Class EGLClientPixmapHI

  • public class EGLClientPixmapHI
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • size

        public static int size()
      • setPData

        public EGLClientPixmapHI setPData​(long val)
        Setter for native field pData: CType[(PointerType) 'void *' -> (void) * , size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [const[false], pointer*1]], with array length of 1
      • getPData

        public long getPData()
        Getter for native field pData: CType[(PointerType) 'void *' -> (void) * , size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [const[false], pointer*1]], with array length of 1
      • setIWidth

        public EGLClientPixmapHI setIWidth​(int val)
        Setter for native field iWidth: CType[(IntType) typedef 'EGLint', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [const[false], int]]
      • getIWidth

        public int getIWidth()
        Getter for native field iWidth: CType[(IntType) typedef 'EGLint', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [const[false], int]]
      • setIHeight

        public EGLClientPixmapHI setIHeight​(int val)
        Setter for native field iHeight: CType[(IntType) typedef 'EGLint', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [const[false], int]]
      • getIHeight

        public int getIHeight()
        Getter for native field iHeight: CType[(IntType) typedef 'EGLint', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [const[false], int]]
      • setIStride

        public EGLClientPixmapHI setIStride​(int val)
        Setter for native field iStride: CType[(IntType) typedef 'EGLint', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [const[false], int]]
      • getIStride

        public int getIStride()
        Getter for native field iStride: CType[(IntType) typedef 'EGLint', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [const[false], int]]