Package com.ardor3d.extension.ui.layout

package com.ardor3d.extension.ui.layout
Provides classes that position and resize components within a given UI container. Layouts can be reused across multiple UI containers, but if done, layout should be done on a single thread as individual layouts may use member fields in a way that is not thread safe.
  • Class
    This layout arranges components based on anchors - descriptions of hard connections between two components.
    A data class that is used in conjunction with AnchorLayout.
    This layout places components on the edges or in the center of a container, depending on the value of the layout data object they hold.
    A data class that represents which slot a component should fall into when used with a BorderLayout.
    A UI Layout that puts content in rows and columns where the row and column cells are set to the minimal size of its content plus some inter-cell spacing.
    This class provides layout data for the GridLayout.
    This layout places components in either a horizontal or vertical row, ordered as they are placed in their container.
    A class that can arrange the position and dimensions of the contents of a UI container.
    Interface identifying objects that provide more data about how a component should act in a specific layout.