Package com.ardor3d.example.basic

package com.ardor3d.example.basic
  • Classes
    A simple example showing a textured and lit box spinning.
    This jogl-based example is meant to show how to use Ardor3D at the most primitive level, forsaking the use of ExampleBase and much of our framework classes and interfaces.
    A demonstration of antialising on a Line object.
    A demonstration of the MathUtils.matrixLookAt function, which constructs a rotation matrix used to orient a source position to a given target position.
    A demonstration of the MouseManager class, which is used to control properties (e.g. cursor, location) of the native mouse.
    A demonstration of the OrbitCamControl, a controller that can position a camera in an orbit around a given target - in this case, a teapot.
    A simple example showing use of shaders inside of RTT.
    A display of intrinsic shapes (e.g.
    A demonstration of the SwitchNode class; used to control which Node to actively display from a set of Nodes.