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#1533 (Aug 18, 2023, 2:56:34 PM)

  1. Add make/scripts/ for a quick bringup-test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. README: Fix JOGL inception, pre Sun launch and later acquired by Sun. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. README: Fix links — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1310: Detect missing glViewport(..) on Windows before GLEventListener.reshape(..) when re-adding GLJPanel — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1310: Reset GLJPanel states @ dispose(..) and always reshapeImpl(..) @ addNotify(), leading to proper initialization sequence when re-adding panel. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1532 (Aug 13, 2023, 6:18:43 AM)

  1. WWW: Replace Gephi icon w/ a more friendly JogAmp website matching preview one (white background, showing a graph) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Animator*: Add ctor variants passing modeBits directly, i.e. enable/disable AWT rendering thread support. Adopt it in tests and demos — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Demos: Add main() to GearsES2, .. allowing to be used for simple bringup tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GraphUIDemoArgs: Add GL4 core — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Texture ctor w/ external textureID: Pass `ownsTextureID` where true hands over ownership and allows destroy() to delete it, otherwise not. Fixes GraphUI's GLButton. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. make/scripts/ Add Basic demos if jogl-demos.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Minor cleanup of imports, etc: FBObject, GLContext*, Texture, .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. UISceneDemo20: Fix info/debug text title GPUUISceneGLListener0A -> UISceneDemo20 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. GraphUIDemoArgs: Issue GLProfile.initSingleton() once in static init block, ensuring JOGL is completely initialized — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Demos: ..demos.graph.ui.util.GraphUIDemoArgs -> ..demos.util.CommandlineOptions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. MacOS test scripts: Enable FFmpeg6 from Homebrew — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1531 (Aug 12, 2023, 5:15:52 PM)

  1. Enable GitHub sponsor button — noreply / cgit
  2. Add support for riscv64 architecture — schwab / cgit
  3. Use DPI scaling to scale drawn fonts. — gbburkhardt / cgit
  4. Add support for Linux/ppc64le architecture — tgc / cgit
  5. Add swt 4.26 for gtk-linux-ppc64le — tgc / cgit
  6. Adding JogAmp History & Milestones, ... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Shorten gl4java section — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Adopt to GlueGen commit 952e0c1f83c9e0583a97d39988a6ba1428911c8c — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Adopt to GlueGen Struct API Change get/set array arguments — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. NativeSignatureJavaMethodBindingEmitter: Adopt to GlueGen changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. JogAmp History & Milestones: Added Java3D + Ardor3D, added GlueGen JavaCallback (grouped) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Add {GL, GLContext}.getDefaultDrawBuffer() to complement getDefaultReadBuffer() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. README: Add Harvey to contributors (missed him, sorry) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Graph: Minor cleanup: TextRegionUtil: Fix API doc references; RegionRenderer.enable(..) merge '!enable' branch, fix API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. GraphUI: Add Shape.getSurfacePort(..): Similar to getSurfaceSize(..) but returns the whole Recti viewport of the shape — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. GLStateTracker: Encapsulate PixelStateMap for PixelStorei states (prepare for tracking of blending states) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. GLStateTracker: Add tracking of blending states (part-1) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Add Graph/GraphUI UISceneDemoU01a, showcase integration and multiple projection settings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Graph GLRegion.create(..): Expose variant with custom pass2TexUnit for VBAA (default texture unit is 0) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Graph RenderState: Initialize colorStatic w/ alpha=1 to avoid invisible rendering if no static color has been set — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Graph RegionRendered.init(..): Disable renderer (and shader programs etc) to avoid side-effects. Usually called @ GLEventListener.init(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Graph Add {GLRegion, GraphShape}.setTextureUnit(int): Allowing to set texture unit after ctor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. UISceneDemoU01a: Destory textRegion @ dispose — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Update tests script .. (consolidate GraphUI demo lines) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. Graph: Simplify RegionRenderer API by exposing common RenderState methods (and fwd 'em to RenderState aggregate) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Graph RegionRenderer.destroy(): Detach RenderState from GL instance — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Graph RenderState: Initialize colorStatic w/ all white (1,1,1,1) if color-channel is used and no static-color set — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. Graph TextRegionUtil.drawString3D(..): Redefine 'rgbaColor' semantics: Either fill color-channel with value if used and set static-color to white - or just set static color channel with value. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Graph / GraphUI Demos: Don't use the color-channel if not required (mixing colors within one region) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Bug 1441 - Fix ARB_multi_draw_indirect: Belongs to GL4, glMultiDrawElementsIndirect shall only have VBO indirect access — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. Bug 1441, 852: Annotate ARB_draw_indirect dual sourcing, remove redundant manual declarations — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. Update, index.html (Graph/GraphUI, references) and add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. README/index: Fix link to OpenGL_API_Divergence.html — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Test Bug1310: Remove and re-add a GLJPanel from its Swing parent (working) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. README/index: 'Graph UI' -> GraphUI — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. scripts/ Add TestGLJPanelReadd01Bug1310AWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. Untangle joal from build requirements as introduced via new jogl-demos — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. README: Add Mathieu Féry, who enhanced GlueGen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. Bug 1450: Remove nativewindow's drm-gbm GlueGen config's manual constant definitions, now properly passed from GlueGen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. GLMediaPlayer: Show more reasonable DEBUG output in factory; Impl initGL(GL) shall handle null streamWorker, i.e. when using NullGLMediaPlayer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. Graph TextRegionUtil.drawString3D(..): Allow null `rgbaColor` w/o color-channel again, was enforced to be set in commit bb6ee81bc5514663bb7b22224fcdd5ba34a51ac6 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. FontViewListener01/TestTextRendererNEWT21: Use 30 pixelPerCell (total w/ gap) for test case to compare pixel-by-pixel — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. Add GraphUI to javadoc source path — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. Fix typo of commit d8e086e0321ef1021f4a7810d7bfd2306c4ac725: jogl{s->}-demo{->s}-android — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1529 (May 23, 2023, 2:45:11 AM)

  1. *MediaPlayer: Adop to JOAL 39a32fd56de313c31bd197ee6022288e97f9729a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. make/build-test.xml: Add JOAL to classpath — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLMediaPlayer: Add setAudioChannelLimit(..), correlating with AudioSink.setChannelLimit() .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GraphUI MediaButton: Expose AudioSink — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. GraphUI Scene: Drop redundant and wrong setupMatrix(pmv) for forOne(..) and forAll(..), should be setup before call by user — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. GraphUI Shape: Add one-shot init callback, will be called after each draw(..) until it returns true. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. GraphUI UISceneDemo20: Add OpenAL spatial 3D sound features: Add SimpleSineSynth Button and have MediaButton to produce mono-only for 3D sound — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1527 (May 20, 2023, 2:45:52 PM)

  1. Relocate 'jar/atomic/jogl-fonts-p0.jar' -> 'jar/jogl-fonts-p0.jar' to simplify inclusion in distribution; UbuntuFontLoader's Uri is patched accordingly. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1526 (May 20, 2023, 8:17:00 AM)

  1. Common av classes (*AudioSink, ..) are promoted to gluegen (commit 270172bcbd91f96d4a38a3d73e23d744f57a25b8) and joal (commit 03f4bb63ce8a358b1c2ef303480e1887d72ecb2e) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. make/scripts/ Adjust D_ARGS for AudioSink (moved to gluegen/joal); Validated GLMediaPlayer ... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: AudioFormat is now a stand-alone class (gluegen 2b339721a4d6dd4f3af129a4654375b15c7ea340) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. MovieCube: Restart @ EOS — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Adjust to AudioFormat changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. build.xml: Preserve, copy filtered README-zip-bundles.txt to archive w/ same name — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1525 (May 15, 2023, 7:25:51 AM)

  1. GLMediaPlayer: Replace GLMediaEventListener.EVENT_CHANGE_* 'int event_mask' with EventMask.Bit/EventMask — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix GLMediaPlayerImpl.initGL(GL): Allow null==gl and audio-only mode (regression to initial implementation) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. HiDPI: TestGearsES2NEWT: Show MonitorDevice properties, validating pixelScale — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. HiDPI: NEWT/MacOS: WindowDriver.sizeScreenPosInsetsChanged() is called w/ client-area in windowUnits (*fix regression*) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. HiDPI AWT/NEWT: Propagate AWT enforced pixelScale via setSurfaceScale() blocking native change by monitor-pixelScale (Windows, X11) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. SurfaceScaleUtils: Remove unused isZero(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. HiDPI: Revert WindowImpl.applySoftPixelScale()'s if( DEBUG...) { ..; dumpStack(); } — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. HiDPI: Complete testing on Windows (AWT, NEWT, AWT+NEWT): AWT pixel scale propagated properly to our AWT GLCanvas and NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Fix MovieSimpleActivity1: Adjust to GLMediaPlayer API change (commit 9a7b9768e2e018a33ca44a170f372fee84c26a27) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. HiDPI: Revise AWT GLCanvas/GLJPanel ScalableSurface: No setSurfaceScale(), have AWT toolkit define pixelScale only (simplification) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1523 (May 8, 2023, 4:22:38 PM)

  1. JOGL File Layout: Have * inside jar folder, add missing jar/ — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1522 (May 7, 2023, 4:32:36 AM)

  1. Graph: Move jogamp.graph.plane to public com.jogamp.graph.plane — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Graph: Complete move jogamp.graph.plane to public com.jogamp.graph.plane — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Graph; Path2D[Iterator]: Add 'fast path' access to points array reference and index etc, used to avoid arraycopy (efficancy) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Graph: OutlineShape: Make class final, getOutlineNumber() -> getOutlineCount() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Graph: Path2D: Remove redundant accessors, comment on append(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Graph: TypecastRenderer: Simplify addShape*(), use OutlineShape's vertexFactory instance — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Graph: TestTextRendererNEWT00: Alin w/ other tests, add DEPTH_TEST and allow custom window size — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Graph: TestTextRendererNEWT01: No VBAA sample-count on MSAA test, fixed window size 1024x640 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Graph: Fix Region/Text Renderer: Add RegionRenderer enable/disable for blending stubs in display (Mesa3D results are otherwise broken) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Graph: OutlineShape: Add positional addVertex() variants for component based addVertex methods — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Graph: Path2D -> self-contained Path2D (w/ Iterator) fixed; OutlineShape: Add Path2F addPath(..), emphasize required Winding.CW — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Graph: TypecastRenderer: Add comment about TTF Glyph's having Winding.CW — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Typecast: Kerning: Use 'int' to cover 'uint16' values; Detail KernSubtable and hold a KernSubtableFormat0 ref in KernTable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Typecast: HeadTable: Use 'int' to hold 'uint16' unitsPerEM value — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Typecast: OTGlyph: Maintain the glyphID, add toString() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Typecase: OTFont: Provide KernTable accessor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Font/Graph, {Font, Glyph}/Typecast: Add kerning and expose values in original font-units (FU) to have them scaled later ( fu * pixelScale / unitsPerEM ) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Update included Typecast library to 2019-09-15 commit 0d55ac0eb4a39a7f8f2a796c7eebd3ea778ba9a7 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Typecast: *Font*: Use constructor instead for static read(). TTFont: Add ctor for File and InputStream — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. GlyfCompositeDescript: Remove useless try { } in ctor; Remove redundant variable in range-based for-loops — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Typecast: KernSubtable: Remove getKerningTable(..), will be implemented in higher API layer w/ binary-search — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Typecast: KernSubtableFormat2: Use package-protection — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Typecast: Table: Use package-protected static final const, remove notAvailable String — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Typecast: Mark current status w/ our branch of upstream, jogl_patches, commit 90c4a8348cbe182bf3f0bcc55fd015f19ed0686f — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. Graph font/typecast: Adopt to our Typecast updates (see below); Fix kerning; Use TestTextRendererNEWT01 to produce validation snaps — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Graph Type Rendering: Drop pixelSize and use font em-size [0..1] throughout system. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Add GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION to getDbgSeverityString() — David.42.Hall / cgit
  28. Graph OutlineShape: Path2F alike sub-path ctor: Add z coordinate for custom plane. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Graph Font: getGlyph(char symbol -> int glyph_id), add kerning to getPointsBoundsFU(); Glyph: Drop getSymbol() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Graph RegionRenderer: Expose int[4] viewport for convenience — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. Graph TextRegionUtil: Move ShapeVisitor to OutlineShape.Visitor and processString(..) to Font, cleaning up .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. Graph: RegionRenderer: Offer borrowing current viewport w/o copy — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. Graph: TextRegionUtil: Make addStringToRegion(..) versatile/usable w/ optional AffineTransform (see Label0) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Graph: Merge UIListener01 + UINewtDemo01 -> UIShapeDemo01 to have simple test cases — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. Typecast: Assign _glyphIndex w/ ctor argument (+ code cleanup) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. Typecast: Glyph: getGlyphIndex() -> getID() to simplify name — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. Graph: TypecastRenderer: Fix point-loop (no reduced 'count - 1', no break on endOfContour), remove redundant branch B3, add Type-2 and add code dump for testing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. Graph UI: Move methods SceneUIController to UIShape public providing win<->obj coord transformation, enhance documentation a little, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. Graph Unit Tests: General cleanup, adding UITypeDemo01 w/ TestObject* to determine CurveRenderer issues — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. Graph Font: Enhance API doc (source of values), better get*Bounds() names, dropping redundant getMetricWidth*(); Fix getMetricBoundsFU() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. Graph: Fix Loop.initFromPolyline()'s Winding determination, document Winding rules for OutlineShape and add get/setWinding in Outline — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. TestTextRendererNEWT01: Drop unused import — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. Graph: Outline: Remove minor redundancy — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. Graph Demos: Formatting .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. Graph GPUUISceneGLListener0A: Prep for reshape_resize, notch up relative sizes a little — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. Graph RoundButton: setDimension -> setSize — Sven Gothel / cgit
  47. Graph UI: Fix UIShape's PMVMatrix handling of getSurfaceSize, objToWinCoord and winToObjCoord (expect all set, no doubling); GLEventListenerButton: Resize FBO to screen-size for proper 1:1 quality — Sven Gothel / cgit
  48. Graph Overflow Bug: Reorder TestTextRendererNEWT* tests from simple to complex example code, ascending — Sven Gothel / cgit
  49. Rename VectorUtil.ccw(..) -> isCCW(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  50. Graph Font.Metrics: Use unchanges sign of (+) ascent, (-) descent and (+) lineGap, document them properly and fix Font.getLineHeightFU() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  51. Graph Font: Add 'name' to Glyph; Drop erroneous Glyph ID_SPACE, ID_CR manual mapping, rely on no-shape for 'space' non-contour. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  52. Graph Font: Simplify CmapFormat selection (cmap symbol -> glyph-idx), just use Unicode and if not available use a symbol font — Sven Gothel / cgit
  53. Graph Font: Add more DEBUG info .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  54. Graph Font.Glyph: Cleanup: Remove Font and getScale() from interface (redundant), add getLeftSideBearings*() from htmx table; Flatten TypecastGlyph impl by merging its Metrics, add equal() complementing hashCode() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  55. Graph TypecastFont: Add hashCode() and equals(), feed TypecastGlyph w/ LeftSideBearings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  56. Graph TextRegionUtil: Fix HashMap (font,text)->GLRegion: Preserve key data (fontName, text) for equals — Sven Gothel / cgit
  57. Graph: Update demos .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  58. Graph UI: Update demos, move pure demo code from demos/ui -> demos, rename test-shapes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  59. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Replace old FFmpeg header w/ FFmpeg version 4.3, 5.1 and 6.0 (major version counts for binary compatibility) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  60. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add implementation update for FFmpeg version 4.* (Debian 11), 5.* (Debian 12) and 6.* (Current Development trunk) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  61. Eclipse: Add CDT nature to edit C/C++ files — Sven Gothel / cgit
  62. Graph Font: Fix TypecastRenderer TTF corner-case: Prefer initial segment's moveTo (start) to be onCurve — Sven Gothel / cgit
  63. GLArrayData*: Shorten methods (*API Change*), use proper constructor and finalize immutables, add growthFactor (default golden ratio 1.618), add getCapacity*() and printStats(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  64. GLArrayData*: Expose reserve() for total elementCount and growIfNeeded() for additional components ... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  65. Graph Region: Address overflow issue using GL2ES3 integer indices (WIP...); Ease GLArrayData* buffer growth. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  66. Graph Region: Fix printBufferStats(..) override — Sven Gothel / cgit
  67. Movie* Demos: Add screenshots w/ 'S' key; Cleanup screenshot filename creation in other demos. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  68. Windows test scripts: Inject FFmpeg 5.1.2 and Mesa3D (disabled C:\Windows\System32\opengl32.dll) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  69. FFmpeg: Fix using 'av_channel_layout_uninit', use own loaded linked 'sp_av_channel_layout_uninit' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  70. JOGL Homepage: Rearrange, add MeteoInfo and Sweet Home 3D — Sven Gothel / cgit
  71. Reformat README.txt ->, add list of work items and call for sponsorship. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  72. GLProfile.isValidArrayDataType() add missing accepted types for ES3/GL3+ but dropping its usage (GLArrayDataWrapper validation) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  73. Drop redundant NativeWindowFactory.getDefaultToolkitLock(type, deviceHandle) variant — Sven Gothel / cgit
  74. GLMediaPlayerImpl: destroyImpl(..) @ initGL(..) exception: Don't wait for streamWorker stop result (-> deadlock) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  75. GLProfile::initProfilesForDeviceCritical(): initLock.addOwner(t) only if t is not orig-owner — Sven Gothel / cgit
  76. EGLGraphicsDevice: Cleanup and enhance API doc for clarity ... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  77. GLDrawableFactoryImpl:createDummySurfaceImpl() and createSurfacelessImpl(): Pass orig AbstractGraphicsDevice to allow EGLDrawableFactory to use the original device's native-dislay-ID for sharing resources. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  78. GLDrawableFactoryImpl:createMutableSurfaceImpl(..): Pass orig AbstractGraphicsDevice to allow EGLDrawableFactory to use the original device's native-dislay-ID for sharing resources. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  79. GLDrawableFactoryImpl:createDummyDrawable(): Similar to createOffscreenDrawable() prefer createSurfacelessImpl() over createDummySurfaceImpl() to reduce resources (no actual window) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  80. make/scripts/ Update for my personal unit-test runs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  81. GLDrawableFactory: Fix typos and mention 'surfaceless' in createDummyDrawable(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  82. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Cleanup API doc FFmpeg versions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  83. NEWT Screen: Allow injection of global (single) monitor size in [mm] via and property — Sven Gothel / cgit
  84. GLArrayData[Editable,Client]: Add put[34][bsif](..) and array put[bsif](..) variants for flexibility/performance — Sven Gothel / cgit
  85. GLArrayDataClient: Minor toString() and DEBUG output fixes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  86. GLArrayDataEditable: Clarify API doc on clear*(..) and rewind() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  87. GLArrayData*: Minor edits: API doc, space and year-range — Sven Gothel / cgit
  88. GLArrayData: year-range — Sven Gothel / cgit
  89. scripts/ add testmobile launch w/ JOGAMP_MOBILE_CLASSPATH — Sven Gothel / cgit
  90. Graph: Region: Add perf counter (w/ API); Utilize put[34][sif](..); Fix indices growBufferSize(); Add GLRegion.create(..) w/ initial vertices/indices count; Up default[VI]Count; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  91. Graph: Font: Add perf counter (w/ API) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  92. TestTextRendererNEWT00: Add '-perf' mode using new perf counter, testing on PC and raspi-aarch64 .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  93. NEWT DRM EGL/GBM: WindowDriver: Don't issue glFinish() here, as eglSwapBuffers(..) already performs this task (TODO: More Tests!) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  94. Graph: Use PerfCounterCtrl interface and Instant/Duration & Clock.getMonotonicTime() ... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  95. Adapt to GlueGen dropping Platform.currentTimeMicros(), use Platform.currentTimeMillis() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  96. Fix for AWT GLCcanvas DPI scaling.  Forum thread — gbburkhardt / cgit
  97. Graph Perf Counter: Use GlueGen's Clock.currentNanos() to ease on performance-hit measuring performance. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  98. Clock: Use Clock.currentNanos() instead of System.nanoTime(); Enhancing FPSCounterImpl accuracy by maintaining timestamps in [ns] — Sven Gothel / cgit
  99. Graph Perf Test: {Test->Perf}TextRendererNEWT00: Drop junit, ... (WIP) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  100. Graph: Bring back passing through temp AffineTransform instances (optional, but recommended) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  101. GLArrayData: Promote sealed() from GLArrayDataEditable, to correctly being used for getElemCount() instead of 0==position, ... (API change) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  102. Graph Perf: Region*: Rely on growBuffer(..) per addOutlineShape() and known buffer data-type to directly put[34][sif](..) skipping GLArrayDataClient/Buffers buffer-growth and validations — Sven Gothel / cgit
  103. Graph Perf: Region: split addOutlineShape() -> addOutlineShape0() (fast) and addOutlineShape1() (slow perf+debug), rename growBufferSize() -> growBuffer() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  104. Graph Perf: Region*: Add setBufferCapacity(..) and cut-off growBuffer() early if not needed (track capacity); Align all VBORegion* buffer init/set/grow impl. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  105. Graph Perf: OutlineShape: Uncomment all debug code to keep it smaller — Sven Gothel / cgit
  106. Graph Perf: Font*: Remove PerfCounterCtrl since the Region counter is more than enough — Sven Gothel / cgit
  107. Graph Perf: Add Region.countOutlineShape(), Font.processString(Visitor2,..), TextRegionUtil.countStringRegion() allowing to use Region.setBufferCapacity() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  108. Graph: Region: Enhance API doc, fix typo .. (brace close left open during selected commits) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  109. scripts/ Refine uncommented section about 'Flight Recorder' setup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  110. GLArrayData: Fix API doc typo in sealed() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  111. Graph Perf Update: 1296 chars to Region per Frame: RaspiPi4 10.25ms (Region) + 3.4ms (draw), PC 2.97ms (Region) + 0.36ms (draw) (GOOD) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  112. Graph Perf: PerfTextRendererNEWT00 Disable VSync per default (duh!) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  113. Graph Demos: Add 'JOGL line' and tweak PerfTextRendererNEWT00 a little to fit on small displays — Sven Gothel / cgit
  114. PerfTextRendererNEWT00: Scale font to match screen witdh after producing the region, i.e. have a proper resolution independent layout. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  115. [GL]Capabilities*: Enhance identity-check in root Capabilities.equals(..), comparing the VisualID first; Added VisualIDHolder.isVisualIDSupported(VIDType) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  116. Graph GPUUISceneNewtDemo: Filter out all FSAA (multisample) caps if undesired (Graph VBAA + MSAA); Add NonFSAAGLCapabilitiesChooser — Sven Gothel / cgit
  117. Graph: Font: Add equals() + hash() API doc; GraphUI's Label*.setText(): Only modify values if text and/or font differs, skipping markShapeDirty() saves performance. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  118. Apply NonFSAAGLCapabilitiesChooser in NEWTGLContext (tests only). TODO: Consider applying it in default chooser? — Sven Gothel / cgit
  119. Add raspi4b test script w/ set screen-size — Sven Gothel / cgit
  120. TestTextRendererNEWT20: Cover Graph-VBAA, Graph-MSAA, FSAA, NONE .. (have proper filenames for screenshots) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  121. Rename NonFSAAGLCapabilitiesChooser -> NonFSAAGLCapsChooser (too long) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  122. Misc: Add MonitorDevice.perMMToPerInch(..); Drop unused RegionRenderer.init(..) renderModes argument — Sven Gothel / cgit
  123. Adopt to RegionRenderer.init(..) dropped unused renderModes argument — Sven Gothel / cgit
  124. GraphUI: Revision: Simplify resource handling via SceneUIController, add general functionality in UIShape (drag, ..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  125. GraphUI: Promote API to JOGL via graphui.jar or within any jogl-all*.jar (WIP) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  126. GraphUI: Add package.html (dummy) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  127. Cleanup Demos: Move demos to jogl-demos.jar (here Graph + AudioVideo), ready for easy deployment and test w/ junit/ant — Sven Gothel / cgit
  128. GraphUI: Shape: Add build-in resize w/ 1-pointer-click and drag in 1/4th bottom-left or bottom-right corner. Rename translate -> position. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  129. Demos: Remove unused fonts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  130. Demos: FontSetDemos: Remove remove fonts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  131. Move png assets (NEWT icons + GLMediaPlayer dummy/test) to simple classpath, allowing access w/o jars. TODO: Test Android. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  132. build-test.xml: Add src.demos to determine to skip build or not — Sven Gothel / cgit
  133. GLMediaPlayer: Overhaul and simplify states, allow usage before stream ready showing test-texture. Adding stop(); (API Change) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  134. Graph: Add GLRegion creation w/ pre-calculating its buffer sizes; TextRegionUtil: Use pre-calc'ing buffer sizes for GLRegion; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  135. GraphUI: Use pre-calc'ing buffer sizes for Label shape — Sven Gothel / cgit
  136. GraphUI: Cleanup 1-pointer zoom, add generic PinchToZoom-Gesture for 2-pointer zoom; Scene: Align method names.. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  137. GLMediaPlayerImpl: isTextureAvailable() is always true after lastFrame init; Use private isPausedOrPlaying() to determine shaderCodeHash — Sven Gothel / cgit
  138. GraphUI: MediaButton: Adapt GLMediaPlayer changes: Ready right away and reset on Init: GLMediaPlayer.initGL() + recreate GLRegion — Sven Gothel / cgit
  139. GLRegion + RegionRenderer: Add clearShader(..) to delete all ShaderPrograms and is references. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  140. TextureSequence (API Change): Use setTextureLookupFunctionName(..) explicitly to set the name upfront, clarifying workflow. Impl: ImageSequence + GLMediaPlayerImpl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  141. build: Disable oculusvr by default, allow manual enable via property 'oculusvr.enabled' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  142. make/scripts/ Add JOAL_LIB_DIR to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (used if not testing using jars but classpath) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  143. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: More detailed DEBUG messages on audioSink — Sven Gothel / cgit
  144. GLMediaPlayerImpl: Zero textureFragmentShaderHashCode and default lookupFunction on Uninitialized state — Sven Gothel / cgit
  145. GLMediaPlayerImpl: Only kick-off StreamWorker at initGL(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  146. AABBox: Add API doc comment on reset() and hence default ctor regarding infinite dimension — Sven Gothel / cgit
  147. Graph: Region: Add API doc on markStateDirty() and markShapeDirty() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  148. Graph: RegionRenderer: Adopt to TextureSequence API Change: Use setTextureLookupFunctionName(..) before using hash and/or code. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  149. GraphUI: Scene: Add simplified ctor w/ user defined zNear, zFar and sceneDistance; Expose the scene-plane AABBox and add surfaceToObjSize() to compute surface-size in object coords. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  150. GraphUI: GLButton: Don't pass FBO size @ ctor, calculate true view-size @ 1st draw — Sven Gothel / cgit
  151. GraphUI: Button: Allow user to configure 2-pass label z-offset — Sven Gothel / cgit
  152. GraphUI: UIShapeDemo01.reshape(): Drop redundant glViewport(..) call — Sven Gothel / cgit
  153. GraphUI: MediaButton: No need to re-create GLRegion (anymore), just markShapeDirty() to force reupload of texture-coordinates; Also don't mute audio, user shall configure the GLMediaPlayer... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  154. GraphUI: Label: Rename pixelSize -> pixelScale, since we are view-based or in model-space. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  155. GPUUISceneGLListener0A: Simplify according to Scene class changes (view-based in model-space), have Scene manage resources in full. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  156. GraphUI: Add a most simple Scene demo with one Shape. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  157. Graph: Have RegionRenderer.reshapeNotify(..) track x/y as well (vieport); GraphUI.Scene using RegionRenderer's viewport (no duplicate) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  158. GraphUI: Rename UISceneDemo00 -> UISceneDemo01 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  159. GLMediaPlayer usage: Fix verbose strings, disable verbose in GraphUI demos — Sven Gothel / cgit
  160. GraphUI: Complete rename of UISceneDemo01 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  161. GraphUI: Scene/Shape: Decouple PMVMatrix operations (picking, obj<->win) by using a local instance, enable performing on any thread (not using a blocking GL renderer thread) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  162. Demos: Minor cleanups; MovieSimple: Remove unused variables etc .. left over from transition to use TextureSequenceES2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  163. Fix ShaderProgram ownership bug, introduced in commit 67a723477ecd818fbc5859fe20ee536a3b4efae5 (reverting and clarifying) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  164. opengl/util/glsl/Shader*: Mark classes and fields final, rename dump{Shader->}Source(), refine string output. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  165. ShaderProgram field programLinked: Set to false @ release()/destroy(), On useProgram() only throw exception if 'on==true' is requested (disabling after delettion is OK) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  166. Graph: Make RenderState a composition of RegionRenderer, which also creates and destroys it. Dropping this also from user (complexity). — Sven Gothel / cgit
  167. API doc cleanup, add + refine math tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  168. NEWT MouseEvent.getEventTypeString(): Shorten by removing leading 'EVENT_MOUSE_' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  169. Fix MovieSimple regression of commit 00dbacc5af3531af50e77a02d534dc11e08de10f, 913b00f8b876e29af91677ef61b3eb35d6853e6e — Sven Gothel / cgit
  170. Graph: Add RenderState API doc; RegionRenderer: Remove unused shell method, left over from f8584748e33aab56780eca5cf7009a5a0d11991d — Sven Gothel / cgit
  171. Graph : Misc API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  172. Graph: GLRegion: Pass curRenderModes to updateImpl() + drawImpl(), prepare switch by sampleCount; Don't use any resource not requested by curRenderModes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  173. Graph: GLRegion.draw(): Mod curRenderModes by sampleCount { 0 = no-sampling, -1 = glSelect } (Experimental not working fully) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  174. Graph: Add RegionRenderer.enable(..) variant w/ passing enable + disable GLCallback — Sven Gothel / cgit
  175. Graph: Scene: Add experimental pickShapeGL(..), i.e. glSelect (Not working correctly with all renderModes yet, inactive; Not good on text) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  176. Graph Scene: Customize clearColor + clearMask used @ display(..), i.e. either use custom setting or avoid it at all for seamless client renderer integration — Sven Gothel / cgit
  177. Graph Shape: Mark methods final and enhance API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  178. Graph Shape: Add missing drawGLSelect(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  179. Graph Scene: RegionRenderer is owned and never null — Sven Gothel / cgit
  180. Add Scene.PMVMatrixSetup for programmable PMVMatrix setup in Scene replacing fixed projection params; Simplify API requirements .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  181. Graph Shape: Add onMove(Shape.Listener), allowing user to track Shape movement — Sven Gothel / cgit
  182. Graph UI Shape: Fix setTransform(): Take back unscaled-center 1st, then add back later (scaled); TODO: Add alignment features — Sven Gothel / cgit
  183. Graph UI Shape: Fix move and resize via 1-pointer mouse drag: Need to apply scale on drag-delta, operating on scaled-model-viewpoint — Sven Gothel / cgit
  184. Graph UI: Adopt Shape implementations to Shape API changes (simplification) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  185. Graph UI: Apply API changes to demos *WIP* (not all working yet, but compile clean) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  186. Graph UI Shape: Remove debug println @ mouse drag release — Sven Gothel / cgit
  187. GraphUI UISceneDemo01: Res independent Shape, in Scene attached to GLWindow showing simple linear Shape movement w/ listener attached — Sven Gothel / cgit
  188. GraphUI UISceneDemo01: Fix disposal, use windowDestroyed() WindowListener to stop animator — Sven Gothel / cgit
  189. GraphUI Shape win<->obj/shape mapping: Return actual int[] or float[] result or null on error instead of boolean to easy API usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  190. GraphUI: Add UISceneDemo00 for linear animation in one main function; UISceneDemo01 simply provides shape drag-move and -resize — Sven Gothel / cgit
  191. Demo MovieSimple: Default to useOrigScale=false, enable @ main w/ -orig_scale — Sven Gothel / cgit
  192. Add FloatUtil.isZero(float) using FloatUtil.EPSILON — Sven Gothel / cgit
  193. GLOffscreenAutoDrawable: Remove unused import — Sven Gothel / cgit
  194. Demos GearsES2: Expose view rotation vars and listener — Sven Gothel / cgit
  195. GraphUI GLButton: Add missing destroyImpl(..) to destroy the ImageSequence and FBO-GLAD — Sven Gothel / cgit
  196. GraphUI Scene: Be quiet — Sven Gothel / cgit
  197. GraphUI Default Scene.PMVMatrixSetup: Scale (back) projection to have normalized plane dimensions, 1 for the greater of width and height — Sven Gothel / cgit
  198. UISceneDemo01: Use GLButton shape w/ animating and rotating gears and set up an own Scene.PMVMatrixSetup with a plane dimension of 100 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  199. UISceneDemo02: The 'dirty' variant w/ listener (printf) attached — Sven Gothel / cgit
  200. GraphUI MediaButton: Only mark region dirty if already exists — Sven Gothel / cgit
  201. GraphUI Scene: Move GLEventListener implementations reshape() and dispose() to the others, init(), display(). Ease review. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  202. GraphUI Shape.setTransform(): Fix center semantics (half size) and consider origin (resolves multi-line text resize issues) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  203. GraphUI Scene: Add [add|remove]Shapes(Collection) .. for convenience — Sven Gothel / cgit
  204. GraphUI UISceneDemo01: Stop rotating animation if GLButton animation is toggled off — Sven Gothel / cgit
  205. GraphUI Demos: Bring back GPUUISceneGLListener0A .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  206. GraphUI Label: Fix naming semantics: 'pixelScale' -> 'fontScale', i.e. font-scale factor, by which the em-sized type glyphs shall be scaled — Sven Gothel / cgit
  207. Rename UISceneDemo{02->10} — Sven Gothel / cgit
  208. GLArrayDataClient: Allow null buffer @ growIfNeeded(), removed from commit 90a95e6f689b479f3c3ae3caf4e30447030c7682 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  209. GraphUI Scene: Add getDefaultVertexFactory(), fix getRenderState() API doc (can't be null) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  210. GraphUI Shape: Provide empty default implementation for clearImpl() and destroyImpl() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  211. GraphUI Shape/Label: Allow validate(..) w/o current GL context, used by e.g. Label.setText(..) and getBounds(), preparations for more animation. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  212. Graph: Cleanup Vertex.Factory referencing: Only bind to OutlineShape and use its default. GraphUI: Always use default. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  213. GraphUI UISceneDemo*: Use lambdas for GLAutoDrawable.invoke(..) to reduce LOC — Sven Gothel / cgit
  214. Eclipse: Remove the CDT C/C++ Nature, since it breaks the Java type hierarchy lookup besides other things — Sven Gothel / cgit
  215. GraphUI UISceneDemo*: Add windowResized() callback to update window title showing current surfaceSize — Sven Gothel / cgit
  216. NEWTEvent*.getEventTypeString(): Like MouseEvent, drop redundant leading type in returned string — Sven Gothel / cgit
  217. GraphUI UISceneDemo*: Stop animation loop if window got destroyed — Sven Gothel / cgit
  218. GraphUI UISceneDemo20: Consolidate the actual implementation and main launcher to our new UISceneDemo naming series — Sven Gothel / cgit
  219. GraphUI Scene: Move reshape() below init from in-between display() impls — Sven Gothel / cgit
  220. GraphUI: Fix Scene.PMVMatrixSetup impl: Setup modelview before using setPlanBox(..)'s gluUnProject(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  221. GraphUI Shape.setTransform(): Remove 'wiggling' w/ origin, text issue came from Scene.PMVMatrixSetup bug, all shapes resize fine now. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  222. GraphUI Scene: Add optional frustum culling (default: disabled) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  223. GraphUI Scene: Add removeShape*(GL2ES2..) variant w/ their destruction for convenience — Sven Gothel / cgit
  224. GraphUI Scene: getStatusText(..) drop unset values, be more semantic sensitive (msaa -> smsaa) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  225. GraphUI Shape: Make access private where possible & reasonable, synchronize dirty and in draw(..) the whole dirty-validate() region.draw() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  226. GraphUI Demos: Adopt to shapesSharpness -> oshapesSharpness rename — Sven Gothel / cgit
  227. Graph Font Processing: Produce a 'whitespace' Glyph w/ an OutlineShape (box) to allow better handling of such non-contour symbols. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  228. Graph Font Processing: Use Font.GlyphVisitor instead of OutlineShape.Visitor, allowing to use the Glyph (information). — Sven Gothel / cgit
  229. Graph: Remove OutlineShape.Visitor* as being replaced by Font.GlyphVisitor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  230. Add Vec2f and Vec3f, to support a more simple OO vector-math usage, e.g. for animation etc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  231. UISceneDemo0[01]: Useless minor editing (can't move animator lower as sadly used in our window dtor event handler) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  232. GraphUI Demos: (Text) Type Animation ... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  233. WWW: Add Games: Wakfu + Archipelago — Sven Gothel / cgit
  234. WWW: Cleanup Featured Projects intro and have section links bold. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  235. Quaternion: Shorten toString() type name — Sven Gothel / cgit
  236. Graph: Fix Font.getGlyphBoundsFU(): FU of advance is requested here. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  237. Graph Font: Rename getBBox*() -> getBounds*() to preserve a common semantic name — Sven Gothel / cgit
  238. Graph FontScale: Simplify names, fix API doc and add unit test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  239. GraphUI Demos: Remove unused GPUUISceneTextAnim01 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  240. Graph Font.Glyph: Add getFont() (the owner) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  241. Graph Font.GlyphVisitor*: Pass 'char symbol' to visitor, passing full text-processing information — Sven Gothel / cgit
  242. Graph RenderState: Add setColorStatic(float[]) variant — Sven Gothel / cgit
  243. GraphUI: Shape.dispatchMouseEvent(): Rename dsx/dsxy -> sx/sy as they denominate whole scale-factor, not their delta — Sven Gothel / cgit
  244. GraphUI: Shape: Fix setTransform(): Scale around center and rotate around pivot-point or center; Assume Shape origin to be bottom-left for drag-zoom. Removes questionable scale-hack. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  245. GraphUI: Label: Enforce bottom-left origin @ 0/0 for good drag-zoom experience (working sticky edge) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  246. GraphUI Label: Remove glyphVisitor's debug code (exception handling) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  247. GraphUI Label: Add getScaledLineHeight() and refine setFontScale(), i.e. only act and markDirty() on change — Sven Gothel / cgit
  248. GraphUI Button: Simplify addShapeToRegion() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  249. GraphUI: Decouple GraphShape from Shape, i.e. allow future Shape w/o Graph/GLRegion — Sven Gothel / cgit
  250. GraphUI Demo UISceneDemo02: Use em-sized label w/ scale. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  251. GraphUI Demo UISceneDemo03: Add kerning and compensate on label 0/0 origin using Glyph bounds minY() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  252. Graph Font: TypecastFont: getGlyphBoundsFU() + processString(): If isWhitespace() continue w/ AABBox resize, but don't earmark this (whitespace) glyph for next left_glyph (kerning). — Sven Gothel / cgit
  253. GraphUI Scene: Added API doc args — Sven Gothel / cgit
  254. GraphUI Shape.setTransform(): Fix !sameScaleRotatePivot && hasRotate && !hasRotPivot: Don't scale pivot back from center-pivot, same as w/ hasRotPivot — Sven Gothel / cgit
  255. GraphUI Shape: Rename rotOrigin -> rotPivot — Sven Gothel / cgit
  256. WWW: Remove 'Sponsor' button, annoying and no feedback — Sven Gothel / cgit
  257. README: Shorten sponsor text — Sven Gothel / cgit
  258. Vec2f, Vec3f: Return this @ set(..), add set(float[]) and add(float, ..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  259. Graph*: API doc refinement — Sven Gothel / cgit
  260. GraphUI Shape: Refine API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  261. GraphUI Shape.setTransform(..): Scale before rotate to preserve target-size in rotation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  262. GraphUI: Add GlyphShape representing a single Font.Glyph as a GraphShape; Use w/ UISceneDemo03 Type Animation... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  263. GraphUI Scene: Add screenshot(..) method for convenience — Sven Gothel / cgit
  264. GraphUI Demo UISceneDemo03: Add 1 space padding to demo-text, make screenshots, add launch screen (visible @ '-wait') — Sven Gothel / cgit
  265. GraphUI Demo: UISceneDemo20 use Scene.screenshot(..), drop own code — Sven Gothel / cgit
  266. Graph GLSL: Enable 'discard' in fragment shader w/o GLRendererQuirks.GLSLBuggyDiscard to avoid overdraw of such regions. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  267. GraphUI Demos: Cover more std arguments via GraphUIDemoArgs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  268. GraphUI: Fix debug-box and allow API access in Shape (off, thickness fractional to box size) and Scene for all Shapes. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  269. GraphUI Shape: DragZoom: Allow resize_sxy_min down to 1/2%, need to find a good way to auto-deteminate this one (dpi, ..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  270. Graph Shader: Complete the USE_DISCARD logic avoiding output set after discard, even though technically allowed (ignored after discard) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  271. GraphUI: Relocate* -> com.jogamp.graph.ui.*, resolve GL/VK abstraction at a later time differently — Sven Gothel / cgit
  272. GraphUI: Use Shape.ZAscendingComparator in Scene, to be reused across typs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  273. Math: Complete Matrix4f w/ Vec[234]f and adopt it throughout Quaternion, Ray, AABBox, Frustum, Stereo*, ... adding hook to PMVMatrix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  274. GraphUI: Adopting Vec*f API; Adding Group; Scene + Group are Container, traversing the PMVMatrix throughout childs (-> see TreeTool). — Sven Gothel / cgit
  275. TestAWTCardLayoutAnimatorStartStopBug532: Suppress warnings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  276. AABBOX: Revert API doc copy/type errors from commit 15e60161787224e85172685f74dc0ac195969b51 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  277. Matrix4f Perf: Enhance invert(), Drop (test) load on Matrix4f.mul(Matrix4f) for fair and realistic numbers - Both mul() ops faster than FloatUtil — Sven Gothel / cgit
  278. PMVMatrix rewrite using Matrix4f, providing SyncMatrix4f* for GLUniformData; Utilize Vec3f, Recti, .. throughout API (Matrix4f, AABBox, .. Graph*) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  279. LICENSE: Year range bump, update URL refs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  280. VBORegion2P*ES2: Just instantiate SyncMatrices4f16 in place, drop local ref — Sven Gothel / cgit
  281. Adding experimental Doxygen target 'doxygen.public' .. (WIP) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  282. Doxygen: Refine javapublic + javaall, update and www/index.html text — Sven Gothel / cgit
  283. PMVMatrix API doc: Use `` to quote code since {@code } causes block-quoting w/ Doxygen. Doxygen uses markdown — Sven Gothel / cgit
  284. Add blog + 2 more individuals (total +3 today) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  285. GraphUI: Adjust for rotation: Drag-resize and -move (flip x- and/or y-axix), as well as getSurfaceSize(..) (use absolute size) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  286. GraphUI Demos: Use GraphUIDemoArgs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  287. PMVMatrix: Expose temporary storage (w/o side-effects) for efficiency; GraphUI.Shape: Efficiently reuse matPMv and temporary PMVMatrix storage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  288. Matrix4f.mapWin*(): Drop unused temp matrices, map*() returns false on invPMv null; PMVMatrix: Make Mvi, Mvit optional at ctor, add user PMv and PMvi - used at gluUnProject() .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  289. GraphUI: Container (Group, Scene): Add removeAllShapes() and expose frustum-culling get/set — Sven Gothel / cgit
  290. GraphUI: Group is non-interactive per default -> setInteractive(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  291. GraphUI Shape: Refined toString(), add onToggle(Listener), at toggle() only markStateDirty() if toggleable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  292. GraphUI Scene.pickShape(): Consider isInteractive() most early in visitor() before gluUnProjectRay(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  293. GraphUI TreeTool: For all forAll*(): Allow acting upon Container Shape, i.e. 1st visit Shape, only therafter (if false) traverse into Container — Sven Gothel / cgit
  294. GraphUI UISceneDemo03: Use Group as a Container to hold all Glyphs and have them no more interacting when arrived. Play: Drag 'em ;-) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  295. GraphUI UISceneDemo03b: Action with the Glyph Group Container: Rotate auto and w/ scroll-wheel (or zoom if alt is pressed) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  296. GraphUI Demos: Use GraphUIDemoArgs for UISceneDemo1[01] — Sven Gothel / cgit
  297. GraphUI: Return this on setter/modifier methods for chaining — Sven Gothel / cgit
  298. Graph/Math: Cleanup toString(), spacing and use System.lineSeparator() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  299. GraphUI TreeTool: Iterate from start to end (not vice versa), eliminating potential side-effects - fixing forSortedAll(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  300. GraphUI GridLayout: Functional Grid Layout w/ Padding, demo'ed in UISceneDemo20 with button Groups — Sven Gothel / cgit
  301. GraphUI Demos: Fix var-name typo, its velocity — Sven Gothel / cgit
  302. GraphUI Rectangle: Construct shape w/ 0/0 bottom-left origin as recommended by Shape spec — Sven Gothel / cgit
  303. GraphUI Group: Avoid additional shapes-loop w/o layouter — Sven Gothel / cgit
  304. GraphUI Shape: Add onClicked(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  305. GraphUI GridLayout: Also adjust potential bottom-left delta when centering shape to cell (like GlyphShape w/ underline) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  306. GraphUI Demos: Adding prelim FontView01, which may become a 'little FontForge' ;-) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  307. GraphUI Scene.screenshot(): Add convenient variant to be executed on-display call. FontView stays open and issues a screenshot. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  308. Graph Region: Add NORM_RENDERING_BIT (0) for better documented usage; Add getRenderModeString(renderModes, graphSampleCount, fsaaSampleCount) for unified tech representation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  309. Graph TypecastFont: Avoid PostTable (out-of-bounds) for glyph_name when not even a Glyph was mapped to the ID — Sven Gothel / cgit
  310. GraphUI Scene: Use getRenderModeString(..) w/ sample-counts where applicable, restructure screenshot(..) by using nextScreenshotFile(..) - all using default tech representation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  311. GraphUI Shape.validate(*): Return this for chaining — Sven Gothel / cgit
  312. GraphUI Demos: Use new Scene.screenshot(.. screen.nextScreenShotFile(..)) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  313. Graph Unit Tests: Minor edits: Wait for GLRunnable done on screenshot, ... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  314. GraphUI Demo FontView01: Use full window size if grid is not otherwise defined and scale group accordingly — Sven Gothel / cgit
  315. GraphUI Tests: Add TestTextRendererNEWT21 using FontViewListener01 (like FontView01 demos) rendering a grid of each glyph for better validation for many fonts and renderModes/sampleCount — Sven Gothel / cgit
  316. GraphUI Demo/Test: FontView[Listener]01: Use 10 'mmPerCell', Monitor resolution independent for display same size. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  317. Typecast GlyfTable: Use `final` qualifier (cleanup) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  318. Typecast: Expose (new) getGlyphCount(): GlyfTable.getSize() -> (OTFont,Font).getGlyphCount() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  319. Typecast Font.Glyph: Expose isUndefined(), i.e. name == ".notdef" — Sven Gothel / cgit
  320. Graph OutlineShape: Add getOutlineVectexCount(), i.e. total vertex count of all Outlines — Sven Gothel / cgit
  321. Typecast Font: Add API doc for getLineHeight(), remove unused Vec3f import — Sven Gothel / cgit
  322. Typecast Font.getGlyph(..): Fix Glyph case w/ 0 getOutlineVectexCount() -> isWhiteSpace = true, use emptyShape — Sven Gothel / cgit
  323. GraphUI Container.removeShape(..): Return removed Shape, add removeShape(index) variant; Group.(add|remove)Shape(..) markShapeDirty() to recompute bbox and layout. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  324. GraphUI Group.drawImpl0(): Copy List<Shape> to array and sort using Shape.ZAscendingComparator — Sven Gothel / cgit
  325. GraphUI Demo FontView01: Add 'infoGrid' w/ GlyphShape (-> DAG SG reusing instance) + details in text, active via mouse-click — Sven Gothel / cgit
  326. GraphUI Demo FontView01: Separate general font metrix (height, line-height) from actual Glyph metrix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  327. GraphUI Demo FontView01: Add screenshot per selected Glyph — Sven Gothel / cgit
  328. GraphUI Demo FontView01: Add font-name and selected glyphID to screenshot filename (documentation) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  329. GraphUI Demos: Move GraphUIDemoArgs to sub-package util — Sven Gothel / cgit
  330. Graph + GraphUI: Consolidate Vertex: Drop SVertex and factory, use Vec[234]f instead of float[] and remove unused VectorUtil methods — Sven Gothel / cgit
  331. VectorUtil: Fix isVec3InTriangle3(..) testing p1, p2 and p3 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  332. Graph OutlineShape.checkOverlaps(): Test overlap first to drop overlaps.contains(..) test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  333. GraphUI Padding: Use CSS alike ctor semantics, hence swizzle ctor arguments — Sven Gothel / cgit
  334. GraphUI: Add BoxLayout and Margin, todo: Have GridLayout properly use Gap w/ Padding and alignment (Margin?) (CSS alike) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  335. GraphUI Test: Have TestTextRendererNEWT21's FontViewListener01 use 8mm/cell to match old screenshots for regression test. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  336. Graph Font.getGlyphShapeBounds(): Use variant w/ 2 temp AffineTransform matching getGlyphBounds() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  337. GraphUI {Round->Base}Button, denoting perpendicular or round corners (aka rectangle or oval shape) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  338. Graph: Region.countOutlineShape(..) -> static, allow usage w/o instance; TextRegionUtil.addStringToRegion() grow region buffer w/ counting (as well); GLRegion.create(..) count + reuse create(.., size) static-ctor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  339. Graph Region.addOutlineShape(): Fix DEBUG_INSTANCE path, enable perf counter if disabled. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  340. Graph GLRegion: Consolidate pass-1 common data (indices, vertices, ..) and all related methods. Add growCount stat. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  341. Graph [GL]Region: Use small initial indices/vertices count (640 -> 16), since (huge) text glyph gets always pre-calculated. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  342. Graph VBORegion2P*.renderVBO(): Add comment on BITHINT_GLOBAL_DEPTH_TEST_ENABLED usage -> To be investigated. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  343. GLArrayDataServer.addGLSLSubArray(): Return (actual) GLArrayDataWrapper instead of just GLArrayData interface, exposing and allowing mutable access to attribute location for interleaved sub-arrays — Sven Gothel / cgit
  344. Graph GLRegion*: Utilize interleaved GLSL buffers for vertices, curveParams and the optional colors (GPU effeciency and performance; Increased CPU buffer growth performance) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  345. GraphUI Button.createGLRegion(): Pre-calc Region buffer size for BaseButton (16) + Label-Text to avoid buffer grow — Sven Gothel / cgit
  346. GLArrayDataClient: Refine API doc for grow*() and reserve() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  347. Graph OutlineShape.get{Outline->}VectexCount() renamed — Sven Gothel / cgit
  348. Graph GLRegion/TextRegionUtil: Enhance pre-determination of buffer-size, increase default initial 16->64 (unsued) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  349. GraphUI GraphShape: createGLRegion() -> updateGLRegion(), called by addShapeToRegion() impl to utilize OutlineShape -> GLRegion ctor w/ proper buffer-size — Sven Gothel / cgit
  350. Vec[234]f: Add 'max' and 'min' function — Sven Gothel / cgit
  351. [PMV]Matrix[4f]: Clarify 'mulVec[34]f' in-place arg properties, add pure in-place variant and use it in PMVMatrix dropping temporary — Sven Gothel / cgit
  352. AABBox: Add 'translate' w/ dedicated components — Sven Gothel / cgit
  353. GraphUI GraphShape: {update->reset}GLRegion() and reserve vertices+indices if (rect) border is present — Sven Gothel / cgit
  354. GraphUI GraphShape: Refine API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  355. GraphUI GraphShape: Apply {update->reset}GLRegion() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  356. GraphUI Revise Padding and Border: Padding + Border belong to Shape's bounds. Account for both (seperately) and add border rendering to Group as well. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  357. GraphUI Colors: Use pure white modulation w/ color-channel on no-action for original color, adjust defaults accordingly — Sven Gothel / cgit
  358. GraphUI Shape: [add|remove]MouseListener(): Return shape for chaining — Sven Gothel / cgit
  359. GraphUI Add Alignment and Gap for layout — Sven Gothel / cgit
  360. GraphUI Shape: Fix hasPadding() and add padding + border details to toString() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  361. GraphUI Shape: Use null rotPivot indicating unset (isZero not sufficient); toString() just drop no-border and no-padding. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  362. GraphUI Working GridLayout w/ and w/o cell-size and alignment; Added BoxLayout. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  363. GraphUI GridLayout: Remove old unused layout0(..) method — Sven Gothel / cgit
  364. GraphUI GridLayout: Handle 'diffBL' in 2nd path, no need to store as we don't use PMVMatrix for computation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  365. HowToBuild: Windows: We use MinGW64 w/ 'posix threads' instead of 'win32 threads', allowing C++ std::mutex etc to be used (openal-soft) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  366. Windows tests scripts: Update Graph* and *Movie* demos cmdline launches — Sven Gothel / cgit
  367. Graph FontFactor: Adopt to GlueGen commit 69d22df0a6132dbf8b88fd04090c0bc81129237f IOUtil.copyStream2File() changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  368. AudioSinkFactory: Add debug output in case of failed initialization — Sven Gothel / cgit
  369. Graph GLRegion.growBuffer(..): Disable debug output (static final flag) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  370. HowToBuild: MacOS: Detail cmake commandline installation and mention 7-Zip — Sven Gothel / cgit
  371. doc/HowToBuild.html: Align w/ GlueGen's MacOS changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  372. Graph GLRegion: DEBUG_BUFFER (growth) 'jogl.debug.graph.curve.Buffer' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  373. Graph CDTriangulator2D: Drop invalid innerPoly, avoiding Loop.initFromPolyline(..) outline.getGraphPoint().size() < 3 IllegalArgumentException — Sven Gothel / cgit
  374. doc/HowToBuild.html: Align w/ GlueGen (MacOS changes, min deployment target 10.7) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  375. Nativewindow OSXmisc.m: Minor cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  376. MacOSXCGLDrawableFactory.canCreateGLPbuffer(): Disabled for MacOS >= 10.13 (High Sierra) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1518 (Feb 1, 2023, 3:06:41 PM)

