Package com.ardor3d.extension.ui.backdrop

package com.ardor3d.extension.ui.backdrop
Provides classes needed to describe and implement UI backdrops - a rendering done behind the rest of a component.
  • Class
    A simple backdrop that does not alter the content area.
    A gradient four color backdrop.
    This backdrop paints a single image on a colored plane behind the component, stretching it and aligning it to the component based on given settings.
    This backdrop paints one or more transformable, ordered images on a colored plane behind the component.
    This backdrop paints a solid arc of color behind a UI component.
    This backdrop paints a solid rectangle of color behind a UI component.
    This backdrop paints a solid disk of color behind a UI component.
    Defines a class responsible for drawing a "backdrop" or screen/background that lays behind a UI component.