Class OffImporter


public class OffImporter extends Object
OFF importer. See the format spec and Geomview's documentation N.B: WORK IN PROGRESS, STILL A LOT OF WORK TO DO N.B: supports only the ASCII file format as there's a lack of available binary files to make some tests and the specification mentions some constants in the include file named "off.h" but it's not included in Geomview's source code. It supports only 1D, 2D and 3D without homogeneous coordinates. It supports only triangles and quads.
  • Constructor Details

    • OffImporter

      public OffImporter()
    • OffImporter

      public OffImporter(Map<Integer,ColorRGBA> colorMap)
  • Method Details

    • load

      public OffGeometryStore load(String resource)
      Reads a OFF file from the given resource
      resource - the name of the resource to find.
      a OffGeometryStore data object containing the scene and other useful elements.
    • load

      public OffGeometryStore load(String resource, GeometryTool geometryTool)
      Reads a OFF file from the given resource
      resource - the name of the resource to find.
      geometryTool - the geometry tool to optimize the meshes
      a OffGeometryStore data object containing the scene and other useful elements.
    • load

      public OffGeometryStore load(ResourceSource resource)
      Reads a OFF file from the given resource
      resource - the resource to find.
      a OffGeometryStore data object containing the scene and other useful elements.
    • load

      public OffGeometryStore load(ResourceSource resource, GeometryTool geometryTool)
      Reads a OFF file from the given resource
      resource - the resource to find.
      geometryTool - the geometry tool to optimize the meshes
      a OffGeometryStore data object containing the scene and other useful elements.
    • createGeometryStore

      protected OffGeometryStore createGeometryStore(GeometryTool geometryTool)
    • setModelLocator

      public void setModelLocator(ResourceLocator locator)