  1. NEWT: MonitorDevice: Add monitor-name, maybe an empty string. Implemented for X11 and Windows for now. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT Screen: Cleanup get*Monitor*() methods — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT MonitorDevice: Fix pixelScale storage, own float[2], don't reuse given object — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT X11: Fix positionChanged: We need to translate the 0/0 client position to the root window (global screen) .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT Soft-PixelScale (p7): get{Global->}PixelScaleEnv(..): Support per monitor values w/ QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS syntax, use for X11 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1517 (Jan 31, 2023, 9:17:24 AM)

  1. Fix comment for WindowImpl.insets: value is in window units — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT Regression: Move superSizeChangedOffThread() back to iOS/MacOS WindowDriver, used to call the super class method. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT WindowImpl: Bring back DEBUG output on positionChanged(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1516 (Jan 31, 2023, 7:41:47 AM)

  1. WindowImpl: Reorder protected methods, groupd callbacks used for native callbacks .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GDIUtil: Add GetMonitor*() variants incl. PixelScale; NEWT MonitorDevice: Add 64-bit nativeHandle (Windows HMONITOR), add PixelScale for Windows — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GDIUtil: Add GetMonitor*() variants incl. PixelScale (Part-2, adding missing native header and code files) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Nativewindow Rectangle*: Add contains, scale*(float..) and make union(List<Rectangle*>) public; Fix union/intersection 'off-by-1' for pos2. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NativeWindow: Add getBounds() (moved from NEWT Window) and getSurfaceBounds() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Update Eclipse settings (add openjfx jar) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Fix NewtFactoryAWT: screen.getMonitor(..) -> screen.getMonitorById(..); Misc left-over changes .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NEWT Soft-PixelScale (p1): WindowImpl: Separate window and pixel units for size and position via atomic-replacable int arrays — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. NEWT Soft-PixelScale (p2): MonitorDevice: Add getOrientationTo(..) to determine the orientation of this monitor to the other incl. the 'move_diff' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. NEWT Soft-PixelScale (p3): WindowImpl.createNativeImpl(..): Add boolean positionModified[] return value, allowing to not wait for the previous custom position — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. NEWT Soft-PixelScale (p4): WindowImpl: Change SetSizeAction to optionally set a custom position additionally to size — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. NEWT Soft-PixelScale (p5): Add WindowImpl.applySoftPixelScale(..) for general usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. NEWT Soft-PixelScale (p6): Implement Soft-PixelScale for X11 and Windows ... (working state) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1515 (Jan 24, 2023, 5:54:52 PM)

  1. HowToBuild: Add back multiarch i386 on amd64 section for Debian 11 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1513 (Jan 23, 2023, 2:05:37 PM)

  1. TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT: Invisible window might have been moved away (Windows 10) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1512 (Jan 23, 2023, 10:48:38 AM)

  1. Remove Windows dll-rename, adopting to cpptasks.jar change — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. tests-x64.bat: Use absolute path for LIB_DIR (commented out, using jars) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1511 (Jan 22, 2023, 9:18:18 AM)

  1. Execute AWT's Frame.setTitle() on AWT-EDT if already visible (avoid rare deadlock) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1510 (Jan 22, 2023, 8:07:59 AM)

  1. TestSharedContextVBOES2NEWT5: Try harder having the objects destroyed and taken from the GLContextShareSet map — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JAWTWindow.invalidateNative() and .detachSurfaceLayerImpl(): Pass copy of offscreenSurfaceLayer for pending off-thread operation and immediately zero reference marking its future destruction. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. JAWTWindow.ctor: Initialize offscreenSurfaceLayer before use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. MacOSXCGLContext.AttachGLLayerCmd: Allow DetachGLLayerCmd to revoke the attach command, essential if attach hasn't been done yet @ detach — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. OSXMisc.m: Show semantics: caLayer -> rootCALayer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. MacOS: JAWTWindow.layoutSurfaceLayerImpl(): Perform OSXUtil.FixCALayerLayout() on main thread and hence fetch and validate getAttachedSurfaceLayer() when needed — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. MacOS: JAWTWindow's OffscreeLayer: Show semantics in argument names and complete null checks in detachSurfaceLayerImpl(), setSurfaceScale() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. MacOS: JAWTWindow.invalidateNative(): Use copied references in off-thread operations and zero source references upfront. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. MacOS: JAWTWindow: Complete MacOS 12+ SIGSEGV JAW Crash Fix; This: Destroy NSWindow on MacOS main-thread — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Minor auto formatting: @Override, .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Test MouseAdapter: Use volatile qualifier to avoid reading too old values — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. AWTRobot.getClickTimeout(): NEWT Case: Return maximum(AWT, NEWT), otherwise we see click-count 2 on MacOS 12Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. scripts/tests*.sh: Put 'ulimit -c unlimited' in root script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Add scripts/ Used to stress test one unit test (for sporadic crashes) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Workaround MacOS + SWT 4.26: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.swt.internal.cocoa.NSGraphicsContext.saveGraphicsState()" because "context" is null — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. jogl's Debug.class: Add explicit debugNotAll(..) variant to skip debugAll() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. MacOSXCGLContext: Enable DEBUG1398 explicitly w/o debugAll() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. MacOSXCGLContext: Fix typo in DEBUG output — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. build-test.xml Add missing 'jvmarg.generic' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. SWTAccessor.invokeOnOSTKThread(): Fix comment .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. TestSharedContextVBOES2SWT3: Remove unused import — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1508 (Jan 21, 2023, 2:35:21 AM)

  1. Update — noreply / cgit
  2. Add new class location of SWT's gtk_widget_get_window — peter.chang / cgit
  3. MacOS: Prepare build + test on aarch64 w/o ffmpeg and SWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. MacOS: MacOSXCGLContext: Simplify version flags, remove Tiger, add Mojave. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. MacOS: MacOSXCGLContext.NSOpenGLImpl.release(): Don't wait for releasing context view on MacOS >= 10.14 (deadlock) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. MacOS: MacOSXCGLContext.drawableUpdatedNotify(): Issue updateContext() on main thread, deferred w/o wait (MacOS >= 13) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. MacOS: NEWT: Remove keySymbol mapping using 'HIToolbox' TSMGetInputSourceProperty(), crashing on MacOS >= 13 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Eclipse: Update settings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Replace AccessController.doPrivileged() w/ SecurityUtil.doPrivileged() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Replace AccessController.doPrivileged() w/ SecurityUtil.doPrivileged() - via GLEmitter — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Moved GlueGen's PlatformPropsImpl's static OSXVersion to GLContextImpl.MacOSVersion — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. JAWTUtil: Cleanup MacOS JVM and OS version flags: Private and store comparison result — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. build script: Add comment setting JDK-11, since default build is JDK-17 for Java-1.8 API. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Build scripts: MacOS + Windows: Use JDK-17 to build our Java-1.8 API — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. HowToBuild: adoptopenjdk -> adoptium, openjdk-11 -> openjdk-17; MacOS: min SDK version >= 11.0, description to produce fat OpenJDK libraries for x86_64 and aarch64 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Fix GLProfile GL2 Mapping: Only use GL3bc is available, add additional GLContext.isGL3bcAvailable() check — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Bump make/lib/swt to SWT 4.26 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. X11GLXContext.getPlatformExtensionsStringImpl(): Add comment from pull request regarding GLX extensions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. SWT 4.26: Add cocoa-maxosx-aarch64 blob w/o src; Add scripts/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Bump gitignore — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. SWTAccessor: Adopt to SWT 4.26 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. NewtCanvasSWT: Remove certain DEBUG output causing an exception — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. TestNewtCanvasSWTGLn: Only dispose canvas1 at end of test, if not yet disposed (manual test case) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. SWT tests on MacOS (w/o AWT) require '-XstartOnFirstThread' JVM argument, else they crash. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. SWT+AWT: Ensure SWTAccessor gets called before AWT initialization on GTK/X11 to avoid "cannot register existing type 'GdkDisplayManager'" and subsequent SIGSEGV — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. SWTTestUtil: Add WaitAction2, using the EDTUtil to dispatch the display.readAndDispatch() wait action (experimental) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Build: Add swt.jar definition for MacOS aarch64 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. Update test scripts: Use Java17 module jvm args: --add-opens java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.desktop/sun.java2d=ALL-UNNAMED — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. JAR: Add Jar module parameter 'Add-Opens: java.desktop/sun.awt java.desktop/sun.java2d', preparation for potential future Java17+ Jar Module — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Bump oculusvs-sdk, fixed warning — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. Realign HowToBuild w/ GlueGen (Debian 11, Windows) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. MacOS build-oculusvr: Add arm64 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. build-test: Add jvmarg.modules for jvm [11..17) and jvm>=17 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Test*NewtEventModifiers*: Ensure SWT is initialized before AWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. NewtCanvasSWT: Drop all newtChild.getDelegatedWindow() debug output due to: null com.jogamp.newt.swt.NewtCanvasSWT.access$200(com.jogamp.newt.swt.NewtCanvasSWT) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. JAWTWindow: Remove java.applet.Applet detection .. it's gone :-( — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. JAWTWindow: Constrain AppContextInfo creation where offscreen layer is supported (MacOS only) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. Disable oculusvr-sdk for MacOS aarch64, fails to build — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. MacOSXCGLContext: Avoid data race on lastSetNSViewCmd, use local copy like in madeCurrent — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. MacOSXCGLDrawableFactory.canCreateGLPbuffer(): Disabled for MacOS >= 12, here > 10.14.0 (Mojave) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. Test: MacOS: Disable automatic tests (TBD, WIP) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. Test: Linux: Disable automatic tests (TBD, WIP) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. Use unique output to validate one class version used (52 for Java8) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. Don't import conditional platform specific 'static' code but fully qualify names when in use, make Android d8 (Dex'ing) happy — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. Isolate SWT from core nativewindow; Android apk shall only include core nativewindow and the android specific jogl parts (make d8 'dex'ing' happy) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1507 (Jan 11, 2021, 10:27:45 PM)

  1. Bug 1398: Avoid AWT-AppKit blocking feedback flush deadlock and SetNSViewCmd on initial makeCurrent when offscreen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1398: Adding test case of commit f33681bbeeb459af4de81331d6d9241d8c9a75de — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1398: Adding TestBug1398Deadlock02AWT to manual testing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1398: MacOSXCGLContext: Ensure AWT is available before using it when query java.awt.EventQueue.isDispatchThread() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix 'typo' in branching, valid config index is >= 0 (not < 0) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix TestBug1398Deadlock02AWT: Missed adaption of unit test to AWTRobotUtil & GLTestUtil changes when 'front porting' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1506 (Mar 6, 2020, 9:38:03 PM)

  1. Bug 1398: Importing Jani's native test, attempting to reproduce the crash using XCode 11 and JOGL 2.3.2 as well as current tip — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1398: Fixing native test allowing its execution using JOGL 2.3.2 and latest tip using XCode 11Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1398: Refine test case: Make classpath and libpath runtime configurable + show JOGL version — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1398: Crash only occurs @ -[NSOpenGLContext setView:] when using XCode 11 _and_ its default SDK 'macosx10.15' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1398: MacOS: Perform [NSOpenGLContext setView:] on main-thread async w/o blocking — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. IOSUtil.IsMainThread(): Utilize caching ThreadLocal<Boolean> like OSXUtil's variant. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TestSharedContextVBOES2*3: Properly validateBuffers and setSyncObjects(..) in concurrent async test case. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. OSX/SWT Testing: Drop using 'com.jogamp.newt.util.MainThread' enforcing default test behavior — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 1398: Expose NativeSurface implementation's RecursiveLock if utilized — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 1398: Ensure CGLContext lock will be acquired before leaving user makeCurrent() call — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Add missing SWTTestUtil, missed in commit 36ca7245653b1a0897f2070b9acbe0f0898f5949 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1503 (Feb 2, 2020, 8:04:20 PM)

  1. NEWT: Enhance DEBUG output a bit; NEWTDemoListener ignore input if not visible. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1423: NEWT Child Window on OSX: Don't use parent derived location in fullscreen mode — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1374: NEWT/AWT: Annotation regarding general High-DPI for even non native DPI toolkit aware platforms (Linux, Windows) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1422: Windows test*.bat: Add C:\temp to PATH, allowing picking up custom libraries for testing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. When explicitly generating native header, avoid implicit referenced classes. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1502 (Jan 16, 2020, 7:35:23 AM)

  1. Bug 1422: NewtCanvasSWT: Handle case of !OSX && DPIUtil.getScalingFactor() > 1 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1501 (Jan 16, 2020, 2:00:16 AM)

  1. NEWT.Window: Refine string representation, renamed append(StringBuilder) -> toString(..), added toSimpleString(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1422: Use own deviceZoomScaleUp(..) disregarding higher-toolkit's compensation like 'DPIUtil.useCairoAutoScale()' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1500 (Jan 15, 2020, 8:12:14 AM)

  1. Nativewindow Rectangle*: Cleanup up union(..), intersection(..): Return a new Rectangle instance (mutable) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1422: Emulate DPI Scaling on non-native DPI autoscale platforms (!MacOS) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1499 (Jan 15, 2020, 5:37:27 AM)

  1. Bug 1421: NEWT OSX Invisible: Refining child window visibility setting, commenting on child-window orderOut — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT OSX/IOS WindowDriver: Minor cleanup of local var usage (prefer reuse); reconfig: Only orderOut w/ valid window-handle — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT OSX MacWindow.c: Add parentWindow to DBG_PRINT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1421: NEWT OSX Invisible: Fix orderOut0 re commit d92dc518eb891f2d125a8136efd6ed603d74a6e9 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1421: NEWT OSX Invisible: Implement 'Fake invisible child window' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NEWT.Window: Add 'StringBuilder append(StringBuilder sb)' supporting building custom efficient presentations — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1421: NEWTCanvasSWT: No action on SWT.Activate, use SWT.FocusIn. Also remove all SWT listener on dispose. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1421: Conclude OSX: Forward SHOW and HIDE events to NewtCanvasSWT instances if 'below notification threshold' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 1421: NEWT OSX Invisible: Refine 'Fake invisible child window' off-viewport position — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. TestGLCanvasSWTNewtCanvasSWTPosInTabs: Only use 1 Animator to easy example code — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1498 (Jan 13, 2020, 2:26:42 PM)

  1. TestSWTAccessor02NewtGLWindow: Setup SWT EDTUtil for NEWT, avoiding deadlocks on OSX and Windows — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NewtCanvasSWT Tests: Add NEWTDemoListener giving weight to toolkit independent UI interaction coding — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1496 (Jan 13, 2020, 8:42:11 AM)

  1. build-test.xml: *generic* tests: unset temp vars and be more verbose on used pattern — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. build-test.xml: FIX usage of (its a property!) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1495 (Jan 13, 2020, 7:17:22 AM)

  1. NEWT JVM_JNI8: Adapt to native library separation (head, drm) of commit b91c680fb93a03720ff9fcb39cf052cfe8d40e76 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NativeWindow Point.set*(..): Return instance for scaling (chaining) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1421, Bug 1358, Bug 969, Bug 672: Fix NEWT's coordinate conversion on MacOS (fixes NewtCanvasSWT on SWT positioning) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1421 Related: Handle SWT Events: Activate (focus), Show and Hide. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1494 (Jan 6, 2020, 8:47:41 PM)

  1. Bug 1421: Demo wrong NEWT Child window position within an SWT TabFolder layout using NewtCanvasSWT on MacOSX with High-DPI Retina — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1421: NewtCanvasSWT child on layouted SWT parent only occurs on MacOS, regardless of High-DPI — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1421, Bug 1358, Bug 969, Bug 672: Generalization of test case TestGLCanvasSWTNewtCanvasSWTPosInTabs (1/2) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1421, Bug 1358, Bug 969, Bug 672: SWTAccessor: Add get[Location|Size]InPixels(..) and getLocationOnScreen() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1358: GLCanvas: Call new OSXUtil.SetWindowPixelScale(..) when GLCanvas gets realized on MacOS — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. SWT GLCanvas: Fix NPE in DEBUG mode; NewtCanvasSWT: Resurect comment in setBounds(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1421, Bug 1358, Bug 969, Bug 672: Generalization of test case TestGLCanvasSWTNewtCanvasSWTPosInTabs (2/2) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1421, Bug 1358, Bug 969, Bug 672: Deleting merged tests (obsolete) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bump SWT to Release 4.14-201912100610 (jogl/make/lib/swt) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 1421: OSXUtil: Add GetLocation(..), simply returning the view's frame position — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 1421: Move Bug 1362 'setBackground(..)' fix before potential 'setNEWTChild(..)' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 1421: Minor cleanup / commenting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 1421: Minor commenting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Bug 1421: Tackle wrong position of TabFolder, SashForm etc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 1358: Merely simplifying the non MacOS getClientAreaInPixels() code path — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1493 (Jan 4, 2020, 10:01:40 PM)

  1. native.tag.jar: include *.symbols — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. native.tag.jar: include *.symbols (fix) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1420: Add FFMpeg 4.* versioned lib-names and provide optional internal lib lookup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1358: Add OSXUtil.GetWindowPixelScale(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1358: NewtCanvasSWT High-DPI: Use window-units where required instead of pixel-units — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1358: NewtCanvasSWT High-DPI: Propagate pixelScale to NEWT-Child and utilize it for convertTo*Units(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1358: MacOS NEWT WindowDriver / NewtCanvasSWT High-DPI: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. native.tag.jar: Revert explicit inclusion of *.symbols file — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. fix windows build scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. swt.jar: On linux-i586 and windows-i586 we have to use any 64bit for compilation - as 32bit builds are no more supported since SWT 4.10 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. scripts: use gluegen's renamed setenv-build-jogl-* -> setenv-build-jogamp-* — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. linker.cfg.linux.*.nativewindow: Specialize for x86 and amd64 allowing cross-compilation 32bit on 64bit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1489 (Jan 2, 2020, 9:28:35 AM)

  1. javadoc: replair gluegen-javadoc.path and drop com.jogamp.newt.util.applet3.* — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. javadoc: Enable frames — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1488 (Jan 2, 2020, 6:02:47 AM)

  1. update make-all script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. iOS build scripts: Bump iOS 12.2 -> 13.2; Use GLUEGEN_CPPTASKS_FILE instead of -DisIOS*=true — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. all build scripts: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1393: MacOS: getLocationOnScreen w/ JAWT Parent: Use parent's unblocking specialization — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1485 (Dec 31, 2019, 9:18:18 PM)

  1. doc/misc/robovm.txt: Writedown howto use JogAmp in combination with RoboVM AOT — xerxes / cgit
  2. doc/misc/robovm.txt: Mention -rvm: runtime flags — xerxes / cgit
  3. doc/misc/robovm.txt: Explore low footprint deployment 6.3Mb — xerxes / cgit
  4. doc/misc/robovm.txt: Update to JogAmp JOGL 2.3.2 and last libre RoboVM 1.6.1 — xerxes / cgit
  5. Update CSS; Add responsive viewport design tag — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Update CSS; Add responsive viewport design tag — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1381: Keep host PixelFormat functional using requested immutable alphaRequested + add appropriate API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. iOS: Initial working commit supporting iOS (ipad pro 11) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. iOS: Clean up promotion of EAGLLayer use down to FBObject — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. iOS: EAGLLayer FBO w/ DEPTH buffer workaround 1 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. NEWT: Align native MacOS / IOS file- and classnames — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Fix build test jar regression (commit bba73bc096250a3c7fc036d84b1ea054d1b70b06) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. NEWT WindowImpl.doPointerEvent: Use native short[] for pNames — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Copyright: Add missing Copyright tag — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. iOS / MacOS: PixelScale Update — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. NEWT iOS / MacOS: Simplify setJavaWindowObject — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. NEWT iOS: Support Multi-Touch Events, PixelScale, .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. NEWT iOS WindowDriver: native UIWindow/UIView creation change — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. NEWT iOS WindowDriver: Remove unused orig UIWindow/UIView creation path — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. NEWT iOS: Support translucent windows — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. iOS: IOSUtil_CreateGLViewDemoA0 tests native UIWindow parenting (works) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Fixed native header generation for native windowing code — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Removed obsolete tools.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Removed references to non-existent method getPeer() in debug code — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. Removed import that caused GLUgl2/GLUgl2ProcAddressTable not to compile — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Bug 1363: Java 11: javah replacement: Use conditional ant targets instead of branches, also re-add bootclasspath — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Bug 1363: Java 11: Adapt build scripts for java11 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. Removed remaining bootclasspath and javah; build now works on Windows 10Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Bug 1363: Java 11: bring back bootclasspath for java 8 target accuracy — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Bug 1363: Java 11: Complement javah replacement: Add new iOS — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. Bug 1363: Java 11: Aligned HowToBuild.html w/ GlueGen's updated version — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. Bug 1363: Java 11: Adapt scripts for java11 (cont) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. Fixed clean target so it doesn't fail if GlueGenTask is not present — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Bug 1363: Java 11: (Hack) Inject OpenJFX [basic, graphics] into CLASSPATH — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. Removed illegal reflective access to sun.java2d.opengl.OGLUtilities — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. Bug 1363: Java 11: Don't use sun.awt.SunToolkit.awtLock/Unlock on Java9+ [illegal reflective access] — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. Bug 1363: Java 11: Don't use GraphicsDevice.getScaleFactor() on Java9+ [illegal reflective access] — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. Bug 1363: Java 11: Use getPixelScale standard method even on Mac under Java9+ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. Bug 1363: Java 11: Resolve unsupported JAWTUtil.getMonitorDisplayID(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. Reverting erroneous junit-test task condition (ant build) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. Bug 1101: Add missing disposal of Pipelined_QuadRenderer's VBOs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. Bug 1384: Allow GLRendererQuirks to be overridden by user properties — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. JoglVersion.getGLInfo: Increase robustness of debug output — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. GLRendererQuirks: Fix typo — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. Bug 1383: Cleanup GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailability(..): Parameter, variables and clip at 180 line width — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. Bug 1383: GLContext.isValidGLVersion() ensure only one profile bit is set max; Add OpenGL version 4.6 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  47. Bug 1283: GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailbility(..) calls: When leaving OpenGL version open, don't assume the profile — Sven Gothel / cgit
  48. Bug 1383: GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailbility(..): Ensure only one requested profile bit is set; Query GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK for hasCtxProfileBits — Sven Gothel / cgit
  49. Bug 1383: Final fix: Always test GL3CompatNonCompliant and test on requested version/profile, also .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  50. Bug 1383: Tighten version/profile qualification: fail if: requested compat profile && has core profile — Sven Gothel / cgit
  51. Bug 1385: Limit Quirk GL3CompatNonCompliant to Mesa < 18.2.0 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  52. Bug 1384: Move remaining 'lose' property quirks into GLRendererQuirks.Override — Sven Gothel / cgit
  53. Bug 1363: Java 11: Use new Android SDK 24 for Eclipse Android .classpath — Sven Gothel / cgit
  54. check-junit: enhance output (make it a brief list of classes) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  55. Bug 1363: Java 11: JAWTUtil: Use sun.awt.SunToolkit.awtLock/Unlock and disableBackgroundErase (impl. semantics) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  56. Bug 1363: Java 11: Utilize UnsafeUtil.doWithoutIllegalAccessLogger(..) avoiding further unnecessary warnings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  57. Bug 1390: Fix GLPixelBuffer.GLPixelAttributes::convert(GL, int, boolean) failure on unsupported GL data format/type — Sven Gothel / cgit
  58. Bug 1391: Cleanup to submit fix: Update known Quirk range; BuggyColorRenderbuffer enables NoFullFBOSupport — Sven Gothel / cgit
  59. Bug 1392: Add CapabilitiesFilter and GLCapabilitiesFilter supporting diverse reusable [GL]CapabilitiesImmutable list filter — Sven Gothel / cgit
  60. Bug 1391 Bug 1392: Implement GLRendererQuirks DontChooseFBConfigBestMatch and No10BitColorCompOffscreen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  61. Bug 1392: X11PixmapGLXDrawable::createPixmap() requires X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration having a valid XVisualInfo — Sven Gothel / cgit
  62. Bug 1392: Simplify CapabilitiesFilter: Criteria -> Test, remove RemovalCriteria as all Test definitions may be used for anything. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  63. Buig 1389: Fix SIGSEGV on OpenJDK11 on [NSApplicationAWT sendEvent:] — Sven Gothel / cgit
  64. OSXUtil::IsMainThread() Utilize ThreadLocal storage flag avoiding unnecessary JNI calls — Sven Gothel / cgit
  65. Bug 1393: Run orderFront0(=setVisible) async off-thread on AppKit after sync AppKit NSWindow creation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  66. Bug 1393: MacOS/iOS: Issue updateSizePosInsets0 async to AppKit Main-Thread — Sven Gothel / cgit
  67. Bug 1393: OSXUtil: Optionally inject Apple's 'Main Thread Checker' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  68. NEWT Cleanup: WindowImpl::visibleChanged(ZZ): Remove unused 'defer' argument. Method only changes state. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  69. NEWT Cleanup: WindowImpl: Drop unused 'defer' argument (state change only): insetsChanged + insetsVisibleChanged — Sven Gothel / cgit
  70. Bug 1393: Add window position validation in TestDisplayLifecycle*NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  71. Bug 1394 - NEWT X11Window didn't gather inset at window creation (properly) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  72. Bug 1393: Adding test cases setting visibility before enabling exclusive context thread animator — Sven Gothel / cgit
  73. Bug 1393: MacOS: Implement AppKit EDTUtil operating solely on main-thread — Sven Gothel / cgit
  74. MacOS: Add more debug log details — Sven Gothel / cgit
  75. IOS: CGL.updateContextRegister(..) call on main-thread using AppKit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  76. Bug 1393: MacOS: Wait for window position setting on main-thread (blocking) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  77. test scripts: add --illegal-access=warn — Sven Gothel / cgit
  78. make void* an opaque long in EGL generated class — Sven Gothel / cgit
  79. detect gbm platform on linux when no other display server is running — Sven Gothel / cgit
  80. add gbm java & build modifications — Sven Gothel / cgit
  81. add native gbm implementation for drm and gbm initialization. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  82. Bug 1156: EGL-GBM: Cherry pick changes .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  83. gbm/WindowDriver: make it compile and link — Sven Gothel / cgit
  84. Bug 1156: EGL-GBM: Cleanup Code & Replace Newt GBM implementation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  85. Bug 1156: EGL-GBM: Fix Cleanup (Newt package relocation / hack default GBM) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  86. Bug 1156: GBM: FIXME: Hard link gbm and drm (temporary) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  87. Bug 1156: Utilize internal glGetStringi (same as glGetString) - Robostness — Sven Gothel / cgit
  88. Bug 1156: GBM: FIXME: Remove scanning for desktop-GL via EGL, see commit e674f4fa0e795bd67335025123f9af727d856f7d — Sven Gothel / cgit
  89. Bug 1156: EGL-GBM: [Re]use EGL Platform type for eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface as well (like eglGetPlatformDisplay) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  90. Bug 1156: EGL-GBM: Fix NativeWindowFactory native-window-type query according to Bug 1156Sven Gothel / cgit
  91. Bug 1156: NEWT: NewtFactory.getCustomClass(..) Robustness — Sven Gothel / cgit
  92. Bug 1156: GBM: Fixing native GBM code, surviving initialization — Sven Gothel / cgit
  93. Bug 1156: GBM: Bring up incl GL rendering (TODO: GBM working page flip / sync) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  94. Bug 1156 - Implement DRM/GBM Support for JOGL(EGL) and NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  95. Bug 1402: Standalone native test attempting to reproduce issue — Sven Gothel / cgit
  96. Bug 1156: Using EGL.eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface(..) crashes on NVIDIA 430.40 on GNU/Linux X11 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  97. Bug 1200: probeSurfacelessCtx works at least since NVIDIA 430.40. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  98. Updating my eclipse — Sven Gothel / cgit
  99. Bug 1156: DRM/GBM Native test: Add Cursor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  100. Bug 1156: LinuxKeyEventTracker: Fix 64bit InputEvent and attempt to only use keyboard event files — Sven Gothel / cgit
  101. Bug 1156: DRM/GBM: Add full PointerIcon (Cursor) Support — Sven Gothel / cgit
  102. Bug 1156: LinuxKeyEventTracker: Add '/dev/input/by-path/*-event-kbd' and more documentation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  103. Bug 1156: HowToBuild: Add GNU/Linux dependencies to libdrm and libgbm — Sven Gothel / cgit
  104. Adding test invocation script for linux aarch64 / Refined HowToBuild.html — Sven Gothel / cgit
  105. Bug 1156: LinuxKeyEventTracker, LinuxMouseTracker: Adding property to disable each — Sven Gothel / cgit
  106. Bug 1156: LinuxKeyEventTracker, LinuxMouseTracker: Robostness (+NEWT fix) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  107. Bug 1156: Remove verbose print in native CreatePointer.. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  108. Scripts: Macos /opt-share -> /usr/local (Catalina Read-Only) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  109. Scripts: Tests No Verbose — Sven Gothel / cgit
  110. VC4: Broadcom uses,, and since 7 Jul 2016 — xerxes / cgit
  111. VC4: Only load Broadcom EGL driver when guessVCIVUsed — xerxes / cgit
  112. Bug 1405: Provide stand alone demo launcher reducing complexity — Sven Gothel / cgit
  113. Bug 1406: DRMUtil: Probe DRM device whether it has resources attached (and is the desired one) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  114. build-test.xml: fix (unused) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  115. Bug 1406: demos.Launcher0: More tests .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  116. Bug 1406: demos.Launcher0: More code path reduction: useMultiplePointerIcon must be enabled via -pointerIcon — Sven Gothel / cgit
  117. Bug 1156, Bug 1406: NEWT DRM/GBM WindowDriver.surfaceSwap(): Pass swapInterval to optionally skip VSYNC if 0 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  118. Bug 1406, Bug 1405: demos.Launcher0: No sleep w/o animator. VSYNC setting rules (launch script w/ key tracker) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  119. NEWT: Align DisplayImpl.createPointerIcon(..) behavior; PointerIconImpl.validatedHandle() shall not create native resource. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  120. Bug 1408: NEWT DRM/GBM DisplayDriver: Add device locking/unlocking decoration for PointerIcon operations — Sven Gothel / cgit
  121. Bug 1408: NEWT DisplayImpl PointerIcon: Property 'newt.disable.PointerIcon' disables PointerIcon usage in general. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  122. Bug 1408: NEWT DRM/GBM WindowDriver: Adding glFinish() before eglSwapBuffers(..) just in case .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  123. Bug 1156: NEWT DRM/GBM PointerIcon: Use hotX/hotY drmModeSetCursor2(..), hence pass PointerIconImpl through — Sven Gothel / cgit
  124. Bug 1406, Bug 1405: demos.Launcher0: Allow passing GLEventListener via '-demo classname' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  125. NEWTDemoListener: Fix NPE — Sven Gothel / cgit
  126. Bug 1156, Bug 1401: Disable DesktopGL on EGL w/ DRM/GBM earlier in initialization — Sven Gothel / cgit
  127. Bug 1406, Bug 1405: demos.Launcher0: Defaults to use multiple PointerIcons again — Sven Gothel / cgit
  128. LinuxKeyEventTracker: Factor out 'sendKeyEvent(..)' call with null check. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  129. Bug 1405, Bug 1406, Bug 1408: Resolution: Call ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(..) in GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(..) code path! — Sven Gothel / cgit
  130. PointerIcon new instances are always valid .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  131. Bug 1409: GNU/Linux DRM Console: Clear stdin before exit and don't act on stdin in vsync-wait-loop — Sven Gothel / cgit
  132. Fix regression of commit 2b899a55e365aa03aeb234187600526777c1a9ac — Sven Gothel / cgit
  133. Bug 1410: Fix NEWT PointerIcon Lifecycle (destroy and clean references @ closing) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  134. Bug 1412 - JNI: NEWT Check & Handle Exception after calling back into Java (X11Display + X11Window) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  135. Bug 1413 - NEWT X11Window: NewtWindows_getFrameExtends(..) may hang on XPeekEvent(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  136. Bug 1412 - JNI: NEWT Check & Handle Exception after calling back into Java (NewtCommon.c) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  137. Bug 1412: Fix commit a8c2de110a2254af137a3d99007cc77e3ecd8078 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  138. Bug 1411 - Unit Test Subset for DRM/GBM JOGL(EGL) and NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  139. Bug 1156: DRM/GBM NEWT: Clarify drmModeSetCrtc(..)'s x/y parameter and earmark spanning across monitors — Sven Gothel / cgit
  140. Bug 1200: GLRendererQuirks.NoSurfacelessCtx still persists on Linux/X11 NVIDIA 440.36 using FBO — Sven Gothel / cgit
  141. Bug 1393: Make window position check more tolerant (2x insets or 64 pixels, whichever is greater) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  142. NEWT WindowImpl: Wording in comment — Sven Gothel / cgit
  143. Bug 1415: ExclusiveContextBase00+10: Utilize one Animator per Window for clean ExclusiveContextThread — Sven Gothel / cgit
  144. Bug 1415: MacOS: Disable multiple Window creation on ExclusiveContextThread in test case — Sven Gothel / cgit
  145. Bug 1393: Resolve EDT + AppKit Deadlock with native parenting: Fetch parent screen position directly w/o locking. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  146. Bug 1393: Apply 12eed5d38616d23b6e8e2e5b497dfc2f54d90c90 to IOS, avoiding AppKit/EDT deadlock for parent screen location lookup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  147. Bug 1156: NEWT Window: Better handling of fixed console case: Not resizable and not repositionable. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  148. Bug 1416 - Allow EGLDrawableFactory re-creation after shutdown() - be functional — Sven Gothel / cgit
  149. Bug 852: TestCPUSourcingAPINEWT Reference the bug entry and add a little reminder — Sven Gothel / cgit
  150. Bug 1156: NEWT WindowDriver: Handle case with requested CapabilitiesImmutable not being GLCapabilitiesImmutable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  151. Bug 1411: DRM/GBM JOGL: Specify '' unit test target. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  152. Bug 1411 DRM/GBM JOGL: Fix '' unit test target, use it in respective (renamed) scripts. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  153. Bug 1411 DRM/GBM JOGL: Fix '' - three times a charm? — Sven Gothel / cgit
  154. Bug 1411 DRM/GBM JOGL: Fix '' - fourth times — Sven Gothel / cgit
  155. Bug 1417 - Android: Adopt to gluegen/make/scripts/ changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  156. Bug 1156: Seperate DRM/GBM NEWT native library from main head NEWT native library — Sven Gothel / cgit
  157. Bug 1417 - Android: Disable native FFmpeg binding for Android — Sven Gothel / cgit
  158. Bug 1156 Regression (Bug 1417): Probe whether 'eglGetPlatformDisplay(..)' is available before using — Sven Gothel / cgit
  159. Bug 1417 - Android: Add adb scripts for x86 [re-]install — Sven Gothel / cgit
  160. Bug 1417 - Android: APK Manifest [min=21, target=28]; Adopt to GlueGen's 'aapt.signed' d8 usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  161. Bug 1287 - Complete Immutable glNamedBufferStorage support in GLBufferObjectTracker — Sven Gothel / cgit
  162. Bug 1347: Resolve Merged EGL/Desktop Profile Mapping — Sven Gothel / cgit
  163. Reuse Gluegen's Bitfield.Util for 'PowerOf2' computation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  164. Gears* tests: Obey verbose flags — Sven Gothel / cgit
  165. Bug 1312: GLContextShareSet Cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  166. Bug 1312: GLContextShareSet: Utilize WeakIdentityHashMap for shareMap and its destroyedShares — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1483 (Apr 10, 2019, 5:43:10 AM)

