Package com.ardor3d.example.renderer

package com.ardor3d.example.renderer
  • Classes
    Illustrates the BillboardNode class; which defines a node that always orients towards the camera.
    Illustrates the BillboardNode class - but using a Z-up camera.
    Illustrates the ClipState class; which specifies a plane to test for clipping of a Node.
    An example showing use of MeshCombiner to weld together a bunch of boxes into a single mesh.
    Illustrates two techniques for creating a triangle strip (i.e. series of connected triangles).
    Illustrates creating a display list from two sets (i.e. original set and copied set) of Nodes.
    Illustrates creating a display list of intrinsic shapes (e.g.
    Illustrates the GeneratedImageFactory class and math.functions package, which allow for procedural creation of textures.
    Demonstrates the use of geometry instancing and compares it to VBO.
    Demonstration of a GLSL effect titled 'To The Road Of Ribbon' by TX95 (2008).
    Illustrates the MandelbrotFunction3D class, which allow for procedural creation of the famous Mandelbrot set.
    A demonstration of randomly placed spheres being illuminated by numerious PointLight sources.
    A demonstration using MaterialState to set lighting equation parameters.
    Illustrates the CopyLogic and SceneCopier classes, which allow for the efficient copying and sharing of mesh data.
    Borrows from the BoxExample to illustrate using PassNode to do simple multi-texturing.
    Illustrates mesh with several primitives (i.e. strip, quad, triangle).
    A more complex example of using geometry shaders.
    A simple demonstration of displaying numerous Point in three-dimensions.
    A simple example illustrating use of RenderEffects
    Illustrates the Render Queue, which controls how Nodes are drawn when overlapping occurs.
    Demonstrates rendering to texture, where the texture is a cubemap.
    Illustrates the TextureRenderer class; which renders a scene to a buffer and copying it to a texture.
    Simple example showing differences between GeoSphere and Sphere and their various texture mappings.
    Illustrates the StereoCamera class, which allows for your stereo viewing pleasures.
    Shows interpolated textures using texture combine.
    Very simple example showing use of a Texture3D texture.
    Illustrates the TextureProjector class, which projects a two-dimensional texture onto a three-dimensional surface.
    A demonstration of procedurally updating a texture.
    Illustrates the DataMode class, which describe how we prefer data to be sent to the card.
    Illustrates the Camera class, which represents a view into a 3d scene and how that view should map to a 2D rendering surface.
    An example of using geometry shaders.