Class Vec3f

  • public final class Vec3f
    extends Object
    A onvenience class representing a 3-element float vector
    Athomas Goldberg
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      float v1
      the first element in the vector
      float v2
      the first element in the vector
      float v3
      the first element in the vector
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Vec3f​(float v1, float v2, float v3)
      Creates a new Vec3f object.
    • Field Detail

      • v1

        public final float v1
        the first element in the vector
      • v2

        public final float v2
        the first element in the vector
      • v3

        public final float v3
        the first element in the vector
    • Constructor Detail

      • Vec3f

        public Vec3f​(float v1,
                     float v2,
                     float v3)
        Creates a new Vec3f object.
        v1 - the first element in the vector
        v2 - the second element in the vector
        v3 - the third element in the vector