Uses of Class

Uses of Geometry in

Subclasses of Geometry in
 class CompressedGeometry
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.4.
 class GeometryArray
          The GeometryArray object contains separate arrays of positional coordinates, colors, normals, texture coordinates, and vertex attributes that describe point, line, or polygon geometry.
 class GeometryStripArray
          The GeometryStripArray object is an abstract class that is extended for a set of GeometryArray strip primitives.
 class IndexedGeometryArray
          The IndexedGeometryArray object contains separate integer arrays that index into the arrays of positional coordinates, colors, normals, texture coordinates, and vertex attributes.
 class IndexedGeometryStripArray
          The IndexedGeometryStripArray object is an abstract class that is extended for a set of IndexedGeometryArray strip primitives.
 class IndexedLineArray
          The IndexedLineArray object draws the array of vertices as individual line segments.
 class IndexedLineStripArray
          The IndexedLineStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected line strips.
 class IndexedPointArray
          The IndexedPointArray object draws the array of vertices as individual points.
 class IndexedQuadArray
          The IndexedQuadArray object draws the array of vertices as individual quadrilaterals.
 class IndexedTriangleArray
          The IndexedTriangleArray object draws the array of vertices as individual triangles.
 class IndexedTriangleFanArray
          The IndexedTriangleFanArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle fans.
 class IndexedTriangleStripArray
          The IndexedTriangleStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle strips.
 class LineArray
          The LineArray object draws the array of vertices as individual line segments.
 class LineStripArray
          The LineStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected line strips.
 class PointArray
          The PointArray object draws the array of vertices as individual points.
 class QuadArray
          The QuadArray object draws the array of vertices as individual quadrilaterals.
 class Raster
          The Raster object extends Geometry to allow drawing a raster image that is attached to a 3D location in the virtual world.
 class Text3D
          A Text3D object is a text string that has been converted to 3D geometry.
 class TriangleArray
          The TriangleArray object draws the array of vertices as individual triangles.
 class TriangleFanArray
          The TriangleFanArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle fans.
 class TriangleStripArray
          The TriangleStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle strips.

Methods in that return Geometry
 Geometry TransparencySortGeom.getGeometry()
          Returns the Geometry for this object.
 Geometry Shape3D.getGeometry()
          Retrieves the geometry component at index 0 from this Shape3D node's list of geometry components.
 Geometry ShaderError.getGeometry()
          Returns the geometry associated with this shader error.
 Geometry PickInfo.IntersectionInfo.getGeometry()
          Retrieves the reference to the intersected geometry in the picked object, either a Shape3D or Morph.
 Geometry Shape3D.getGeometry(int index)
          Retrieves the geometry component at the specified index from this Shape3D node's list of geometry components.

Methods in with parameters of type Geometry
 void Shape3D.addGeometry(Geometry geometry)
          Appends the specified geometry component to this Shape3D node's list of geometry components.
 void GraphicsContext3D.draw(Geometry geometry)
          Draw the specified Geometry component object.
 int Shape3D.indexOfGeometry(Geometry geometry)
          Retrieves the index of the specified geometry component in this Shape3D node's list of geometry components.
 void Shape3D.insertGeometry(Geometry geometry, int index)
          Inserts the specified geometry component into this Shape3D node's list of geometry components at the specified index.
 void Shape3D.removeGeometry(Geometry geometry)
          Removes the specified geometry component from this Shape3D node's list of geometry components.
 void Shape3D.setGeometry(Geometry geometry)
          Replaces the geometry component at index 0 in this Shape3D node's list of geometry components with the specified geometry component.
 void ShaderError.setGeometry(Geometry geometry)
          Sets the geometry associated with this shader error.
 void Shape3D.setGeometry(Geometry geometry, int index)
          Replaces the geometry component at the specified index in this Shape3D node's list of geometry components with the specified geometry component.
 void GeometryUpdater.updateData(Geometry geometry)
          Updates geometry data that is accessed by reference.

Constructors in with parameters of type Geometry
OrientedShape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance, int mode, javax.vecmath.Point3f point)
          Constructs an OrientedShape3D node with the specified geometry component, appearance component, mode, and rotation point.
OrientedShape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance, int mode, javax.vecmath.Point3f point, boolean constantScaleEnable, double scale)
          Constructs an OrientedShape3D node with the specified geometry component, appearance component, mode, and rotation point.
OrientedShape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance, int mode, javax.vecmath.Vector3f axis)
          Constructs an OrientedShape3D node with the specified geometry component, appearance component, mode, and axis.
OrientedShape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance, int mode, javax.vecmath.Vector3f axis, boolean constantScaleEnable, double scale)
          Constructs an OrientedShape3D node with the specified geometry component, appearance component, mode, axis, constant scale enable flag, and scale The specified axis must not be parallel to the Z axis--(0,0,z) for any value of z.
Shape3D(Geometry geometry)
          Constructs and initializes a Shape3D node with the specified geometry component and a null appearance component.
Shape3D(Geometry geometry, Appearance appearance)
          Constructs and initializes a Shape3D node with the specified geometry and appearance components.