Class RenderState

  • public class RenderState
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • id

        public final int id()
      • getShaderProgram

        public final ShaderProgram getShaderProgram()
      • isShaderProgramInUse

        public final boolean isShaderProgramInUse()
      • setShaderProgram

        public final boolean setShaderProgram​(GL2ES2 gl,
                                              ShaderProgram spNext)
        Set a ShaderProgram and enable it. If the given ShaderProgram is new, method returns true, otherwise false.
        gl -
        spNext -
        true if a new shader program is being used and hence external uniform-data and -location, as well as the attribute-location must be updated, otherwise false.
      • getMatrix

        public final PMVMatrix getMatrix()
      • isWeightValid

        public static boolean isWeightValid​(float v)
      • getWeight

        public final float getWeight()
      • setWeight

        public final void setWeight​(float v)
      • getColorStatic

        public final float[] getColorStatic​(float[] rgbaColor)
      • setColorStatic

        public final void setColorStatic​(float r,
                                         float g,
                                         float b,
                                         float a)
      • updateUniformLoc

        public final boolean updateUniformLoc​(GL2ES2 gl,
                                              boolean updateLocation,
                                              GLUniformData data,
                                              boolean throwOnError)
        gl -
        updateLocation -
        data -
        throwOnError - TODO
        true if no error occured, i.e. all locations found, otherwise false.
      • updateUniformDataLoc

        public final boolean updateUniformDataLoc​(GL2ES2 gl,
                                                  boolean updateLocation,
                                                  boolean updateData,
                                                  GLUniformData data,
                                                  boolean throwOnError)
        gl -
        updateLocation -
        updateData - TODO
        data -
        throwOnError - TODO
        true if no error occured, i.e. all locations found, otherwise false.
      • updateAttributeLoc

        public final boolean updateAttributeLoc​(GL2ES2 gl,
                                                boolean updateLocation,
                                                GLArrayDataServer data,
                                                boolean throwOnError)
        gl -
        data -
        throwOnError - TODO
        true if no error occured, i.e. all locations found, otherwise false.
      • isHintMaskSet

        public final boolean isHintMaskSet​(int mask)
      • setHintMask

        public final void setHintMask​(int mask)
      • clearHintMask

        public final void clearHintMask​(int mask)
      • destroy

        public void destroy​(GL2ES2 gl)
      • detachFrom

        public final boolean detachFrom​(GL2ES2 gl)