Class AABBox

  • public class AABBox
    extends Object
    Axis Aligned Bounding Box. Defined by two 3D coordinates (low and high) The low being the the lower left corner of the box, and the high being the upper right corner of the box.

    A few references for collision detection, intersections:

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create an Axis Aligned bounding box (AABBox) where the low and and high MAX float Values.
      AABBox​(float[] low, float[] high)
      Create a AABBox defining the low and high
      AABBox​(float lx, float ly, float lz, float hx, float hy, float hz)
      Create an AABBox specifying the coordinates of the low and high
      AABBox​(AABBox src)
      Create an AABBox copying all values from the given one
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean contains​(float x, float y)
      Check if the x & y coordinates are bounded/contained by this AABBox
      boolean contains​(float x, float y, float z)
      Check if the xyz coordinates are bounded/contained by this AABBox.
      AABBox copy​(AABBox src)
      Copy given AABBox 'src' values to this AABBox.
      boolean equals​(Object obj)  
      float[] getCenter()
      Get the Center of this AABBox
      float getDepth()  
      float getHeight()  
      float[] getHigh()
      Get the max xyz-coordinates
      float[] getLow()
      Get the min xyz-coordinates
      float getMaxX()  
      float getMaxY()  
      float getMaxZ()  
      float getMinX()  
      float getMinY()  
      float getMinZ()  
      float[] getRayIntersection​(float[] result, Ray ray, float epsilon, boolean assumeIntersection, float[] tmp1V3, float[] tmp2V3, float[] tmp3V3)
      Return intersection of a Ray with this bounding box, or null if none exist.
      float getSize()
      Get the size of this AABBox where the size is represented by the length of the vector between low and high.
      float getWidth()  
      int hashCode()  
      boolean intersects2DRegion​(float x, float y, float w, float h)
      Check if there is a common region between this AABBox and the passed 2D region irrespective of z range
      boolean intersectsRay​(Ray ray)
      Check if Ray intersects this bounding box.
      AABBox mapToWindow​(AABBox result, float[] mat4PMv, int[] view, boolean useCenterZ, float[] vec3Tmp0, float[] vec4Tmp1, float[] vec4Tmp2)
      Assume this bounding box as being in object space and compute the window bounding box.
      AABBox reset()
      resets this box to the inverse low/high, allowing the next resize(float, float, float) command to hit.
      AABBox resize​(float[] xyz)
      Resize the AABBox to encapsulate the passed xyz-coordinates.
      AABBox resize​(float[] xyz, int offset)
      Resize the AABBox to encapsulate the passed xyz-coordinates.
      AABBox resize​(float x, float y, float z)
      Resize the AABBox to encapsulate the passed xyz-coordinates.
      AABBox resize​(AABBox newBox)
      Resize the AABBox to encapsulate another AABox
      AABBox resize​(AABBox newBox, jogamp.graph.geom.plane.AffineTransform t, float[] tmpV3)
      Resize the AABBox to encapsulate another AABox, which will be transformed on the fly first.
      AABBox rotate​(Quaternion quat)
      Rotate this AABBox by a float[3] vector
      AABBox scale​(float size, float[] tmpV3)
      Scale this AABBox by a constant
      AABBox setSize​(float[] low, float[] high)
      Set size of the AABBox specifying the coordinates of the low and high.
      AABBox setSize​(float lx, float ly, float lz, float hx, float hy, float hz)
      Set size of the AABBox specifying the coordinates of the low and high.
      String toString()  
      AABBox translate​(float[] t)
      Translate this AABBox by a float[3] vector
    • Constructor Detail

      • AABBox

        public AABBox()
        Create an Axis Aligned bounding box (AABBox) where the low and and high MAX float Values.
      • AABBox

        public AABBox​(AABBox src)
        Create an AABBox copying all values from the given one
        src - the box value to be used for the new instance
      • AABBox

        public AABBox​(float lx,
                      float ly,
                      float lz,
                      float hx,
                      float hy,
                      float hz)
        Create an AABBox specifying the coordinates of the low and high
        lx - min x-coordinate
        ly - min y-coordnate
        lz - min z-coordinate
        hx - max x-coordinate
        hy - max y-coordinate
        hz - max z-coordinate
      • AABBox

        public AABBox​(float[] low,
                      float[] high)
        Create a AABBox defining the low and high
        low - min xyz-coordinates
        high - max xyz-coordinates
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public final AABBox reset()
        resets this box to the inverse low/high, allowing the next resize(float, float, float) command to hit.
        this AABBox for chaining
      • getHigh

        public final float[] getHigh()
        Get the max xyz-coordinates
        a float array containing the max xyz coordinates
      • getLow

        public final float[] getLow()
        Get the min xyz-coordinates
        a float array containing the min xyz coordinates
      • copy

        public final AABBox copy​(AABBox src)
        Copy given AABBox 'src' values to this AABBox.
        src - source AABBox
        this AABBox for chaining
      • setSize

        public final AABBox setSize​(float[] low,
                                    float[] high)
        Set size of the AABBox specifying the coordinates of the low and high.
        low - min xyz-coordinates
        high - max xyz-coordinates
        this AABBox for chaining
      • setSize

        public final AABBox setSize​(float lx,
                                    float ly,
                                    float lz,
                                    float hx,
                                    float hy,
                                    float hz)
        Set size of the AABBox specifying the coordinates of the low and high.
        lx - min x-coordinate
        ly - min y-coordnate
        lz - min z-coordinate
        hx - max x-coordinate
        hy - max y-coordinate
        hz - max z-coordinate
        this AABBox for chaining
      • resize

        public final AABBox resize​(AABBox newBox)
        Resize the AABBox to encapsulate another AABox
        newBox - AABBox to be encapsulated in
        this AABBox for chaining
      • resize

