event.TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT - test30SingleButtonClickAndDrag
    [apply] ++++ Test Singleton.unlock()
    [apply] SLOCK [T SingletonServerSocket1-localhost/ @ 1579140708349 ms III - Stopping: alive true, shallQuit true, hasSocket true
    [apply] SLOCK [T main @ 1579140708350 ms --- localhost/ - Unlock ok within 2 ms
    [apply] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
    [apply] Testcase: test01SingleButtonPressAndRelease took 0.013 sec
    [apply] 	SKIPPED: got: <false>, expected: is <true>
    [apply] Testcase: test01SingleButtonPressAndRelease took 0.022 sec
    [apply] Testcase: test02SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithShift took 0.002 sec
    [apply] 	SKIPPED: got: <false>, expected: is <true>
    [apply] Testcase: test02SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithShift took 0.003 sec
    [apply] Testcase: test03SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithCtrl took 0.001 sec
    [apply] 	SKIPPED: got: <false>, expected: is <true>
    [apply] Testcase: test03SingleButtonPressAndReleaseWithCtrl took 0.002 sec
    [apply] Testcase: test10HoldOneButtonAndPressAnother took 0.001 sec
    [apply] 	SKIPPED: got: <false>, expected: is <true>
    [apply] Testcase: test10HoldOneButtonAndPressAnother took 0.002 sec
    [apply] Testcase: test20PressAllButtonsInSequence took 0.001 sec
    [apply] 	SKIPPED: got: <false>, expected: is <true>
    [apply] Testcase: test20PressAllButtonsInSequence took 0.002 sec
    [apply] Testcase: test30SingleButtonClickAndDrag took 0.001 sec
    [apply] 	SKIPPED: got: <false>, expected: is <true>
    [apply] Testcase: test30SingleButtonClickAndDrag took 0.001 sec
     [echo] gluegen.basename: gluegen
     [echo] jogl.basename: jogl

     [echo] ant.version                Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.5 compiled on July 10 2018
     [echo]           11
     [echo] java.version               11.0.5
     [echo] java.home                  /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
     [echo] jvmJava.exe                /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java
     [echo] jvmJava8.exe               ${jvmJava8.exe}

     [echo] javadoc.xarg1              -Xdoclint:none
     [echo] jogamp.jar.codebase        Codebase: *
     [echo] jogamp.version             2.4.0-rc-20200116
     [echo]         2414020
     [echo]          ${}
     [echo] target.user.set            true
     [echo] target.sourcelevel         1.8
     [echo] target.targetlevel         1.8
     [echo] target.releaselevel        ${target.releaselevel}
     [echo] target.rt.jar              /opt-share/jre1.8.0_212/lib/rt.jar
     [echo] javacdebug                 true
     [echo] javacdebuglevel            source,lines
     [echo] javac.memorymax            1024m
     [echo] build.archiveon            true
     [echo]            linux64-AMD58xx-debian7-jogamp-x64-sgothel-002
     [echo] android.api.level          24
     [echo] macosx.sdkroot             ${macosx.sdkroot}

     [echo] gluegen.cpptasks.detect.os.custom: NOP done

     [echo] os.version=4.19.0-6-amd64
     [echo] os.arch=amd64
     [echo] nativejartag.prefix = jogamp/nativetag
     [echo] c.compiler.debug=false
     [echo] c.compiler.use-debug=${c.compiler.use-debug}
     [echo] c.compiler.optimise=none


































