Class Capabilities

    • Constructor Detail

      • Capabilities

        public Capabilities()
        Creates a Capabilities object. All attributes are in a default state.
    • Method Detail

      • clone

        public Object clone()
      • getVisualID

        public int getVisualID​(VisualIDHolder.VIDType type)
                        throws NativeWindowException
        Description copied from interface: VisualIDHolder
        Returns the native visual ID of the given type if supported, or VisualIDHolder.VID_UNDEFINED if not supported.

        Depending on the native windowing system, type is handled as follows:

        • X11 throws NativeWindowException on EGL_CONFIG, WIN32_PFD
          • INTRINSIC: X11 XVisual ID
          • NATIVE: X11 XVisual ID
          • X11_XVISUAL: X11 XVisual ID
        • X11/GL throws NativeWindowException on EGL_CONFIG, WIN32_PFD
          • INTRINSIC: X11 XVisual ID
          • NATIVE: X11 XVisual ID
          • X11_XVISUAL: X11 XVisual ID
          • X11_FBCONFIG: X11 FBConfig ID or VID_UNDEFINED
        • Windows/GL throws NativeWindowException on EGL_CONFIG, X11_XVISUAL, X11_FBCONFIG
        • EGL/GL throws NativeWindowException on X11_XVISUAL, X11_FBCONFIG, WIN32_PFD
          • INTRINSIC: EGL Config ID
          • NATIVE: EGL NativeVisual ID (X11 XVisual ID, Win32 PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR ID, ...)
          • EGL_CONFIG: EGL Config ID

        Note: INTRINSIC and NATIVE are always handled, but may result in VisualIDHolder.VID_UNDEFINED. The latter is true if the native value are actually undefined or the corresponding object is not mapped to a native visual object.
        Specified by:
        getVisualID in interface VisualIDHolder
        NativeWindowException - if type is neither INTRINSIC nor NATIVE and does not match the native implementation.
      • getRedBits

        public final int getRedBits()
        Description copied from interface: CapabilitiesImmutable
        Returns the number of bits for the color buffer's red component. On some systems only the color depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.
        Specified by:
        getRedBits in interface CapabilitiesImmutable
      • setRedBits

        public void setRedBits​(int redBits)
        Sets the number of bits requested for the color buffer's red component. On some systems only the color depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.
      • getGreenBits

        public final int getGreenBits()
        Description copied from interface: CapabilitiesImmutable
        Returns the number of bits for the color buffer's green component. On some systems only the color depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.
        Specified by:
        getGreenBits in interface CapabilitiesImmutable
      • setGreenBits

        public void setGreenBits​(int greenBits)
        Sets the number of bits requested for the color buffer's green component. On some systems only the color depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.
      • getBlueBits

        public final int getBlueBits()
        Description copied from interface: CapabilitiesImmutable
        Returns the number of bits for the color buffer's blue component. On some systems only the color depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.
        Specified by:
        getBlueBits in interface CapabilitiesImmutable
      • setBlueBits

        public void setBlueBits​(int blueBits)
        Sets the number of bits requested for the color buffer's blue component. On some systems only the color depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.
      • getAlphaBits

        public final int getAlphaBits()
        Description copied from interface: CapabilitiesImmutable
        Returns the number of bits for the color buffer's alpha component. On some systems only the color depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.
        Specified by:
        getAlphaBits in interface CapabilitiesImmutable
      • setAlphaBits

        public void setAlphaBits​(int alphaBits)
        Sets the number of bits requested for the color buffer's alpha component. On some systems only the color depth, which is the sum of the red, green, and blue bits, is considered.

        Note: If alpha bits are zero, they are set to one by setBackgroundOpaque(boolean) and it's OpenGL specialization GLCapabilities::setSampleBuffers(boolean).
        Ensure to call this method after the above to ensure a zero value.
        The above automated settings takes into account, that the user calls this method to request alpha bits, not to reflect a current state. Nevertheless if this is the case - call it at last.

      • setBackgroundOpaque

        public void setBackgroundOpaque​(boolean opaque)
        Sets whether the surface shall be opaque or translucent.

        Platform implementations may need an alpha component in the surface (eg. Windows), or expect pre-multiplied alpha values (eg. X11/XRender).
        To unify the experience, this method also invokes setAlphaBits(1) if getAlphaBits() == 0.
        Please note that in case alpha is required on the platform the clear color shall have an alpha lower than 1.0 to allow anything shining through.

        Mind that translucency may cause a performance penalty due to the composite work required by the window manager.

      • isBackgroundOpaque

        public final boolean isBackgroundOpaque()
        Description copied from interface: CapabilitiesImmutable
        Returns whether an opaque or translucent surface is requested, supported or chosen.

        Default is true, i.e. opaque.

        Specified by:
        isBackgroundOpaque in interface CapabilitiesImmutable
      • setOnscreen

        public void setOnscreen​(boolean onscreen)
        Sets whether the surface shall be on- or offscreen.

        Defaults to true.

        If requesting an offscreen surface without further selection of it's mode, e.g. FBO, Pbuffer or bitmap, the implementation will choose the best available offscreen mode.

        onscreen -
      • isOnscreen

        public final boolean isOnscreen()
        Description copied from interface: CapabilitiesImmutable
        Returns whether an on- or offscreen surface is requested, available or chosen.

        Default is true, i.e. onscreen.

        Mind that an capabilities intance w/ available semantics may show onscreen, but also the offscreen modes FBO, Pbuffer or bitmap. This is valid, since one native configuration maybe used for either functionality.

        Specified by:
        isOnscreen in interface CapabilitiesImmutable
      • setBitmap

        public void setBitmap​(boolean enable)
        Requesting offscreen bitmap mode.

        If enabled this method also invokes setOnscreen(false).

        Defaults to false.

        Requesting offscreen bitmap mode disables the offscreen auto selection.

      • isBitmap

        public boolean isBitmap()
        Description copied from interface: CapabilitiesImmutable
        Returns whether bitmap offscreen mode is requested, available or chosen.

        Default is false.

        For chosen capabilities, only the selected offscreen surface is set to true.

        Specified by:
        isBitmap in interface CapabilitiesImmutable
      • setTransparentRedValue

        public void setTransparentRedValue​(int transValueRed)
        Sets the transparent red value for the frame buffer configuration, ranging from 0 to the maximum frame buffer value for red. This value is ignored if isBackgroundOpaque() equals true.
        It defaults to half of the frambuffer value for red.
        A value of -1 is interpreted as any value.
      • setTransparentGreenValue

        public void setTransparentGreenValue​(int transValueGreen)
        Sets the transparent green value for the frame buffer configuration, ranging from 0 to the maximum frame buffer value for green. This value is ignored if isBackgroundOpaque() equals true.
        It defaults to half of the frambuffer value for green.
        A value of -1 is interpreted as any value.
      • setTransparentBlueValue

        public void setTransparentBlueValue​(int transValueBlue)
        Sets the transparent blue value for the frame buffer configuration, ranging from 0 to the maximum frame buffer value for blue. This value is ignored if isBackgroundOpaque() equals true.
        It defaults to half of the frambuffer value for blue.
        A value of -1 is interpreted as any value.
      • setTransparentAlphaValue

        public void setTransparentAlphaValue​(int transValueAlpha)
        Sets the transparent alpha value for the frame buffer configuration, ranging from 0 to the maximum frame buffer value for alpha. This value is ignored if isBackgroundOpaque() equals true.
        It defaults to half of the frambuffer value for alpha.
        A value of -1 is interpreted as any value.