  1. Bug 1358: 'Honor' SWT's projection of High-DPI Scaling (Reading hidden — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1481 (Apr 10, 2019, 4:05:04 AM)

  1. AWTRobotUtil Cleanup: Use specific argument types (AWT, NEWT, ..) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1480 (Apr 10, 2019, 2:04:37 AM)

  1. Bug 1362: Add two self contained unit tests to validate SWT >= 4.10 + — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1362: Unit tests: Report SWT and GTK Version — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1362: TestSWTAccessor02NewtGLWindow demonstrates a fix by letting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1362: Minimal action required: setBackground + fillRectangle of some — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1362: Minimal action required: setBackground of the parent canvas — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Cleanup AWTRobotUtil: Extract GLTestUtil + NewtTestUtil; all three based — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Cleanup AWTRobotUtil 2: Align signatures of waitForVisible(..) and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Cleanup AWTRobotUtil 3: TestUtil.WindowClosingListener must be public — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Cleanup AWTRobotUtil ..: Add 'Runnable waitAction' also to waitForFocus — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 1362: Final general lifecycle fixes of unit tests — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1478 (Apr 8, 2019, 6:21:45 AM)

  1. Bug 1190: Adapt cross build scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1190: Adapt cross build TARGET_PLATFORM_USRLIBS and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1477 (Apr 6, 2019, 1:23:39 AM)

  1. SWTAccessor: Cleanup disable debug messages — packet0.git / cgit
  2. Removing also all the double quotes — elect86 / cgit
  3. Bug 1254: Fix viewport height in BCM VC IV ScreenDriver — gottfried.haider / cgit
  4. Improved layout of last paragraph in class javadoc — stevensro / cgit
  5. Typo in javadoc of GLDrawable#isRealized — stevensro / cgit
  6. add touch event support for x11 server — danny.koernig / cgit
  7. Fix mouse button reporting in X11UnderlayTracker — gottfried.haider / cgit
  8. Fix overlay/underlay position mismatch in X11UnderlayTracker with — gottfried.haider / cgit
  9. Update — noreply / cgit
  10. osx test scripts using latest Java — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. OSX/Newt: Catch NSRangeException on closing a window — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Eclipse: Move android.jar to classpath end, avoid junit override — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. JavaFX: Adding JavaFX Support for NEWT utilizing native Window parenting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. JavaFX: Fix API doc of JFXAccessor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. JavaFX: Remove JFXAccessor redundancy — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. JavaFX: Add proper class doc for implementation and unit test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. JavaFX: Preliminary testing on Windows — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. NewtCanvasJFX: Clarify [dispose() -> destroy()] operation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. NewtCanvasJFX: Implement WindowClosingProtocol.WindowClosingMode — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. NewtCanvasSWT: Fix NOP WindowClosingProtocol.WindowClosingMode Behavior — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Adding NativeWindowHolder extends NativeSurfaceHolder; API Doc for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Tests: Adding API Doc for test utilizing NEWTDemoListener and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. TestNewtCanvasJFXGLn: Adding NEWTDemoListener and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. NewtCanvasJFX.NativeWindow: Delegate required child window canvas — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. NewtCanvasJFX: Utilize JFXEDTUtil per default, supporting the Windows — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Bug 1357 Related: GLRendererQuirks NoSetSwapIntervalPostRetarget and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Bug 1283: Remove shader include filename quotes if exists at start and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. ShaderCode: Fixed constant usage (GL3 -> GL3ES3) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Bug 1288: GLBufferStateTracker needs to support ARB_indirect_parameters — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Bug 1348: X11 XI Multitouch: Fixes of previous commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. Bug 1348: X11 XI Multitouch: Refine commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. Update HowToBuild.html — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. Bug 1348: Fix X11 XI Multitouch — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Bug 1316: MacOSX: Keep *.dylib (Don't move to *.jnilib) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. Bug 1366 - Use String.format((Locale)null, "..." ..) avoiding Locale — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. Bug 1367: Adapt to TempFileCache & TempJarCache Changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. Bug 1367: Adapt to TempFileCache & TempJarCache Changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. Windows scripts: Use JDK/JRE 1.8.0_121 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: Adapt to upcoming NON_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. Bug 1370: Call from Main-Thread: NW's OSXUtil.CreateNSWindow0(..) and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. Bug 1362: Enhancing SWT/GTK Support for GTK 2.90, SWT > 4.8 (?) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. Bug 1362: Replace SWT 4.3.0 -> 4.11.0 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. Bug 1362: build/test: Use new SWT 4.10 swt.jar (instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. Bug 1362: SWTAccessor: c -> cGTK for readability — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. Bug 1362: Test against SWT 4.3 and 4.11 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. Bug 1362: Wrong 'fake' swt.jar config for isLinuxARM64, isLinuxARMv6 and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1474 (Dec 10, 2018, 1:25:27 PM)

  1. www/index.html: Update links and text OpenGL ES 3.x -> OpenGL ES 3.2 — xerxes / cgit
  2. make/doc/jogl/spec-overview.html, make/config/jogl/gl-common.cfg: OpenGL — xerxes / cgit
  3. jogl: complete audit of code for unneeded calls to .intern() — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  4. Change BCM VC IV detection to handle presence of vc4 DRI module — gottfried.haider / cgit
  5. WWW: update description of jaamsim on the website. — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  6. Shows all information of the default graphics device in JoglVersion, bug — gouessej / cgit
  7. Bug 1295: Add linux-aarch64 GNU/Linux AArch64 support — xerxes / cgit
  8. Change library search order for Broadcom VC IV graphics — gottfried.haider / cgit
  9. HowToBuild: Add Debian 9 Notes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 1299: Fix Warning when using JOGL on Mac OS X El Capitan — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Version Semantics Test: Bump for 2.4.0 -> 2.3.x — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 1290: Expand query whether BCM IV is being used, exclude — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1472 (Nov 16, 2015, 10:22:57 PM)

  1. Bug 1267 - OSX El Capitan: Animated NEWT GLWindow flickers at resize — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1268: Adapt to GlueGen commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1270 - Fix OSX El Capitan 10.11 stuttering: ALAudioSink: DEBUG: Show — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. X11Util.openDisplay: DEBUG: Show reusable and pending display count — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bump scripts to jre1.8.0_66 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1470 (Oct 15, 2015, 2:26:37 PM)

  1. Version Semantics Test: Bump for 2.3.2 -> 2.4.x — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Drop Vendor Extensions: INGR and PGI for all profiles — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Streamline GL* profile interfaces and implementations — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Streamline Composed Pipeline's interfaces and implementations (Trace* — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. TestGearsES2NEWT: Adding programmatic Debug|Trace pipeline — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Cleanup IgnoreExtension for GL3 and GL4 exclusive extensions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Remove deprectated classes and methods — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1469 (Oct 10, 2015, 3:09:12 AM)

  1. Bug 1249: NEWT/X11 Visibility: Listening to more events for updated — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. WindowImpl.quirks: Access default -> protected, also fix API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1468 (Oct 9, 2015, 6:36:36 AM)

  1. Bug 1247: Align NEWT AWT driver w/ GLCanvas (not fixing any issues) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1247: Enhance JAWTWindow DEBUG output (not fixing any issues) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1247: JAWTWindow fail early w/ useful info: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1247 - TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper fails AWT recreation case — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1467 (Oct 9, 2015, 2:24:59 AM)

  1. Bug 1249 - NEWT X11: setVisible(*) _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN update not — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1249: Revert TestParenting01NEWT durationPerTest back to 600 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1249 - NEWT X11: setVisible(false) IconicState/_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1465 (Oct 8, 2015, 8:17:01 PM)

  1. Bug 1189: Fix gcc redefinition error, even thought typedef equals - on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1249 - NEWT X11: setVisible(false) IconicState not listening to — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1463 (Oct 7, 2015, 12:14:25 PM)

  1. Bug 1189 - Add OpenGL ES 3.2 and new GL 4.5 Extensions support - Part1: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1189 - Add OpenGL ES 3.2 and new GL 4.5 Extensions support - Part1b: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1189 - Add OpenGL ES 3.2 and new GL 4.5 Extensions support - Part2: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1189 - Add OpenGL ES 3.2 and new GL 4.5 Extensions support - Part3: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1189 - Add OpenGL ES 3.2 and new GL 4.5 Extensions support - Part4: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1189 - Add OpenGL ES 3.2 and new GL 4.5 Extensions support - Part5: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1462 (Oct 5, 2015, 2:28:12 PM)

  1. Bug 1239: Fix GLMediaPlayer.CameraInputScheme API doc; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1239: Add support for UYVY422 (swizzled YUYV422) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1239: Update FFMPEGMediaPlayer API doc (versions and OSX resources) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1239: Support OSX input via 'avfoundation' ; Use remaining camera ID — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1239: Fix comment in c-code 'how to set preferred pixel_format' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1461 (Oct 5, 2015, 9:08:24 AM)

  1. Fix: — xerxes / cgit
  2. Bug 1245: Adding Unit Test, similar to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix: junit/jogl/awt/TestBug1225EventQueueInterruptedAWT and — xerxes / cgit
  4. GLContextImpl: clarify surfacelessOK -> isSurfaceless — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1206 - Security: Clear exposed framebuffer after creation and before — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1223: Add '-traceMouse' commandline argument to check whether mouse — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1460 (Oct 3, 2015, 8:35:12 PM)

  1. Bug 1206: Test TestGearsES2NEWT: Versatile 'demoType' allows also no — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1459 (Oct 3, 2015, 6:02:31 PM)

  1. Bug 1244: MovieSimple: String format %d implicit conversion from boolean — xerxes / cgit

#1458 (Oct 3, 2015, 12:29:10 PM)

  1. Bug 1241 - Util's Texture.coords (image coordinates) not updated — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1237: Adopt GlueGen's clarification of IOUtil.getResource(..), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1238 - Fix NPE for Window-Icon's PNGPixelRect for unresolved — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1457 (Oct 2, 2015, 2:43:02 PM)

  1. Bug 1232 - NEWT Translucent Decorated Windows Not Working On Windows >= — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1205: Revert clear background to support fix for Bug 1232: NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1455 (Sep 29, 2015, 6:36:18 PM)

  1. Bug 1225: Unit test shall not fail if AWT is not alive, ignore it via — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1225: Unit test timeout := 3minutes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1225: Unit test shall not fail if AWT is not alive, simply report — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1454 (Sep 29, 2015, 3:59:35 PM)

  1. Bug 1225: Make unit test more robuts, notify if JRE 1.7.0 issue w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT WindowImpl.createNative(): Post creation: Only perform mod-actions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1205 - NEWT Security: Clear framebuffer after creation and before — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1452 (Sep 28, 2015, 7:44:44 AM)

  1. Bug 1125: Unit test to validate that Thread.interrupt() does not disturb — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1233 - Add missing range- and pbo-bound checks on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1234 - GLReadBufferUtil.readPixelsImpl(..) not using [xy] offset in — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1451 (Sep 27, 2015, 2:56:36 PM)

  1. Bug 1226 - GLPixelBuffer.GLPixelAttributes.getPixelFormat() doesn't — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TestGearsES2NEWT: Print bounds @ window resized/moved instead of just — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1232 - NEWT Translucent Decorated Windows Not Working On Windows >= — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1450 (Sep 26, 2015, 6:46:42 AM)

  1. Bug 1214: Fix Deadlock in screenPositionChanged(..); Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1188: Fix setMaximized(..) isReconfigureMaskSupported(..) query — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1223 OSX: GLWindow loses focus after maximizing - Analysis — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Adapt Test NApplet HTML Pages to NEWTDemoListener (all key-actions) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWTDemoListener: Fix 'v' modifier collision of ctrl, use shift. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1222 - NEWT OSX: setAlwaysOnTop() and setAlwaysOnBottom() not — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1449 (Sep 25, 2015, 11:08:19 AM)

  1. Bug 1214 - NEWT MacOSX: Detect auto-resize of Window when it is larger — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1442 (Sep 19, 2015, 9:51:05 PM)

  1. NEWTDemoListener: Double-Mouse-Click Fullscreen only w/ 3 pointers — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1440 (Sep 18, 2015, 11:34:38 AM)

  1. TestGearsES2*AWT / NewtDemoListener: Show pixel-scale in title bar. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1439 (Sep 17, 2015, 3:35:55 AM)

  1. Unit Tests: Add listening to NEWTDemoListener* (Missed in prev. patch) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1211: Fix regression of GLMediaPlayerImpl caused by commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. FFMPEGDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.initSymbols(): Just return null instead — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Unit Tests: NEWTDemoListener: Less verbose; GraphUI-Demos: Show DPI and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1438 (Sep 15, 2015, 12:26:40 PM)

  1. Bug 1211: Refine NEWTDemoListener, JOGLNewtAppletBase — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix NEWT DisplayImpl.createPointerIcon: Pass through Exceptions, as — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT Window Maximize: re-gain focus after maximize action (maybe lost on — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1437 (Sep 15, 2015, 8:16:21 AM)

  1. Bug 1211 TestBug1211IRQ00NEWT: Cover whole JOGL initialization by — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1211: Hardening Condition-Wait from Spurious-Wakeups and unintended — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1211: Adopt changes to unit test from commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1436 (Sep 3, 2015, 7:14:00 PM)

  1. Bug 1211: Adding unit test to identify Thread.interrupt() caller for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1211: Show Platform-Info for unit test TestBug1211IRQ00NEWT (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1211: Custom size for TestBug1211IRQ00NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1211 TestBug1211IRQ00NEWT: Fix using durationTest01; Make — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1211 TestBug1211IRQ00NEWT: Add assertions incl. testing — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1435 (Sep 2, 2015, 4:28:37 AM)

  1. Windows Scripts: Bump JVM to 1.8.0_60 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NativeWindowFactory.createDevice(..): Support creating EGLGraphicsDevice — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1433 (Sep 1, 2015, 7:39:44 AM)

  1. Bug 1202: Fix vsync regression on OSX when using CALayer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1212 - OSX: Crash using CALayer at UnsetJAWTRootSurfaceLayer0(..) w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1431 (Aug 31, 2015, 8:55:07 AM)

  1. Bug 1188: Refine getSupportedStateMask() semantics and minimum — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 1209 - Regression of Bug 1188 Patches: Parented Fullscreen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1208 - NEWT: Window: Consider avoiding operations if not supported, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1210 - Use manual impl. XRenderFindVisualFormat instead of buggy — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1205 - NEWT Security: Clear framebuffer after creation and before — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1430 (Aug 30, 2015, 8:08:39 AM)

  1. Bug 1207 - GLDebugMessageHandler: Support GL_KHR_debug for Desktop and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1203: OpenGL ES 3.1 NVIDIA 355.06's EGL impl. is unstable requires — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1203: Add missing constraints in desktop *GLContext.create* methods: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1428 (Aug 30, 2015, 2:38:17 AM)

  1. Bug 1178: Fix cc3: Set position using LocationOnScreen coordinates. — xerxes / cgit
  2. Bug 1178: X11UnderlayTracker: Resend identical KeyCode, KeySymbol and — xerxes / cgit
  3. NEWT WindowsWindow.c: Fix return value; Add tracking of inOn[Bottom|Top] — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1188: Fix API doc of getSupportedStateMask(); Misc Changes (see — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1188: NEWT WindowsWindow.c: Better support for 'isOnBottom' on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. GLContextImpl.setRendererQuirks(..): Reduce duplicated code of adding — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1202 - Add support of Adaptive Vsync via — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1202 - Move GLContextImpl.*SwapInterval* into its own section — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 1203 (Related): Only attempt to retrieve getGLIntVersion(..) if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 1203: Properly format DEBUG output related to mapGLVersions: Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 1200: Fix crash on GNU/Linux x86_64 'NVidia beta driver 355.06' @ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 1203: SharedResourceRunner.Implementation impl. shall use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 1203: Use platform native default display connection — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Bug 1203: GLDrawable-Stateless operations in GLContextImpl, using — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 1203: Fix GLES3Impl.getGLES3(): Test _isES3 and throw GLException if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 1203: EGLGraphicsDevice.nativeDisplayID: Differentiate upstream — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Bug 1203: Refine DEBUG output — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Bug 1203: Cleanup and Prepare for regular EGL Profile probing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Bug 1200: Refine fix for crash on GNU/Linux x86_64 'NVidia beta driver — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Bug 1203: Implement regular EGL OpenGL Profile probing (ES* + GL*) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. FloatUtil: Remove '@deprecated' for 'matrixToString' 'FloatBuffer' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Bug 1203: EGLDrawableFactory.mapAvailableEGLESConfig(..): Add missing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. *AnimatorImpl: Catch concurrent pulling of GLAutoDrawable instances — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Fix JSpatial link — code / cgit
  25. Bug 1202 (related): Fix SEMVER regressions mostly due to Bug 1202Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Bug 1203: Adding factory-offscreen unit test, validating ES/GL usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Bug 1203: Fix regression of ES3 minMajor constraint lack (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. Bug 1203: Fix TestGLAutoDrawableFactoryGLProfileDeviceNEWT: Do not — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Bug 1203: Fix regression: Handle GLRendererQuirks.GLES3ViaEGLES2Config — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Bug 1203: Optimize OpenGL Profile probing/mapping (Skip redundant — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1425 (Aug 21, 2015, 3:53:53 AM)

  1. Bug 1188: Cleanup public/private[reconfig, non-reconfig] state bits — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Improves a bit the documentation of ImageType and adds .ico and .cur — gouessej / cgit
  3. Improves a bit the documentation of ImageType — gouessej / cgit
  4. HowtoBuild: Update Debian 8.1.0 package recipe .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1196: Fix Unresolved strncpy_s (MSVCRT) on WinXP — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bump oculusvr-sdk — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1188: Refine reconfig state bits — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1188: Introduce getSupportedStateMask() implemented via — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1424 (Aug 19, 2015, 6:26:58 AM)

  1. Bug 1193: ShaderCode: Add SUFFIX_COMPUTE_SOURCE/SUFFIX_COMPUTE_BINARY; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1188: Add @since 2.3.2 tag — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1042: ImageIOUtil: Left-Align branches for readability — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1042: ImageIOUtil: Use unique public static final const String — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1042: ImageIOUtil -> ImageType + ImageType.Util ; Fix implementation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. PNGPixelRect: Avoid redundant wrapping of InputStream into — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1423 (Aug 18, 2015, 5:17:34 AM)

  1. Bug 1192: NEWT native/X11Display.c Cleanup JNI signatures in comments — xerxes / cgit
  2. Adds the compute shaders into the list of supported shaders for — gouessej / cgit
  3. Updates the documentation of the class ShaderCode concerning the compute — gouessej / cgit
  4. Bug 1183: X11RandR13 XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent _occasionally_ reports — xerxes / cgit

#1422 (Aug 12, 2015, 3:57:22 AM)

  1. Bug 1188: OSX: Add maximize horz/vert, implemented manually — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWY WindowImpl appendStateBits(..): Refine maximized; Refine — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT OSX WindowDriver: Must wait for resize on main-thread (Related to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT WindowImpl + WindowDriver: Remove updateInsetsImpl(Insets insets) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1188: Refine Maximized on X11 / Impl. Maximized and Iconify on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1188: Windows: Implement unresizable using appropriate windows — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1421 (Aug 11, 2015, 2:48:12 AM)

  1. Detection of the image format, first version (work in progress), see the — gouessej / cgit
  2. Documents ImageIOUtil, see the bug report 1042 — gouessej / cgit
  3. Calls ImageIOUtil in TextureIO to detect the image format of a stream, — gouessej / cgit
  4. Deprecates SGIImage.isSGIImage() and DDSImage.isDDSImage(), see the bug — gouessej / cgit
  5. Bug 1183: Cleanup x11/RandR javadoc and native/X11RandR13 signature — xerxes / cgit
  6. Bug 1178: Fix cc10 regression caused by the fix for cc7. — xerxes / cgit
  7. Bug 1188: Fix regression on X11 setVisible: in-visibility never reached — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. WindowImpl appendStateBits(..): Fix POINTER* representation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 1188: Fix regression on OSX setVisible: in-visibility never reached — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. NEWT WindowDriver's reconfig DEBUG: Add end-of-method dump of current — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1420 (Aug 10, 2015, 4:39:06 PM)

  1. Bug 1188, Bug 1186: NEWT Window: Support non-resizable, minimize,
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1418 (Aug 2, 2015, 5:05:30 AM)

  1. Adapt to GlueGen's Bitfield Changes (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT.WindowImpl: Adopt synchronized Bitfield for state flags (replacing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix commit 24b646d387b3d85467bb22763b016a556d665707: Add missing — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1415 (Jul 30, 2015, 3:38:11 AM)

  1. Use GlueGen's Bitfield instead of IntBitfield — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1414 (Jul 29, 2015, 11:48:20 AM)

  1. Bug 1145 - Fat Jar: Add default main entry test TestGearsES2SimpleNEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1412 (Jul 29, 2015, 4:37:37 AM)

  1. Bug 1154 - Make plugin3-public.jar optional: Part 1 / 2 (Relocate — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1154 - Make plugin3-public.jar optional: Part 2 / 2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1178: Implement X11UnderlayTracker — xerxes / cgit
  4. Bug 1178: Fix cc0 WindowImpl: Swallow CLICK event — xerxes / cgit
  5. Bug 1178: X11UnderlayTracker Fix cc4. Attempted fix for cc6. — xerxes / cgit
  6. Bug 1178: Fix cc8 WindowDriver: Update pointer during DRAGGED — xerxes / cgit
  7. Bug 1178: Fix cc7 X11UnderlayTracker can now track multiple windows. — xerxes / cgit
  8. Bug 1178: Mouse events shall be passed on to unfocused overlays. — xerxes / cgit
  9. Bug 1178: if overlay is undecorated then make under-lay the same — xerxes / cgit
  10. Bug 1178: Workaround cc9 X11UnderlayTracker: Pressing Maximize locks-up — xerxes / cgit

#1410 (Jul 28, 2015, 1:02:31 AM)

  1. Bug 1184 - JOGL AWT Canvas Components don't update — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1181 - JOGL WebStart Applications using GLCanvas/AWT may Deadlock by — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1161 - Fix Canvas resize stops the rendering in Mac OS X (mostly — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. JAWTWindow: Fix binary compatibility: Add old variants of deprecated — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1409 (Jul 25, 2015, 12:19:48 AM)

  1. fix osx 32bit/java6 test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix TestBug1146GLContextDialogToolTipAWT / AWTRobotUtil.mouseClick(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1180: Refine TestMapBufferRead01NEWT, add TestMapBufferRead02NEWT: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1407 (Jul 24, 2015, 7:29:18 AM)

  1. Unit test for bug 1160; context sharing between an offscreen drawable — tom.nuydens / cgit
  2. Refine Frustum definition: Adding Frustum.FovDesc; Clarify makeFrustum — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Clarify code in stereo/ovr: Comments, states, names, formatting. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. StereoDevice (Generic/OVR): Add knowledge about LocationSensorParameter — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1151 - Fix using DK1 on OVR 0.5*; Minor changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1146, Bug 1158: Add unit test for GLContext creation after showing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1146, Bug 1158: Add missing GLClearColor class — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1160: Fix unit test name and some minor details .. (convention) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. GLContextImpl: Update uncommented code (method name changed) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 1160: Fix test case (Avoid blocking/concurrent master context usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 1160: Fix/Refine test case: Stable master thread; Disable — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1406 (Jul 19, 2015, 8:15:53 AM)

  1. Expand bitmasks in SWTAccessor GTK_VERSION method — rob.hatcherson / cgit
  2. bcm/vc/iv/DisplayDriver depend on libEGL, pre-load it using GLProfile — xerxes / cgit
  3. Bug 1151 - Working OculusVR SDK on GNU/Linux w/ Positional — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix javadoc typo: </count> -> </code> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. ShaderCode: Add 'create' variations w/ custom shader file suffixes as — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1403 (Jul 17, 2015, 10:09:30 AM)

  1. Bug 1176: BCM VC IV: Refine clamping of window position and size at — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1402 (Jul 17, 2015, 3:34:14 AM)

  1. Bug 1176: Clamp window position and size to 0/0 and screen-size, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1176: BCM VC IV: Add window-position to window-relative mouse — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1401 (Jul 16, 2015, 2:43:47 PM)

  1. openmax: fix compile errors (clang) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. PointShader: Use same precision for shared uniform in vertex- and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1399 (Jul 16, 2015, 2:49:41 AM)

  1. add osx-java6 script: using separate — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bump OculusVR RIFT SDK to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Oculusvr SDK: Bump oculusvr-sdk mingw64 fixes ; Drop unused files from — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bump oculusvr-sdk: Fix build for Windows/MingW64 (32bit target) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1392 (Apr 10, 2015, 3:04:45 PM)

  1. Bug 1153 - Adopt to ArrayHashSet change, don't use deprecated ctor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1153 - GLEmitter: Only dump extra comment if w/o enum-name or w/o — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: Fix expected compat result (inactive tests) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Use CompatibilityType.BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE_BINARY for 2.3.1 / Add — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1391 (Mar 27, 2015, 4:37:14 PM)

  1. Bug 1116: Oculus SDK 0.4.4: Add extra DK1 detection; Add call to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1116: Add ShutdownHook for all factories and devices to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: Add version tests: v221 -> v230 and v230 -> — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1388 (Mar 27, 2015, 1:12:25 PM)

  1. StereoDeviceUtil: Only rotate if current mode doesn't match required — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1387 (Mar 27, 2015, 11:29:54 AM)

  1. Bug 1116 - Add OculusVR DK2 Support - Part-2 (DK1 and DK2 on DK2 SDK w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1116: Oculus SDK 0.4.4 support for JOGL - Part-3: New set of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1116: Oculus SDK 0.4.4 support for JOGL - Fix OSX build — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1385 (Mar 26, 2015, 9:14:54 PM)

  1. Bug 1150 - Fix unit tests: Use same definition as in GLProfile for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1384 (Mar 26, 2015, 4:35:47 PM)

  1. Bug 1150 - Fix GLContextImpl.createImpl(..) NoARBCreateContext and '!ARB — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLContext glVersionString: Group all 'compat' flags to save space, add — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1382 (Mar 24, 2015, 5:26:58 AM)

  1. Remove all JNI header, as they were unified in GlueGen commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Adapt to new JNI header location within GlueGen, completes commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1149 - Replacing PCPP w/ JCPP: Update HowToBuild.html — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1381 (Mar 21, 2015, 5:11:21 AM)

  1. Bug 1147 - Fix XRandR13 Usage: Rotate / Change-Mode, use unique — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1116 - Add OculusVR DK2 Support - Part-1 (DK2 on DK1 SDK w/o Eye — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bump oculusvr-sdk - Bug 1116 - Add OculusVR DK2 Support - Part-1 (DK2 on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1148 - OSX MonitorDevice: Use unique and native deviceID instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1379 (Mar 15, 2015, 9:44:28 AM)

  1. Fix API Doc: GLBufferObjectTracker / GLBufferStorage — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1378 (Mar 11, 2015, 8:46:39 PM)

  1. MonitorDevice.toString: More brief 'options' .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1144: Adapt to GlueGen commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1135: Bump [html] doc to include GL 4.5, ES 3.1 and EGL [ 1.0 .. 1.5 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1135: Complete GLBufferObjectTracker for GL 4.5 using GlueGen's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1135: GLBufferObjectTracker for GL 4.5: Separate GL 4.5 DSA and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Resolve RenameJavaSymbol issues (GLUgl2 and CGL) using GLEmitter (-> — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1376 (Mar 9, 2015, 3:54:36 PM)

  1. TestScreenMode02aNEWT: Incr. wait period, for some reason one older test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1142 - NEWT: Add support to retrieve the primary MonitorDevice — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1375 (Mar 9, 2015, 10:52:11 AM)

  1. Bug 1134 - Use ASTLocationTag in Logging — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1135 - (Re-)Include GL header for in generated native code, allowing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix regression of commit 559ecad2a2387ba0aa34ce9e35ca8a2c5a31e655: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1374 (Mar 6, 2015, 7:22:12 PM)

  1. added support for Android x86 platforms — xavier.hallade / cgit

#1372 (Mar 6, 2015, 11:50:32 AM)

  1. Bug 1129 - NEWT MonitorDevice's physical size on Windows must be read — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix typo: PixelFormat.Composition.[componenCount() -> componentCount()] — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT MonitorDevice: Identify cloned devices (fully covered) ; Windows: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix commit 559ecad2a2387ba0aa34ce9e35ca8a2c5a31e655 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NativeWindowFactory: Add FIXME tag regarding Bug 973 (Needs service — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. MonitorDevice: Add 'throws IllegalStateException' for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NativeWindow: Refactor getLocationOnScreenSafe(..) and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1130 - Add Mapping from AWT Component -> NEWT [Screen, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 1135 - Support EGL 1.5 , ES 3.1 and GL 4.5 - Part 1: Update header — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 1135 - Support EGL 1.5 , ES 3.1 and GL 4.5 - Part 2: Minimal patch — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 1135 - Support EGL 1.5 , ES 3.1 and GL 4.5 - Part 3: Minimal patch — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 1135 - Fix other GL header and windows-system header — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 1135 - Change all GlueGen config files, supporting EGL 1.5 , ES 3.1 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Bug 1135 - Add supplemental (overriding) GL header, fixing collisions of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 1135 - Change JOGL's GlueGen Plugin to support EGL 1.5 , ES 3.1 and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 1135 - Cleanup: Remove GL_NV_vertex_array_range extension support in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Bug 1135 - GL/GLContext: Add isGLES31Compatible() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Bug 1135 - Cleanup: Fix native code Warning — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Bug 1135 - Cleanup: Class ownership change of static GL enumerates — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Bump to oculusvr-sdk cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1371 (Feb 5, 2015, 4:29:15 PM)

  1. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add support for libav-11 and ffmpeg 2.[4-x] (Latest — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1370 (Feb 5, 2015, 5:32:48 AM)

  1. Add missing privileged section for NativeLibrary lookup: GLContextImpl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix FFMPEGMediaPlayer: static init block issue, libavresample debian8 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1369 (Feb 3, 2015, 9:18:43 PM)

  1. Bug 1068 - Fix issue w/ unifying Surfaceless probing (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1368 (Feb 3, 2015, 2:32:21 PM)

  1. GL build: add antlr.jar dependency — clement.david / cgit
  2. Fix GLContext.Version* regression: Use Version1_1 and Version1_2 for 1.1 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Create — nishino.tooru+github / cgit
  4. Added. — nishino.tooru / cgit
  5. Skips ARB_create_context with ATI Radeon 3100 (see the bug 1038) — gouessej / cgit
  6. Fixes the indentation :s — gouessej / cgit
  7. FloatUtil.makeFrustum(..): Add throws GLException API doc / Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. GLContext.Version* VersionNumber Constants: Clarify names, avoiding — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Use ExceptionUtils.dumpStack(..) instead of Thread.dumpStack() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 1100 - Document lifecycle-heavy concept and mark some of the — code / cgit
  11. Fix typo — code / cgit
  12. Minor Cleanup (FBObject, GLBase) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 1106: JPEGDecoder adopt to GlueGen Bitstream change commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Bug 1107 - Refine PixelFormat, GLPixelBuffer and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 1068, 1096: Unify EGL surface related code in EGLSurface; Add notion — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 1068 - Allow GLContext creation and makeCurrent without default — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Misc Fixes: Bug 1102 GLJPanel.setSurfaceScale(..); — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Bug 1107: Add missing unit test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Bug 1068 - Use GenericUpstreamSurfacelessHook for all — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. FBObject: indentation / DEBUG output cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Bug 1096 - Expose EGL to public: com.jogamp.opengl.egl.EGL ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Bug 1119 - GL* Efficiency: Keep ProcAddressTable instance within GL* — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Bug 1120 - Add OSXUtil.GetPixelScale(final RectangleImmutable r, final — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Bug 1100: Fix href to 'lifecycleHeavy' -> '#lifecycleHeavy' (anchor) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. Bug 1038: Refine handling of GLRendererQuirks.NoARBCreateContext — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Simplify GLDrawable[Impl|Factory].getGLDynamicLookupHelper(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Bug 896: Refine criteria to allow OpenGL API usage for EGL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. Misc Fix: GLContext*; Refine DEBUG output in GLDrawableFactory's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Bug 1068 - Unify Surfaceless probing; Fix Surfaceless for OSX and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Bug 1096 - Add missing EGLContext.c native code — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. GLContextImpl.makeCurrentImpl(): Remove redundant test whether context — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. Bug 1120 - Refine HiDPI Support ( Part-2 ) (API CHANGE) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. Bug 1110 - Fix missing native function eglGetConfigAttributes on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Fix UbuntuFontLoader: Regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. Bug 1124 - Android Build: Use SDK >= 24.0.2 (build-tools >= 21.1.2) and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. Bug 1124 - Refine AArch64 Linux in ant build recipe, add Android AArch64 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. Bug 1126: Adobt GlueGen commit 7db9df61142694965b50f2e0553d4c9e5668439b — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. Add FIXME notes: AWTPrintLifecycle, WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. Bug 682 - Relocating* -> com.jogamp.opengl.* (Part — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. Bug 682 - Relocating* -> com.jogamp.opengl.* (Part — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. Bug 682 - Relocating* -> com.jogamp.opengl.* (Part — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. Adapt APK install scripts for harmonized os.and.arch names, see GlueGen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. Add javadoc arg (property 'javadoc.xarg1') '-Xdoclint:none' if java >= — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1366 (Oct 10, 2014, 4:00:20 AM)

  1. Bug 1093 - NEWT PointerIcon swizzled on X11 and OSX; WindowIcon swizzled — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1365 (Oct 9, 2014, 1:09:22 PM)

  1. javadoc: Add missing graph package to apidoc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Graph: Fix minor apidoc issues — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Graph/Math: Fix minor apidoc issues — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1364 (Oct 9, 2014, 9:47:34 AM)

  1. Graph Font: Fix API doc (parameter) ; GPUUISceneGLListener0A forward — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. FontFactory: Fix SecurityException as regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1362 (Oct 9, 2014, 4:06:21 AM)

  1. Unit Tests: Increase minimum manual set timeout to 10s — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TestTessellationShader01GL4NEWT: Add robustness, i.e. case where — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix windows test scripts: Add gluegen-test-util.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. ShaderCode: Fix link to create(..) method — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. TestLandscapeES2NewtCanvasAWT: Enforce landscape shader to be — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Newt Screen viewport in windows units: Add missing setup in overriden — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Newt ScreenMode Tests: Return XRandR error-code, allowing fall-back — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1359 (Oct 8, 2014, 9:43:27 AM)

  1. AnimatorBase thread-name: Add instance sequence number — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NativeWindow's ToolkitLock TRACE_LOCK: Show more usable details — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT Display: Fix typo in API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GLContextImpl: Unify common TRACE_SWITCH and DEBUG_TRACE_SWITCH base — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1088: Shared Gears* Unit Tests: Align all 3 Gears* implementation to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1088: Fix ant test target '': Reuse generalized — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. GLRendererQuirks: Align wording in API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1088: Add GLRendererQuirks.NeedSharedObjectSync; Tests: Synchronize — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 1087: Set default framebuffer for OSX DummyDrawable, hence enforce — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. GLException.dumpThrowable(..) -> GlueGen's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 1079 - Remove symbolic link jogl/doc/bouml — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1357 (Oct 3, 2014, 7:12:05 AM)