     [echo] gluegen.cpptasks.detected.os=true
     [echo] gluegen.cpptasks.detected.os.2=true
     [echo] isCrosscompilation=${isCrosscompilation}
     [echo] isI386=${isI386}
     [echo] isAMD64=true
     [echo] is64Bit=true
     [echo] isAbiEabiGnuArmel=${isAbiEabiGnuArmel}
     [echo] isAbiEabiGnuArmhf=${isAbiEabiGnuArmhf}
     [echo] jvmDataModel32Bit=${jvmDataModel32Bit}
     [echo] jvmDataModel64Bit=${jvmDataModel64Bit}
     [echo] FreeBSD=${isFreeBSD}
     [echo] FreeBSDX86=${isFreeBSDX86}
     [echo] FreeBSDAMD64=${isFreeBSDAMD64}
     [echo] HPUX=${isHPUX}
     [echo] IA64=${isIA64}
     [echo] Android=${isAndroid}
     [echo] AndroidARMv6=${isAndroidARMv6}
     [echo] AndroidARM64=${isAndroidARM64}
     [echo] AndroidARMv6Armel=${isAndroidARMv6Armel}
     [echo] AndroidARMv6Armhf=${isAndroidARMv6Armhf}
     [echo] AndroidX86=${isAndroidX86}
     [echo] Linux=true
     [echo] LinuxAMD64=true
     [echo] LinuxIA64=${isLinuxIA64}
     [echo] LinuxX86=${isLinuxX86}
     [echo] LinuxARMv6=${isLinuxARMv6}
     [echo] LinuxARM64=${isLinuxARM64}
     [echo] LinuxARMv6Armel=${isLinuxARMv6Armel}
     [echo] LinuxARMv6Armhf=${isLinuxARMv6Armhf}
     [echo] LinuxAlpha=${isLinuxAlpha}
     [echo] LinuxHppa=${isLinuxHppa}
     [echo] LinuxMips=${isLinuxMips}
     [echo] LinuxMipsel=${isLinuxMipsel}
     [echo] LinuxPpc=${isLinuxPpc}
     [echo] LinuxPpc64=${isLinuxPpc64}
     [echo] LinuxPpc64le=${isLinuxPpc64le}
     [echo] Linuxs390=${isLinuxs390}
     [echo] Linuxs390x=${isLinuxs390x}
     [echo] LinuxSparc=${isLinuxSparc}
     [echo] OS X=${isOSX}
     [echo] OS X PPC=${use.macosppc}
     [echo] OS X x32=${use.macosx32}
     [echo] OS X x64=${use.macosx64}
     [echo] iOS=${isIOS}
     [echo] iOSAmd64=${isIOSAmd64}
     [echo] iOSArm64=${isIOSArm64}
     [echo] Solaris=${isSolaris}
     [echo] Solaris32Bit=${isSolaris32Bit}
     [echo] Solaris64Bit=${isSolaris64Bit}
     [echo] SolarisSparc=${isSolarisSparc}
     [echo] SolarisSparcv9=${isSolarisSparcv9}
     [echo] SolarisAMD64=${isSolarisAMD64}
     [echo] SolarisX86=${isSolarisX86}
     [echo] Unix=true
     [echo] Windows=${isWindows}
     [echo] X11=true
     [echo] os=Linux
     [echo] os=4.19.0-6-amd64
     [echo] arch=amd64
     [echo] build.dynamiclibs=true
     [echo] build.staticlibs=false
     [echo] output.lib.type=shared



     [move] Moving 1066 files to /home/jogamp/JogAmpSlavex64/workspace/jogl/label/linux-x86_64-amd/build/test/results
     [exec] 7-Zip [64] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21
     [exec] p7zip Version 16.02 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,4 CPUs AMD A8-5545M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics    (610F31),ASM,AES-NI)
     [exec] Scanning the drive:
     [exec] 1 folder, 1354 files, 159735241 bytes (153 MiB)
     [exec] Creating archive: /home/jogamp/JogAmpSlavex64/workspace/jogl/label/linux-x86_64-amd/build/jogl-2.4-b1501-20200116-linux-amd64-test-results-linux64-AMD58xx-debian7-jogamp-x64-sgothel-002.7z
     [exec] Items to compress: 1355
     [exec] Files read from disk: 1353
     [exec] Archive size: 10767504 bytes (11 MiB)
     [exec] Everything is Ok

Total time: 71 minutes 35 seconds
[WARNINGS] Parsing warnings in console log with parser Java Compiler (javac)
No credentials specified
<Git Blamer> Using GitBlamer to create author and commit information for all warnings.
<Git Blamer> GIT_COMMIT=78609202731252f0024e6330cc94c52b05c1d146, workspace=/home/jogamp/JogAmpSlavex64/workspace/jogl/label/linux-x86_64-amd
[WARNINGS] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #1500
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results
Build step 'Publish JUnit test result report' changed build result to UNSTABLE
[CopyArchiverPublisher] Copying archived artifacts in the shared directory '/srv/www/'.
[CopyArchiverPublisher] '3' artifacts have been copied.
[CopyArchiverPublisher] Stop copying archived artifacts in the shared directory.
No mail will be sent out, as 'jogl » linux-x86_64-amd #1501' does not have a result yet. Please make sure you set a proper result in case of pipeline/build scripts.
Notifying upstream projects of job completion
No emails were triggered.
Finished: UNSTABLE