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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.
Started 1 yr 7 mo ago
Took 36 min on linux64-AMD58xx-debian7-jogamp-x64-sgothel-002

#1508 (Jan 21, 2023, 2:35:21 AM)

  1. Update (details / cgit)
  2. Add new class location of SWT's gtk_widget_get_window (details / cgit)
  3. MacOS: Prepare build + test on aarch64 w/o ffmpeg and SWT (details / cgit)
  4. MacOS: MacOSXCGLContext: Simplify version flags, remove Tiger, add Mojave. (details / cgit)
  5. MacOS: MacOSXCGLContext.NSOpenGLImpl.release(): Don't wait for releasing context view on MacOS >= 10.14 (deadlock) (details / cgit)
  6. MacOS: MacOSXCGLContext.drawableUpdatedNotify(): Issue updateContext() on main thread, deferred w/o wait (MacOS >= 13) (details / cgit)
  7. MacOS: NEWT: Remove keySymbol mapping using 'HIToolbox' TSMGetInputSourceProperty(), crashing on MacOS >= 13 (details / cgit)
  8. Eclipse: Update settings (details / cgit)
  9. Replace AccessController.doPrivileged() w/ SecurityUtil.doPrivileged() (details / cgit)
  10. Replace AccessController.doPrivileged() w/ SecurityUtil.doPrivileged() - via GLEmitter (details / cgit)
  11. Moved GlueGen's PlatformPropsImpl's static OSXVersion to GLContextImpl.MacOSVersion (details / cgit)
  12. JAWTUtil: Cleanup MacOS JVM and OS version flags: Private and store comparison result (details / cgit)
  13. build script: Add comment setting JDK-11, since default build is JDK-17 for Java-1.8 API. (details / cgit)
  14. Build scripts: MacOS + Windows: Use JDK-17 to build our Java-1.8 API (details / cgit)
  15. HowToBuild: adoptopenjdk -> adoptium, openjdk-11 -> openjdk-17; MacOS: min SDK version >= 11.0, description to produce fat OpenJDK libraries for x86_64 and aarch64 (details / cgit)
  16. Fix GLProfile GL2 Mapping: Only use GL3bc is available, add additional GLContext.isGL3bcAvailable() check (details / cgit)
  17. Bump make/lib/swt to SWT 4.26 (details / cgit)
  18. X11GLXContext.getPlatformExtensionsStringImpl(): Add comment from pull request regarding GLX extensions (details / cgit)
  19. SWT 4.26: Add cocoa-maxosx-aarch64 blob w/o src; Add scripts/ (details / cgit)
  20. Bump gitignore (details / cgit)
  21. SWTAccessor: Adopt to SWT 4.26 (details / cgit)
  22. NewtCanvasSWT: Remove certain DEBUG output causing an exception (details / cgit)
  23. TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn: Only dispose canvas1 at end of test, if not yet disposed (manual test case) (details / cgit)
  24. SWT tests on MacOS (w/o AWT) require '-XstartOnFirstThread' JVM argument, else they crash. (details / cgit)
  25. SWT+AWT: Ensure SWTAccessor gets called before AWT initialization on GTK/X11 to avoid "cannot register existing type 'GdkDisplayManager'" and subsequent SIGSEGV (details / cgit)
  26. SWTTestUtil: Add WaitAction2, using the EDTUtil to dispatch the display.readAndDispatch() wait action (experimental) (details / cgit)
  27. Build: Add swt.jar definition for MacOS aarch64 (details / cgit)
  28. Update test scripts: Use Java17 module jvm args: --add-opens java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.desktop/sun.java2d=ALL-UNNAMED (details / cgit)
  29. JAR: Add Jar module parameter 'Add-Opens: java.desktop/sun.awt java.desktop/sun.java2d', preparation for potential future Java17+ Jar Module (details / cgit)
  30. Bump oculusvs-sdk, fixed warning (details / cgit)
  31. Realign HowToBuild w/ GlueGen (Debian 11, Windows) (details / cgit)
  32. MacOS build-oculusvr: Add arm64 (details / cgit)
  33. build-test: Add jvmarg.modules for jvm [11..17) and jvm>=17 (details / cgit)
  34. Test*NewtEventModifiers*: Ensure SWT is initialized before AWT (details / cgit)
  35. NewtCanvasSWT: Drop all newtChild.getDelegatedWindow() debug output due to: null com.jogamp.newt.swt.NewtCanvasSWT.access$200(com.jogamp.newt.swt.NewtCanvasSWT) (details / cgit)
  36. JAWTWindow: Remove java.applet.Applet detection .. it's gone :-( (details / cgit)
  37. JAWTWindow: Constrain AppContextInfo creation where offscreen layer is supported (MacOS only) (details / cgit)
  38. Disable oculusvr-sdk for MacOS aarch64, fails to build (details / cgit)
  39. MacOSXCGLContext: Avoid data race on lastSetNSViewCmd, use local copy like in madeCurrent (details / cgit)
  40. MacOSXCGLDrawableFactory.canCreateGLPbuffer(): Disabled for MacOS >= 12, here > 10.14.0 (Mojave) (details / cgit)
  41. Test: MacOS: Disable automatic tests (TBD, WIP) (details / cgit)
  42. Test: Linux: Disable automatic tests (TBD, WIP) (details / cgit)
  43. Use unique output to validate one class version used (52 for Java8) (details / cgit)
  44. Don't import conditional platform specific 'static' code but fully qualify names when in use, make Android d8 (Dex'ing) happy (details / cgit)
  45. Isolate SWT from core nativewindow; Android apk shall only include core nativewindow and the android specific jogl parts (make d8 'dex'ing' happy) (details / cgit)

Started by upstream project jogl build number 1508
originally caused by:

Revision: 1645b44851550989736b1ec93af46d5892ec56e1
Repository: git://
  • origin/master
Test Result (no failures)