  1. Added possibility to load font using InputStream parameter — Roman / cgit
  2. build-test.xml: Add target — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Windows make scripts: Fix 64bit java version, dont use raw LIB/CLASSPATH — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix synchronization issues in GLDrawableHelper.flushGLRunnables(), fixes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix GLContextImpl.setRendererQuirks(..) CTX_IMPL_ACCEL_SOFT profile — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix synchronization issues in Animator* Exception case — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Fix future compatibility issues (analog to b22x commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Refine Graph/Font InputStream Capabilities (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 1078: Add Fallback in AWTPrintLifecycle.setupPrint(): Use Onscreen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 1081: Fix GLJPanel Regression: Honor pre-init reshape-size at — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. minor: changed windows build scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 1078, Bug 1082: Fix regression (typo), add missing assignment of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Fix of the bug 1078gouessej / cgit
  14. Bug 1084: Fix GLProfile Mapping regarding hardware priority, honor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. OSX build scripts: Add java6 build script, bump default to use java8 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 1078: Fix commit 99f91f8b28d42cdf341533736e878056bcae4708 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Uses System.err instead of System.out in order to drive the debug logs — unknown / cgit
  18. Bug 1085: Increase and fix DEBUG verbosity in GLJPanel to catch reshape — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Bug 1085: Fix GLJPanel regression while printing w/ invisible GLJPanel: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration[Factory]: Refine indentation to increase — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. UITestCase now extends GlueGen's test-util SingletonTestCase — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. SingletonTestCase -> SingletonJunitCase: Adapt to GlueGen commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1356 (Sep 22, 2014, 7:08:34 AM)

  1. Stabilize, fix regression: GLDrawable.invoke(..) and Animator* — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1355 (Sep 21, 2014, 1:37:23 AM)

  1. Bug 1066: Reduce glGetError() in FBObject / GLFBODrawableImpl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1066: Reduce glGetError() in GLDrawableHelper.reshape(.., — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1354 (Sep 20, 2014, 11:12:26 PM)

  1. TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: Enable test V220->V221 and V221->V222 (w/ 2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: Add v2.2.1 jogl-all.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. FBObject: Fix depth- and stencil bit count selection for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Add GLJPanelsAndGLCanvasDemoGL2Applet: Simple applet test for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: V221 -> V222 Add exception for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1073: FBObject/GLFBODrawable: Remove deprecated methods — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: Compare V221 against current V23x, no special — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. TestInitConcurrent*NEWT: Decorated tests w/ GLProfile.shutdown(), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Adding missing applet launcher html page for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1353 (Sep 20, 2014, 5:19:16 AM)

  1. GLContextImpl.setRendererQuirks(..): Use GLRendererQuirks.addQuirk(int), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. New GLRendererQuirks.BuggyColorRenderbuffer: On Mesa 7.2 software, FBO — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. FBOobject GLEL Tests: Remove redundant detachAllColorbuffer(gl) for init — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. StereoClientRenderer: Remove redundant FBObject.detachAllColorbuffer(gl) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. FBObject: Simplify API (init/reset); Only issue automatic — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. TestGearsES2GLJPanelAWT: Update frame title (awt-size, pixel-size) for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1351 (Sep 18, 2014, 6:30:00 AM)

  1. GLJPanel Cleanup: Remove initial FBO reshape; Propagate reshape only if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. FBObject.reset(..): Return true if modified, otherwise false — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLFBODrawableImpl: Utilize common self-contained setupFBO(..) method for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. doc/TODO.txt: Remove resolved tasks — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1347 (Sep 14, 2014, 4:07:59 AM)

  1. AnimatorBase.finishLifecycleAction(): Non blocking call shall return — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. FPSAnimator: Align code and pause/resume conditions w/ Animator, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. FPSAnimator: Remove toString() override as accidently added in commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Gears* Demos: Spin at same speed (0.5f tan per frame) ; GearsES2: Bring — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. GLJPanel: Allow reconfiguration of offscreen's GLCapabilitiesImmutable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Tests: Util NEWTGLContext: Utilize common createWindow(..) function, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1345 (Sep 10, 2014, 7:37:51 AM)

  1. Don't utilize glPixelStorei's PACK/UNPACK IMAGE_HEIGHT and SKIP_IMAGES — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLPixelStorageModes: Emphasize reset*() usage; setUnpackRowLength: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: v2.3.0 is not backward compatible w/ 2.2.* — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GLBuffers.sizeof(..): Add support for ES3, reading supported — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1344 (Sep 8, 2014, 2:04:36 PM)

  1. Bug 1063: Uri adoption — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1343 (Sep 8, 2014, 8:29:02 AM)

  1. Bug 1065: Handle NULL result of TISGetInputSourceProperty(keyboard, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1342 (Sep 8, 2014, 6:22:43 AM)

  1. Bug 1047 - jogamp.opengl.glu.mipmap.Mipmap now uses already parsed GL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. LICENSE.txt: Emphasice incompatible A.7) module is OPTIONAL — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1340 (Sep 4, 2014, 3:58:13 AM)

  1. Adding missing '@since 2.2.1' tags to ShaderCode and GLContext — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1060 - Add GLProfile.isInitialized(): Returns true if JOGL has been — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1338 (Sep 3, 2014, 3:57:51 PM)

  1. Bug 1059 _and_ version-compat breackage of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1336 (Sep 3, 2014, 6:26:24 AM)

  1. Bug 1048: Add unit tests demonstrating multiple NewtCanvasAWT instances — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug1044: Offscreen drawable AWT/ImageIO results in black image on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1043 - Add Tessellation Control and Evaluation Shader Support — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1058 - Fix GLContext.getGLSLVersionString(): Add 'profile' after — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. HowToBuild: Debian i386 on x64: Add symbolic links for shared libs — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1332 (Sep 2, 2014, 2:44:22 AM)

  1. Bug 1017 - TextureIO.write(Texture, File) throws GLException Not a GL2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1052 - OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.1.3 Caught GLException: Not a GL4ES3 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1052 - OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.1.3 Caught GLException: Not a GL4ES3 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GLProfile: Use String.intern() on static final profile strings ('GL4bc', — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1331 (Sep 1, 2014, 4:27:59 PM)

  1. Scripts: Bump to java 1.8.0_20 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1330 (Aug 31, 2014, 9:15:54 PM)

  1. Fix javadoc package property, use comma as separator (dropped newt and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLStateTracker: Avoid private access wrapper, reuse fetched — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Scripts: Bump to java 1.7.0_67 and apache-ant 1.9.4 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix commit b5910f18f0b82a8a1f6f6252dc19971d5e487f39 for toString(): Call — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. graph/font: Use 'pixelSize' var-name, remove redundancies — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Graph/Text: Prepare unit tests for font rendering validation (WIP) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Graph/Text: Prepare unit tests for font rendering validation (WIP) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. HowToBuild: Bump requirements: ant >= 1.9.0, git >= 1.7.10 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. HowToBuild: Revert required git version back to 1.6.0 (from 1.7.10, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. TestVersionSemantics: BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE_USER current vs 2.2.0 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. glsl.sdk.CompileShader: Use IOUtil.StreamMonitor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. GLSharedContextSetter: Fix API doc and all html references (fix URL and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 1054: Cleanup GLContext 'lock' and 'drawable' usage, perform — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Bug 1054: Cleanup GLContext: 'lock' -> 'contextLock' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 1054:  GLContext: makeCurrent() needs a null-check of [mutable] — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 1055 - Access and query shared master GLContext in a deterministic — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Bug 1054: Revert dfb9ed47ac6d8e85f6ae5fe166e7a6e28ca8ff83: Cannot change — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Refine test cases for synchronous GLAutoDrawable display, swap-buffer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Refine test cases for synchronous GLAutoDrawable display, swap-buffer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. FBObject Cleanup: Add comments about maxSamples > 0 implies — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. TestGLReadBuffer01GLJPanelAWT: Add keyFrame-wait after init — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Bug 1020 - First MSAA FBO frame on a mac osx nvidia card not antialiased — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. TestSharedContextNewtAWTBug523: Fix junit usage .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1329 (Aug 7, 2014, 12:29:09 AM)

  1. Bug 1021: Fix OculusVR detection, need to probe HMD count, otherwise — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1021: Refine Stereo API; Fix GenericStereoDevice; Fix StereoDemo01 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT Window setSurfaceSize(..): Add API doc comment about setting — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1327 (Aug 6, 2014, 6:10:46 AM)

  1. Bug 1039 - Specify behavior of GLEventListener Exceptions occurring — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1039 - Specify behavior of GLEventListener Exceptions occurring — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1039: Rename GLAnimatorControl.UncaughtGLAnimatorExceptionHandler -> — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1325 (Aug 5, 2014, 5:24:42 PM)

  1. Bug 1036: Renamed property to switch off NVidia Windows workaround — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1028 - AMD Windows driver thread hinders JVM process to exit/end, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1322 (Jul 31, 2014, 7:32:44 AM)

  1. GLDrawable: Expose getRequestedGLCapabilities() (Include to public API) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 830 - Refine Heuristics for to query whether — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1039 - Specify behavior of GLEventListener Exceptions occurring — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix NPE regression of commit ba1ffe66697c3175b423cb7ab9b686d73959708d — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1320 (Jul 30, 2014, 10:07:36 PM)

  1. Bug 1036: NVidia's Windows Driver Threaded optimization: Alternative — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 830 - Add Heuristics for to query whether — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix commit adf8e6e40aa9513036864489642cfef252804d08 (Bug 1036): long -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Refine test ff5dba28610b4f680c9320e9e52669ed54d4de43: Perform context — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1317 (Jul 30, 2014, 5:07:51 AM)

  1. GLContext: Don't map compatibility profiles to core profile if the — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1038 - Allow skipping detection of certain GLProfiles: Skip — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Revert "GLContext: Don't map compatibility profiles to core profile if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1038 - Fix: Allow skipping detection of certain GLProfiles: Skip — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1316 (Jul 29, 2014, 11:30:01 PM)

  1. Bug 1038 - Allow skipping detection of certain GLProfiles: Skip native — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1315 (Jul 29, 2014, 9:14:37 PM)

  1. GLContext.hasNoDefaultVAO(): Remove ES 3.x, fixing issues w/ ES 3.x — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. BuildComposablePipeline: Handle synthetic isGL* and getGL* more generic, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix ShaderCode.es3_default_precision_fp: ES 3.x requires same precision — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. FixedFuncHook: Use downstream gl.getGLProfile().getImpl() for custom — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1314 (Jul 29, 2014, 5:44:58 AM)

  1. Bug 1033: Guarantee atomicity of high-level GLAutoDrawable operations, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fixed and Changed NVidia Windows Driver Threaded optimization bug — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1035 - Allow Gamma [Brightness, Contrast] settings to be performed — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1029 - Memory leak in GLDrawableHelper: 'perThreadInitAction' shall — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1037 - FBObject/GLFBODrawable: Do not assume using a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1037 - FBObject: Add proper attachment size validation at init, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. GLJPanel: Enhance the class API-doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. GLJPanel: Only dump verbose debug on frameCount each frame if property — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. GLJPanel: Enhance API doc on setSkipGLOrientationVerticalFlip(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 1016 - GLJPanel Offscreen FBO size may exceed GL MAX TEXTURE SIZE, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. WindowImpl: Fix intendation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 1036: NVidia Windows Driver 'Threaded optimization' workaround. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. WindowsWGLDrawableFactory: Fix html doc — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1309 (Jul 11, 2014, 3:20:46 AM)

  1. Bug 1024: Add fallback for native-jar-file location via classpath — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1307 (Jul 10, 2014, 5:02:52 PM)

  1. Bug 982: Adding test TGA file for confirmation - No bug — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. StereoDeviceRenderer/ClientRenderer: Add note about 'Correct Asymmetric — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Refine JOGL's LICENSE.txt: Distinguish between 'New BSD 2-Clause — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Refine commit ec2d94ca26ddab8ec67135ebc5f2d0a43f6a4c25: Call — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Refine 'GLSharedContextSetter' test cases: Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. StereoClientRenderer: Fix API doc anchor link — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Refine commit 808d95cd692ab666271a83c70e8509859586de72 LICENSE.txt: Add — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1305 (Jul 10, 2014, 2:00:10 AM)

  1. Bug 1031: Remove Deprecated Classes and Methods (JOGL) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1304 (Jul 9, 2014, 9:32:51 PM)

  1. Bug 801: Add Graph pass-2 shader for VBAA 'odd' sample count — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1303 (Jul 9, 2014, 12:01:31 AM)

  1. Bug 1021: Add GenericStereoDevice* Supporting custom configurations; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Findbugs.minor: Fix 'array -> string', missing argument — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Findbugs.normal: Adding safeguard hashCode() implementation throwing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Findbugs.synchronization: Fix double-check w/o volatile; Remove — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Findbugs.not-written.null: Fix referencing non-written fields (never — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Findbugs.switch-case: GLBuffers.bytesPerPixel(..) throw GLException for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Findbugs.increment_volatile: Use AtomicInteger or add comment that — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. GenericStereoDevice: Cast to float before operating division, requesting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Findbugs.static_final_immutable: Use final qualifier for static — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Findbugs: Remove redundant instanceof checks — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Findbugs: Use Integer.parseInt(string) for int values to avoid boxing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Findbugs: Add FIXME comment regarding float comparison (consider using — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Findbugs: Fix WindowImpl.getReconfigureFlags(..): Remove sloppy useless — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Findbugs: Add comment about intended setting of static field by instance — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Fix regression of commit 96d530e7127c89db9991080e6268c6e8430d0619: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Findbugs: Use <NumberType>.valueOf(..) instead of 'new <NumberType>(..)' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Findbugs: Remove branches where reference cannot be null — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Findbugs: Remove dead-code / unused [temp] storage and it's assignment — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Findbugs: Add comments that FB warnings are of no concern .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Findbugs: Misc minor issues (see below) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. AnimatorBase: Use cached synchronized value instead of unsynchronized — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Findbugs: Use AtomicInteger for synchronized increment access — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Findbugs: Use 'float' division instead of integer for float results — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Findbugs: Misc issues (Use private accessors of static fields; Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. Findbugs: Use inner static class where possible — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Findbugs: Use static fields where possible — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Findbugs: Comment on some issues (OK, they are) ; Remove dead branches — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. StereoDevice: Don't make inner class's method private due to wrapper — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1301 (Jul 5, 2014, 3:28:33 PM)

  1. Produce duplicate natives in the build, in preparation for removing — code / cgit
  2. Attempt to remove aliasing from native libraries. — code / cgit

#1300 (Jul 5, 2014, 8:30:21 AM)

  1. HowToBuild: Add 'libudev-devel' for oculusvr-sdk sub-module compilation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. build: Add oculusvr java-doc ; Add in 7z archive — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1021: Make OVR access vendor agnostic: Package — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix FloatUtil.makePerspective(..): The tan(fovy/2) shall be used, not — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1297 (Jul 3, 2014, 4:55:10 PM)

  1. FloatUtil.makePick(..): Refine API doc, incl. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Code Clean-Up based on our Recommended Settings (jogamp-scripting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1021: Fix remaining build issues if sub-module oculusvr-sdk is — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1295 (Jul 3, 2014, 2:17:07 PM)

  1. Bug 1021: OVRSBSRenderer*: Add texture filtering parameter — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1294 (Jul 3, 2014, 12:27:26 PM)

  1. Bug 1021: OVRDistortion.getSBSUpstreamPMV(..): Use generic perspective — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1021: OVRDistortion.getSBSUpstreamPMV(..): Use all cached eye — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1293 (Jul 3, 2014, 9:39:18 AM)

  1. Bug 1021: Refine Stereo Rendering API and OculusVR implementing renderer — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1292 (Jul 2, 2014, 2:09:23 PM)

  1. Enhance FloatUtil: More optimizations, concludes commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add missing FloatUtil.invertMatrix(..) unit test, which impl. changed w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. WIP: Add Matrix4 OO wraper for FloatUtil matrix operations — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix 'typo' in messages: 'Catched' -> 'Caught' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. OculusVR: Add in eclipse classpath, and; Also create — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1027: Fix usage of atomic jar files (NEWT) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Fix (c) header: Due to copy & paste, wrong header was used for certain — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1021: Add OculusVR distortion renderer (single FBO and dual FBO); — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1286 (Jun 27, 2014, 8:51:40 PM)

  1. Fix build if oculusvr-sdk submodule is missing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLU: Make ProjectFloat/ProjectDouble final and deprecate GLU.destroy() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Enhance FloatUtil: Merge ProjectFloat features while adding optimized — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1285 (Jun 25, 2014, 1:46:28 PM)

  1. Bug 1021: Enhance OVR GlueGen Mapping / Adapt to GlueGen commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1021: OVR GlueGen Mapping: Compile all generated C files, add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1021: OVR GlueGen Mapping: Handle non-existent native oculusvr lib — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1282 (Jun 20, 2014, 11:38:39 AM)

  1. Minor refinements: .gitignore HowToBuild — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 1021: Adding submodule oculusvr-sdk and adjust HowToBuild (git clone — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 1021: Add OculusSDK binding / Basic OVR support — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 1021: Add OculusSDK binding / Basic OVR support (Refine build — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 1021: Add OculusSDK binding / Basic OVR support (HowtoBuild.xml: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1021: Add OculusSDK binding / Basic OVR support (Bring-up on Windows — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 1021: Add OculusSDK binding (Bring-up on OSX w/ clang/clang++ ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 1021: Add note about 'Oculus VR Rift SDK Software License' in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. WWW: Update CCT's C3D Entry — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. www: shorten c3d desc. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. www .. c3d desc (2) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1278 (Jun 18, 2014, 4:29:23 PM)

  1. Adapt to GlueGen commit c3054a01990e55ab35756ea23ab7d7c05f24dd37 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix regression due to GlueGen commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Adapt to GlueGen commit 2f6586292cd298bbc19d8acda0f7cf303c82078b — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1275 (Jun 13, 2014, 5:15:14 AM)

  1. Fix NEWT EDTUtil Deadlock on EDTUtil.start() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 826 Regression caused by commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1272 (Jun 12, 2014, 8:50:51 AM)

  1. NEWT Window: Remove deprecated methods: HiDPI + reparentWindow(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 741 HiDPI: Add ScalableSurface.getNativeSurfaceScale(..) to compute — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GraphUI: Fix using multiple texture units w/ opt. colorTexUnit in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GLMediaPlayer: Fix video stutter if using NullAudioSink — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Remove explicit xcode.clang property files — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 1011 / Bug 1012: GLMediaPlayer Audio/Video stuttering w/ OSX and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Graph: Fix GLSL issue w/ ES3, add 'const float sample_count', since — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Graph RegionRenderer: Fix GL3 and ES3 GLSL issues — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. GraphUI Demo: Analyze issue w/ OSX and NewtCanvasAWT when rendering / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Fix Bug 1019 - Remedy of Bug 691 causes 'access/modify after free' and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1261 (Jun 8, 2014, 10:03:50 PM)

  1. Bug 741 HiDPI: Simplify ScalableSurface (2): Add request pixelScale API — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1260 (Jun 8, 2014, 4:01:35 PM)

  1. UpstreamSurfaceHook: Add 'NativeSurface getUpstreamSurface()' (from — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Minor: API-Doc / DEBUG Typo, GDISurface: Make fields private — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 741 HiDPI: Add ScalableSurface interface to get/set pixelScale w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 741 HiDPI: Simplify ScalableSurface [set|get]SurfaceScale(..) spec, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1258 (Jun 6, 2014, 1:30:00 PM)

  1. NEWT AWTAdapter: Simplify event processing / Window.enqueueEvent(..): — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 741 HiDPI: Add new NativeSurfaceHolder interface to GLDrawable and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1257 (Jun 4, 2014, 1:23:31 AM)

  1. Bug 741 HiDPI: Fix OSX NEWT Offscreen Size Regression from commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 741 HiDPI: Add missing window -> pixel unit conversion in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GraphUI: Fix label layout (absolute), add auto no-aa dpi threshold (200Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 741 HiDPI: Fix missing window -> pixel unit conversion in — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1253 (May 27, 2014, 4:26:39 AM)

  1. Texture/TextureIO: Make 'wrapping' Texture ctor public, remove same — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Minor edits: Fix comments / API-docs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 801: Split GraphUI's TextureButton: TextureSeqButton (Base) and it's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 801: Fix RegionRenderer's TextureSequence shader program selection — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Extract FFMPEGNatives's Audio + Video formats to their own class in AV — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 801: Refine commit 9a15aad0e5388a4b927e44d3d2ce136f32474bc2 cache — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. GLMediaPlayerImpl: Change access of most fields to private for clarity — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 742 HiDPI: Add access to private HiDPI in AWT pixelScale value in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 742 HiDPI: Add prelim HiDPI support to GLJPanel w/o API change and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 742 HiDPI: [Core API Change] Distinguish window-units and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 742 HiDPI: [Core API Change] Distinguish window-units and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 742 HiDPI: [Core API Change] Distinguish window-units and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 741 HiDPI: Refine Monitor/Screen [virtual] Viewport Definition / Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Bug 1012: Fix erroneous handling of multiple monitor coordinates on OSX — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 1013: Fix switching monitor resolution for NEWT Window (content — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 1009: Make FBObject's sampling sink format compatible w/ sampling — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Bug 1009: Refine test case (Add test06_GL3_Demo0Normal) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Bug 1010 - Fix ES3.glPixelStorei and revalidate GLPixelStorageModes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. NewtCanvasSWT: Fixe newtChild NPE; Perform getParentLocationOnScreen() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Bug 741 HiDPI: [Core API Change] Bring back get[Width|Height]() in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Bug 741 HiDPI: Fix regression MIN_MONITOR_DEVICE_PROPERTIES: Adding — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1251 (May 14, 2014, 12:28:53 PM)

  1. Unit Test: Added Semantic Version Test (Current version agains v2.1.5) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: Derive from JunitTracer — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1249 (May 12, 2014, 1:34:11 AM)

  1. Reduce jar-size / cleanup: Replace 1 kB test-ntsc01-57x32.png w/ 400kB — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. jogl: avoid bugs with sign-extension in JPEGDecoder — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. jogl: avoid writing into an uninitialized array in nurbs code — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  4. Manual test scripts: Pass classpath via '-cp' instead of env CLASSPATH — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. HowToBuild: ant 1.8.2 ; Complete GNU/Linux dependencies w/ openjdk, ant — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix some unit tests: Add ant-junit4.jar to classpath — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. manual tests: Add exp. gluegen-rt-alt.jar to 'ALT' classpath — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Fix MovieCube/MovieSimple Graph-Text Usage: Add Alpha Blending otherwise — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Libav/FFMpeg: Bump headers of final version libav-10 / ffmpeg-2.2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. FFMPEGMediaPlayer / FFMPEGv10Natives: Fix libav-10 and ffmpeg-2.x — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Add generic manual build script to test against distribution's default — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. JAWTWindow: Non intrusive workaround for Bug 1004 and providing — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1248 (Apr 10, 2014, 3:30:15 AM)

  1. GraphUISceneDemo Applet: Add JOAL for GLMediaPlayer usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 801: Introd. RenderState.BITHINT_GLOBAL_DEPTH_TEST_ENABLED hinting — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1247 (Apr 9, 2014, 4:52:46 PM)

  1. Bug 801: WIP 1/2 - Add color attribute; Switch Shader instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Cleanup *GraphicsDevice: Use 'final' for ctor parameter; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. X11/WGL GLContext Impl: setGLFunctionAvailability(..) w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 801: WIP 2/2 - Add color attribute; Switch Shader instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 801: Reduce temp. object creation, i.e. GC load — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 801: Cleanup shader-program location/data update ; Add COLORTEXTURE — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 801: Fix regressions from 9c71f276d1fcc87b69b413847fd1da34b30d0932 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NEWT Events: Use final .. (minor edit) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Fix Quaternion.rotateByEuler(..): Zero rotation shall lead to NOP — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Add AABBox.getRayIntersection(..), VectorUtil.line2PlaneIntersection(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Add TextureSequence.isTextureAvailable(), allowing triggering action — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. PinchToZoomGesture: Add 'delta' value [-1..1], move 'InputEvent trigger' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Use 'const' qualifier in shader stub — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Fix ShaderCode.insertShaderSource(..): Return 'position' if nothing has — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 801: Region Dirty Update; TextureSequence GLMediaPlayer Fix; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. VectorUtil: Fix method names, i.e. use type-suffix in end of function — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. NEWT MouseEvent: Decouple pointerIds from single-pointer button, i.e. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Bug 801: LabelButton uses DEFAULT_2PASS_LABEL_ZOFFSET in any mode, due — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. build-test.xml: Handle hs_err_pid*.log files, i.e. clean-up and archive — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1246 (Mar 26, 2014, 2:05:21 PM)

  1. Fix test applets: GraphTextDemo (No MSAA, add VBAA def. ctor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. MovieCube/Simple on Android/GLES: Cache FPS Region (updated only each — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Demos MovieCube/Simple: Update video URLs .. since — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1245 (Mar 26, 2014, 12:18:01 AM)

  1. Adding missing jogl-applet-runner-newt-GraphUISceneDemo02-napplet.html — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Adding missing jogl-applet-runner-newt-GraphUISceneDemo03-napplet.html — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLRendererQuirks.NoMultiSamplingBuffers: Prelim detection of this quirk — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 801: Revise Graph VBAA (Add border dropping MSAA; Test diff. AA — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 801: Elaborate on multisampling performance/quality: Flipquad, RGSS, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. ShaderCode: Allow 'srcRoot' to be optional ; RegionRendererImpl01: Allos — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TypecastRenderer: Validate Shape Generation - Result: OK — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 801: Use allsamples 'brute force' for VBAA (best quality) ; Demos: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 801: Graph OpenGL ES2 and ES3 Compatibility — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 801: Adjust Tests: GPUUIScene* use window proportional button size; — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1244 (Mar 17, 2014, 8:45:14 PM)

  1. Graph minor linear optimization: Passing array storage (reduce temp — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Graph minor linear optimization: use vertexInTriangle3(..) reduces — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. graph test: TestTextRendererNEWT10 cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 801: Graph TextRenderer Cleanup Part-1a (unclean) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 801: Graph TextRenderer Cleanup Part-1b (clean) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 802: Graph TextRenderer Performance Part-1 (incomplete, rendering — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 802: Graph TextRenderer Performance Part-2 (fix artifacts, cleanup, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 801: Graph TextRenderer Cleanup Part-2: Remove Path2D from — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 801: Graph TextRenderer Cleanup Part-3: Region.addOutlineShape(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 801: Graph TextRenderer Cleanup Part-4: Text[Render->Region]Util — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 801: Graph TextRenderer Cleanup Part-5: *Region API Cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 802: Graph TextRenderer Performance Part-3: Reuse 'float[] coordsEx' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 801: Graph TextRenderer Cleanup Part-6: Fix TypecastRenderer; Minor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Bug 801: Outline.setClosed(boolean [closed->closeTail]): Always close, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 801: TextRegionUtil add 'special' for cache-key; Minor edits — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 801: Fix TypecastRenderer End-Of-Contour and Shape-Closing; add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Bug 801: TypecastRenderer: Disable DEBUG ; Performance Note: ~800-1200 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Bug 801: TypecastRenderer: Rename local point vars for better review — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Bug 801: Enhance API doc of FontSet and FontFactory — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Bug 801: TextRenderUtil/TextRendererGLELBase - Pass Font and fontSize to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Bug 801: Drop TypecastRenderer's CUBIC mode if p3 is 'looped' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. NEWT MonitorDevice: Add convenient getPixelsPerMM(..) method to retrieve — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Bug 801: VBAA Render-Mode Based on SampleCount (not a user-based — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Bug 801: TypecastRenderer: Don't use Cubic, but 'double quad' / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. AudioSink: Fix API doc (minor edit) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Bug 801: Cleanup CDTriangulator2D — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. TestRulerNEWT01: Use new MonitorDevice.getPixelsPerMM(store) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. Bug 801: Add MSAA_RENDERING_BIT ; VBAA: Uses GL_NEAREST (good result) ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Bug 801: Fix VBAA Distortions (VBO-size fractional delta) and AA (Sample — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Bug 801: Refine 'blend' usage and modes (API-doc and demo-code) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. Bug 801: VectorUtil: Pass result vector, allowing caller to manage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. Bug 801: Fix 183e1bc1868699b99eb9f9c8bf18d646d1120a48 'window box' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. Bug 801: Fix UI-Graph Demo (Part-1) ; TextRegionUtil: Add Generic — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Bug 801: AffineTransform: Remove Serializable, make methods final; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. Doc NEWT-Overview: Add notion about Window Parenting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. Math and PMVMatrix: Cleanup and Refine — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. Quaternion: Fix and enhance class incl. Extensive Unit Tests (all — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. Bug 801: Add Frustum support to Region; Misc .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. PMVMatrix.glLoadMatrix(Quaternion): Load Quaternion's directly w/o — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. Bug 801: Outline/OutlineShape tranform and sort fixes ; Quaternion: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. Bug 801: Remove Vertex.Factory from AffineTransform ; Add AABBox — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. Quaternion: User EPSILON for all tests against zero and one (identity .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. Bug 801: Fix GPUUISceneGLListener0A (GraphUI Demo) .. Transformations .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. FloatUtil/VectorUtil: Enhance isEqual/compare w/ and w/o epsilon, add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. NEWT: Minor edits — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. Add generic support for picking via raycast intersection and AABBox (or — Sven Gothel / cgit
  47. Bug 801: Revisit UIShape/SceneController (Ray-Picking, Full Object/Model — Sven Gothel / cgit
  48. Quaternion: Add rotateByEuler(..); AABBox: Add translate(..); Minor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  49. AABBox: Add rotate(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  50. Bug 801: GraphUI .. Fixed transformations, cleanup - All shape-object — Sven Gothel / cgit
  51. Bug 801: GraphUI .. Missed 'CrossHair' Class (Commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  52. Fix GraphUI - Remove MSAA if in VBAA mode (double AA not so good) - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  53. SceneUIController: Remove unused (and not commited) Matrix reference — Sven Gothel / cgit
  54. Graph: Fix NPE in case of double destroy call .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  55. Graph: Fix NPE in case of double destroy call .. (VBORegion2PMSAAES2) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1239 (Mar 11, 2014, 2:01:01 AM)

  1. Bug 961: Fix commit fdd60adb1d421f2018b47ee17e9079c94b54910f (memmove — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. doc/Platforms.txt: Update Virtualbox 4.3 Tests .. w/ Debian Host and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1238 (Mar 10, 2014, 10:19:37 PM)

  1. Bug 961: Stabilize glXGetFBConfigAttrib(..) and glXChooseFBConfig(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1237 (Mar 10, 2014, 3:10:46 PM)

  1. Refine commit 9fb1e46e43900ec9b2f9c9af1fc8984e101c8811: Avoid loading — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 975: Add TestGLReadBuffer01GLCanvasAWT Unit Test (AWT Frame w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Test script: Add TestGLReadBuffer01GLCanvasAWT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1234 (Feb 26, 2014, 5:31:07 PM)

  1. AWTMisc.static: Allow static creation of 'null' AWT cursor to fail (i.e. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 984 - Fix GLBufferObjectTracker.mapBuffer(..)'s mapBufferImpl(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1233 (Feb 25, 2014, 5:31:07 PM)

  1. A more wholesome solution to the windowing problems in OSX. As described — petros / cgit
  2. Bug 927: Try fix deadlock. — xerxes / cgit
  3. Bug 937 : Fix regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix whitespaces of commit 78fcb8228d4a391054501aef16eb0462322ba39d and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1232 (Feb 22, 2014, 8:12:28 AM)

  1. Bug 927 - Multithreading (MT) issues libav/ffmpeg — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 927 - Multithreading (MT) issues ALAudioSink — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. ALAudioSink: Add thread-name to exceptions; stopImpl shall not throw an — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 927 - Multithreading (MT) - GLMediaPlayer.GLMediaEventListener: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1231 (Feb 22, 2014, 3:40:52 AM)

  1. Bug 927: demos/es2/av/CrossFadePlayer — xerxes / cgit
  2. Match Bitstream changes of gluegen commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1228 (Feb 20, 2014, 6:00:43 PM)

  1. Bug 980: Use Bitsream class for JPEGDecoder — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Cleanup imports TestGLReadBuffer01GL* — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1227 (Feb 18, 2014, 9:56:19 PM)

  1. Bug 975 - GLJPanel's OffscreenDrawable shall not double swap - Refine — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 975 - GLJPanel's OffscreenDrawable shall not double swap - Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLContextImpl/GLDrawableImpl.getDefaultReadBuffer(..): Pass hint whether — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1226 (Feb 16, 2014, 7:16:08 PM)

  1. Bug 927: Fix minor MT issues w/ libav/ffmpeg — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1224 (Feb 16, 2014, 2:35:02 AM)

  1. Graph: RendereState: Create own PMVMatrix if passed value is null; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Extract TextRendererGLELBase (demo) - Utilize general text rendering for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Movie* Demo: Utilize TextRendererGLELBase (fps, vsync, ..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. doc/HowToBuild.html: Remove duplicate line — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Add make/scripts/ — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1222 (Feb 15, 2014, 8:47:38 PM)

  1. Bug 970: NEWT OSX ChildWindow setVisible(..) does not hide child window — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 972 - Reduce ClassLoader Lookup, i.e. Class.forName(..): GLProfile, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 973: NativeWindowFactory: Needs service provider interface (SPI) for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 973: NativeWindowFactory: Needs service provider interface (SPI) for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. TextureIO: Support PNGTextureWriter w/ TextureData IntBuffer (via — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 962 - AWTGLReadBufferUtil should use aligned BufferedImage [for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TextureIO: Fix PNGTextureWriter Vertical-Flip, i.e. pass TextureData's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 974 - Add missing [GL4] glMultiDrawArraysIndirect(int mode, int — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. SurfaceUpdatedListener: Order methods in impl. Class; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 975 - GLJPanel's OffscreenDrawable shall not double swap (custom — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. GLPixelStorageModes: Safe and restore GL2ES3 modes, i.e. add missing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. GLReadBufferUtil: Set PACK_ROW_LENGTH for ES3 as well - also set — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 975 - GLJPanel's OffscreenDrawable shall not double swap - Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Bug 927 - Multithreading (MT) issues with ALAudioSink (openal-soft) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. doc/HowToBuild.html: Complete Debian package list, add note on multiarch — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1217 (Jan 31, 2014, 3:12:57 PM)

  1. NEWT WindowImpl: Don't waitForPosition(..) if child window - issues w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JOGLNewtApplet3Run: Don't set position if normal child window. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1216 (Jan 31, 2014, 11:11:00 AM)

  1. Sync plugin3-public jar and source files — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add NativeWindowFactory.getLocationOnScreen(NativeWindow nw) to retrieve — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NativeWindowFactory.createWrappedWindow [WrappedWindow]: Using — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NewtFactory: Cleanup / createWindow(..) w/ parentWindow variant shall — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Adapt to new plugin3 / Use browser window's location on screen for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. applet3 test page: remove redundant 'Applet3' in link name — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1215 (Jan 30, 2014, 12:16:33 PM)

  1. NEWT Window: Add API Doc for Custom Window Icons — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NativeWindowFactory: Add Support for creating a platform agnostic — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NewtFactory: Fix createWindow(..) ctor w/ given native window handle — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT: Add Support for AWT-Less Applet3 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Add Applet3 test html pages — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1214 (Jan 27, 2014, 2:13:24 PM)

  1. Bug 927 - Enhance GLMediaPlayer/FFMPEGMediaPlayer MovieSimple to run — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 952 - JAWTWindow.JAWTComponentListener's ctor() and detach() may — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1213 (Jan 26, 2014, 3:12:21 AM)

  1. Script: Correct joal.jar path; Remove redundant NewtDebugActivity (Debug — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLMediaPlayer: Add user attached objects, similar to GLContext - — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1212 (Jan 25, 2014, 4:56:29 PM)

  1. Adapt to joal.jar location in ${}/jar/joal.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1210 (Jan 25, 2014, 12:06:49 AM)

  1. GLRendererQuirks.addQuirks(..): Fix array bounds check — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 948 - Autodetect GLRendererQuirks.SingletonEGLDisplayOnly — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TestPerf001*Init0*: Add INIT_TIMEOUT for perf. loop (10s) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1209 (Jan 24, 2014, 1:21:17 PM)

  1. NEWT X11 DisplayDriver.dispatchMessagesNative(): Avoid aDevice NPE while — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. EGLDisplayUtil.eglCreateEGLGraphicsDevice(..): Don't open() device — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 950 - Recognize full FBO capabilities for ES 3.0 - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 948 - NVIDIA 331.38 (Linux X11) EGL impl. only supports _one_ EGL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Add 'make/scripts/' to setup missing ' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1207 (Jan 23, 2014, 5:49:53 AM)

  1. Bug 921: FPSAnimator debug output on stderr shall happen only if DEBUG — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Jar Manifest: Add empty line before EOF (otherwise last line is cut-off — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1204 (Jan 22, 2014, 8:29:30 PM)

  1. Fix jogl-*-version.jnlp: Needs 'all-permissions' to match jogl-all.jar's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 945 - Add test script to launch unit test from samba share on — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1202 (Jan 22, 2014, 1:37:49 PM)

  1. TestParenting01dAWT: Add waitForVisible after toggling NEWT child window — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 938 - has no more equals() method — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 942 - Share GLBufferStateTracker ; Unify GLBufferStateTracker and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. JAWTWindow DEBUG: Dump all JAVA_VERSION* information — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Revert "Bug 942 - Share GLBufferStateTracker ; Unify — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 942: Bug 942 - Review GLBuffer[State|Size]Tracker and NIO mapped — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 942 - Review GLBuffer[State|Size]Tracker: Add synchronized access to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 943 - GLBufferStateTracker shall support tracking all possible — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 942: GLBufferObjectTracker: Tracking GLBufferStorage accurately, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 942: GLBufferObjectTracker Enhancement [2/2]: Add mapped buffer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Better shared GLAutoDrawable synchronization: Block slave instances to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. HowToBuild: Add 'libxcursor-devel' dependency and a debian one-liner .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. GLBufferObjectTracker: Fix copyright notice (drop Sun Microsystems since — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. TestSharedContextVBOES2NEWT3: Re-enable temp disabled tests (oops) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Add 'Permissions: all-permissions' to jogl-test.jar for Oracle's 7u51 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. windows test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Doc: JOGL-DEPLOYMENT Change 'Traditional Applets' to 'New Applets' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Adaption of Oracle's Deployment changes, i.e. >= 7u51 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. JNLP/Applets: Remove 'sun.java2d.noddraw' - We don't test with these — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. JOGL Test Applets: Refine html pages — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Adding missing '' of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1200 (Jan 13, 2014, 7:24:55 AM)

  1. X11: Harden usage of 'XGetWindowProperty(..)' and 'XGetVisualInfo' - Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. [Jogl|Nativewindow|Newt]Common: Align all — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Misc Cleanup: JAWTWindow: Reusing visible in HIERARCHY listener; Remove — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix GLDrawableHelper.resizeOffscreenDrawable(..): Do nothing if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 937 - JAWTWindow: Unsatisfying Visibility Computation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. AWTParentWindowAdapter/AWTRobotUtil: Use 'isShowing()' instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. DefaultEDTUtil: At EDT finish, notify all task-waiter to avoid deadlock — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. JOGLNewtAppletBase: Typo of new PNG icons .. used AE's 'gray' instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. JAWTWindow.JAWTComponentListener: Minor Cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. OSXMisc CALayer::FixCALayerLayout: Fix visible:=false case, i.e. don'r — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1198 (Jan 9, 2014, 10:31:23 PM)

  1. www: update the address for the jaamsim project — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. PixelRectangle.GenericPixelRect: hashCode() impl. didn't set volatile — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 676: Use proper pointer icon images (artwork) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT DisplayImpl/PointerIcon: Don't use blocking isNativeValid() before — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 676 - Add support for native Mouse Pointer rendering (Rasp.-Pi.) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 676 - Add support for native Mouse Pointer rendering (Rasp.-Pi.) - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NEWT bcm_vc_iv.c: Disable VERBOSE_ON — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NEWT Rasp.Pi: Add Support for multiple Windows, dynamic set size and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. BCM_VC_IV: Add 2 references (_poor_ API docs, very) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Fix PNGTstFiles: Typo of new PNG icons .. used AE's 'gray' instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1195 (Jan 9, 2014, 4:35:12 AM)

  1. MacWindow.m: Add missing NSAutoreleasePool 'decoration' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NewtMacWindow: NSView: Remove unused 'myCursor' field — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 935: NEWT PointerIcon OSX: Safe use of NSCursor handle — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 935: NEWT PointerIcon PNGIcon: Remove return value 'elem_bytesize[]' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 935: NEWT PointerIcon PNGIcon: Remove return value 'elem_bytesize[]' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 935: NEWT PointerIcon: Refine Spec and Implementation / Fix OSX — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 935: NEWT OSX PointerIcon/Pointer-Visibility: Impl. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. JOGLNewtAppletBase Default Key-Action: Add 'j' for setPointerConfined() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 935: NEWT Windows Window-Icon: Fix Window-Icon Visibility after — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. TestInitConcurrent01NEWT: Fix test enumeration — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 935: NEWT Windows Window-Icon: Use WNDCLASSEX w/ Small/Big Default — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 935: NEWT Windows Pointer-Icon WM_SETCURSOR: Don't use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. NativewindowCommon_init: Add define STDERR_TO_FILE (default undefined) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. NEWT OSX: Add missing NewtCommon_init(env) (duh!) - Issuing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 935: NEWT PointerIcon/Visibility: Perform OffscreenLayerSurface — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 935: NEWT PointerIcon/Visibility: Perform JAWTWindow's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Bug 935: NEWT PointerIcon: Add Toolkit Agnostic PixelFormat and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Bug 935: NEWT PointerIcon: Utilize Toolkit Agnostic PixelFormat and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1190 (Jan 1, 2014, 2:10:18 PM)