        public final AABBox resize​(AABBox newBox,
                                   jogamp.graph.geom.plane.AffineTransform t,
                                   float[] tmpV3)
        Resize the AABBox to encapsulate another AABox, which will be transformed on the fly first.
        newBox - AABBox to be encapsulated in
        t - the AffineTransform applied on newBox on the fly
        tmpV3 - temp float[3] storage
        this AABBox for chaining
      • resize

        public final AABBox resize​(float x,
                                   float y,
                                   float z)
        Resize the AABBox to encapsulate the passed xyz-coordinates.
        x - x-axis coordinate value
        y - y-axis coordinate value
        z - z-axis coordinate value
        this AABBox for chaining
      • resize

        public final AABBox resize​(float[] xyz,
                                   int offset)
        Resize the AABBox to encapsulate the passed xyz-coordinates.
        xyz - xyz-axis coordinate values
        offset - of the array
        this AABBox for chaining
      • resize

        public final AABBox resize​(float[] xyz)
        Resize the AABBox to encapsulate the passed xyz-coordinates.
        xyz - xyz-axis coordinate values
        this AABBox for chaining
      • contains

        public final boolean contains​(float x,
                                      float y)
        Check if the x & y coordinates are bounded/contained by this AABBox
        x - x-axis coordinate value
        y - y-axis coordinate value
        true if x belong to (low.x, high.x) and y belong to (low.y, high.y)
      • contains

        public final boolean contains​(float x,
                                      float y,
                                      float z)
        Check if the xyz coordinates are bounded/contained by this AABBox.
        x - x-axis coordinate value
        y - y-axis coordinate value
        z - z-axis coordinate value
        true if x belong to (low.x, high.x) and y belong to (low.y, high.y) and z belong to (low.z, high.z)
      • intersects2DRegion

        public final boolean intersects2DRegion​(float x,
                                                float y,
                                                float w,
                                                float h)
        Check if there is a common region between this AABBox and the passed 2D region irrespective of z range
        x - lower left x-coord
        y - lower left y-coord
        w - width
        h - hight
        true if this AABBox might have a common region with this 2D region
      • intersectsRay

        public final boolean intersectsRay​(Ray ray)
        Check if Ray intersects this bounding box.

        Versions uses the SAT[1], testing 6 axes. Original code for OBBs from MAGIC. Rewritten for AABBs and reorganized for early exits[2].

         [1] SAT = Separating Axis Theorem
        ray -
      • getRayIntersection

        public final float[] getRayIntersection​(float[] result,
                                                Ray ray,
                                                float epsilon,
                                                boolean assumeIntersection,
                                                float[] tmp1V3,
                                                float[] tmp2V3,
                                                float[] tmp3V3)
        Return intersection of a Ray with this bounding box, or null if none exist.

        • Original code by Andrew Woo, from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990 [2]
        • Optimized code by Pierre Terdiman, 2000 (~20-30% faster on my Celeron 500)
        • Epsilon value added by Klaus Hartmann.

        Method is based on the requirements:

        • the integer representation of 0.0f is 0x00000000
        • the sign bit of the float is the most significant one

        Report bugs: (original author)

        result - vec3
        ray -
        epsilon -
        assumeIntersection - if true, method assumes an intersection, i.e. by pre-checking via intersectsRay(Ray). In this case method will not validate a possible non-intersection and just computes coordinates.
        tmp1V3 - temp vec3
        tmp2V3 - temp vec3
        tmp3V3 - temp vec3
        float[3] result of intersection coordinates, or null if none exists
      • getSize

        public final float getSize()
        Get the size of this AABBox where the size is represented by the length of the vector between low and high.
        a float representing the size of the AABBox
      • getCenter

        public final float[] getCenter()
        Get the Center of this AABBox
        the xyz-coordinates of the center of the AABBox
      • scale

        public final AABBox scale​(float size,
                                  float[] tmpV3)
        Scale this AABBox by a constant
        size - a constant float value
        tmpV3 - caller provided temporary 3-component vector
        this AABBox for chaining
      • translate

        public final AABBox translate​(float[] t)
        Translate this AABBox by a float[3] vector
        t - the float[3] translation vector
        this AABBox for chaining
      • rotate

        public final AABBox rotate​(Quaternion quat)
        Rotate this AABBox by a float[3] vector
        quat - the Quaternion used for rotation
        this AABBox for chaining
      • getMinX

        public final float getMinX()
      • getMinY

        public final float getMinY()
      • getMinZ

        public final float getMinZ()
      • getMaxX

        public final float getMaxX()
      • getMaxY

        public final float getMaxY()
      • getMaxZ

        public final float getMaxZ()
      • getWidth

        public final float getWidth()
      • getHeight

        public final float getHeight()
      • getDepth

        public final float getDepth()
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • mapToWindow

        public AABBox mapToWindow​(AABBox result,
                                  float[] mat4PMv,
                                  int[] view,
                                  boolean useCenterZ,
                                  float[] vec3Tmp0,
                                  float[] vec4Tmp1,
                                  float[] vec4Tmp2)
        Assume this bounding box as being in object space and compute the window bounding box.

        If useCenterZ is true, only 4 mapObjToWinCoords operations are made on points [1..4] using getCenter()'s z-value. Otherwise 8 mapObjToWinCoords operation on all 8 points are performed.

          [2] ------ [4]
           |          |
           |          |
          [1] ------ [3]
        mat4PMv - P x Mv matrix
        view -
        useCenterZ -
        vec3Tmp0 - 3 component vector for temp storage
        vec4Tmp1 - 4 component vector for temp storage
        vec4Tmp2 - 4 component vector for temp storage