  1. JOGL Assets: Replace test-ntsc01-160x90.png w/ test-ntsc01-57x32.png — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JOGL Assets: Preserve 'original' 'test-ntsc01-160x90.png' (Removed from — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. OSX Test Scripts: Use dedicated location for libav/ffmpeg libraries for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT WindowImpl: Add 'final' qualifier where possible — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT Cleanup - Remove Type Casts and OSX Newt/Fmod Workaround (Early — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 934, Bug 935: NEWT: Add support for custom Application/Window and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 935: NEWT: Expose Pointer Icons Feature in JOGLNewtAppletBase Tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 935: NEWT PointerIcon: Add size, hotspot 'getter' and String — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1183 (Dec 23, 2013, 11:11:07 PM)

  1. Bug 930 - OSX: Using 'Apple Software Renderer' GLRendererQuirks Quirk — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1182 (Dec 22, 2013, 3:33:18 AM)

  1. Bug 925 - Refine GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailability(..)'s ES — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 929 - Reflect ES3 Compatibility with ES2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix TestGLProfile01NEWT: Regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 929, Bug 852 - Reflect ES3 Compatibility with ES2 / Add CPU Sourced — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1180 (Dec 21, 2013, 3:17:06 PM)

  1. Bug 925: Use proper common profile and test compatibility for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 925 - Accept an ES3 Context, if reported via GL-Version-String w/o — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1179 (Dec 20, 2013, 9:45:25 PM)

  1. Refine commit c9fcc8cd510abc0cbebb872dc3e457327655e778 (NEWT X11Window.c — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 924: Make ALWAYS_ON_TOP Persistent when Reparenting (child -> top) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 924: Fullscreen toggle in X11 requires a 'sleep' on sluggish WMs — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1177 (Dec 19, 2013, 7:29:01 PM)

  1. Bug 924: Fix X11 Fullscreen ALT-TAB Regression ; Make ALWAYS_ON_TOP — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1176 (Dec 19, 2013, 1:20:04 PM)

  1. Fix Bug 362: calculated dimensions for MipMaps smaller than 16x16 — michael.esemplare / cgit
  2. ALAudioSink GLMediaPlayerImpl FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Verbosity only w/ DEBUG — xerxes / cgit
  3. Bug 928 - JAWTWindow's JAWTComponentListener _not_ attached and original — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add missing indentation of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT X11Window.c: Cleanup Code - No changes. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 924: Fix 'Unity WM' issue w/ sticky _NET_WM_STATE after Fullscreen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 924: Ignore reparent when in fullscreen - otherwise may confuse WM — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 924: X11 WindowDriver: Only perform 'tempFSAlwaysOnTop' toggle @ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 924: Remove position criteria from reparent/fullscreen success, WM's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. NEWT WindowImpl: Enhance insetsChanged(..) DEBUG output — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 924: More robost Fullscreen Exit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1175 (Dec 12, 2013, 7:31:25 AM)

  1. jogl: update the entry for JaamSim to a better image, update link to — Harvey Harrison / cgit

#1173 (Dec 11, 2013, 9:10:56 PM)

  1. TestShutdownCompleteNEWT/AWT: Align both tests and account for GLInfo. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 922 (1/2): NEWT Window.reparentWindow(..): Provide — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 922 (2/2): NEWT Window.reparentWindow(..): Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 918 (1/2): Use StreamWorker in 'Audio Only' mode, since no — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 918: GLMediaPlayer: Fix Deadlock if EOS happens after pause/resume — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 918 (2/2): Determine StreamWorker usage after stream-init ; Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. ALAudioSink: Fix stop and flush of OpenAL source — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 918: Fix EOS Regression: Only use pts>duration for EOS if duration > — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1172 (Dec 11, 2013, 1:46:05 AM)

  1. Bug 747: VectorUtil: Make scale(..) creating new float[] deprecated, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 904: 'User Vertical Flip' for GLJPanel shall be performed via — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 904: 'User Vertical Flip' for GLJPanel w/o vertical flip must be — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. TestShutdownCompleteNEWT: Enhance profiling via '-wait -initOnly' ; Use — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1170 (Dec 4, 2013, 4:11:14 PM)

  1. TestNewtKeyEventAutoRepeatAWT: Fix regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1169 (Dec 4, 2013, 7:57:34 AM)

  1. Bug 914: Newt OSX: Reset NSApp's presentationOptions @ windowClose0() / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 919 - TestNewtKeyCodesAWT w/ NewtCanvasAWT Fails on Windows Due to — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1163 (Dec 3, 2013, 4:59:39 AM)

  1. Bug 907 - Add native Windows test sending WM_GETTEXT to all windows and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLJPanel.initializeBackend(offthread=true): Enable on Windows, thanks to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 914 - Don't allow 'alwaysontop' in fullscreen mode, always allow — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 914: Newt OSX: Don't use exclusive fullscreen mode (captured — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT Windows: Rearrange wndProc switch-case: All key/mouse events shall — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 916 - NEWT Fullscreen Mode on Windows ALT-TAB doesn't allow — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1162 (Nov 29, 2013, 2:49:53 AM)

  1. Bug 910: Add Standalone Extended Applet Lifecycle Validation Test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Refine DemoBug910ExtendedAWTAppletLifecycleCheck (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Bug 902: FFMPEGMediaPlayer uses IOUtil.decodeURIIfFilePath(uri) to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 907 - Initial patch allowing Jogl to respond to other applications — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 907 - Cleanup Commit e9c711a86aa05f4f24c69972532833f5a98911a3 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 907 - Fix regression of 'cleanup' Commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. GLDrawableFactory: destroy() -> shutdownImpl() - Add DEBUG output in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. GLDrawableFactory.shutdown0() Add DEBUG line at the end — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 907 - Refine DummyDispatchThread (DDT) Handling: Proper OO — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1161 (Nov 25, 2013, 10:11:00 PM)

  1. Bug 672 (NewtCanvasSWT ignore windowing offset on OSX'). — petros / cgit
  2. Bug 672: Move Unit Tests to appropriate SWT package and prepent Test so — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 672 (NewtCanvasSWT): Reuse SWTAccessor.isOS_TYPE ; Impl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Workaround Bug 910 (IcedTea-Web): NewtCanvasAWT shall postpone — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1160 (Nov 23, 2013, 5:15:02 PM)

  1. AWTWindowClosingProtocol: Hold Window reference impl. is listening to to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JOGLNewtAppletBase's windowDestroyNotify(): Double check 'awtParent' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. JOGLNewtApplet1Run: Perform AWT Operations on AWT-EDT ; Remove redundant — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. JOGLNewtAppletBase's add/remove 'reparentHome WindowListener' at — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Workaround Bug 910 (IcedTea-Web): NewtCanvasAWT shall postpone — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1159 (Nov 21, 2013, 11:19:34 AM)

  1. WWW: Add J4K and Unlicense in Tools/Libraries .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 909 - Reccreate GLJPanel's BufferedImage is no more sourced by — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1155 (Nov 18, 2013, 10:17:12 PM)

  1. jogl: add missing @Override annotation in NewtCanvasAWT — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. jogl: simplify conditional that repeats test for isOnScreen — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. jogl: do the clearGlobalFocusOwner() call on the AWT EDT in — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  4. jogl: push other call to clearGlobalFocus to the AWT EDT — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  5. NewtCanvasAWT: Remove useless block in else branch — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1153 (Nov 18, 2013, 4:15:40 PM)

  1. EGLGraphicsConfiguration: Add deauled DEBUG output for failed EGL-Config — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 890 - GLContextImpl's Version Validation: Only validate Integer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Bug 893 - NewtCanvasAWT Lifecycle Race Condition (NPE on shutdown — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1151 (Nov 18, 2013, 1:55:52 PM)

  1. Fix Bug 879 Regression (2/2) - NewtCanvasAWT.FocusAction must take focus — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT AWTAdapter: Add notion of consuming the AWT InputEvent (will be — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NewtCanvasAWT: Use final AWT[Key|Mouse]Adapter and set downstream — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT AWTAdapter*: Don't act if not setup (due to lazy setup mode), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NewtCanvasAWT: Add method of 'isAWTEventPassThrough()', used in unit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NEWT Event Tests: Move TestParentingFocus* to event test package — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NEWT WindowImpl: Move consumePointerEvent(..) below doPointerEvent(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1149 (Nov 17, 2013, 7:52:47 PM)

  1. Fix javadoc: TileRendererBase (links to manual anchors) and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLJPanel: Remove unused import — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT: Add more documentation to WindowImpl's doPointerEvent(..) and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 904 - GLJPanel: Allow user to skip isGLOriented() based vertical — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 904 - GLJPanel: Add property to skip isGLOriented() based vertical — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. TestPerf001GLJPanelInit02AWT: Wrong test name 'Gears' -> 'Nop' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Applet Test Bug848AppletGLCanvas01: Only use vsync-interval 1 for last — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 906 - JAWTWindow Component- and HierarchyListener must be detached — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 903 - NEWT: Support 'Continue Drag on Exit'; Consistent Mouse — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Fix Bug 879 - Threads deadlock in native keyboardfocus calls made form — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Fix GLIBC > 2.4 dependency regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Nativewindow/NEWT: Fix C Return Statement — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Use '' for generic clang and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1146 (Nov 11, 2013, 6:51:51 PM)

  1. TestPerf001GLJPanelInit02AWT: Add overlapping test .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TestPerf001GLJPanelInit02AWT: Same size for !overlap and overlap — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Tests: Add com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/acore/anim Animator test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Simplify Animator* Synchronization: Remove barrier 'stateSync' and favor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Tests: Align NEWT parenting focus tests (package and class names) using — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix Bug 901 - NEWT: Lookup Windows 7 Touch Event Functions Dynamically — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 899: Validate whether we propagate WNDPROC as retrieved from — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Add TestGLWindows03NEWTAnimResize: Test NEWT basic resize while holding — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Fix Bug 889 [Related: Bug 816, Bug 849, Bug 729] - GLCanvas disappear — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1143 (Nov 8, 2013, 12:14:16 PM)

  1. TestPerf001GLWindowInit03NEWT: Don't run !reuse Display - Crash on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Android: Add NewtDebugActivity — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Android: Cleanup Movie*ActivityLauncher* properties — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Android NEWT*Activity: Request GL2ES2 instead of GLES2 (Be aware of ES3) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 890 - Fix GLES3 Profile Mapping, i.e. GL2ES2 queries and mappings; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Android Newt[Debug|Version]Activity: Separate both activities (testing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 898: Apply best efford on Animator operation's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. GLJPanel: Remove redundant !isInitialized [double-]check in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. TestTiledPrintingGearsSwingAWT: Cleanup whitespaces — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. WGLGLCapabilities: Print pfdID as decimal (convention) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. WindowsWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory: Fix chosenPFDID -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. GLJPanel: Don't ctor DefaultGLCapabilitiesChooser() if null chooser is — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Android ES3 Movie Demos: Add workaround for: P0003: Extension — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1136 (Nov 6, 2013, 4:41:19 PM)

  1. GLContextImpl: Move sharedContextHandle check to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 888 - Validate CPU Runtime Performance: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 888 / Bug 891 - Enhance GLCapabilities-Query: Apply changes of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 888 - Validate CPU Runtime Performance: Only use one HashMap to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Test DumpGLInfo: Dump caps list and extenions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 888 / Bug 891- Enhance GLCapabilities-Query: Add perf. test case — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 888 / Bug 891- Enhance GLCapabilities-Query: Add raw perf. test case — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. JNI Code: Call DeleteLocalRef(..) manually. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 888 / Bug 891- Enhance GLCapabilities-Query: Refine unit tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. NEWT Window: Expose 'setVisible(boolean wait, boolean visible)' allowing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. NativeWindow *GraphicsDevice: Align constructors to simplify call — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 894 - GLDrawableFactory* [dummy|offscreen] Surface creation w/ own — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 894 - GLJPanel: Expose 'initializeBackend(boolean offthread)' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1135 (Nov 1, 2013, 7:08:47 PM)

  1. Bug 885 - GLMediaPlayer: Allow single threaded mode - Especially where — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLRendererQuirks: Add GLSharedContextBuggy ('Mesa Intel 9.2.1' and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1133 (Nov 1, 2013, 6:04:59 AM)

  1. Bug 882 - Crash on OSX when closing NEWT window - Check JavaVM and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 882 - Crash on OSX when closing NEWT window - Fix: Release — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 881 - Add 'Application-Name' in Jar's manifest to avoid Java6 NPEs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Clarify Bug 692: Unbinding a VAO does _not_ imply unbinding of set VBOs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 852: Add unit test TestCPUSourcingAPINEWT validating CPU sourcing, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1132 (Oct 31, 2013, 3:12:12 PM)

  1. EGLDrawableFactory.createDummySurfaceImpl: fix caps to pbuffer - since — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1131 (Oct 31, 2013, 1:13:51 PM)

  1. GLDrawableFactory: createDummy*(..) Pass GLCapabilitiesImmutable + — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1130 (Oct 31, 2013, 11:48:47 AM)

  1. Rename Binary*Test -> TestBinary*NOUI to get picked up by — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Test Rename: Add Bug 729 / Bug 849 to Bug 816 Unit Test Names - Allowing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Bug 878 - JAWTWindow's HierarchyListener doesn't set component — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 754 - Remove Ubuntu fonts from jogl-all.jar, provide it separately — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. AndroidGLMediaPlayerAPI14: Avoid possible NPEs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. TestBinary16NOUI: Remove hardship from test node - Disable 'verbose' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1127 (Oct 31, 2013, 2:39:16 AM)

  1. API doc: GLStateKeeper (wording), GLAutoDrawable (enh. init desc.), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. spec-overview.html: Shared OpenGL context must be supported .. (GL spec) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 776 GLContext Sharing: Refine API for relaxed and lazy GLContext — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix GLCanvas ctor shared GLContext: Use helper.setSharedContext(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 776 GLContext Sharing: Add GLSharedContextSetter to GLJPanel — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 776 GLContext Sharing: Add note about driver stability (destruction — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 776 GLContext Sharing: Add GLSharedContextSetter to SWT GLCanvas — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. GLDrawableHelper.reshape(): Catch pre-existing GL errors before — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Fix TestSharedContextNewtAWTBug523: Don't use VAO's w/ GL2 context - No — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 876: BuildComposablePipeline: getGL*() shall not return — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. GLDrawableFactory: Add 'GLAutoDrawable createDummyAutoDrawable(..)' for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Bug 776 GLContext Sharing: Add copy-ctor to GLArrayData* w/ sliced — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Fix #875 - ES version should be strictly validated — brice / cgit
  14. Bug 877 Concurrency Discussion: Update doc MultiThreading.txt, volatile — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Bug 776 GLContext Sharing: Fix copy-ctor GLArrayDataClient: Create new — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Bug 776 GLContext Sharing: GLSharedContextSetter API Doc: No 'Driver — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Bug 776 GLContext Sharing: GLSharedContextSetter API Doc: Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Bug 875: Safeguard setGLFunctionAvailability(.. strictMatch=false.. ) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Fix Bug 875 - Cleanup branch using VersionNumber (fix 'Int' check — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Android NEWT.ScreenDriver MonitorSize: Use xdpi for for width (fix); Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Add GLES1Impl 'finalizeInit()' to avoid a 'catched exception roundtrip' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Fix Unit Test Regression (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. TestSharedContextVBOES2NEWT1: Fix copy/paste (mistakenly used — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Add functions for converting to and from binary16 half-precision — mark / cgit

#1115 (Oct 25, 2013, 7:59:50 AM)

  1. jogl: replce more unneeded String() construction — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. jogl: remove clone() method that only throws Exceptions — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. jogl: remove clone() version that can only ever fail — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  4. jogl: enable generics annotations on TextRenderer — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  5. jogl: adapt code generator to output @Override annotations in various — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  6. jogl: use .format() to build the method signature when generating — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  7. jogl: change code generation for Debug pipelines to avoid building large — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  8. jogl: do not generate an extra String for the Debug pipeline wrappers — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  9. jogl: save on class size in the Debug pipelines — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  10. jogl: pass format and arguments directly to the printGLError function — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  11. Fix Bug 866 - Frequent IndexOutOfBoundsException in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. MacOSXJAWTWindow.CALayer DEBUG: Only Dump AWT location-on-screen if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. jogl: add final to Debug wrapper error code and fix indentation — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  14. jogl: indent trace statements in the Trace pipelines when we hit glBegin — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  15. GLContext CTX_IMPL_* bits: Use 10 cached bits (+1), and 6 uncached (-1) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. jogl: add generic annotations to the packed rectangle utility package — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  17. jogl: add generics annotations to lists in the waveout code — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  18. Bug 867 - OSX 10.9: Recognize OpenGL Core Profile > 3.0 - Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Bug 871 - Add optional xcode.clang support for all modules (Extends Bug — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Bug 867 - OSX: Allow core >=4 if isMavericksOrLater; Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Bug 867 OSX [Common Code]: Trigger GLRendererQuirks.GL4NeedsGL3Request — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Use org.junit.Assert instead of deprecated junit.framework.Assert — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Fix GLContext: getGLProfile() add missing GLES3; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. JoglVersion: "Default Profiles on device" -> "GLProfiles on device" - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. GLProfile: Fix native profile mapping, i.e. use actual mapped — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Fix regression of commit 34b35c5a0a379a6b4c0b23b9d347a0b1338f0239 - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. Fix Bug 872: ES3 and ES3-GLSL Version not properly Handled — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. TestGLProfile00NEWT: Dump Desktop's and EGL's default-device GLProfiles — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1114 (Oct 19, 2013, 5:22:22 AM)

  1. jogl: remove all trailing whitespace — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. Bump 7u45 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. jogl: add missing @Override annotations — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  4. jogl: fix two impossible comparisons in glu/tessellator — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  5. jogl: allow case statements to fall through to same block — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  6. jogl: fix typo in RandomTileRenderer, range chack was for tY, not tX — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  7. jogl: avoid creating a second String object, one is enough — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  8. jogl: allow short-circuited comparison in comparison — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  9. Fix Bug 862: Fix GL Version Validation / NVidia GTX550 driver 331.13 - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Fix Bug 827 - ShaderProgam helper class reports errors incorrectly — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. PinchToZoomGesture: Add ctor arg 'allowMorePointer', should be false to — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1113 (Oct 18, 2013, 2:32:30 AM)

  1. AWTPrintLifecycle.setupPrint(..): Fix regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. MouseEvent: Clarify button-number and pointer-ID relation incl. case 'no — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1112 (Oct 17, 2013, 11:15:57 PM)

  1. Fix Bug 365: Bug on — michael.esemplare / cgit
  2. Update C3D image (c3d mobile) and add c3d mobile info — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Android uses-sdk: Add android:targetSdkVersion="14" (to show up for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. WWW: Shorten C3D Studio & Mobile description. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 859: Let TileRenderer detect zero columns and rows in eot() where — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 860 - AWT Printing (AWTTilePainter): Shall use the enclosing integer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 365: Add unit test, which run's through most of the ScaleInternal — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Cleanup DirectDataBufferInt: Fix type ; Remove unsused local vars — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. GLMediaPlayer: Fix CameraInputScheme URI doc and Android test streams — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 861 - NEWT: Unify MouseEvent Processing incl. gesture processing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. AWTPrintLifecycle.setupPrint(..): Add optional tileWidth and tileHeight, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Validate codebase in jnlp files, add missing codebase entries. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Add efficient set(..all..) to Dimension, Insets, Point and Rectangle of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. MouseEvent: Clarify 'Multiple-Pointer' w/ button[mask] semantics, ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Int -> Enum using EnumClass.values()[ordinal] instead of for-loop - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. NEWT PointerEvent: Unify event processing in new doPointerEvent(..) and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. PinchToZoomGesture: Validate pointer-IDs, skip if invalid. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Refine Int -> Enum conversion (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. NEWT Multiple-Pointer API: Use PointerType[] instead of ordinal int[], — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Regression of commit a90bf31f8747dd38c61d518f8af4d4d4a64a8e90: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. WindowImpl.doPointerEvent(..) Simplify pointer name->ID mapping, fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Bug 800: Add Windows 7 Touch Event Support for NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. WindowImpl: Fix DEBUG output's method name of doPointerEvent and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Bug 800: Windows 7 Touch Event Support for NEWT: Fix Focus and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1111 (Oct 10, 2013, 1:54:30 PM)

  1. Bug 852: Remove CPU sourced data API entry where not allowed (ES3 and GL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 852: Validate CPU sourced data API is allowed, throw exception if — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1108 (Oct 9, 2013, 6:49:14 PM)

  1. NEWT Reparent/Fullscreen: Add 'waitForPosition(..)' when reparenting or — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1107 (Oct 9, 2013, 12:48:38 PM)

  1. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Use IOUtil.decodeFromURI(..) to unescape %20 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NativeWindow/OSX: Fix RunOnThread/RunLater - Properly determine — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT/Fullscreen (Bug 836): Exit re-parenting fullscreen w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT/OSX (Bug 836): Lifecycle operations performed on main-thread must — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT/OSX (Bug 836): Only WindowDriver.initWindow0(..) operation on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NEWT Display: Issue EDTUtil.start() at runOnEDTIfAvail(..) even if on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NEWT Reparent/Fullscreen: Fixes X11 unsuccessful return to parent — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NewtCanvasAWT Focus Traversal: Remove AWT's requestFocus*() overrides in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug816 OSX CALayer: Issue w/ JSplitPane within Apple (Firefox, Safari - — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1104 (Oct 6, 2013, 9:26:26 PM)

  1. Bug 789: glDrawArraysIndirect and glDrawElementsIndirect are using — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 729, Bug 849: Honor JAWTWindow's [parent] visibility state — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1103 (Oct 6, 2013, 2:29:19 AM)

  1. Bug 729: OSX CALayer shall honor the Component's visibility state — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. test scripts (test Bug 729 w/ TestAWTCardLayoutAnimatorStartStopBug532) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug816 OSX CALayer: getLocationOnScreenNonBlocking(..) stop traversing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 729: OSX CALayer invisible needs to have opacity 0 to not show — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1098 (Oct 4, 2013, 9:19:20 PM)

  1. AWTTilePainter: Avoid NPE if Graphic2D's AffineTransform is null, use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 818: Add missing html file for applet unit test of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 848: Add test applet ; Bug 816 Bug816AppletGLCanvas02: Remove 2nd — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 816/848: Cleanup test applet layout/size ; Note Bug 848: Not — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1095 (Oct 3, 2013, 8:32:43 PM)

  1. Add notice about 'GL states' regarding GLSL vertical flip (Bug 842 and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 818 (OSX 10.6.8 NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M): Add unit test (manual — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLJPanel: Fix 7u40 access to property 'sun.java2d.opengl'. Property was — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug818GLJPanelApplet: Remove unused imports — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 816: Add 2 more unit tests (Swing JFrame w/ 2 JRootPanes, AWT Frame — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 816 (OSX CALayer pos): Fix location on 'inner CALayer' calculation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Bug 816 (OSX CALayer pos): Add detailed description (pseudo code) to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 548: GLRendererQuirks.GLFlushBeforeRelease is needed on OSX < 10.7.3 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Bug 818: Enable new quirk GLSLNonCompliant on OSX < 10.7 w/ NV GPU; — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1092 (Oct 2, 2013, 2:36:12 AM)

  1. GLJPanel/Printing: Perform backend.reshape immediatly after printing if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. test scripts/ Remove JogAmp *LD_LIBRARY_PATH components. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLJPanel/AWTGLPixelBuffer: Reused BufferedImage didn't account for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1091 (Sep 28, 2013, 9:21:14 AM)

  1. Fix AWT Printing: Use delegated GLDrawable's size for tile-size instead — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TileRendererBase.GLEL.display(): Skip tile-rendering if TR is not yet — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. AWT Printing: releasePrint() issue reshape from AWT-EDT; GLJPanel: Issue — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix TileRenderer regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. GLJPanel: Remove forced DEBUG .. at handleReshape in releasePrint (added — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1085 (Sep 28, 2013, 12:21:08 AM)

  1. Bug 816: Clarify JAWT_OSX_CALAYER_QUIRK_* semantics, add
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1082 (Sep 27, 2013, 1:53:26 PM)

  1. Fix MovieCube/Simple Demo in 'Applet' mode: Use default ctor to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. DirectDataBufferInt: createBufferedImage(..) use BufferedImage type — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TileRenderer*: TileRendererNotify -> TileRendererListener w/ clarifying — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 816: Fix JAWTWindow's getLocationOnScreenNonBlocking(); Derive — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Test AWT Printing: Frame size contains border/insets, use as-is for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1081 (Sep 25, 2013, 2:09:54 AM)

  1. TestTiledPrintingGearsSwingAWT: Enable 'bitmap' test only on Windows, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 835: Use target.[sourcelevel,targetlevel,rt.jar] for all javac — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 839: Clarifying GLStateTracker.clearStates(..) remove 'enable' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix Bug 826: GLJPanel: Fully restore TextureState and Viewport — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. AWT Printing: Fix non vertical-flipped printing, i.e. cut-off top-row's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix Bug 839: Clarify whether resetStates(..) shall clearStates() - Pass — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Fix Bug 840: DefaultEDTUtil.restart() shall only reuse ThreadGroup (tg) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 816: Add unit test 'TestBug816OSXCALayerPosAWT' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. TileRendererBase: Remove redundant reshape propagation of atached GLEL, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug 816: Fix OSX CALayer 'quirks' for AWT 1.7.0_40 - See JAWTUtil — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. OSXMisc.c: Fix compilation error w/ java6's jint definition (probably — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1078 (Sep 19, 2013, 6:12:38 AM)

  1. AWTPrintLifecycle: Add DEFAULT_PRINT_TILE_SIZE (512); Remove unused — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. AWT Printing: AWTTilePainter needs to handle null clip! — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Gears*: Clarify frustum calculation for tiling — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. TestTiledPrintingGearsSwingAWT: Add a second demo GLEventListener — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. RedSquareES2: Fix tiled aspect ratio — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Add 2nd 'demo' canvas to the other tiled printing tests. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Gears, GearsES2, RedSquareES2: Proper debug output for init, reshape and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Fix TileRendererBase Bug: Avoid multiple GLEL init(..) call. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Relocate FFMPEGNatives.initIDS0() -> FFMPEGStaticNatives.initIDS0(); — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Add support for clang ; Use __APPLE__ predefined macro — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Complete commit 4b866d2686ab9c3fd7cf6708925b4663ad81e359: Relocate — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. AWTTilePainter: Fix null clip-rect (consider scaling); Fix non — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. TileRenderer: Add and expose clipped image size; Expose size of tiles. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Fix AWT printing issues w/ overlapping and/or non-opaque contents ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Updating doc AWTPrinting.txt — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Add 'DirectDataBufferInt' supporting NIO based BufferedImages — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. TestTiledPrintingNIOImageSwingAWT: Add layered test ; Use 300dpi instead — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Print Tests: Split 'Printable' to own class, add OffscreenPrintable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. AWT Printing: Move init-test of setupPrint(..) to AWT-EDT Runnable ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Fix SharedResourceRunner's potential race-conditions. Use top-level — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. AWTTilePainter: Fix DEBUG message (used wrong value at println) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. RedSquareES1: Add TileRendererBase.TileRendererNotify — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. AWTTilePainter: Fix case with no GLOrientation, i.e. no vertical-flip. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. AWT Print Tests: Only include 600dpi tests if requested via main arg — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. AWTTilePainter.setupGraphics2DAndClipBounds(): Use 'Shape getClip()'; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Bump to JDK/JRE 7u40. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1077 (Sep 8, 2013, 7:40:28 PM)

  1. AWT/GL Printing WIP: Abstract AWT tile painting code out to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Complete commit 54dcdf1f53c9fc1f7124cf77bbf5aa952d42053a, exposing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix TileRenderer*: Allow general usage w/ any GL profile, only — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. TileRenderer*: Fix FBO MSAA use-case, i.e. call swapBuffers() before — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. TiledPrintingAWTBase: Fix scaling - Fit frame to page, add MSAA — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Test: Don't resize frame, tweek print-matrix; AWTPrintLifecycle: Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. doc/Implementation/AWTPrinting: Update to match latest code — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Aggregate and cleanup '.ps' and '.pdf' artifacts (printing tests) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. AWTPrintLifecycle: Add detailed API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Fix some JavaDoc and API doc (reference) bugs .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. doc/Implementation/AWTPrinting.txt: Adding ref to AWTPrintLifecycle — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. TileRenderer*: Fix pre-swap and post-swap in regards to endTile(..), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. TileRenderer*: API doc fixes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Add AWTTilePainter.dumpHintsAndScale(..), removing more duplicated code — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. build-*.xml: Unify 'javah' tasks where possible, i.e. per destination — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. TiledPrintingAWTBase/doc: Add description of how-to add a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. NewtCanvasAWT: Implement AWTPrintLifecycle and hence support for AWT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1074 (Sep 6, 2013, 11:55:32 PM)

  1. TileRenderer*: Add more detailed 'toString()' - override for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLCanvas Printing WIP: Perform all print* operations on AWT-EDT, clip — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TestTiledPrintingGearsAWT: Perform AWT mods on AWT-EDT, always perform — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Added AWTPrinting document .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Add AWTPrintLifecycle interface describing impl. w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. GLCanvas Printing WIP: Add GLJPanel; GLCanvas TILE_SIZE 512; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TestTiledPrintingGears*AWT: Add 4s delay before closing frame and ending — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1073 (Sep 6, 2013, 4:50:11 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 810: Adding Julien Gouesse's fix while moved the new — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GL*, GLContext: Expose isGL2ES3() and getGL2ES3() for convenience. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLBuffers: Align comment — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GLPixelStorageModes: Fix API doc references, Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. GLReadBufferUtil.readPixels(..): Use plain int values for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Gears: Make rotation optional — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Cleaned up TiledRenderer capable to be used w/ GL2ES3 and TiledRenderer2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Test scripts .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. GLPixelBuffer*: Add componentCount==1 (ALPHA/RED), 'allowRowStride' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. PNGImage: Bounds check in getPixelRGBA8(..) and setPixelRGBA8(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. TileRenderer: Unify TileRenderer, add RandomTileRenderer (both utilizing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. TileRenderer*: Align impl. to common abstract superclass — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. TileRenderer*: Enhance API Doc; Cleanup OO; Remove PMVMatrixCallback, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. TileRendererBase: Add toString(), Proper tile unit test names, i.e. add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. TileRendererBase: Add interface TileRendererNotify, to notify — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. TileRendererBase: API-doc cleanup; Fix GLCanvas, WIP printing .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. GLCanvas Printing WIP - Add TestTiledPrintingGearsAWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. GLVBOArrayHandler: Remove unused imports — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Test scripts .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. TestTiledPrintingGearsAWT: Fix margin translate for high dpi, i.e. other — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Add TestGLContextDrawableSwitch02AWT: Test AWT GLCanvas <-> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. GLDrawableUtil.swapGLContextAndAllGLEventListener: Fix comment - Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. TileRenderer*: TileRenderer adds setTileOffset(..), getParam(pname) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. TileRendering / Gears: Clarify PMV math, if tiling use white background — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. GLCanvas Printing WIP: Swap to offscreen at setupPrint(); Use — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1072 (Sep 2, 2013, 12:09:16 PM)

  1. Fix GLES3/GLES2 relation / Use bouml 4.21.1 (Note: SVG fonts .. are too — qun / cgit
  2. Use uml's png files (svg font is broken) — qun / cgit
  3. GLContext: Refine API doc (CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT.. values) / Exception — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GLDrawableFactory: Expose createDummyDrawable(..) / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. GLFBODrawableImpl.initialize(): Unrealize when already unrealized shall — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. MouseEvent API doc: Add W3C PointerEvent Reference — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. ES2 NEWT Tests: GearsES2/RedSquareES2 - Don'w use AWTRobot if AWT is n/a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. GLMediaPlayer: Add multithreaded decoding w/ textureCount > 2 where — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Fix regression of commit 6332e13b2f0aa9818d37802302f04c90a4fa4239 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. SyncedRingbuffer: peek() don't throw an exception — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. GLMediaPlayer Multithreaded Decoding: AudioSink (Part-2) - WIP — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. GLMediaPlayer Multithreaded Decoding: GLMediaPlayer* (Part-3) - WIP — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Fix Bug 815: GL*: Change glIs<Buffer>Enabled() -> glIs<Buffer>Bound() to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. SyncedRingbuffer: Add 'reset(boolean full)', simplify 'clear(..)'. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Provide unit test for Bug 817Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Refine unit test Bug 817 c19f9916bc59765e5aaf307b8ecd5d25dfcad6b6 / Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Fix Bug 817 (1/2): GLPixelAttributes checks arguments and queried — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Fix Bug 817 (2/2): GLContextImpl's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. SyncedRingbuffer Cleanup: private fields, clarify reset(boolean) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. GLMediaPlayer Multithreaded Decoding: GLMediaPlayer* (Part-4) - WIP — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. GLMediaPlayerImpl: Refine getNextTexture(..) DEBUG output, put 'last SCR — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. GLMediaPlayer: Use URI instead of URL / Misc refinements — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. SyncedRingbuffer moved to GlueGen, commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. AudioSink: Add END_OF_STREAM_PTS, initSink(..) args: frameGrowAmount and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. Texture: Add 'toString()' and 'getTextureObject()' w/o GL instance to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. TextureSequence: Add END_OF_STREAM_PTS, remove 'blocking' from — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. GLMediaPlayer Multithreaded Decoding: GLMediaPlayer* (Part-5) - WIP — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Transform URI spaces '%20' to ' ' manually, libav — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. JOGL/Util: Add generic 'TimeFrameI' for key frame animation of 'things' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. *AudioSink: Add byte/time calc to AudioDataFormat, *AudioFrame OO — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. GLMediaPlayer Multithreaded Decoding: GLMediaPlayer* (Part-6) - DONE — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. AudioSink.init(..) abstract 'frame count' -> duration [ms] allowing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. GLMediaPlayer/AudioSink: Add set[Audio]Volume(float — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. AndroidGLMediaPlayerAPI14: Fix implementation to coop w/ threaded — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. GLAutoDrawableBase: DEBUG code - Avoid NPE — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. GLES3Impl: Add NOP 'finalizeInit()' method, to avoid GLContentImpl not — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. libav/ffmpeg: Move current lavc53.lavf53.lavu51 (version 8) header files — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. NullGLMediaPlayer: Fix reported VID (fake 0), no AID, textureCount == 2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. libav/ffmpeg: Prepare for lavc54.lavf54.lavu52 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. ffmpeg/libav: lavc54.lavf54.lavu52 -> lavc54.lavf54.lavu52.lavr01: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. ffmpeg/libav: remove unsued header files — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. AudioSink: Fixe type names ; Enhance AudioFormat negotiation ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. libav/ffmpeg: version9: Add libavresample support ; Proper AudioFormat — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. ffmpeg/libav: Remove 'dead' audio/video frame count relation snoop-code — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. libav/ffmpeg: Compile/Link 2 versions of native FFMPEGMediaPlayer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. FFMPEGNatives*: Add missing license header — Sven Gothel / cgit
  47. ALAudioSink: Remove force DEBUG info — Sven Gothel / cgit
  48. GLMediaPlayer: Add camera input / FFMPEG: Fix 'av_packet' leak and add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  49. GLBuffers: Add forma GL_YCBCR_422_APPLE and types — Sven Gothel / cgit
  50. Fix libav/ffmpeg compilation across platforms: Move header back to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  51. Fix libav/ffmpeg compilation across platforms: Remove symbolic links — Sven Gothel / cgit
  52. Fix libav/ffmpeg compilation: Use 'dot less' dir/file names; Compile — Sven Gothel / cgit
  53. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Fix av-audio-fmt -> AudioFormat parsing (fixedP was — Sven Gothel / cgit
  54. Fix libav/ffmpeg compilation; FFMPEGMediaPlayer Enahncements (More YUV*, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  55. Enhance GLMediaPlayer: Full FFMPeg support, 'dshow' camera support on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  56. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Handle v-flipped 'bottom-up' pictures ; Refine API — Sven Gothel / cgit
  57. Texture: Add 'setMustFlipVertically(boolean)' allowing to change the — Sven Gothel / cgit
  58. GLMediaPlayer enhancements: State, Camera options, detect and act on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  59. GLWindow: Shorten API-doc references — Sven Gothel / cgit
  60. Doc/HowToBuild: Windows x32 and x64 require new MingW64 Versions, tested — Sven Gothel / cgit
  61. Scripts/Windows: Test x32 and x64 builds w/ ffmpeg 2.x ! — Sven Gothel / cgit
  62. FFMPEG/GLMediaPlayer: Fix compiler errors w/ new MingW 4.8.1: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  63. GLContext: Add missing 'isGLESProfile()' and fix 'isGLcore()', i.e. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  64. WWW: Remove 'Meet us @ SIGGRAPH 2013' ; Siggraph 2013 link to local doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  65. GLMediaPlayer: pause() -> pause(boolean flush): Allowing to flush — Sven Gothel / cgit
  66. ffmpeg_impl_template: Remove DEBUG line .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  67. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Handle use-case of having [av|sw]resample lib, but — Sven Gothel / cgit
  68. Add '@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING)' to all *Test* — Sven Gothel / cgit
  69. Animator/GLWindow: Catch 'ThreadDeath/Throwable' and dump info in DEBUG — Sven Gothel / cgit
  70. X11GLXDrawableFactory.Shutdown: Disable shared context destruction since — Sven Gothel / cgit
  71. Revert commit 4beef4fe856690b070ba06a6caf4515aebd7171b manually for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1060 (Jul 20, 2013, 10:36:58 AM)

  1. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Fix yuv stored in alpha shader decode on ES2 and GL2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Cleanup AudioPusher 'usage', i.e. disabled for now — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Movie JNLP/NAppletAdd: joal jar file shall come before jogl's — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1059 (Jul 19, 2013, 6:31:03 AM)

  1. UML Doc: Fix alignment / separator .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. UML Doc: Fix separator .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. UML Doc: Fix separator .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Doc: Overview/Evol: Fix embedded size / UML: Fix file attribs — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. UML: Fix 'core' layout - more similar to 'all' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Doc: Overview/Evol .. embedded size — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. FFMPEGPlayer Audio Sink Refactoring .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Movie JNLP/NAppletAdd: Add joal jar file — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1055 (Jul 18, 2013, 1:30:39 PM)

  1. reformatted to same style — petrs / cgit
  2. removed unnecessary castings, removed unnecessary methods for vector — petrs / cgit
  3. fixed isIdentity method, deprecated isEmpty method (quaternion doesn't — petrs / cgit
  4. new method for vector multiplication, new copy constructor — petrs / cgit
  5. : fixed not clear assignment — petr.skramovsky / cgit
  6. Fix Bug 744: Added support of RLE encoded .tga — petr.skramovsky / cgit
  7. Doc: Update UML diagram and 'Overview-OpenGL-Evolution-And-JOGL' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. WWW: Added JOGL spec link, fixed grammar . — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. API doc: Use paragraph instead of manual line break .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1054 (Jul 17, 2013, 4:30:27 PM)

  1. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Decode audio frames. — xerxes / cgit
  2. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Use the Audio codec to decode audio. Also prevent — xerxes / cgit
  3. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Lookup decoded audio data_size using — xerxes / cgit
  4. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Decode all frames inside video packet. — xerxes / cgit
  5. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Workaround dropped video frames while decoding audio. — xerxes / cgit
  6. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Workaround forward seek delay caused by video sync. — xerxes / cgit
  7. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add updateSound callback for passing decoded jni — xerxes / cgit
  8. partial implementation of Java Sound output — xerxes / cgit
  9. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: blocking Java Sound output — xerxes / cgit
  10. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Poor mans audio/video sync. — xerxes / cgit
  11. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Limit video sync delay to 47ms in order to fix audio — xerxes / cgit
  12. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: fix audio pts for varying audio frame format. — xerxes / cgit
  13. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Add AudioSink interface. — xerxes / cgit
  14. ALAudioSink: Buffer and playback audio data. — xerxes / cgit
  15. ALAudioSink: Fill buffers before sourcing them. — xerxes / cgit
  16. AudioSink: interface add isAudioSinkAvailable — xerxes / cgit
  17. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Only instance ALAudioSink if JOAL is found on the — xerxes / cgit
  18. ALAudioSink: Reduce exessive CPU usage caused by polling alGetSourcei. — xerxes / cgit
  19. API doc: Update native-taglet / Fix creation, i.e. use 'man2' instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. API doc: Add old glext-20130207.h header for complete extension — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. NativeWindow API Doc: Fix layout / Add version. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Javadoc: Use JogAmp Stylesheet / Colors .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1053 (Jul 17, 2013, 6:37:25 AM)

  1. Move doc/bouml -> doc/uml - and add symbolic link to doc/bouml .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JOGL API Doc: Remove 'JSR 231' identifier - we are no more bound to a — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1052 (Jul 17, 2013, 5:09:19 AM)

  1. Remedy for Bug 782: Issue Debug.initSingleton() or Debug.debug(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1051 (Jul 17, 2013, 3:33:41 AM)

  1. Use MaxFixedFunc(..) GLProfile if pbuffer or GL2-compat is required. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TestBug722GLContextDrawableSwitchNewt2AWT: Test n/a if JAWT requires — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLSL core fixes - texture2D and varying/attributes/.. preprocessing
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1046 (Jul 10, 2013, 2:07:32 PM)

  1. TestMainVersionGLWindowNEWT: Add 'manual' version get/print for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1043 (Jul 10, 2013, 2:28:16 AM)

  1. TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated: Give animator a chance to become paused — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1042 (Jul 10, 2013, 12:42:41 AM)

  1. TestScreenMode00cNEWT: Enable testing of UITestCase.resetXRandRIfX11() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Exclude SWT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1041 (Jul 9, 2013, 9:49:20 PM)

  1. UITestCase.resetXRandRIfX11(): Iterate through all outputs and sets the
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1036 (Jul 5, 2013, 11:33:23 AM)

  1. NEWT Display.create: If reusing an existing instance, ensure EDT is — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1035 (Jul 5, 2013, 6:27:08 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 765: Add glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex ; Restrict PointerBuffer
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1033 (Jul 5, 2013, 5:07:40 AM)

  1. Workaround NVidia driver 325.8 returning 4.3-compat for any compat
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1031 (Jul 4, 2013, 11:04:52 PM)

  1. Fix NPE - Regression of commit 99479bf3197cde8e89c5b499d135417863d521c7 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. DefaultEDTUtil: If EDT is not started and task is null and wait — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT WindowImpl: Add little GCed / windowList-size stats at — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1030 (Jul 4, 2013, 8:57:31 PM)

  1. X11Window FullScreen: Toggle _NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR not only for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TestScreenMode*: Be more verbose setting screen mode. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Refine 9c7ab101cf5261db3ef6160c0aa1906ffcce188b: Don't print extensions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. TestScreenMode02bNEWT: Full MonitorMode w/ rotation failure - Expected — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. TestScreenMode*: At destruction, properly wait until Window and Screen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT: Ensure window/screen has been destroyed — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT: Renable testDisplayCreate02 (my fault) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NEWT: Using WeakReferences for global cache of Display, Screen and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1029 (Jul 4, 2013, 2:49:17 PM)

  1. Remove deprecated methods. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Use JoglVersion.getGLStrings(..) in 'famous' tests, removes redundancy — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TestScreenMode* Cleanup (reset) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Revisit Bug 770 and Bug 771: Only use FLAG_IS_FULLSCREEN_SPAN if
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1023 (Jun 25, 2013, 4:41:30 PM)

  1. Test NEWT Key Events, TestInitConcurrent0*NEWT: TO 5 -> 3 minutes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Disable TestNewtEventModifiersNewtCanvasSWTAWT: Causes sporadic freezes
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1020 (Jun 25, 2013, 12:26:44 PM)

  1. TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot: Fix Java7 'changed behavior': Relax focus
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1018 (Jun 24, 2013, 7:49:40 PM)

  1. NEWT Windows WindowDriver: Suppress LOCK_SURFACE_CHANGED, no semantics — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Tests NEWTKeyAdapter: Fix log string — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TestFocus0[12]SwingAWTRobot: Fix Java7 'changed behavior': Relax focus — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT: Don't invoke external keyboardFocusHandler for auto-repeat keys
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1014 (Jun 24, 2013, 9:59:59 AM)

  1. Fix NewtCanvasAWT focus traversal for Java7: All unit tests fail w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix NewtCanvasAWT focus traversal for Java7 (Take 2): Commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Tests: Remove subsequent exceptions .. (not original issue, but annoying — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Refine cb7118fc875b6722803e4b11d5681671962a8d3a: Unify get next/prev — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. GearsES2/RedSquareES2: Detect !GLSL and don't attempt to render in such — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. TestGearsES2GLJPanel*: Use GearsES1 is using bitmap - On Windows GDI — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TestGearsES2GLJPanel*: Use Gears (GL 1 based) if using bitmap - On — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. scripts: osx make/test java7/6 fixes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. TestSWTAccessor03AWTGLn: Fix SWT deadlock on Java7/Windows: Must perform
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1009 (Jun 18, 2013, 10:53:42 AM)

  1. GLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.shallLinkGlobal(): Defaults to 'true' now, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JOGLNewtApplet1Run: Defer 'newtCanvasAWT' creation and attachment to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NewtCanvasAWT: Issue 'setFocusable(..)' at configureNewtChild(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Refine 893cf0c8c32edf231dbf418d45d3181532d2402b: Partial revert and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1007 (Jun 17, 2013, 1:18:34 PM)

  1. Scripts: Adapt finding gluegen .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix regression of 31e72d2f2d953352b2a8c83368039ecca8139d49: Modifier — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Bug 735: GLAutoDrawable must issue glViewport(..) even w/o
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#1004 (Jun 17, 2013, 6:35:50 AM)

  1. Bug 735: Bug735Inv4AWT on Java7 is also stuttering! — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. ES3.0 GLContext: Handle ES3.0 GLSL Version Number - Static detection and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLFBODrawableImpl: Fix swap criteria, i.e. don't swap in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. timespec.c/h: Add 'long timespec_microseconds(..)' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix Bug 753: Stuttering caused by lack of GL resource synchronization — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug735: Bug735Inv0AppletAWT/Bug735Inv1AppletAWT tests: Use shader — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Solve Bug 735 Mystery: glViewport(..) was missing - duh :) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Bug 735: Fix comment in test, since mystery is solved :) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1003 (Jun 16, 2013, 4:30:50 AM)

  1. AWTGraphicsConfiguration: Allow null capsRequested; NewtCanvasAWT: Avoid — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLDrawableHelper Perf.: Branch into execGLRunnables(..) only if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. MacOSXCGLContext: Use final qualifier for CGL.CGLLockContext(cglCtx) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 735: Adding Andres test cases for analysis. OSX exposes diff. odd — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1001 (Jun 15, 2013, 3:11:01 AM)

  1. reformatted to same style — petr.skramovsky / cgit
  2. removed unnecessary castings, removed unnecessary methods for vector — petr.skramovsky / cgit
  3. fixed isIdentity method, deprecated isEmpty method (quaternion doesn't — petr.skramovsky / cgit
  4. new method for vector multiplication, new copy constructor — petr.skramovsky / cgit
  5. : fixed not clear assignment — petr.skramovsky / cgit
  6. GLContext: Make 'deviceVersion' fields final. Reviewed by Harvey. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. FontConstructor: Hide the exposed strings and add them in class API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Fix Bug 750: Leaked X11 ColorMap for each created X11 Window in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. VectorUtil, Quaternion: Use 'final' qualifier if possible — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Adds a unit test for GLWindow.warpPointer(int,int) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug 733: Refine Test case: warp-random at display, and warp-center at — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Fix my sloppy commit f50caa5241b5eef286e8c10b74b5297e5821da2b: Didn't — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Support specifying the X11 default display with a system property — maik.riechert / cgit
  14. added unit test for nativewindow.x11.display.default system property — maik.riechert / cgit
  15. TestX11DefaultDisplay: Validate the chosen default device, test only one — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. TestRedSquareES2NEWT: Cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Android SDK changes: Add /build-tools/17.0.0 to PATH — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Mitigate Bug 728: Java Web Start Shutdown: Exception — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Fix Bug 745: NPE - QTT definition shall be allowd to _follow_ SOF — Sven Gothel / cgit

#1000 (Jun 11, 2013, 4:41:57 PM)

  1. HowTo Build: Ubuntu -> Debian — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Adapt to GlueGen commit 1a01dce6c42b398cdd68d405828774a3ab366456 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#999 (Jun 9, 2013, 9:20:08 AM)

  1. Unit Tests: Group *math* tests in own test package — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. ScreenMode Unit Tests: Add wait for screen destroy (off-thread) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 747: Allow usage of IdentityHashMap w/ keys: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Adapt to Gluegen's IOUtil change commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. FloatUtil: Add in-place multMatrixf (since we mult line by line, we can — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix Bug 748 - PMVMatrix gluProject and gluUnProject broken w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit

#993 (May 18, 2013, 5:44:18 AM)

  1. Fix regression of commit b2802021acf8aa9b363ebef383c8dc8c8079ffa4 (Bug
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#987 (May 7, 2013, 1:54:27 PM)

  1. NEWT MonitorMode: Refine 081177f2433be50e3b5d46385c2f0f3f96311ed8: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#986 (May 7, 2013, 12:51:49 PM)

  1. NEWT Multiple Monitor Mode: Fix monitorModeChanged(..) event id, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#985 (May 7, 2013, 9:54:38 AM)

  1. MonitorMode: Fix API doc / comments / names. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT Multiple Monitor Mode: Add missing 'collect' impl. for NEWT/AWT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#984 (May 6, 2013, 11:23:52 PM)

  1. MonitorMode Unit Tests: Perform 'filterByRate(..)' _after_ — Sven Gothel / cgit

#983 (May 6, 2013, 5:51:53 PM)

  1. GLContext*'s ctxGLSLVersion: Use zeroVersion to denominate uninitialized — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Move JPEGDecoder.PixelStorage -> TextureData.ColorSink: Appropriate name — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Complete commit e7064ece049705e013d80985eae698ce0ee3c4e3: Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Add missing JogAmp (c) note - using date of 1st JogAmp edit. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. TextureData: Add PixelAttributes and PixelBufferProvider; ColorSink back — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. GLReadBufferUtil: Utilizing PixelBufferProvider; Adding — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Fix Bug 600 and Bug 721: Adding support for multiple monitors w/ NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Fix GLSL Version Exposure: Type in 'static' GL -> GLSL matching, don't — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Fix GLX: X11GLXContext used wrong FBConfig n/a query; X11GLX*: If — Sven Gothel / cgit

#982 (Apr 26, 2013, 6:59:29 AM)

  1. Simplify GLDrawableFactory's SharedResource Query Methods; Move — Sven Gothel / cgit

#981 (Apr 25, 2013, 6:10:55 AM)

  1. Quirk DontCloseX11Display: Only detect w/ X11 NativeWindow System. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 706 and Bug 520: Certain ATI GPU/driver require a current — Sven Gothel / cgit

#978 (Apr 24, 2013, 7:31:19 PM)

  1. X11 Error Handler: Start quiet; Init: quite = !debug; Internal calls: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#975 (Apr 24, 2013, 6:31:19 AM)

  1. Bug 721: NEWT/X11 RandR 1.3 Support - Part 2 - Rename impl class/files, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Test for null against a temp variable to narrow races — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  3. Fix Bug 722: Make GLEventListenerState 'transaction' safe — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Refine some API docs .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. X11GLXContext: Issue XSync(..) after forcing X11ErrorHandle and before — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix JAWTUtil's ToolkitLock: Using RecursiveLock instance covering the — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Complete intend of commit cdbf3f42ea530f91639536e03b2c203715c3c300 - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Use new toolchain (gluegen 3b7ea9f67487be8f133c19b493b632fc579c5049) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Add scripts/ — Sven Gothel / cgit

#971 (Apr 18, 2013, 7:57:02 PM)

  1. type: weather -> whether :) .. it's spring again :) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 718: WindowsBitmapWGLDrawable: Requires GLProfile.GL2, fix BITMAP
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#962 (Apr 16, 2013, 6:28:35 AM)

  1. Bug 705: This is the version of displayMultiple02 which uses — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 705: This is the version of displayMultiple02 which uses — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Fix mpeg seek using time_base.num 1 , time_base.den — xerxes / cgit
  4. Fix Bug 705 - Make Mesa X11 driver < 8.0 use new Quirk — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix Bug 705 - Cleanup & Generalize Commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix Bug 705 - Validated that Quirk DontCloseX11Display is not required — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Fix Bug 705 - Set Quirk DontCloseX11Display also if using X11 and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#961 (Apr 14, 2013, 6:30:14 AM)

  1. NEWT/AWT-Wrapper-Driver: Fix MS-Windows Case (Use NativeWindow window — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLES[12] Impl: Cleanup 'checkBufferObject(..)', remove unused and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 692: Add modified version of Edgar Velazquez-Armendariz's test case — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix Bug 692: Add tracking of VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING, and enable allowing a — Sven Gothel / cgit

#958 (Apr 13, 2013, 8:16:29 AM)

  1. GLContextImpl: destroy(): Fix null drawable check; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. FBObject.init() uses safe 1x1 size like reset(..) to behave equal; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT/AWT: Fix 'AWT driver' to work w/ OSX CALayer ; WindowImpl: 'Object — Sven Gothel / cgit

#957 (Apr 11, 2013, 8:14:31 AM)

  1. Adds a unit test and a fix for the bug 697gouessej / cgit
  2. Adds the missing file — gouessej / cgit
  3. LinuxEventDeviceTracker: shift-modifier — xerxes / cgit
  4. LinuxEventDeviceTracker: 4 space indentation — xerxes / cgit
  5. LinuxEventDeviceTracker: ALT, ALT_GRAPH & CTRL modifiers. — xerxes / cgit
  6. Debug Messages: Unify getThreadName() usage and 'Catched Exception' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. GLDrawable: Refine API doc; GLDrawableImpl: Balance — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. GLContextImpl.destroy(): Fail fast in case of invalid dawable [null, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. jogl: remove executable bit from some java files and a png — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  10. NEWT KeyEvent: Use UTF-16 UniCode for key-code and key-symbol exposing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. LinuxEventDeviceTracker: Reapply changes from commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. NEWT/WindowsWindow.c: Simplify pointerVisible branch for calling — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug 697: Fix commit 4db745e84fac610f85ab085e5c147e571e82e008 - Not — Sven Gothel / cgit

#952 (Apr 6, 2013, 6:32:17 AM)

  1. Bug 713: Handle broken EGL setup - Catch all Exception types, not only — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 707: Fix NEWT EVENT_MOUSE_EXITED not sent on Windows - Regression of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TestGLAutoDrawableGLCanvasOnOffscrnCapsAWT: Wrong test comment, no NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 678: Differentiate ALT (left) and ALT_GRAPH (right) on X11, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 714: Add GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Bug 709: Testing texured demo w/ FBO, comparing w/ onscreen - No — Sven Gothel / cgit

#951 (Apr 4, 2013, 4:31:11 PM)

  1. SWT unit tests: Sort w/ AWT and Headless - Fix threading w/ AWT.
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#949 (Apr 1, 2013, 5:22:40 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 671: Add JPEG Decoder w/o AWT Dependencies
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#945 (Mar 28, 2013, 6:31:30 PM)

  1. GLStateKeeper: Add clearPreservedGLState() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NewtBaseActivity: Perform cleanup() even on onCreate() due to possible — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWTGearsES2Activity*: Adding property to enable 'process kill' behavior — Sven Gothel / cgit

#944 (Mar 27, 2013, 12:34:15 PM)

  1. PNGImage: Add license header ; TestPNGImage01NEWT package move .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. SharedRessourceRunner: Add isDeviceSupported(..) query before spawn off — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Complete 9a4fcc7ea4ec61e4ceed791acced734ac04ea270: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#943 (Mar 27, 2013, 4:40:15 AM)

  1. GLJPanel: Refine API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWTEvent: Fix toString message - add comma — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Unit Tests: Unify 'AWT Robot Key Press/Release', waitForIdle, action, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#942 (Mar 24, 2013, 2:25:59 PM)

  1. Android/NEWT MouseEvent: Fix Detection/Processing of 2-Finger-Scroll — Sven Gothel / cgit

#941 (Mar 24, 2013, 7:09:22 AM)

  1. Newt/MouseEvent: Add 'float[3] getRotation()', getWheelScale() ->
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#939 (Mar 23, 2013, 7:09:44 PM)

  1. NEWT/Android: Fix suspense regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#938 (Mar 22, 2013, 1:52:52 PM)

  1. NEWTEvent: Add isConsumed() and setConsumed(boolean) methods to simply — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT/Android: Fix BACK button implementation, use different KeyCode — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT/Android: Remove KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME handling, since it doesn't — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Add GLStateKeeper handling GLEventListenerState preservation and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Animator: Cleanup DEBUG output — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NEWT/Android WindowDriver.closeNative0(..): Catch Exception at surface — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NEWT/Android (Bug 665): Add Support for GLStateKeeper ; onPause() always — Sven Gothel / cgit

#937 (Mar 20, 2013, 5:42:46 PM)

  1. TestGearsES2NEWT/TestGearsES2NewtCanvasAWT: Add -noanim option to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. OSX/NEWT: Fix native window parenting freeze, invisible/orderOut0, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. MacOSXCGLContext: NPE in DEBUG mode while releaseNSOpenGLLayer on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. OSX/NEWT: Fix visible -> false when closing and reparenting window. This — Sven Gothel / cgit

#931 (Mar 19, 2013, 12:54:34 AM)

  1. OSX/CALayer: Revise CALayer 'RunOnMainThread' utilization, avoiding — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. OSX/CALayer: Simplify FixCALayerLayout()/layoutSurfaceLayer() call, no — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix NEWT WindowImpl reparent-recreate w/ GLEventListenerState: Bug — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Remodel OSX/CALayer Threading (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Adapt to GlueGen commit b1eb7ca6b9d7dec7ff62c1f1e8ef0a0545724d2f: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NativeWindow OSXUtil RunOnMainThread: Use daemon attachment and do not — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. OSX CGL: Don't issue [NSOpenGLContext clearDrawable] for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. MyNSOpenGLContext::dealloc: Avoid 'invalid context' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. OSX/CALayer: OSX/CALayer Threading Part3 - Run CALayer ops in a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. OSX/NEWT: Following CALayer streaming design, i.e. issue NSWindow/NSView — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. GLJPanel: No need to utilize AWT Component's default ImageObserver code — Sven Gothel / cgit

#930 (Mar 13, 2013, 8:22:27 AM)

  1. GLEventListenerState: Moved to public package 'com.jogamp.opengl.util' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix TestParenting01NEWT: Since recreational reparenting resets the — Sven Gothel / cgit

#929 (Mar 13, 2013, 7:28:08 AM)

  1. *External*Context Impl: Remove unused 'lastContext' field, incl. their — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. MemoryObject: Use GlueGen's new HashUtil — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Bug 665: Allow re-association of GLContext/GLEventListener to a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Bug 665: Allow re-association of GLContext/GLEventListener to a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Minor Changes: EGLDisplayUtil: Add stack trace in DEBUG mode for opened — Sven Gothel / cgit

#928 (Mar 9, 2013, 4:39:14 AM)

  1. Adds a unit test for the bug 694 on gluScaleImage — gouessej / cgit
  2. TestBug694 -> TestBug694AWT so it properly gets picked up by the AWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLJPanel: Add DEBUG_VIEWPORT flag, Add USE_GLSL_TEXTURE_RASTERIZER flag, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GLJPanel: Updating GLJPanel documention w/ current mode of operation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix buggy unit test for Bug 694: The unpack alignment has to be — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix Mix2TexturesES2 unit tests: Use synchronized texID access and add
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#924 (Feb 28, 2013, 10:08:25 PM)

  1. Fix Bug 695: WGLExt.wglChoosePixelFormatARB causes buffer underflow due
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#921 (Feb 22, 2013, 4:23:03 AM)

  1. GLProfile: Adding convenient query for highest programmable core only GL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TestNewtEventModifiers*: Robostness (uhh) Unify wait-clear result code - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix CALayer pos/size and animation. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT/OSX Fix: Child positioning ; NewtCanvasAWT: Change reparent time
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#919 (Feb 20, 2013, 9:57:17 PM)

  1. Unit Tests: Add [manual] demo cases for SWT (TestGearsES2SWT, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT/OSX: Fix 'locationOnScreen' usage and use proper client-area window — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NewtCanvasAWT: Fix size determination, i.e. take newt-child's size into — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. OSX/Java7/CALayer + JAWT: Partially Fix AWT/NEWT CALayer 'out of sight' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix NPE of Bug 679: The ctx was released w/o fully initialized (no
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#917 (Feb 19, 2013, 8:11:12 PM)

  1. Unit Tests NewtEventModifiers: Attempt to make them more robust for that — Sven Gothel / cgit

#914 (Feb 19, 2013, 9:01:33 AM)

  1. Add proper copyright header w/ all remarks regarding re-distribution — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. OSX/Java7 Cleanup: Remove JavaNativeFoundation dependency; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Unit Tests: Use Property 'jvmJava.exe' ; Add target — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Unit Tests: Add 'results-java7' to (Completes commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 678 (fix), Bug 641 (API + Windows Impl.), Bug 688 (prep): Update
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#912 (Feb 16, 2013, 8:17:40 PM)

  1. Fix Bug 644: AWT GLCanvas and GLJPanel ignored their visibility state — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Uni Tests AddRemove: Remove dead code .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TestWindowClosingProtocol01AWT: More relaxed timing reducing false — Sven Gothel / cgit

#911 (Feb 16, 2013, 5:06:04 AM)

  1. Fix TestWindowClosingProtocol01AWT: GLCanvas closing operation 'destroy' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#910 (Feb 16, 2013, 4:01:05 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 691 (part-2): Extra '[subLayer release]' is wrong, since — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 675: NPE w/ Beans.setDesignTime(true) ; Fix GLCanvas.destroy(): — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Refine unit test for Bug 691: Add onscreen/offscreen tests [if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix Bug 691 (part-3): NSOpenGLLayer::openGLContextForPixelFormat(..) on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. X11/WGL: Better Exception Message for failed ARB context creation if — Sven Gothel / cgit

#909 (Feb 14, 2013, 3:27:34 PM)

  1. GLContext: *TRACE_SWITCH spacing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Java2D OGLPipeline(GLJPanel+Threading): More fine grained control about — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix OSX CALayer Bug 690 and Bug 691: Occasional Freeze on — Sven Gothel / cgit

#902 (Feb 1, 2013, 12:50:34 PM)

  1. Fix Animator resume() wait-condition (drawablesEmpty didn't wait for
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#899 (Jan 19, 2013, 8:17:11 PM)

  1. TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411: Fix 'chicken egg' init — Sven Gothel / cgit

#898 (Jan 19, 2013, 9:21:01 AM)

  1. Adapt to change 5060b728b26a89a14367f8fca9f4eb7968f719ca: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#897 (Jan 19, 2013, 7:30:38 AM)

  1. LinuxMouseTracker: Fix inverted Y-axis & missing button release. — xerxes / cgit
  2. ShaderState: Reduce hash-map utilization at shader switch (reset — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. README: Add new IRC channel, mark Jabber deprecated — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. README: Add new IRC channel, mark Jabber deprecated — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Sync LauncherUtil w/ GlueGen commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix Bug 669: Recursive GLContext makeCurrent()/release() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NEWT/Android: Full Lifecycle for WindowDriver; Using static ViewGroup; — Sven Gothel / cgit

#888 (Jan 11, 2013, 11:07:10 AM)

  1. build/test: newt-headless shall exclude AWT/SWT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#887 (Jan 11, 2013, 8:30:37 AM)

  1. GLAutoDrawable/AnimatorBase: Add ExclusiveContextThread (ECT) feature; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Minor: GLWindow fix size validation; GLContextImpl: Remove hold ctx lock — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add old Olympic demo from GL4Java - Make it use ES1 and suitable for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#886 (Jan 3, 2013, 12:25:13 PM)

  1. Fix GLArrayDataClient createGLSL(..) 'name' setting; Also adds equal — Sven Gothel / cgit

#885 (Dec 31, 2012, 4:41:25 PM)

  1. Update PNGJ 0.85 -> 1.12 (w/ interlace read support) ; Added PNG — Sven Gothel / cgit

#884 (Dec 31, 2012, 3:17:42 PM)

  1. Bug632: Test NEWT Child Window Translucency (X11/Windows) .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT WindowsWindow.c: UpdateInsets: Fix determiniation of isUndecorated — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Enhance PMVMatrix: Use FloatStack to implement PushMatrix and PopMatrix — Sven Gothel / cgit

#881 (Dec 30, 2012, 10:54:27 AM)

  1. Cleanup / Simplify: setGLFunctionAvailability(..) / — Sven Gothel / cgit

#880 (Dec 29, 2012, 11:45:00 PM)

  1. Adapt change of commit d93c5d23e304ea20e868595748f92a5bef4f5703 to unit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 658 (Mesa 9.0 3.1 Intel compat quirk, 3.1 core only) ; No — Sven Gothel / cgit

#878 (Dec 28, 2012, 2:38:09 PM)

  1. AWT GLCanvas: More strict GLDrawable realization [on AWT-EDT], skip if — Sven Gothel / cgit

#877 (Dec 27, 2012, 7:30:35 AM)

  1. Android build scripts: Fix env. name ANDROID_SDK_HOME -> ANDROID_HOME — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. ANDROID_SDK_HOME -> ANDROID_HOME — Sven Gothel / cgit

#876 (Dec 25, 2012, 8:29:18 AM)

  1. NEWT/Android: Fix NewtBaseActivity.getWindow() recursion if used w/o — Sven Gothel / cgit

#875 (Dec 25, 2012, 5:25:12 AM)

  1. Test*NewtEventModifiers*: Clear 'clearing' events on thread - — Sven Gothel / cgit

#874 (Dec 25, 2012, 3:52:12 AM)

  1. Misc OSX/SWT: OSXUtil.RunOnMainThread(..) refinement; Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit

#873 (Dec 24, 2012, 9:50:24 PM)

  1. NEWT/Android: Fix NewtBaseActivity.getWindow() recursion if used w/o — Sven Gothel / cgit

#872 (Dec 24, 2012, 8:18:39 PM)

  1. WT-NEWT Modifier mapping and test: part-4 (Fix unit tests): — Sven Gothel / cgit

#868 (Dec 22, 2012, 7:46:10 AM)

  1. Update JOGL WWW page (Added sections: App, Util, Games, Old; Added — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add Java3d and nifty-gui — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add siggraph2012 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. WWW: reorder siggraph — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. WWW: Link to Siggraph2012 page and use relative URL to wiki — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Cleanup GLContext special entries: getOffscreenContextPixelDataType(), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. GLArrayData/ImmModeSink: Remove implicit dependency on ShaderState - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Fix/Complete commit b8a8fc24a3afb0cb06a31504bdea1a98b8f00ef4 - Adding — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. GLJPanel: Impl. is GLProfile agnostic; Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. MacOSXCGLContext: Use new setLocation(gl, shader-program); Minor edits.. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Bug642: Add test case for Swing JSplit Pane w/ GLCanvas and GLJPanel — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Cleanup atomic JARs; Removed Debug/Trace pipelines of common profiles — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Bug 651: Mesa3D: GL_INVALID_ENUM in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. GLContextImpl: Make createContextARBImpl/setGLFunctionAvailability more — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. FBObject, minor edit: GL2GL3.GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. *Drawable impl. DEBUG: Add getThreadName() to debug out. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Fix Bug 642 TestJSplitPaneMixHwLw01AWT (AWT-GLCanvas); Robustness — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Bug 642: Refine test case, adding Hw/Lw mix intermediate Container test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Bug 642 / Refine 1ae0737f34143a5ed655bd9c4d5fe9b0437c7774: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Fix regression of commit b8a8fc24a3afb0cb06a31504bdea1a98b8f00ef4: Cache — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Bug 642 / Refine 1ae0737f34143a5ed655bd9c4d5fe9b0437c7774: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#867 (Dec 4, 2012, 7:12:39 AM)

  1. SWT GLCanvas: Fix sporadic drop of redraw on X11 _and_ allow using — Sven Gothel / cgit

#866 (Dec 2, 2012, 4:25:50 AM)

  1. Fix regression of commit 4dd44b985fe0541be3a3bcd9045d201ed3ca2cc5: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. etc/profile.jogl: Fix OpenIndiana ARCH i86pc -> x86 (used currently for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Complete commit 541bcc1eecc50656392e1fec1a27b08ab78eceff (SWT version — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix etc/ Missing jogl.all.jar -> jogl-all.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. SWT Solaris x86 files: Use version 4.2, 4.3.0-M3 fails, see README.txt — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. SWTAccessor: Add SWT 4.3's X11-GTK version adaption (2.14, 2.24, 3.0) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn: Use display.syncExec(..) where possible, add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. SWT GLCanvas: Fix dispose bug, check for isDisposed() and add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. NewtCanvasSWT: Add DisposeListener — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Bug628: Adding unit-test 'TestNewtCanvasSWTBug628ResizeDeadlock' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Simplify NEWT EDTUtil invoke: To start EDT Runnable maybe null - start — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Fix NewtCanvasSWT's newtChild usage: Only use set newtChild if it's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. NEWT WindowImpl: Don't issue native resize if invisible, simply use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. NEWT WindowImpl fixes: surfaceLockCount-- if native lock fails; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Fix Bug 643: SWT 'display.asyncExec(Runnable runnable)' runnable not — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. NEWT EDTUtil: Simplify running state (default is running @ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. SWT GLCanvas/NewtCanvasSWT: Check isVisible() @ validation; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Fix GLDrawableHelper invokeGLImpl(..): Only attempt to release context — Sven Gothel / cgit

#865 (Nov 27, 2012, 7:06:50 PM)

  1. X11Util/Xmisc setX11ErrorHandler: Force setting X11 error handler if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix script's pack200 list — Sven Gothel / cgit

#855 (Nov 15, 2012, 9:40:36 PM)

  1. Adding basic Frustum utility class interfacing w/ PMVMatrix. Still — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 636: Quaternion multiplication unexpected behavior — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Merge MathFloat into FloatUtil — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Reorganize math code into: com.jogamp.opengl.math and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Cleanup Frustum Math Util: Independent / Compile Clean / Relocation ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. AABBox: Add public direct setSize(..), skipping redundant reset() / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Frustum: Simpler usage (ctor, update) no need for explicit compute() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. PMVMatrix: Add 'Frustum glGetFrustum()' adding same dirty/request — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. GLDrawableHelper disposeAllGLEventListener(): Don't use cached listener — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Fix Graph SceneUIController: Remove Listener by itself in dispose() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Added a condition to skip updateGraphicsConfigurationARB when — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Frustum: Passing Mv*P (column major order) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Frustum: Print Plane's normals properly in toString() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Validating Frustum w/ help of Eduard White, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Adding Ref.: Frustum-Culling, Max Wagner — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Frustum: Clarify isOutside(AABBox) impl, add isOutside for point and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Frustum: Cleanup / update; PMVMatrix: Fix mulPMV — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Frustum: Add doc. about Frustum's Plane's normal orientation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Frustum: Clarify method names, fix point/sphere classification, add used — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. NewtVersionActivity: Dump information in logcat — Sven Gothel / cgit

#852 (Nov 8, 2012, 6:12:45 PM)

  1. GLFBODrawableImpl: Following suit w/ commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Bug 634 - Part 1: FBObject, Make MSAA 'samplingSink' mutable and add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. FBObject: Rename private fields for better reading: samplesSink* -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix GLAutoDrawable.dispose(): Dispose drawable even w/o context; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 634 - Part 1: Fix FBObject regression of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#851 (Nov 6, 2012, 4:12:47 PM)

  1. MacOSXCGLContext[NSOpenGLLayer/NSView]: Propagate drawable change — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLAutoDrawable: Fix GLEventListener lifecycle and expose more user — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. FPSAnimator: Wait '2 x period' or 20ms, whichever is greater in case of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GLDrawableUtil.swapGLContextAndAllGLEventListener(..): Add glFinish() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Adding Andres Colubri's Test Case (junit'fyed), which provokes a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. TestGLCanvasAWTActionDeadlock01AWT -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TestGLCanvasAWTActionDeadlock00AWT: Remove redundant argument — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. TestGLCanvasAWTActionDeadlock01AWT: Reproducing OSX deadlock variation, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Analyzed OSX Deadlock w/ AWT Applet & CALayer: Andres Colubri's Test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. GLAutoDrawable: Refine API change of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. TestGLCanvasAWTActionDeadlock0[01]AWT: Disable 'restart' test on current — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Fix GLDrawableHelper.recreateGLDrawable(..): Sync GL command stream — Sven Gothel / cgit

#849 (Oct 31, 2012, 9:59:08 PM)

  1. jogl-test-applets: Add 'force gl3' GearsES2 Applet for GL3 core testing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. MacOSXCGLContext: Fix ShaderCode instantiation .. (duh!) ; Tested via — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Notes: NVIDIA Tegra discard problem ; TestSharedContextVBOES2NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT Windows KeyEvent: We have to store the keyChar for typed events, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT KeyEvent API doc: Document Windows shift+non-uppecase_char, commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#846 (Oct 31, 2012, 4:54:34 PM)

  1. Fix ProjectFloat (Bug 633): Adding missing offset of sliced buffer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Unit Tests regarding commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#845 (Oct 31, 2012, 3:52:07 PM)

  1. ShaderProgram: Program name is valid if non zero; Add init(GL) return — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TestInitConcurrent02NEWT: Disabled for auto unit test until further — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Shader: Add '#define texture2D texture' for GLSL >= 130 ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Add OSX CALayer OpenGL 3 (core) support: Derive pixelformat from parent
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#838 (Oct 29, 2012, 10:13:43 AM)

  1. jogl: use Boolean TRUE/FALSE constants for values that will be — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 630: packedDepthStencilAvail didn't check for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Adapt to GlueGen change 08a8defda8b6f49eb794cf787f688ba65bfe7b37 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GLContext: Produce and expose GLSL version as VersionNumber and version — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. ShaderCode: Add defaultShaderCustomization(..) to prelude shader source — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix Bug 601 - Auto-Repeat Behavior: Adding unit tests for typed key — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NEWT KeyEvent: Fix intendation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NEWT KeyEvent: Remove invalid version remarks. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Fix Bug 631 and enhance 601: Handle multiple keys (pressed, released, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. NEWT KeyEvent (Windows, OSX): Check whether keyCode is tracked before — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Fix NEWT KeyCode: Basic KeyCode Validation on X11, Windows and OSX — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. NEWT X11 Display: Ignore events w/ NULL window, instead of throwing a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Minor edits FBObject/GearsObject — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. GearsES2/RedSquareES2: Dump GLRendererQuirks at init. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. GLRendererQuirks: Add RequiresBoundVAO (w/ impl.), GLSLBuggyDiscard — Sven Gothel / cgit

#837 (Oct 23, 2012, 7:29:45 PM)

  1. FixedFuncPipeline: Require GLSL 1.20 (GL 2.1) due to GL driver bugs in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. TestPointsNEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#836 (Oct 23, 2012, 5:41:24 PM)

  1. Fix regression of commit 40d01bef2a1db44533472c37961aabbef68de644: Test
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#834 (Oct 16, 2012, 8:09:23 AM)

  1. FixedFuncPipeline: Optimize shader resource, if preset != — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. FixedFuncPipeline: Use resource efficient texture shader in AUTO mode as — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. FixedFuncPipeline: Use ES2/GL2 prelude and set default precision. Shader — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. FixedFuncColorTexture.fp: Remove unused local var — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. jogl: fix bit shift error in LEDataInputStream — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  6. jogl: remove infinite loop in Path2D.contains(AABBox) — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  7. jogl: fix bad format string in PngChunkTIME — Harvey Harrison / cgit
  8. ImmModeSink: Fix buffer grow (+1 element @ named buffer), enable DEBUG_* — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Path2D: Reuse 'contains(..)' method, footprint — Sven Gothel / cgit

#830 (Oct 12, 2012, 10:01:55 PM)

  1. GLArrayData* VBO binding: Properly document and impl. bindBuffer(..) in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLArrayDataClient.bindBuffer(gl, bind=true): checkSeal and init_vbo if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. FixedFuncHook: Add ES2 alignment of certain GL functions, i.e. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#828 (Oct 12, 2012, 3:35:07 PM)

  1. FloatUtil/PMVMatrix/GLUniformData: Move impl. of FloatBuffer matrix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. UITestCase: Only print each display/reshape in verbose mode — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLBuffers.slice: Preserve parent buffer position/limit and the parent's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. ImmModeSink: Fix bugs (use glBufferUsage, vboUsage, GL_POLYGON, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. TestSWTAccessor03AWTGLn: Add '-time <duration>' commandline option — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. GLUniformData: add null format string to Buffers.toString() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. GLUniformData.toString() matrix: Add matrix offset .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Simplify GLArrayHandler and reduce VBO sideffects — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. GLArrayData* VBO binding: Adding explicit bindBuffer(..) method, since — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. ES2Impl fix: Remove code which could imply recursion if !ES2Compatible — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. ShaderState: Clean-up debug / verbose output. attachShaderProgram(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Enhance FixedFuncPipeline: Multi-Texture, Tex-Env, Alpha-Test, Lighting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Adding unit tests for ImmModeSink and FixedFunctionPipeline (single & — Sven Gothel / cgit

#827 (Oct 9, 2012, 5:59:40 AM)

  1. Fix etc/ - It was still using the old jogl.all.jar file. Thx to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT X11/KeyMap: Add XK_grave -> J_VK_BACK_QUOTE — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TestInitConcurrent0[12]NEWT: Reduce test w/ 16 threads to 6 for ARM ||
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#825 (Oct 6, 2012, 7:24:28 AM)

  1. Adding unit test for Bug 605 - WORKSFORME, i.e. no unwanted y-flip, so I — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 617 (part2): Workaround buggy GPU driver where FBO reattachment — Sven Gothel / cgit

#821 (Oct 4, 2012, 5:01:39 PM)

  1. OSX Context: Fix caps determination for on-/offscreen since pformat's — Sven Gothel / cgit

#820 (Oct 4, 2012, 4:48:47 AM)

  1. _getNativeWindowingType() TYPE_BCM_VC_IV autodetection. — xerxes / cgit
  2. "" is enough now -> NEWT agnostic relative package path. — xerxes / cgit
  3. Add braces and fix indentation to conform with jogl coding standards. — xerxes / cgit
  4. Workaround for Bug 623: Sporadic XCB assertion failures w/ ATI — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Bug 623: X11Util adds property — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. X11Util: Detailed closing information only in DEBUG mode, just print — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NullToolkitLock.validateLocker(): Throw exception if locking is required — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. test script: remove deleted unit test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. JAWTUtil ToolkitLock: Add lock counter to make lock validation recursive — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Relax Bug 613 workaround of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Fix commit fbe331f013608eb31ff0d8675f4e4c9881c9c48b (Bug 616 - Remove — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. FBObject/GLFBODrawable: Debug / glError detection — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. GLRendererQuirks.NoDoubleBufferedPBuffer: Set if ( mesa || gallium ) && — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Misc: Add commented-out NEWT X11/XCB-Event and X11ScreenRandR1[13] — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. NativeWindowFactory: Remove 'remedy' of Bug 613 Commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Misc: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Fix regression of fbe331f013608eb31ff0d8675f4e4c9881c9c48b [Remove — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Update PMVMatrix/GLMatrixFunc API doc and refine PMVMatrix update / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. ShaderState: Adding Class API doc and removing attached object w/ 'int' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. FixedFuncPipeline: Cleanup warnings .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Fix regression of commit a644d779ab19cb1d200ae4ba567b9c042c34b337, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Footprint Stats ; Fix Bug 624 - Compile and generate android JAR files — Sven Gothel / cgit

#815 (Sep 29, 2012, 3:30:21 AM)

  1. GLXUtil: Lock X11 Device — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT X11 ScreenMode: Ignore invalid rotation event — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NativeWindow/X11 + NEWT/X11: Cache 'isXineramaEnabled()' to reduce X11 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Texture: Clarifiy API doc of getTextureObject(GL) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. X11 NativeWindow: Fix Error and IOError handler, i.e. NPE checks and no — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Adding Mesa Quirk 'NoSetSwapIntervalPostRetarget': SIGSEGV on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. GLDrawableHelper.init(..): Avoid double reshape if subsequent display — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. GLContext.makeCurrent(): Clean API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Misc X11: Add GLX_MESA_swap_control; GLXExtensions (private); — Sven Gothel / cgit

#814 (Sep 27, 2012, 6:28:17 PM)

  1. Fix Bug 616: X11: Remove XInitThreads() dependency while cleaning up — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. FBObject: Clarify reset(..), resetSamplingSink(..) ; Rename — Sven Gothel / cgit

#812 (Sep 21, 2012, 10:21:36 PM)

  1. Fix Bug 621, JVM Crashes During X11 Shutdown while closing all unclosed — Sven Gothel / cgit

#811 (Sep 21, 2012, 8:39:05 PM)

  1. FBObject: Small cleanup of freeColorbufferImpl(gl, i) -> — Sven Gothel / cgit

#803 (Sep 17, 2012, 5:50:14 AM)

  1. Adding test case for Bug 611: On Windows XP is a performance issue, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug 601: Harmonize order of key events incl. auto-repeat and adding — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Complete 646714d3dab87396b9a3119bf90ca26e0b1c97ce / Fix Bug 601: Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Analyze crash of shared context each running in multiple threads, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Anotate focus tests in regards to OSX stability .. sporadically won't — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fixes Bug 615 - X11: Use proper screen index/name for shared resources — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Documenting Bug 586Sven Gothel / cgit

#802 (Sep 16, 2012, 3:31:34 PM)

  1. OSX: Disable TestSWTAccessor03AWTGLn - NSLocking issues w/ SWT/AWT .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#801 (Sep 16, 2012, 2:03:41 PM)

  1. OSX: Capture 'invalid drawable' message cause by — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Added very basic unit test of 1 GLProfile initialization — Sven Gothel / cgit

#800 (Sep 16, 2012, 8:31:57 AM)

  1. JNLP: Cache jogl-all-natives and jogl-cg-natives for linux-armv6 and — xerxes / cgit
  2. Disable double-buffer mode when offscreen-bitmap is chosen, remove
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#797 (Aug 23, 2012, 10:35:13 PM)

  1. GLContext: Remove integer-key based attach/detach object - use String — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Android/NEWT WindowDriver: Add missing eglDestroySurface() in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Android Power-suspend and Power-resume — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Android: Bump version.code: 914011Sven Gothel / cgit

#791 (Aug 21, 2012, 4:19:32 PM)

  1. Update TODO ; Update JOGL-DEPLOYMENT.html w/ new jar names and added — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. crossref userguide/deployment — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix EGLDrawableFactory ES1/ES2 detection for !pbuffer ; Misc robustness — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix/Workaround: For BCM_VC_IV EGL (alpha) configuration — Sven Gothel / cgit

#790 (Aug 19, 2012, 11:50:37 AM)

  1. NEWT Windows.closeNativeImpl(): Remove 'GDI.SetParent(windowHandleClose,
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#785 (Jul 25, 2012, 4:44:02 AM)

  1. Fix GraphicsConfigurationFactory: Map factory to device-type _and_ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. SWT Update: SWT GLCanvas creates lazy when resource is ready; Create new — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add property: 'jogl.disable.opengles' to disable querying and using — Sven Gothel / cgit

#784 (Jul 22, 2012, 4:22:58 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 606 - New AWT threading implementation breaks .. ; Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Align TestSWTAccessor02GLn w/ TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLn, dropping the — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Adding TODO note: Optimize/Fix NIO caching of glMapBuffer/glUnmapBuffer — Sven Gothel / cgit

#783 (Jul 20, 2012, 10:17:48 PM)

  1. Fix OSX OffscreenLayerSurface (OLS) regressions (pbuffer based) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix TestSWTAccessor02GLn regression .. forgot to: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#782 (Jul 20, 2012, 3:46:50 PM)

  1. Fix NEWT exception handling in event dispatching: Catch and fwd to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLCapabilities Native Aquisition: Set alpha bits at last - due to it's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Minor edits — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot failure duer to RedSquareES2's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix OSX regression of commit 20bf031db719f7baa4c6e74734fc999061e08fe2 - — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. minor edit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#779 (Jul 6, 2012, 9:06:35 AM)

  1. Fix commit dfee8c58d4915f78f57545c26a492668b2b68a87
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#774 (Jun 30, 2012, 4:31:05 PM)

  1. Fix Bug 597: XDisplayString(0) -> SIGSEGV; Handle n/a DISPLAY — Sven Gothel / cgit

#773 (Jun 30, 2012, 5:19:56 AM)

  1. JAWTUtil/MacOSXWindowSystemInterface-pbuffer: Cleanup / More DEBUG info — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug #589 (JAWT Offscreen-Layer resize) and Offscreen-Layer — Sven Gothel / cgit

#772 (Jun 29, 2012, 4:24:10 AM)

  1. Minor cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NativeSurface.unlockSurface(): Change fail-fast policy to fail safe — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLContextImpl/GLDrawableImpl: More fail-safe, cleanup, mark some methods — Sven Gothel / cgit

#771 (Jun 28, 2012, 10:07:44 PM)

  1. NEWT WindowImpl.runOnEDTIfAvail(..): Run task from current thread if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NativeSurface Cleanup (API Change) - Adapt to GlueGen Lock cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Misc cleanup: add @Override — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Misc cleanup: Add @Override, remove trailing whitespace — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Misc cleanup: Add @Override, remove trailing whitespace — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Capabilities cleanup: make most get*() final, impl. Comparable to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. GLDrawable* cleanup: Add @Override, remove trailing whitespace, .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. GLContext* TRACE_SWITCH: Add GLContext instance hash value to allow — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. SWT GLCanvas: Fix destroy(), Remove local concurrency hack & — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. SWT/AWT GLCanvas multithreading annotations (see commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. NEWT GLWindow multithreading fix and annotations (see commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. AWT/SWT GLCanvas: Remove volatile of context instance, use drawable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Bug #589 - Enhance snapshot/textIO test: Add offscreen mode; Add AWT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#770 (Jun 26, 2012, 11:48:35 PM)

  1. Fix commit a393e45613d87101dbb13763df263c2f9291d2d0: jogl's cg native — Sven Gothel / cgit

#762 (Jun 19, 2012, 6:30:17 AM)

  1. Fix regression (commit a6e7b6cc08cea358c157320ff9d61d424c57e92b) of — Sven Gothel / cgit

#761 (Jun 19, 2012, 5:06:55 AM)

  1. Fix regression (commit a6e7b6cc08cea358c157320ff9d61d424c57e92b) of — Sven Gothel / cgit

#755 (Jun 18, 2012, 4:35:37 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 583: Remove Android compile-time dependencies and exclude — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Adapt to GlueGen commit 1468286bf569a493e4fdb887d5f3732f88c8cec3 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Bug 590: Wrong GL2 and GLES2 aliasing of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. JOGL Texture Util Unit Test merge to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Unit Test: Cleanup TextureSequence Demo Code and Tests, adding AWT Test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Texture Unit Tests: AWT/NEWT GL2/ES2 PNGJ/AWT-PNG-Loading and Rendering — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TextureIO TGA/PNG: Use RGB[9] for 1-3 channel data; PNGImage(PNGJ) add 1 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#754 (Jun 3, 2012, 6:38:39 PM)

  1. GLMediaPlayer: Add Class / Package API doc incl. detailed info in the — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT/Android: Fix requestFocus() - run impl. on UI thread. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Linux ARMel eabi: Use armv6t, soft-float - low profile to target more — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. FFmpeg Dyn. Symbol Validation: Proper check for alternative symbols — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Core/Animator: Force animator thread to be non-daemon. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NEWT/MainThread: Wait for new non daemon threads after 'main' class has — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Newt/OSX(native): close0() shall not release NewtMacWindow (NSWindow) in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. FFMPEGMediaPlayer: Fix NPE; Add remarks about binary incompatibility in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Test: Added commented-out hacks for gdb invocation, OSX NSZombieEnabled — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. FFMPEGDynamicLibraryBundleInfo: Adding notes .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Recognize swap-interval in NSOpenGLLayer mode — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Completing swap-interval implementation for OSX's CALayer usage. Closing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Test (Applets): Add MovieCube to jogl-test-applets page. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Newt/AWT Event Factory: Add Mouse Wheel Event Conversion — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Update JOGL www/index.html — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. UITest, fix exception message: Add 'not'. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Bug 577: Disable debug message XInitThreads() called (only enabled in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. WWW: Add GeoGebra; Prio JOGL2 usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. WWW: Cleanup some descriptions, text alignment — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. NEWT Input- Mouse-Event: Consitency of mouse button number; Add button — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Fix Bug 571: X11 behavior, where the PRESSED button is not included in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. TestGearsES2NEWT: fullscreen/above toggle print fullscreen/above state — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Bug 570: NEWT General/X11: Decouple setFullscreen() and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. Bug 556: Newt Mouse Synthetic Drag Event: Clear state if mouse — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. EGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory: Add 'unregisterFactory()' static entry — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. GLProfile/EGLDrawableFactory: Detect ANGLE (Windows D3D ES2 Emulation) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. NEWT/WindowImpl: Make all 'action' class instances final; Action's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Fix Bug 560 and NEWT window closing behavior in general for all — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. JOGLNewtAppletBase: Minor cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. NEWT: Revert static/locked action instances due to possible deadlocks; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. Complete commit c9faebb8f8f6be4c0de4919a516b4692742bc13c: Use 'enum — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. NEWT API Change 'WindowClosingProtocol': Use 'enum WindowClosingMode' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Test MovieCube: Allow recreation - Video is still not visible after — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. NEWT/OSX: Fix occasional crash 'free of non allocated object' - change — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. NewtFactory: Show failure in getCustomClass(..) - require both, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. NEWT: Cleanup Broadcom/KD driver imports, add Jogamp (c) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. Test script: Add commented-out CLASSPATH and cmd-line args for Broadcom — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. Android Unit Test (incomplete): Manually test new GlueGen's MainLauncher — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. Reduce APK version name to 30 chars — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. APK version code = 1 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. Minor cleanup .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. Adapt to GlueGen commit cc76889a6fe96cffb91c9a3aa7934878c0ecd97e: Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. Android: Fix JOGL's (NEWT) Version activity: Use Launcher, show GL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. LauncherUtil: Allow no query in URI and no PKG in query (Align w/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. Bump Android version.code: 2Sven Gothel / cgit
  47. Android: Cleanup Manifest, don't require touch .., Bump version.code: 4Sven Gothel / cgit
  48. Android: proper version.code and test manifest — Sven Gothel / cgit
  49. Android: Add xhdpi icon — Sven Gothel / cgit
  50. Android: Bump version.code to 0914009 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  51. Android: Bump version.code: 914010Sven Gothel / cgit
  52. Fix regression of commit de2b129a56335262a44a05541a3ab2e35668cc6e: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  53. Add unit tests for gluUnProject fix (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  54. GLContext/Surface Deadlock: Add unit test, provoking deadlock w/ 2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  55. GLContext*: Remove '[set/is]Synchronized(..)' - Defaults to wait for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  56. Demo/Test GearsES2: Supress reshape debug println — Sven Gothel / cgit
  57. TestGLContextSurfaceLockNEWT: Add GLWindow destroy @ test end — Sven Gothel / cgit
  58. Refine commit be7cac1713b166ca6578c685ec8a7231a8429919: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  59. Fix Bug 572: AWT-GLCanvas shall force setRealized(true) on AWT-EDT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  60. GLContext.destroy() error case: Lock hold > 1 - More explicit error — Sven Gothel / cgit
  61. Graph/Glyph: Clarify public Font.Glyph and private FontInt.GlyphInt — Sven Gothel / cgit
  62. graph/font: Add "public float getAdvanceWidth(int i, float pixelSize);" — Sven Gothel / cgit
  63. GPUTextRendererListenerBase01: Remove unused var. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  64. Clarify API Doc: GLRunnable and it's GLAutoDrawable::invoke(..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  65. Graph/Font Demo: Add simple 'one-file' demo/test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  66. Java Source Files: dos -> unix format — Sven Gothel / cgit
  67. Unit Test Util NEWTGLContext: Pass GLCapabilities instead of GLProfile, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  68. Graph/Font Demo: Add simple 'one-file' demo/test
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#729 (Apr 11, 2012, 8:30:48 PM)

  1. Move com.jogamp.opengl.av -> com.jogamp.opengl.util.av (it's in the util — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLArrayData: Fix 'growBuffer()' / clarify 'initialSize' -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Refine GLMediaPlayer/TextureSequence, add MovieCube demo, fix minor bug — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. ShaderState: No exception in 'releaseAllAttributes()' if attribute is — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Refine API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Graph UI Demo: Add zoom w/ mouse wheel (desktop) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#728 (Apr 9, 2012, 7:53:24 AM)

  1. Adding assets-test/placeholder.txt — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Move ProjectFloat back to private, exposing basic math in FloatUtil
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#720 (Mar 28, 2012, 3:55:09 AM)

  1. Add armhf cross build/test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit

#710 (Mar 25, 2012, 6:30:48 AM)

  1. Fix EGLConfig re-use w/ different EGLDisplay handle (Triggered w/ Mesa — Sven Gothel / cgit

#709 (Mar 25, 2012, 3:51:39 AM)

  1. Enhance and generalize AWT Threading* implementation; Minor changes .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. X11GLXContext: Remove DEBUG_GLX_MAKECURRENT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. edit
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#707 (Mar 20, 2012, 6:30:48 PM)

  1. Lots of modifications: updates of several links, addition of some — gouessej / cgit
  2. Fix all HTML validation errors ( ; Add TOC — Sven Gothel / cgit

#706 (Mar 20, 2012, 12:46:44 PM)

  1. GLContextImpl: Detect "llvmpipe" as a software renderer (Mesa 8.0.1) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. X11GLXContext: X11Util.setX11ErrorHandler( .., DEBUG ? verbose : quiet ) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix / Cleanup AWT related Threading code: Using enums, properly disable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Cleanup: Use getThreadName() and validateCurrent() to remove redundancy — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix bug 564 - part 2 (X11 Mesa 8.0.1 GL 3.0 w/ failing — Sven Gothel / cgit

#705 (Mar 19, 2012, 11:30:48 AM)

  1. Adding unit test to validate proper X11 Display closing (Bug 565) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#696 (Mar 7, 2012, 12:23:58 PM)

  1. Get JOGL to build with NDK r7 — edwin.vane / cgit
  2. Update android armv7 cross build/test script — Sven Gothel / cgit

#695 (Mar 6, 2012, 10:12:11 AM)

  1. NativeWindow public-spec to public-impl reorg — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NativeWindow public-spec to public-impl reorg — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NativeWindow public* reorg 3/3 ; NativeVisualID -> VisualIDHolder incl. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NativeSurface.lockSurface(): Update API doc (+ emphasize — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NativeWindowFactory: Get and hold singleton JAWT ToolkitLock — Sven Gothel / cgit

#694 (Mar 6, 2012, 12:23:51 AM)

  1. remote unit test reorg (all, awt, newt)
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#690 (Feb 29, 2012, 3:30:28 AM)

  1. CrossTest: Add AWT Unit-Test. Unit-Tests: Refine GLProfile request where — Sven Gothel / cgit

#689 (Feb 29, 2012, 2:30:27 AM)

  1. Add / Use gluegen.basename prop. for remote ssh test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Software Rasterizer: Add 'Mesa X11' to GL_RENDERER list. EGLDrawable: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#684 (Feb 27, 2012, 11:04:43 AM)

  1. ScreenMode/X11: Use common defaults in case of undefined values. X11: — Sven Gothel / cgit

#683 (Feb 27, 2012, 9:56:34 AM)

  1. Fix minor test issues
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#679 (Feb 25, 2012, 8:47:36 PM)

  1. Min. Graph Parameter type change: texSize/width/.. for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JoglVersion: Avoid NPE if no caps are available. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix GLProfile/GLDrawableFactory bug: Recursion on default desktop — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. enhancement: NWJNILibLoader.loadNativeWindow(..) returns true/false if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix commit 9e66972c193399d6dcdf9e6662f4335bdf15736a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. X11/GLX: Query X Server whether GLX is available — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Cleanup DEBUG flags of *GraphicsConfigurationFactory (Use the common — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. X11: Fix unavailable GLX (Server): Use fallback — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Include GraphicsConfigurationFactory in lifecycle — Sven Gothel / cgit

#677 (Feb 24, 2012, 6:25:26 PM)

  1. Introduce environment-var/property to disable unit tests (per node) -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Even if '', we need to produce the test archive (7z), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. If, copy a dummy TEST xml file, otherwisa Jenkins — Sven Gothel / cgit

#661 (Feb 15, 2012, 2:00:11 PM)

  1. GLGLuegen: Enhance debug/analysis code and API comments — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. OpenGL EGL, ES1 and ES2 Header Sync incl. subsuming common extensions. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#654 (Feb 14, 2012, 7:44:36 AM)

  1. OpenGL 4.2 functional support (GL header sync) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#652 (Feb 14, 2012, 2:11:25 AM)

  1. Fix TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT regression: Get default — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT (2): Use — Sven Gothel / cgit

#651 (Feb 14, 2012, 1:37:30 AM)

  1. Test: Remove dedicated mobile profile test, will be included in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Enhance ExtensionAvailabilityCache ; Expose extension count in GLContext — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix ExtensionAvailabilityCache ; Enhance caching. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Simplify TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT: Use 'in thread' ctx — Sven Gothel / cgit

#649 (Feb 13, 2012, 2:30:15 PM)

  1. Fix JOGL GLContextImpl ProcAddressTable and Extension Caching — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Java2D OGLPipeline: Disabled for Max OSX — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. MacOSXCGLDrawableFactory: Fix typo 'Applet' -> 'Apple' for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. OSX/Java7 JAWT/JAWTUtil: Support OSX/Java7 CALayer only JAWT mode; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. OSX CALayer fix for Java7 (force CALayer to 0/0, always remove all
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#647 (Feb 13, 2012, 7:05:00 AM)

  1. OpenGL ES/EGL Overhaul — Sven Gothel / cgit

#640 (Feb 9, 2012, 8:31:07 AM)

  1. NEWT: Fix deadlock w/ AWT parent (NewtCanvasAWT) - focus window @ — Sven Gothel / cgit

#627 (Jan 19, 2012, 5:57:13 AM)

  1. NEWT: Use accessors to read/write postion and size, allowing better — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT/X11: Fix Insets determination for undecorated / child window. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. UI Test / AWTRobotUtil: Relax and fix focus tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. UI Test AWTRobotUtil's toFront*(): retry requestFocus() within loop. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NativeWindow/OSX: Fix Offscreen CALayer SIGSEGV @ Shutdown (Cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NEWT/OSX: Window close (release) on main thread, ensuring no 'main — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit

#626 (Jan 18, 2012, 3:50:02 AM)

  1. NEWT/OSX: Cleanup NewtMacWindow header (sort, fix and add declarations); — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Newt: Add fullscreen for offscreen windows (currently OSX only); Focus — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT/OSX: Cleanup 'javaWindowObject' @ window-close & avoid NPE; Disable — Sven Gothel / cgit

#625 (Jan 17, 2012, 12:31:20 PM)

  1. NEWT/OSX CALayer Animation Fix: Use '[layer removeAllAnimations]', — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT childWindow: No autoPosition, use 0/0 as default. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NewtCanvasAWT: Handle 'lost' child and fullscreen case. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWTWindow Focus: Skip requestFocus() if already owning focus;
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#623 (Jan 13, 2012, 4:20:57 PM)

  1. NEWT/OSX Performance Fix: Cache CGDisplayScreenSize() result, since it's
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#620 (Jan 9, 2012, 7:51:17 PM)

  1. [WIP] Added an SWT based GLCanvas implementation nearly identical to the — daniel.krisher.ctr / cgit
  2. Hopefully fixed use of GLCapabilitiesChooser (I didn't realize that this — daniel.krisher.ctr / cgit
  3. OSX: JOGL desktop DLL now uses weak binding for Quartz, Cocoa and OpenGL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. OSX: NW/NEWT use weak binding for Quartz and Cocoa (compatibility for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix Bug 547: Enable others architectures under GNU/Linux — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix Bug 546: Provide more information about the system — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. SWT GLCanvas: Java 1.5 clean (No @override for interfaces); Add license — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. minor edits — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Complete SWT GLCanvas relocation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. SWT GLCanvas: Adapt to latest JOGL changes (init, destroy, ..), Align — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. minor edits / clarify SWT test descripion — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Add JOGL SWT GLCanvas unit test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Better unit test names for SWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Add 'AWT' in JOGL's SWT GLCanvas test case, since impl. still needs AWT
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#618 (Jan 9, 2012, 3:56:06 AM)

  1. Dispatch the '5' GDI/WGL functions and allow using their 'wgl' variants. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. WindowsJAWTWindow: unlock() invalidates the 'hdc' (surfaceHandle) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. TestAWTCardLayoutAnimatorStartStopBug532: Minor edit / Uncomment Windows — Sven Gothel / cgit

#617 (Jan 8, 2012, 7:03:26 AM)

  1. Animator*: Clarify debug output — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLContext*/GLDrawableHelper: Fix consistency of recursive — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLContext/NativeSurface Impl's toString(): Add lock.toString() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. TestAWTCardLayoutAnimatorStartStopBug532: Refine, add 'continue' mode, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#616 (Jan 6, 2012, 11:30:55 AM)

  1. Fix TestAWTCardLayoutAnimatorStartStopBug532 pause/resume test — Sven Gothel / cgit

#614 (Jan 6, 2012, 12:35:07 AM)

  1. Fix bug 549 - Incorrect calculation of count value in GLUniformData due — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Added Unit-Test for Bug 532 to test Animator behavior w/ CardLayout and — Sven Gothel / cgit

#611 (Jan 4, 2012, 12:32:03 PM)

  1. Fix Eclipse 3.7 Ant build — Wade Walker / cgit

#610 (Dec 26, 2011, 12:30:55 AM)

  1. ScreenImpl.ScreenMode: getOrAdd current ScreenMode. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT/Android: MonitorMode: Don't validate refreshRate (0 on some — Sven Gothel / cgit

#609 (Dec 24, 2011, 4:30:56 AM)

  1. NEWT Screen: Add virtual top-left origin getX()/getY() ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT Windows/X11: Remove missed negative coordinate restrictions. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#608 (Dec 23, 2011, 5:09:23 AM)

  1. Fix regression of commit: 3f5df93484a2ea97c6e51a717f05d9ddcec64d84
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#605 (Dec 23, 2011, 1:45:47 AM)

  1. NEWT/X11: Fix regressions of commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#604 (Dec 23, 2011, 1:00:43 AM)

  1. NEWT Multi-Monitor 1/2: Allow negative window position; Validate — Sven Gothel / cgit

#597 (Dec 20, 2011, 11:23:54 PM)

  1. NEWT initScreenModeStatus(): Issue setScreenSize() to update screen size — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT OSX: Add native ScreenMode impl. - TODO: Programmatically set the — Sven Gothel / cgit

#596 (Dec 20, 2011, 12:30:51 PM)

  1. Add git repo url — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add Everplanes; Moved images to media subfolder. Remove obsolete Sun — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix html applet test page — Sven Gothel / cgit

#595 (Dec 19, 2011, 3:47:21 AM)

  1. GLBuffer: Add NV_texture_shader HILO format and HILO16 type — Sven Gothel / cgit

#592 (Dec 19, 2011, 1:59:48 AM)

  1. refine 32/64 bit unit tests run (OSX) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix SWT test on OSX 32/64 bit ; Fix TestSWTAWT01GL for OSX — Sven Gothel / cgit

#591 (Dec 18, 2011, 6:30:51 PM)

  1. TestInitConcurrentNEWT: Nice window layout - don't wait/sync for start — Sven Gothel / cgit

#590 (Dec 18, 2011, 5:38:41 PM)

  1. CgDynamicLibraryBundleInfo: Add TempJarCache usage for atomic native jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix bug 531. Thx to Sebastien (finding) and Julien (fixing) it. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#588 (Dec 18, 2011, 7:50:09 AM)

  1. Fix regression of commit 47dc069104723f3d2e8d9ebdd700182e067163d0: Lock — Sven Gothel / cgit

#587 (Dec 18, 2011, 6:44:20 AM)

  1. GLDebugMessageHandler: Move Windows 32bit exclusion to init() block — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLDrawableFactory*.createOffscreenDrawable(): No implicit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. New Interface 'OffscreenLayerOption', impl. by JAWTWindow (impl) and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. MacOSXCGLContext Offscreen Layer: Throw exception in case drawable is — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. MaxOSXWindowSystemInterface: deleteContext / releaseNSOpenGLLayer: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. test scripts: add argument for java data-type (32 or 64 bit) ; Add OSX — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. JOGL Add 32bit tests for OSX (fat binaries) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. JAWT_DrawingSurface.c: Fail fast in case of NULL platformInfo or — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. No GLCanvas offscreen surface (as in NEWT) - test disabled — Sven Gothel / cgit

#584 (Dec 13, 2011, 5:03:28 PM)

  1. GLDebugMessageHandler: Disable Windows 32bit due to 32bit on 64bit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#583 (Dec 13, 2011, 7:00:49 AM)

  1. MacOSXCGLContext.isGLProfileSupported(): No GL3* on pre lion - early out — Sven Gothel / cgit

#580 (Dec 13, 2011, 3:17:45 AM)

  1. Fix GLDrawableFactory lack of GLProfile initialization in case — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix nano -> milli (10e6 -> 1e6) .. ooops — Sven Gothel / cgit

#578 (Dec 11, 2011, 5:54:12 AM)

  1. NEWT EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL_MOVED: Fix Bug 413 - Generate proper mouse wheel — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add siggraph 2011, p70-rsantina — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Update etc/test* scripts: Remove native lib config, use native-jars. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix concurrency bug of GLProfile initialization ; Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. GLDrawableHelper.reshape(): check whether to call GLEventListener's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. JOGLNewtApplet1Run: Config and add GLEventListener before hooking — Sven Gothel / cgit

#577 (Dec 2, 2011, 5:05:57 AM)

  1. Remove GLProfile.initSingleton(..) out of static init block — Sven Gothel / cgit

#576 (Dec 2, 2011, 3:53:26 AM)

  1. Test AWT Translucency: Use ReflectionUtil to use — Sven Gothel / cgit

#573 (Dec 1, 2011, 9:54:34 PM)

  1. Move manual GDI utils to GDIUtil ; Minor cleanup. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLDrawableFactory: Implementations lifecycle is handled via — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLProfile: use dbl checked locking w/ volatile ; Proper shutdown — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Complete commit 2c0a0981f7e1376064abd981c79c65c9d1b57410 ; Missed native — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. X11Util / GDISurface Robustness — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Minor edits. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Adapt to GlueGen commit 7e6cf46ed2e0e9772f79e06437596056efa8c682: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Fix Bug 522: NEWT requestFocus() causes a crash if !isNativeValid() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Fix 96205926731aeb61a862c87974f611d814937c54 GDIUtil native code. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. GLContext fix shutdown(): Clear proc address tables and extension cache — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. New GLProfile.ShutdownType: SHARED_ONLY / COMPLETE - Enhance/Fix
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#571 (Nov 29, 2011, 5:08:04 PM)

  1. NEWTMacWindow:View: Make lock recursive .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#569 (Nov 29, 2011, 1:08:37 PM)

  1. Test: Add TestSharedContextVBOES2NEWT2 (ES2 variant of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. MacOSX: Expose CGL's CGLLockContext(..) and CGLUnlockContext(..) - to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLContextImpl*: createImpl() / makeCurrentImpl() refinement / robostness — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT MacWindow: the softLock (pthread mutex) is now always blocking — Sven Gothel / cgit

#565 (Nov 28, 2011, 3:55:39 AM)

  1. NEWT ScreenMode: Use unified ScreenMode in impl; X11Screen: Be verbose — Sven Gothel / cgit

#564 (Nov 28, 2011, 3:08:42 AM)

  1. Fix Bug 527: Creating a context w/ shared context, while the latter is — Sven Gothel / cgit

#563 (Nov 27, 2011, 6:45:23 PM)

  1. NEWT: Add DriverUpdatePosition interface; Clarify NativeWindow API doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JAWTWindow: Impl. insets (if AWT component is a Container) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. MacWindow: Impl. DriverUpdatePosition; Alias position2TopLevel -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT MacWindow: Fix positionChange() Usage ; Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit

#562 (Nov 27, 2011, 12:48:32 AM)

  1. NEWT OSX: Add stopNSApplication(), revert commit
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#555 (Nov 26, 2011, 3:53:12 PM)

  1. NEWT/GLContextImpl: Refine API doc, NEWT: Display name -> connection — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. X11Util.shutdown(): Remove x11IOErrorHandler — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT X11Screen: Update X11 RANDR / GL locking test code (still commented — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. SharedResourceRunner: Use generics ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. TestScreenMode00bNEWT: Reduce getCurrentScreenMode loop 100 -> 50, due — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. OSX GLLayer (native): Remove CALayer add/remove/swap sublayer animation; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. MacOSXJAWTWindow: Also need to fix (onscreen:=false) of the encapsulated — Sven Gothel / cgit

#554 (Nov 26, 2011, 6:28:10 AM)

  1. X11AWTGraphicsConfigurationFactory: Use lock: owner ? AWT-Lock : — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. X11Util: Cleanup ATI_HAS_XCLOSEDISPLAY_BUG API doc. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. DefaultGraphicsDevice: Initialize toolkitLock directly in cstr, where — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NewtFactory/GLWindow: Cleanup API doc (Display lifecycle, copy or reuse, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT X11Display: Use default X11 locking for X11GraphicsDevice — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. TestsGLSLShaderState*: Reduce loops / Extend timeout - Slow devices may — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. TestParenting03AWT: manual test option -firstUIAction for — Sven Gothel / cgit

#552 (Nov 25, 2011, 3:37:14 AM)

  1. NativeWindow GraphicsDevice javadoc cleanup / Factory method access — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. X11GLXDrawableFactory.createOffscreenSurfaceImpl(): Create own — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Test NEWT Remote Connection (X11): Use localhost:0.0 as default — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix X11Util.dumpOpenDisplayConnection() ; Bug 515: Update fglrx driver — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. AWTGraphicsConfiguration: Private special cstr. FIXME: Use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NativeSurface's getGraphicsConfiguration() returns the native — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. GraphicsConfigurationFactory: Kick off 'registerFactory' via static — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. JOGL/NativeWindow: Push down JOGL's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Nativewindow AWT Device/Screen: Cleanup construction [default, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. NativeWindow X11GraphicsDevice: Pass 'owner' for close-display operation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Forgot to add JogAmp (c) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Fix native manual test 'displayMultiple02' for multiple X11 Display — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. scripts: profile.jogl / / Expose and use AWT / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. GLX Information usage cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. JAWTWindow: remove validateNative() .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. NativeWindow X11 Locking: Fix XInitThreads/XLockDisplay/XUnlockDisplay — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Complete commit bafd9b99816f55c105230a59211caf13f0315910 (NEWT): — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Minor test changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Add Test case for bug 519Sven Gothel / cgit

#546 (Nov 20, 2011, 2:17:43 AM)

  1. Tests: Use WindowFocusListener for AWTRobot toFront(.. window), more — Sven Gothel / cgit

#545 (Nov 20, 2011, 12:33:11 AM)

  1. MacOsX/JAWT_SurfaceLayers/CALayers: Kick off / JAWT_getAWT() CALAYER — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Win32: Reuse Platform's OS VersionNumber — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT/Applet: Add 'newt.debug.Applet' ; Be more verbose in DEBUG Mode; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Nativewindow/OSX: GetLocationOnScreen() must use [win frame] for window — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Test: More 'layouting' in NewtCanvasAWT test case — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. OSX: CGL type cleanup ; layeredSurface impl. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Cleanup ; JAWT* version flag setting based whether — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Impl layeredSurface (java/native): — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. NativeWindow/JOGL: NativeSurface adds add/remove SurfaceUpdateListener — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. JOGL/Offscreen-Drawable: Use setRealized(boolean) protocol for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. JOGL *Drawable swapBufferImpl() cleanup: Don't force swap-buffer off for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. OS X Layered View: Use pbuffer method (pbuffer w/ dbl buffer) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. JOGL: Add 'struct timespec' (POSIX) utils for native time handling — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. JOGL: GLBase Add 'isNPOTTextureAvailable()' for convenience — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. OSX: SharedResource add knowledge of NPOT-, RECT- and Float-Texture — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. GLContext: Intendation + Use generics (remove warnings) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. FPSCounter: Use Java 1.5 TimeUnit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Minor edits: Remove unused code and warnings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. OS X Layered View: Part2 Java/Native MacOSXCGLContext / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. NativeWindow: Add accessor interfaces NativeSurfaceHolder and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Minor edits: remove redundancies — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. OS X Layered View: Part3 JAWTWindow/MacOSXJAWTWindow (Java/Native) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. OS X Layered View: Part4 NEWT OffscreenWindow/WindowImpl fix — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. OS X Layered View: Part5 NEWT/AWT Interaction ; Fix NSOpenGLLayer pos ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Fix regression: setScreen(..) invalid ref count & flag — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. minor edit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. Fix TestParenting03AWT: NewtCanvasAWT has always a NativeWindow — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. Cleanup offscreen/pbuffer drawables - minor edits — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. test: minor edit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. NativeWindow: SurfaceChangeable::setSize() -> surfaceSizeChanged() to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. NewtCanvasAWT: Fix NPE (regression from commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. NewtCanvasAWT: nativeWindow field lifecycle is same as holder — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. NativeWindow minor edits: Remove warnings (generics, imports, ..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. Fix regression JAWTWindow/AWTGraphicsConfiguration — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. Fix MacOSXJAWTWindow: Impl. SurfaceChangeable ; Proper — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. MacOSXPbufferCGLDrawable: verbose debug messages — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. NEWT/WindowImpl: Generalize recreation @ setSize() for offscreen surface — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. Animator: Limit wait for condition in finishLifecycleAction() via — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. NEWT/Screen: minor editing/cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. NEWT/WindowImpl: Fix minor regression offscreen recreate @ setSize() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. OS X Layered View: Part6 (native) Using a root CALayer where we — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. Minor edits: Remove dead code / fix dbg printf — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. Revert introduction of NativeSurfaceHolder and NativeWindowHolder — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. Animator timeout/refinement — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. OS X Layered View: Part7 Allow NEWT onscreen MacWindow to be used incl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  47. Nativewindow: Introduce API private MutableGraphicsConfiguration — Sven Gothel / cgit
  48. OSX: Fix context update call — Sven Gothel / cgit
  49. OS X Layered View Part8: Generalize OffscreenLayerSurface ; Use local — Sven Gothel / cgit
  50. OSXUtil: Remove (ClassLoader) dependency on JAWT_DrawingSurfaceInfo — Sven Gothel / cgit
  51. test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  52. Fix OS X JAWT SIGSEGV @ NEWT Window creation ; Reloc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  53. NEWT InputEvent consumed: Expose special attachement Object — Sven Gothel / cgit
  54. NEWT/AWT Focus Traversal / Deadlock Fix (Windows) ; Harmonized NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  55. Fix NewtCanvasAWT Focus Traversal (focusable) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  56. Fix Reloc AttachJAWTSurfaceLayer() (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  57. WindowsWGLDrawableFactory createOffscreenDrawable() - Don't spin off — Sven Gothel / cgit
  58. Focus Test: Don't assume NewtCanvasAWT even received the focus — Sven Gothel / cgit
  59. Relocate NewtFactoryAWT: jogamp.newt.awt.event -> jogamp.newt.awt — Sven Gothel / cgit
  60. NEWT Window: Promote/Expose 'Window getDelegatedWindow()' for accessing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  61. NewtMacWindow: Add CR/LF to DBG_PRINT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  62. NEWT: Move 'focusAction()' invokation from native code to Java, avoiding — Sven Gothel / cgit
  63. NEWT/AWT Focus traversal enhancement/fix (incl. OS X fixes) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  64. Demo: GearsES1/ES2 visualize focus — Sven Gothel / cgit
  65. NEWT build: Add jogamp/newt/driver/* to core — Sven Gothel / cgit
  66. NEWT MacWindow: Revised offscreen FIXME tags — Sven Gothel / cgit
  67. minor edits: test, scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit

#544 (Oct 27, 2011, 5:06:32 AM)

  1. Minor edits / cleanup of GLContext* — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. OSX: Enable OpenGL profile support, ie OpenGL 3.2 -> GL3 for OSX >= 10.7 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GLProfile: Add GLProfile getImpl(); Use getImpl() for getGL2ES[12](..), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT/OSX: Add missing sendKeyEvent(..) specialization to produce the — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT/OSX: Can't use sending key/mouse directly to WindowImpl, deadlock — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NEWT/OSX: Refine comment for native requestFocus(); Remove warning — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NEWT/OSX NewtView: Add 'soft' pthread locking impacts: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NEWT/OSX: Using NewtView softLock ; Adding debug info to solve — Sven Gothel / cgit

#543 (Oct 25, 2011, 6:11:39 AM)

  1. MacOSX: Pull down (and fix releaseContext) NSOPENGL/CGL mode/impl, fixes — Sven Gothel / cgit

#538 (Oct 23, 2011, 10:40:29 PM)

  1. Test: AWTRobotUtil TO 1s -> 2s — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Tests: AWT EDT: invokeLater(..) -> invokeAndWait(..) for a more — Sven Gothel / cgit

#537 (Oct 23, 2011, 9:31:40 PM)

  1. Partially revert cba9a070f9649bec42627631d393963d548e320c: Skip — Sven Gothel / cgit

#536 (Oct 23, 2011, 6:40:47 PM)

  1. NEWT/ScreenMode: Make getCurrenctScreenMode..() more fail proof in case — Sven Gothel / cgit

#532 (Oct 22, 2011, 4:53:22 PM)

  1. Proper self containing NV Cg location
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#530 (Oct 21, 2011, 12:31:29 PM)

  1. NEWT/OSX: Attempt to stabilize native parenting (ie w/ AWT) ; Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Using math functions in initializers fails on MacOSX - fixed — Sven Gothel / cgit

#529 (Oct 19, 2011, 7:12:39 PM)

  1. Only revert ScreenMode (destroy/shutdown) if owner (Screen) changed it — Sven Gothel / cgit

#528 (Oct 19, 2011, 2:31:29 PM)

  1. Fixed my sloppy English "it's" usage - thx Julien — Sven Gothel / cgit

#526 (Oct 18, 2011, 8:16:39 PM)

  1. bump swt to version 3.7.1 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Exclude SWT tests on platforms w/o SWT runtime — Sven Gothel / cgit

#524 (Oct 18, 2011, 5:24:32 PM)

  1. use jvmDataModel.arg set by gluegen
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#521 (Oct 16, 2011, 9:31:34 PM)

  1. OSX: Fix CGL deleteContext()'s release call on MainThread (typo, shall — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT/OSX: Adding 'fake' lockSurface based on [view canDraw]. Can't use — Sven Gothel / cgit

#518 (Oct 16, 2011, 7:48:39 AM)

  1. NEWT/OSX: exec. makeKeyAndOrderFront/makeKeyWindow on MainThread — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT/OSX: Proper impl. of NEWT's focus management (fixes NEWT/AWT focus — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT/OSX: Send events direct w/o EDT queue (like X11 and Win32) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#517 (Oct 16, 2011, 3:49:23 AM)

  1. NEWT/EDTUtil: Allow get/set poll period, defaults to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix NEWT/Pointer Invisible: INVISIBLE_MASK was equal w/ CONFINED_MASK — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT/Pointer Confined: Dispatch mouse move events before enabled; Only — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT/Mouse: Skip 'move' event w/ same position. Add Enter/Exit events — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT/OSX: Add mouse enter/exit and pointer features (visible, confined, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Test GearsES2: Split confine mode to centered 'J' and non centered 'j', — Sven Gothel / cgit

#516 (Oct 13, 2011, 5:38:22 PM)

  1. OSX: Avoid invoking JNI or performSelectorOnMainThread in JNI if already — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Tests/OSX: NEWT is supported. Disable swt.awt for OSX, test currently — Sven Gothel / cgit

#515 (Oct 13, 2011, 5:08:49 PM)

  1. OSX/SWT: Adding OSXUtil: RunOnMainThread(), IsMainThread() / Utilizing — Sven Gothel / cgit

#514 (Oct 13, 2011, 1:48:20 PM)

  1. MacOSX: Always release ctx on main thread (offscreen was frozen as — Sven Gothel / cgit

#513 (Oct 13, 2011, 1:03:24 PM)

  1. MacOSX: Fix shared ctx release [onMainThread]; Make GLContextShareSet — Sven Gothel / cgit

#512 (Oct 13, 2011, 12:31:51 PM)

  1. JOGL/OSX: Properly utilize NSOpenGLContext update() via ContextUpdater, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLCanvas / GLWindow: Change 'manual' resize/repaint animation filter — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT: Filter Window focusChanged() and visibleChanged() [test if value — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT/OSX: Fix resize behavior / Cleanup coordinate transormation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. TestParenting03AWT: Add manual code to disable 2nd GLWindow for internal — Sven Gothel / cgit

#511 (Oct 12, 2011, 12:31:33 PM)

  1. NEWT/OSX: Fix erroneous child Window position and top-parent visibility — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT Parenting Tests: Run all AWT modification call's on AWT EDT as the — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Nativewindow GetLocationOnScreen OSX impl. - Transform OSX origin — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. FBO MRT Test: Disable OSX, since it causes an SIGSEGV (Bus Error/Illegal — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWTCanvasAWT: Add AWT GraphicsConfiguration in constructor, allowing — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Test Util NEWGLContext: Add assertions — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Test: Add AWT/GLCanvas transparency test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NEWT OSX: Disable native VERBOSITY — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. OSX Minor Cleanups: ctx delete note (freeze when shared ctx), Better — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Newt/OSX: Fix top/child positioning, positionChanged(), rely on native — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Test Shared - Window Positioning: don't assume req pos. is realized, use — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. NEWT/OSX MacWindow: Use screen of window — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. NativeWindow/OSX: Use screen of window — Sven Gothel / cgit

#510 (Oct 11, 2011, 12:31:35 PM)

  1. NEWT Pointer Mods: Propagate 'confined' and 'invisible' to modifier mask — Sven Gothel / cgit

#509 (Oct 10, 2011, 9:31:32 AM)

  1. Fix HowToBuild — Sven Gothel / cgit

#508 (Oct 10, 2011, 8:24:28 AM)

  1. DefaultGLCapabilitiesChooser: Punish sample extension mismatch also if — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT: Add pointer features: visibility, confined and warp (move) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT Pointer Feature: Add Windows impl. ; Fix test (warp action) ; Minor — Sven Gothel / cgit

#507 (Oct 8, 2011, 3:31:19 AM)

  1. Generalize sample extension in GLCapabilities*, currently
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#504 (Oct 7, 2011, 8:36:04 PM)

  1. GraphUI demo: add x and y translation for 1 pointer — Rami Santina / cgit
  2. GraphUI: flip y coords — Rami Santina / cgit
  3. Clarify/Fix GLArrayDataEditable:padding() - no use case yet .. well — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GLArrayData<VBO>: Add GLArrayHandlerFlat ; Update VBO name to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Android Elektron/RedSquare use bpp 5/6/5 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Android Demos GearsES2 + RedSquareES2: Add tracing .. and no vsync
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#502 (Oct 6, 2011, 12:24:07 PM)

  1. Android: launcher manifest: adding INTERNET permission for NV's perfhud — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT/Android: Move fullscreen setting to AndroidWindow ; Cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. EGL: In case a nativeVisualID is given to match, but none visual IDs are — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT/Android: Add BUTTON1 for one-pointer events — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. ShaderUtils: Use glShaderSource variant w/ NIO only args — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. ES2 Test Update: Add RedSquareES2 mouse events, toggle: fullscreen / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NEWT/Android: Add TRANSLUCENT feature / Demo: 'GearsES2T' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. NEWT/Window/setVisible: Remove setVisible(..) fast path - Always set — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. NEWT/Android: respect isUndecorated() and custom window size. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#501 (Oct 5, 2011, 12:30:49 PM)

  1. Workaround Android 3.0 Dalvik Issue 16434Sven Gothel / cgit

#500 (Oct 4, 2011, 3:30:49 AM)

  1. Added allin one shader stripped for graph. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. tegra2: split fragment shaders into two (a - 1st pass, b - 2nd pass) ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix intendation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fixed shader entry files a/b — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Graph: Reflect shader name change in impl. TODO: Use/switch to 2nd pass — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. tegra: refine disabled discard, ie keep logic/math intact. Rami ? — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Graph Shader Simplification, 'a'/'b' redefined; GraphUI 2-pass demo; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. adb scripts: pass through '$*' for device naming, ie '-s device00:5555' — Sven Gothel / cgit

#499 (Oct 3, 2011, 12:31:09 PM)

  1. Android Launcher: Generalize ClassLoaderUtil. Use local TempFileCache — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Android Launcher Demos: Adept to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Graph GLSL: Use global precicision settings enhancing readability — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. EGL: chooseGraphicsConfigurationStatic() public and w/ optional visualID — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. ES Library lookup order - Favor spec lib name — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. EGL: eglSwapBuffers() show failure in DEBUG mode — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NEWT/Android: More ANativeWindow coop; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Allow Android activity launch from another app. — Rami Santina / cgit
  11. Android: Use standard launch mode; Add default actions to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Android/JogAmp ClassLoader: Split CL JogAmp + User-APK, reuse JogAmp CL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. GLPipelineFactory: Generics && Using enhanced GlueGen's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Android manifest add uses es2 — Rami Santina / cgit
  15. GLContext/GLDebugMessageHandler: Fix/clarify init and usage of dbg — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Android Launcher: Sort properties / enable DebugGL/TraceGL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Android/Tests: Adding missing activities — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Android launcher manifest: Commented out feature glEsVersion per — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. gears es2 use default presesion vertex shader — Rami Santina / cgit
  21. RedSquareES1: remove GLU dependency — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. Android Launcher: Change properties .. debug, etc - disable trace — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. AndroidWindow: get required PixelFormat ID by req. Caps — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. test scripts: gluegen apk un+install — Rami Santina / cgit
  25. remove trace gl — Rami Santina / cgit
  26. RedSquare ES2 demo: precission change — Rami Santina / cgit
  27. NEWT/Android: 565, 5551 or RGBA_8888 (no RGBX/888) ; surfaceRealized() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. scripts .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. DefaultGLCapabilitiesChooser: Add multisampling criteria — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Android Launcher: Show caps chooser dbg — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. Android/EGL: dump all caps, write-back format — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. Android Launcher: disable trace — Sven Gothel / cgit

#493 (Sep 27, 2011, 2:58:21 PM)

  1. NEWT/OSX: 'Better' child window positioning, still, after reparenting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT/OSX: Enable OSX — Sven Gothel / cgit

#492 (Sep 27, 2011, 12:58:38 PM)

  1. Adapt to GlueGen's Lock ChangeSet: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT: Adapt to GlueGen's Lock ChangeSet, all java callbacks for native — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NEWT/Threading: MainThread / DefaultEDTUtil — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. tests: added some commented out 'wait for press enter' startups, reduce — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. GLContextImpl: Fix bug: Surface was not unlocked in case new context — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. test script .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#490 (Sep 26, 2011, 12:54:46 PM)

  1. Use new JNILIbLoaderBase addNativeJarLibs(all, atomic) for JOGL, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Cleanup DefaultEDTUtil: Generics and DEBUG — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. OSX: Sync MainThread w/ DefaultEDTUtil and proper deledation AWT EDT, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. CreateWindow set visible; lockSurface: lock AWT if available — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NativeWindow/OSX: Add nativewindow_macosx lib and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NEWT/JOGL: MacOSX Update — Sven Gothel / cgit

#489 (Sep 23, 2011, 6:06:40 PM)

  1. Use Platform's initSingleton() instead of JVMUtil's (private package) ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. test scripts: use build/lib for JOGL native lib access (will be removed — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Adding html launch type and page for new 'NApplet', using new — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Add NApplet launch variant to all applets — Sven Gothel / cgit

#487 (Sep 22, 2011, 1:45:53 AM)

  1. Add jogamp-next test applets to www index — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. remove from jogl.all*.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Proper usage of loadLibrary — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Remove native lib cg from jogl native lib jar — Sven Gothel / cgit

#486 (Sep 21, 2011, 12:54:40 PM)

  1. refined JOGL-DEPLOYMENT doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. LICENSE.txt: Removed 'may be used'. Added Emphasized multiple licenses — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Remove obsolete WinCE .lib files — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Added NVidia License for CG header; Fixed intendation — Sven Gothel / cgit

#485 (Sep 20, 2011, 8:30:36 AM)

  1. Add Apache 1.1 and 2.0, SGIFreeB 2.0 and ubuntu-font licenses to — Sven Gothel / cgit

#483 (Sep 19, 2011, 12:30:36 PM)

  1. fix url and html tags — Sven Gothel / cgit

#482 (Sep 18, 2011, 12:30:35 AM)

  1. Fix html errors — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. html fixes — Sven Gothel / cgit

#481 (Sep 17, 2011, 11:30:35 PM)

  1. Applet Tag -> Mixed Object/Embed — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. minor edit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#480 (Sep 17, 2011, 8:30:37 PM)

  1. Make jogl-test-applets look nice; Add NEWT Overview; Link both to JOGL's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add AppletLauncher to launcher applets ; Make JOGL Test page look nice — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. JOGL index page: reorg menu links — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Make jogl-applet-runner-newt.jnlp relative — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Minor editing — Sven Gothel / cgit

#476 (Sep 16, 2011, 3:31:38 PM)

  1. JOGLNewtAppletBase: Use proper context ClassLoader; Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Graph Demos: Make GLEvenListener 'standalone'; UIScene to common — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Graph Fonts: Decorate w/ PrivilegedAction if required — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. JOGLNewtApplet1Run: Add gl_alpha, gl_multisamplebuffer and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. jogl test applets: Add Graph Tests — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NewtCanvasAWT: Minor edits, prefer requestFocusInWindow() in — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NEWT/Reparenting: Give Composite WM some slack, sleep(100); Minor — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. NEWT/X11: Fix ABOVE handling, notify Java on reparentNotify, cleanup of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. NEWT/Reparent: Make new local position/size persitent if not promoted — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Fix AWT Test Cases: Use AWT-EDT for modifying visible frame and call — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. NEWT Window: Allow positionChanged(..) notification for child windows — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Test NEWT Parenting: Incr. test duration to 600ms (new state poll of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. waitForPosSize/createWindow: exclude 0/0, at creation wait for size as — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. minor edits — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. NEWT Cleanup: AWT driver fix, WindowImpl createNative .., minor edits — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. NEWT/WindowImpl: Remove wait for position (keep waitForSize for — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit

#475 (Sep 15, 2011, 8:05:59 AM)

  1. Relocated VersionApplet — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Minor edits: generics, test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix X11/Translucency (NV): Don't enable GLX.GLX_TRANSPARENT_TYPE; Always — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT setAlwaysOnTop(): Allow windows to stay permanent on top; TODO: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT setAlwaysOnTop(): X11 impl. / fix setFullscreen(false), child-win — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. ant build: don't delete jar/lib on 'one.dir', but 'clean' only — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. NEWT/WindowImpl: Allow fullscreen at window creation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. NEWT X11/Windows: Fix AlwaysOnTop (startup and change) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. NEWT (Manual) Test Case: Add fullscreen and alwaysOnTop at window — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Add JOGL/NEWT Applet Runner; Add JOGL Applet Tests; Rename applet test — Sven Gothel / cgit

#472 (Sep 14, 2011, 5:40:48 AM)

  1. Remove duplicates in jogl.test.jar, jogl.util.jar, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#471 (Sep 14, 2011, 3:05:03 AM)

  1. HowToBuild += libXrender-devel — Sven Gothel / cgit

#469 (Sep 14, 2011, 1:34:07 AM)

  1. jogl test.compile post one.dir, before zip archive — Sven Gothel / cgit

#468 (Sep 14, 2011, 12:02:15 AM)

  1. Fix atomic JNLP files — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix all jnlp files — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Use native atomic jar's in jogl atomic jnlps — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Don't generate android.jar pre default, incl atomic jar/jnlp in 7z — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. New FHS: using jogamp-current — Sven Gothel / cgit

#467 (Sep 12, 2011, 12:23:59 PM)

  1. Promote jogl.test.jar to build/jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. New FHS: jars in jar/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Unify applet/application version test files: add jogl prefix — Sven Gothel / cgit

#466 (Sep 10, 2011, 7:30:50 PM)

  1. Fix VersionApplet package name — Sven Gothel / cgit

#465 (Sep 9, 2011, 5:53:56 PM)

  1. NEWT/Window: CreateWindow - Wait for user req. position: Fix about — Sven Gothel / cgit

#464 (Sep 9, 2011, 4:53:40 PM)

  1. disable test of NV swap group - but add explicit test case (disabled)
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#460 (Sep 8, 2011, 5:32:17 AM)

  1. Revert 98f9eef8279680a7fbd3fccb5840381faf1d5c01: removeNotify makes NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Minor edits/cleanup: unused var, final — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Destruction of GLAutoDrawable shall not remove them from AnimatorControl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Minor edits, dead code, test invocation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT/ScreenMode: X11 fixes ; Ensure Screen's size is set if screenMode — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Add 'older' NEW UI Requirements List - 2010-06-01 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. JOGL: Make GLProfile shutdown()/initSingleton() functional, ie. proper
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#450 (Sep 4, 2011, 11:07:39 AM)

  1. NativeWindow/JOGL: Cleanup Caps doc and implicit related values. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Complete translucency support for Win32  - tested w/ NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Test Multisample/Translucency: Remove implicit alpha settings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. WindowsDWM: Check all methods for availability - Cleanup header — Sven Gothel / cgit

#449 (Sep 3, 2011, 3:19:54 AM)

  1. NEWT: Respect 'setUndecorated(true)' before native creation (ie. startup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT Window: Implicit setUndecorated(true) if Capabilities — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. NativeWindow/X11: Add XVisualInfo.Visual opaque long access ; Add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix XRenderFindVisualFormat return capacity (commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NativeWindow X11: Add DSO Xrender dependency — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. JOGL/X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration: Query opaque/transparent by XRender — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Revert commit 8dc31bcaa3ee3a2407d1960ab42d094cac642876: Implicit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Complete translucency support (core w/ X11 (only) - tested w/ NEWT) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. test script .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#448 (Sep 2, 2011, 9:07:35 AM)

  1. Add GL Version 4.2 in GLContext Query - Add verification via — Sven Gothel / cgit

#447 (Sep 2, 2011, 3:35:20 AM)

  1. Test Gears ES1/ES2: Fix shared destruction
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#444 (Sep 1, 2011, 4:17:32 PM)

  1. Test ElektronenMultiplizierer: Unix coding of shader source (failed on — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Test PIXMAP/BITMAP: Can't expect GL2/ES2 - might be SW OpenGL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Test TestBug463ScaleImageMemoryAWT: Use UI Locking and AWT-EDT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. test scripts ..
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#442 (Aug 31, 2011, 5:39:29 PM)

  1. revert: a7340fd941b26d633c438cb5adb22f2c30a5cff0
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#440 (Aug 31, 2011, 12:26:28 PM)

  1. UnitTest UI: SingletonInstance Lock at @BeforeClass - before all other — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. UnitTests AWT: Remove GLProfile.initSingleton(true) and ensure — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. UnitTests NEWT: Place GLProfile.initSingleton(true) to @BeforeClass — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Unit Tests: Remove redundant GLProfile.initSingleton(boolean) calls — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. DynamicLibraryBundle*: Use generics for better spec - following gluegen
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#438 (Aug 30, 2011, 10:06:02 PM)

  1. TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot: Run AWT destruction on AWT-EDT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#437 (Aug 30, 2011, 7:48:35 PM)

  1. Fix classpaths to work with Java 7's javah — Wade Walker / cgit
  2. Proper classpath for all javah commands, using '' — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. JAWTWindow.getLocationOnScreen(): Add proper JAWT lockSurface() ; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. ShaderState Usage/Test: Add setShaderState(GL) for pre-use attachment to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Tests: Comment GLProfile.initSingleton(false), which is redundant / — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. NEWT Window/WindowImpl: Add generics - addChild()/removeChild() return — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Complete commit cb4e73183103c13d8bcf7c7667e1b9ea181e1f5f (sorry) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Fix NEWT regression due to fix of bug 502, commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. SWT/AWT Test: Run AWT destruction on AWT-EDT, issue shell.close() before — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Use GlueGen's setenv-build-jogl scripts from commit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Cont w/ 5a7811ecd23a3ab1af62b243c82d362431793a57: test-x*.sh — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. TestAWTTextRendererUseVertexArrayBug464: Run AWT destruction on AWT-EDT — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. TestGLDebug*: Remove Thread.dumpStack() .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#431 (Aug 22, 2011, 8:48:36 PM)

  1. Also tackles bug 510, only lookup global on Android. See gluegen commit — Sven Gothel / cgit

#430 (Aug 22, 2011, 7:59:22 PM)

  1. Fix regression of commit 6c346d98f04e2355210960fe9ffde47432f04d62, where — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix regression of commit 6c346d98f04e2355210960fe9ffde47432f04d62, where — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. API Change GLArrayDataWrapper/GLArrayDataServer: Add vboTarget to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#429 (Aug 22, 2011, 1:47:30 PM)

  1. reloc test: demos.gl2.gears -> demos.gl2, etc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. win32 test scripts: use new *all* locations — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. test scripts: use new demos.gl2 location — Sven Gothel / cgit

#428 (Aug 22, 2011, 3:05:38 AM)

  1. NewtVersionActivity: Remove 'gears' test; Version Info: Drop — Sven Gothel / cgit

#427 (Aug 22, 2011, 2:27:02 AM)

  1. Misc Rename/Reloc; GLArrayData*/PMVMatrix enhancments; Test fixes/adds — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add Dominik's ElektronenMultiplizierer (GL2ES2, NEWT) version — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Add missing GearsES2 NEWT test hook — Sven Gothel / cgit

#426 (Aug 12, 2011, 12:30:54 PM)

  1. Android Cleanup: Remove EGL header & library (compile time) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT/Android Fix: Display/Screen/Window creation ; ScreenMode Change — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Android Cleanup: Remove commented code, make immutables final again — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. NEWT/Android: Assisting NEWTBaseActivity to simplify NEWT/Android usage. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#425 (Aug 11, 2011, 12:30:52 PM)

  1. Enclose file IO access in priviledged block — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT/Android: Add missing native code — Sven Gothel / cgit

#424 (Aug 9, 2011, 9:30:55 PM)

  1. add multitouch getPointerId data — Rami Santina / cgit
  2. Fix: event mapping mismatch — Rami Santina / cgit
  3. GLRunnable API Change: Return boolean indicating whether the back buffer — Rami Santina / cgit
  4. reloc files: NEWT Android driver, demos OneTriangle — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Android: Add android/EGL lib for linkage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Graph UI: Added scene controller and general scenegraph behavior. — Rami Santina / cgit
  7. set env TARGET_PLATFORM_LIBS (linux arm cross) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Graph UI and Text demo using UIcontroller. — Rami Santina / cgit
  9. Adapt to DynamicLibraryBundleInfo API change ; Remove non std EGL/ES — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. debug: remove tracker from jogl.debug=all — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. EGL Fixes ... — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. Complete Android driver reloc (constructor) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. NEWT Android Display/Screen driver implementation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Test OneTriangle generalization cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. NEWT: Make AndroidNewtEventFactory public / accessible — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. Android: Demo NewtVersionActivity — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Add AndroidWindow implementation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Add touch event propagation to NEWT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#423 (Aug 8, 2011, 12:24:15 PM)

  1. fix jogl.all-mobile.jar/jogl_mobile configuration — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. due to JAR *all* merge, merge * -> as — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. add/fix: cross/egl test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. debug verbosity ; adaption of gluegen fix of DynamicLibraryBundle — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Android hacks: ClassLoaderUtil (vie Dex.., w/ native libs) ; Merged big — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. EGL/Android: Favor driver's EGL/ES native library - Using Android's — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. EGL Fix: Use config-id value, bug override it w/ renderable type — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Android: cosmetics — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. incr. debug output (tests) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Don't enable DebugGL/TraceGL with jogl.debug=all — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. GLProfile / eager init: Use relaxed query, if context was created while — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. no GL_VERSION_X extensions for ES profiles — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. pbuffer caps fix: offscreen -> false — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. EGLDrawable.setRealized(true) - no update gfx-config if we already have — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. EGLPBuffer: remove 'ownEGLDisplay=true' (just wrong), add destroyImpl() — Sven Gothel / cgit

#421 (Aug 5, 2011, 9:52:33 AM)

  1. Add missing incl of gluegen's stdint (win32 failed) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#420 (Aug 5, 2011, 6:14:20 AM)

  1. deployment resturcturing: combine nativewindow/jogl/newt ; newt: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Complete Android cleanup (compile/apk launch)
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#418 (Aug 3, 2011, 12:27:42 PM)

  1. Adapt latest gluegen changes for crossplatform. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Proposal for multi touch — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Multitouch proposal MouseEvent — Rami Santina / cgit
  4. Eclipse Classpath: Add android.jar — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Initial android newt input event transformation — Rami Santina / cgit
  6. android map motion pressure to newt — Rami Santina / cgit
  7. Added accessibility events mapping to newt — Rami Santina / cgit
  8. Isolate android implementation details to — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Hide NEWT AWT Event implementation details to jogamp.newt.awt.event — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Renamed jogamp.newt.opengl -> jogamp.newt.egl, properly reflecting EGL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. test: remove bug 502 workaround flag
    More change log history
    Sven Gothel / cgit

#411 (Jul 28, 2011, 5:04:56 PM)

  1. Use GlueGen Platform's OSType enum — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. fix url: .com -> .org — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. updated runtime properties (debug) doc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. added (c) header — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. adapt to gluegen Platform change — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. build: add linux/armv7 support ; only add resources once w/o java source — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. gl header cfg: use __unix__ define, instead of all avail variations — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. script: no need for custom linux-x86 on multilib platform — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. test case GLWindow — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. add linux/armv7 scripts [[cross] compile clean] — Sven Gothel / cgit

#407 (Jul 13, 2011, 3:31:22 AM)

  1. Fix 'main' invocation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Add Documentation: OpenGL-Evolution-And-JOGL — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix UML size — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. add url to opengl and khronos — Sven Gothel / cgit

#406 (Jul 7, 2011, 2:31:22 AM)

  1. GLProfile: Initialization fix and clarifications ( GLExceptions on n/a — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix SharedResource (SR) Initialization — Sven Gothel / cgit

#404 (Jun 28, 2011, 11:31:22 PM)

  1. main git source location if jogamp — Sven Gothel / cgit

#401 (Jun 26, 2011, 5:31:31 PM)

  1. Fix NEWT GL ctx/offscreen (GPUMemSec..) tests: Use pbuffer (i.e. hw — Sven Gothel / cgit

#399 (Jun 26, 2011, 8:13:12 AM)

  1. Graph: updated inclass documentations — Rami Santina / cgit
  2. Graph: Remove unused imports — Rami Santina / cgit
  3. TestGLSLShaderState01 PerfTest: 2min timeout / swapInterval 0 / start — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Minor editing/cleanups: code/test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. X11/Newt Locking: Clarify dependency of XInitThreads() hack — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Minor editing (compile script, X11Window.c - cleanups) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Added handling for offcurve triangle overlaps. — Rami Santina / cgit
  8. Handle curved triangles overlaps. — Rami Santina / cgit
  9. X11 Nativewindow/NEWT: X11 Error Handler (JNIEnv query for thread, stack — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Woraround for bug 502: X11/NEWT Stalling due to libX11/XCB — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Cleanup UITestCase helper, expose test class name via get*TestName() .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. add property '' to test script .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#396 (Jun 11, 2011, 3:33:08 AM)

  1. Utilize GlueGen's platform independent header for stdin.h, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. test bat/sh files edit .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Relocated SingletonInstance to GlueGen (where a ServerSocket impl. is — Sven Gothel / cgit

#394 (Jun 10, 2011, 9:01:42 AM)

  1. Font and TypecastRender generate array of OutlineShapes instead of — Rami Santina / cgit
  2. Fix: transform to Quadratic; Refactor method names — Rami Santina / cgit
  3. Add Factory for triangulation with base Interface; misc cleanup — Rami Santina / cgit
  4. Using GlueGen IOUtil (dropped StreamUtil, FileUtil); Public — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. NEWT unit test util, on/offscreen GLContext/NEWT window separation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. import cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. unit test: use class global GLProfile — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Locator Util: Clarify API doc a bit — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Locator moved to GlueGen's IOUtil (gluegen — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. GLBuffers fix ; GL imageSizeInBytes fix / unit tests. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Simplify and fix GL2GL3 usage (save/restore) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. src-zip: no compression to benefit from xz/7z compression — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. windows batch files: bump to 6u26 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#392 (May 22, 2011, 7:04:52 AM)

  1. Fix: vertex in loop test; using crossing method — Rami Santina / cgit
  2. Remove implicit for loops reduces temp objects — Rami Santina / cgit
  3. create source zip archives per default — Sven Gothel / cgit

#391 (May 17, 2011, 7:30:17 PM)

  1. Fix ShaderProgram double destroy() — Sven Gothel / cgit

#390 (May 17, 2011, 5:46:14 PM)

  1. Add all.debug target — Sven Gothel / cgit

#389 (May 17, 2011, 4:24:36 PM)

  1. leave java source zip file in build folder (if BUILD_ARCHIVE=true) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#388 (May 17, 2011, 1:59:38 PM)

  1. NEWT/GLContext (unit test): Wait for visibility/realized ; Add clean — Sven Gothel / cgit

#387 (May 17, 2011, 1:17:28 PM)

  1. Cleanup nonuniform impl(method params and comments) — Rami Santina / cgit
  2. Merging OutlineShape.VerticesState enum type (John Pritchard — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Graph: More std. functionality (equals, clone) / Better in-place — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. GlyphShape: Use switch block for PathIterator - adding default — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Graph: more clone() cleanup. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Graph / Text: Use CharSequence as char/string interface to text — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Graph: GLSL fix, Adding renderModes bits instead of dedicated booleans, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Graph: OutlineShape fix, cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Graph: RenderState (interface -> abstract) missing commit of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. Graph/Font: use StringBuilder — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Graph/JOGL: Avoid NPE — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. JOGL/ShaderCode: Dump proper GLSL source w/ line numbers if GLSLCode — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Graph VBORegion*: Lazy GL alloc of resources at update(GL, ..) not — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Graph/GLyph*: Add static factory method for non Renderer creation, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Graph: whitespace .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. TypecastRenderer: Avoid -y direction and later y-flipping / FIXME: math — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. Graph/Tests: Adapt to latest commits .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Graph/UI-Demo: Use RegionRenderer for region and text, start data/gl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. Graph/UI-Demo: Use RegionRenderer for region and text, start data/gl — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Loop: Fix invert; GlyphString/createRegion: Remove unnecessary — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Fix: glyph outline orientation with the removal of inversion — Rami Santina / cgit
  22. Graph/Loop: More readable/verbose invert case; using Winding enum; ttf — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Graph: getWinding(ArrayList<Vertex> vertices) test; minor renaming — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Graph: Add comments 'n questions (FIXME?) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. build: Query git branch/sha1 and use it if not set and tools are — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. Fix ShaderState useProgram() case: on && program not linked (yet) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. JUnit Tests: Extract utility of creating a NEWT Window w/ GLContext w/o — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. JUnit Test: Add 'ruler' testcase using monitor mode's mm/pixel size. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. GLSL UnitTest: Reloc Ruler and make local fields final — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. ShaderProgram: useProgram(..) -> public — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. Fix: GLSLArrayHandler (data has no location); Fix ShaderState (switch — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. JOGL/GLDebug/GLTrace: Gluegen/BuildComposablePipeline: print arguments — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. Fix/Extend FBObject (API Change): plain init(GL), support multiple — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. FIX graph FBObject usage - 526ea7a3fb579f88a0c0a1e597387aae29d5aa06 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. GLSL unit tests: cleanup shader state tests — Sven Gothel / cgit

#386 (May 3, 2011, 11:30:18 AM)

  1. Added nonuniform weight impl; misc enhancements/cleanups — Rami Santina / cgit
  2. Refactor getOutline --> getPaths (actual behaviour) — Rami Santina / cgit

#382 (May 1, 2011, 8:13:41 AM)

  1. UITest AWTRobot: Use AWT double click TO — Sven Gothel / cgit

#380 (May 1, 2011, 7:04:56 AM)

  1. Fix GLDebugMessages synchronous setting — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. UI Unit Tests: Add test name to log and singleton lock, better log — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. UI Unit Tests: OO rework of EventCountAdapter — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. UI Tests/Robot: Attempt to stabilize UI tests (focus/input) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#379 (Apr 28, 2011, 10:30:17 PM)

  1. GLContext GLDebugMessages: Add synchronous status/dumpStack; Remove — Sven Gothel / cgit

#377 (Apr 28, 2011, 11:26:41 AM)

  1. Unit Test Framework SingletonInstance: setup file unlock/delete asap — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLRunnable Injection Thread Test: Slow down injection to 10Hz — Sven Gothel / cgit

#376 (Apr 28, 2011, 8:20:53 AM)

  1. Fix problem with external context on CentOS 5.5 inside VMWare — Wade Walker / cgit
  2. Utilize general validation of fbcfg (further validation w/ query), — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. GetDebugMessageLogARB/AMD 'messagelog' param is return value, hence — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. ShaderState Switch Program: Only disable current program if no new one; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix glsl unit tests: NV needs to have explicitly turn off vsync / Fix — Sven Gothel / cgit

#374 (Apr 26, 2011, 8:30:17 PM)

  1. MacOSX/CGL Add CGLGetShareGroup() — Sven Gothel / cgit

#370 (Apr 26, 2011, 8:39:02 AM)

  1. FIX: Refactor GLArrayData and all it's implementations/sub-interfaces — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix FBObject: Remove double stencil RB generation; Expose data (size, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix: Cached GlyphString handling — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Use common constants for shader attributes (needs to be completed) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Use GLArrayDataServer to handle shader attributes/data using VBO — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Added getBounds impl to region, returning AABBox — Rami Santina / cgit
  7. Fix: AABBox setLow/setHigh call resize; removes possible call error — Rami Santina / cgit
  8. TextRenderer - createString exposed; Renderer - added scale(); — Rami Santina / cgit
  9. Added demo GPU Resolution Indep UI - Button; — Rami Santina / cgit
  10. Added headers to graph.ui classes — Rami Santina / cgit
  11. destroy: clear vertices/triangle arrays — Sven Gothel / cgit
  12. resolve conflicts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  13. Fix TAB: Replace all TAB with 4 spaces — Sven Gothel / cgit
  14. Add com.jogamp.graph disclaimer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. Add GL: glGetBufferSize(int buffer) - buffer size tracking, and add — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. ant all.ide target: use all debug flags (+vars) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. copy all fonts and shader to build folder, allowing ide debugging — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. Texture: Change method signatures: Pass GL context object if required — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. GLContext changes: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Fix GLProfile: Order of profiles Hi -> Low — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. Fix/Add: Locator (Handle JarURLConnection and ..) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. reflect GLContext changes a5430cf16727fdc7bcfb17ef251018cc479d5f5d — Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. simple cleanup/warnings — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. GLBufferSizeTracker/GLBufferStateTracker: Remove Redundancy — Sven Gothel / cgit
  25. NEWT GLWindow: Remove context current check for swapBuffer() call — Sven Gothel / cgit
  26. GLArrayData API and impl. changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  27. FBObject: Add validation / API cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  28. test: reflect GLArrayData changes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  29. ShaderState: Validated impl./state-handling / Added comments — Sven Gothel / cgit
  30. Refactored graph: Reduce/remove data copy/recreation; Shader cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  31. GLContextImpl: GLContextLock -> RecursiveLock — Sven Gothel / cgit
  32. New FPSCounter, impl. by GLWindow and GLAnimatorControl (fps perf — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. Add unified support for GL_ARB_debug_output and GL_AMD_debug_output. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Misc cleanup, strings etc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. Fixed a few GL method's String parameter (explicit gluegen String — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. GLDrawableHelper: listener's locking cleaned ; Fix generics (warnings) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. NEWT Event Types: Use final modifier if possible — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. Fix junit tests: Enable FPSCounter (missing from — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. Graph: Fix AMD shader complain (version) ; No Attributes in fragment — Sven Gothel / cgit
  40. jogl.debug.DebugGL enables new DebugMessage/Output feature — Sven Gothel / cgit
  41. GLContextImpl.createContextARB(..): Use impl. GLProfile to determine — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. test scripts — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. FPSCounter def to 5*60 frames (each 5s at 60Hz) ; Test: each 1s — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. Fix GLSL Shader tests .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  45. graph/glsl: AMD need vertice attrib location 0 .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. Use less updated animator fps — Sven Gothel / cgit
  47. ShaderState: 'Update' vertexAttribMap on enable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  48. NEWT/X11 WindowClosing: End dispatch loop since Display could be — Sven Gothel / cgit
  49. NativeWindow/X11: Simple cleanup/generalization .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  50. Newt Window: Remove 'invalidate()' method, only 'destroy()' is required — Sven Gothel / cgit
  51. ShaderState: Add 'ownUniform()/ownAttribute()'; rename glFunction -> — Sven Gothel / cgit
  52. Graph Demos: Add F4 key to exit; Proper exit sequence w/ animator.stop() — Sven Gothel / cgit
  53. test script — Sven Gothel / cgit
  54. Newt Window: Missing change of f47230cb4649df13260ac56c5dae6c01dad7c1e7 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#367 (Apr 5, 2011, 2:13:29 AM)

  1. Make FBObject more generic, split FBO/tex and depth/stencil — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. GLContext: Added java.debug.DebugGL and java.debug.TraceGL to enable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. ShaderProgram: Add 'init(GL2ES2)', allowing GL program object creation — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix: Use new FBObject; Use shaderProgram.program() instead of — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix: shaderProgram.program(); glBindAttribLocation() call; — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Fix: DEBUG field (regression) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#366 (Apr 4, 2011, 8:30:41 PM)

  1. Fragment Shader enhancement + clean-up; — Rami Santina / cgit
  2. Fix: removing fragments with w=0 is producing dimples with msaa — Rami Santina / cgit
  3. Jogl build: Rebuild jar files if shaders were updated — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. all.ide: add one.dir to update build/jar/ — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Fix: p1y region set to 0.5, cleaned shader — Rami Santina / cgit

#365 (Apr 1, 2011, 8:51:19 PM)

  1. Graph Unit tests must have NEWT in the name / Also added UI locking — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Font Names: Expose name indices allowing user to pick all names .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. archive tga results — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Rendered: +enable(GL, bool) ; dumpFontNames.. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#364 (Apr 1, 2011, 3:33:10 PM)

  1. Import Typecast r106, - Apache License, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Minor changes, OTGlyph: remove redundant/errorneous add-on points — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Imported part of Harmony's awt.geom impl. 6.0-r991881, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fitting of jogamp.graph.geom.plane: double -> float, package location, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Add generic Font and impl TypecastFont. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  6. Add com.jogamp.graph.geom types — Sven Gothel / cgit
  7. Add initial GPU based curve rendering implementation, utilizing TTF — Sven Gothel / cgit
  8. Add LICENSE file — Sven Gothel / cgit
  9. Make com.jogamp.graph.geom.plane non public: jogamp.graph.geom.plane, — Sven Gothel / cgit
  10. updated file names — Sven Gothel / cgit
  11. Refactored Vertex Point PointTex GraphPoint namings — Rami Santina / cgit
  12. Fix: GPUTextnewtDemo02 showing r2t algo output — Rami Santina / cgit
  13. Fix: RenderingDemo with MULTI_PASS doesnt uses MSAA — Rami Santina / cgit
  14. TextDemos: Dump MSAA values, see what which AA style does .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  15. TextDemo02 multi pass: no MSAA - right — Sven Gothel / cgit
  16. sample coverage: no diff to lines — Sven Gothel / cgit
  17. TextDemo01 (MSAA): 4 samples — Sven Gothel / cgit
  18. TextDemo01 (MSAA): 4 samples (duh) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  19. WindowTitle: Add r2t/msaa - Region Demos: Dump MSAA — Sven Gothel / cgit
  20. Common demo gllistener for text; Cleanup HwTextRenderer: Use GL as — Sven Gothel / cgit
  21. demo: add numbers to rendering text — Sven Gothel / cgit
  22. revert to 2nd pass magic fbo size 190Sven Gothel / cgit
  23. Font: Make font instances size agnostic (remove all size states), size — Sven Gothel / cgit
  24. Demo refactor variable names — Rami Santina / cgit
  25. MSAATool Split dump to CSAA and MSAA — Rami Santina / cgit
  26. Fix: remove TTF imports — Rami Santina / cgit
  27. Added print screen to TGA file to be used in junit — Rami Santina / cgit
  28. Testcase for R2T with two sizes — Rami Santina / cgit
  29. Multiple snapshots r2t; Added test initial MSAA — Rami Santina / cgit
  30. Add debug flag for boundary tri — Rami Santina / cgit
  31. Updated textTextRenderer 3 views each and write to tga file — Rami Santina / cgit
  32. Same size for both tests diff technique — Sven Gothel / cgit
  33. Refactor / Use font name as file path, if not a java font — Sven Gothel / cgit
  34. Refactoring for public: Remove Line ; public/private API cleanup — Sven Gothel / cgit
  35. Font Refactoring ; Misc Changes ; Demo/Test Update — Sven Gothel / cgit
  36. Import: Ubuntu Font Family 0.71.2, - Ubuntu Font — Sven Gothel / cgit
  37. Relocate Hw*Renderer -> opengl subpackage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  38. Renamed Hw*Renderer -> *Renderer — Sven Gothel / cgit
  39. Added inclass comments to OutlineShape — Rami Santina / cgit
  40. Added inclass documentation to AABBox; Misc changes — Rami Santina / cgit
  41. Refactor: Public *Renderer / Unify Region Demos / Using own Screenshot — Sven Gothel / cgit
  42. Avoid NPE in Screenshot/ReadBufferUtil — Sven Gothel / cgit
  43. Demo/Test: Use public API — Sven Gothel / cgit
  44. Fix: RegionRenderer TwoPass Renderering, fix methodnames in Renderer — Rami Santina / cgit
  45. Remove generics notion of Type<Vertex>, since Vertex _is_ the lowest — Sven Gothel / cgit
  46. Set relative texSize to RegionDemo02 — Rami Santina / cgit
  47. Temp: updated Testcases to onscreen — Rami Santina / cgit
  48. VBORegion2PGL3 -> VBORegion2PES2 — Sven Gothel / cgit
  49. Text Demo listener: Use keycode instead of keychar — Rami Santina / cgit
  50. Fix: Outline over triangulation. — Rami Santina / cgit
  51. Inclass Documentation cleanup of public API — Rami Santina / cgit
  52. Final core and demo changes for jogl merge — Sven Gothel / cgit
  53. Folded turtle2d into jogl folders — Sven Gothel / cgit
  54. Folded typecast into jogl folder — Sven Gothel / cgit
  55. integrated typecast into jogamp. tree — Sven Gothel / cgit
  56. Remove HashCode util and its usage — Sven Gothel / cgit
  57. Add graph shaders and fonts .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  58. Font: +getName / +getAllNames / +isPrintableCharacter — Sven Gothel / cgit
  59. Load fonts via File or URL . — Sven Gothel / cgit
  60. more text in text demos — Sven Gothel / cgit

#363 (Mar 30, 2011, 6:30:41 PM)

  1. ShaderCode: Remove redundant code (Use proper Locator variant) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Newt X11: keyPress/Release must use upper case XP_ values to match VK_ ; — Sven Gothel / cgit

#361 (Mar 27, 2011, 1:05:27 AM)

  1. Remove platform-specific JAR from Eclipse classpath. — Wade Walker / cgit
  2. Fix NPE caused by refactoring on 2/26/2011. — Wade Walker / cgit
  3. Make jogl builder order match gluegen builder order. — Wade Walker / cgit
  4. FPSAnimator: Poor attempt to wait for threads EOL after pause/stop — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. JAWTUtil: Just use 'sunToolkitClass' in local block — Sven Gothel / cgit

#359 (Mar 26, 2011, 1:30:41 AM)

  1. Eclipse: Add swt-debug.jar to .classpath — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. FPSAnimator: Avoid NPE — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix Bug460 test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Fix unnecessary NPE in case of unrealized GLCanvas — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Promote GLDrawableFactory.getOrCreateSharedContext(..) to public. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#358 (Mar 21, 2011, 7:30:41 PM)

  1. Fixing build errors on Solaris systems. FIX: 481 — Barcsik Attila / cgit

#357 (Mar 21, 2011, 8:30:41 AM)

  1. Fix Bug #460 - GLCanvas NPE — Sven Gothel / cgit

#356 (Mar 21, 2011, 7:24:39 AM)

  1. Fix bug #479 - typo — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix Bug #480 (attempt) - ATI + WinXP: make context current for ARB PFD — Sven Gothel / cgit

#355 (Mar 20, 2011, 5:14:28 AM)

  1. Refine WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB and GLX_RENDER_TYPE: — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Refine getAvailableGLCapabilitiesImpl (XGL, WGL and EGL): Sort only if — Sven Gothel / cgit

#354 (Mar 19, 2011, 9:24:56 AM)

  1. Add @Override — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. - LinkedList -> ArrayList (using tail) for O(1) operation — Sven Gothel / cgit

#353 (Mar 18, 2011, 6:04:41 AM)

  1. Cleanup JNI/JAWT C Header with copyright statement — Sven Gothel / cgit

#351 (Mar 8, 2011, 6:30:41 PM)

  1. GLStateTracker code review: — Michael Bien / cgit

#345 (Mar 5, 2011, 4:30:41 AM)

  1. junit Gears: remove AWT GLCanvas from import — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Fix MemoryObject: Remove unnecessary and slow hash collision action — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Revert Gears: Remove static main, since junit tries to load references — Sven Gothel / cgit

#342 (Mar 5, 2011, 3:34:55 AM)

  1. Add Version Applet/ link — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Sync Gears (jogl-demos) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Fix GLStateTracker PixelStore popAttrib(): Only write new state if — Sven Gothel / cgit

#341 (Mar 2, 2011, 9:02:32 PM)

  1. added GL reference pages crawler script for automatic — Michael Bien / cgit

#338 (Mar 1, 2011, 3:27:58 AM)

  1. Fix public javadoc (add all com.jogamp.* packages) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#337 (Mar 1, 2011, 3:06:32 AM)

  1. JOGL OSX: Cleanup imports/override — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Tolerate pending/lazy native context creation at 1st makeCurrent (OSX). — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. tests for native SWT — Sven Gothel / cgit

#336 (Mar 1, 2011, 2:12:29 AM)

  1. Fix TestSharedContextListAWT: Use in-thread simple frame construction, — Sven Gothel / cgit

#335 (Mar 1, 2011, 1:14:10 AM)

  1. Add target for cmdline verification — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. SWTAccessor: Attempt to receive the OSX cocoa NSView handle/id — Sven Gothel / cgit

#334 (Mar 1, 2011, 12:06:44 AM)

  1. fix test - dont use GLAutoDrawable.invoke(boolean wait, GLRunnable — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Animator: Cleanup and better DEBUG info — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Cleanup (private access for inner classes) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#333 (Feb 28, 2011, 8:04:52 PM)

  1. NEWT EDT: Fix dbl-chk-locking, runOnEDT fast-path, enqueEvent dispatch — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. NEWT WindowImpl EDT fixes — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. unit tests: Gears, TestGearsNEWT, WindowImplAccess — Sven Gothel / cgit

#331 (Feb 28, 2011, 6:48:49 AM)

  1. NEWT: enqueueEvent(wait, ..) can't wait if on EDT. Solves UI close, etc — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. SWTAccessor: Fix type casting int/long - better long usage determination — Sven Gothel / cgit

#330 (Feb 28, 2011, 5:30:41 AM)

  1. X11Util DisplayName: Respect DEFAULT_CONNECTION string — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. JOGL GLDrawableFactory: Expose experimental method — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. SWTAccessor: Add new SWT reflections for native window handle and — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. SWT/JOGL: Native SWT binding test — Sven Gothel / cgit
  5. Remove TestSWT01GLn hacking, see TestSWT02GLn — Sven Gothel / cgit

#329 (Feb 26, 2011, 10:49:11 PM)

  1. changes due to code cleanup in gluegen. — Michael Bien / cgit
  2. Clean/Fix: Threading Code — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Code cleanup: override, imports, StringBuilder, .. — Sven Gothel / cgit
  4. Attempt to analyze failed AWT UI tests, where no paint is being issued — Sven Gothel / cgit

#328 (Feb 26, 2011, 7:38:03 AM)

  1. GLProfile: More Tolerant for missing features; MacOSX: Fix External — Sven Gothel / cgit

#327 (Feb 25, 2011, 6:30:41 AM)

  1. Remove reference to the deprecated option noCDC — Sven Gothel / cgit
  2. Remove reference to the deprecated option noCDC (2) — Sven Gothel / cgit
  3. Remove reference to the deprecated option noCDC (2) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#326 (Feb 25, 2011, 5:52:39 AM)

  1. Avoid NPE (pairs with 6188d6a385056adade49fcb6d8247f94f96d402e) — Sven Gothel / cgit

#324 (Feb 25, 2011, 5:30:41 AM)

  1. Fix bug 473: Override on implementations with 1.5 — Sven Gothel / cgit

#323 (Feb 25, 2011, 5:05:13 AM)

  1. Make Eclipse build correctly — Wade Walker / cgit
  2. Fix path to FixedFuncHook.class. — Wade Walker / cgit
  3. Prevent native libraries from always rebuilding and stripping — Wade Walker / cgit
  4. Add new all.ide target for use in Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ — Wade Walker / cgit

#322 (Feb 25, 2011, 4:38:57 AM)

  1. Avoid NPE, incr. test poll, .. — Sven Gothel / cgit

#319 (Feb 24, 2011, 1:22:57 AM)

  1. gluegen-archivetasks.xml -> jogamp-archivetasks.xml — Sven Gothel / cgit

#318 (Feb 23, 2011, 8:21:09 PM)

  1. Adapt changes of jogamp-env.xml — Sven Gothel / cgit

#316 (Feb 23, 2011, 3:17:56 PM)

  1. Inverse build attribute build.noarchive -> build.archiveon — Sven Gothel / cgit

#313 (Feb 23, 2011, 5:30:28 AM)

  1. Using 7z instead of zip — Sven Gothel / cgit

#312 (Feb 23, 2011, 3:21:52 AM)

  1. Use NODE_NAME env var to determine test archive — Sven Gothel / cgit

#310 (Feb 22, 2011, 6:13:35 PM)

  1. Excluded from javadoc.all; Fixed (incl jogamp.* — Sven Gothel / cgit

#309 (Feb 22, 2011, 2:29:50 PM)

  1. NativeWindow NativeSurface lock/unlock Surface cleanup ; NEWT WindowImpl — Sven Gothel / cgit