Uses of Class

Uses of HiResCoord in

Methods in with parameters of type HiResCoord
 void HiResCoord.add(HiResCoord h1, HiResCoord h2)
          Adds two HiResCoords placing the results into this HiResCoord.
 void HiResCoord.difference(HiResCoord h1, javax.vecmath.Vector3d v)
          Subtracts the specified HiResCoord from this HiResCoord placing the difference vector into the specified double-precision vector.
 double HiResCoord.distance(HiResCoord h1)
          The floating point distance between the specified HiResCoord and this HiResCoord.
 boolean HiResCoord.equals(HiResCoord h1)
          Compares the specified HiResCoord to this HiResCoord.
 void Locale.getHiRes(HiResCoord hiRes)
          Returns this node's HiResCoord.
 void GraphicsContext3D.getHiRes(HiResCoord hiRes)
          Retrieves the current HiRes coordinate of this context.
 void HiResCoord.getHiResCoord(HiResCoord hc)
          Retrieves this HiResCoord's location and places it into the hires argument.
 void HiResCoord.negate(HiResCoord h1)
          Negates the specified HiResCoords and places the results into this HiResCoord.
 void HiResCoord.scale(int scale, HiResCoord h1)
          Scales the specified HiResCoords by the specified value and places the results into this HiResCoord.
 void Locale.setHiRes(HiResCoord hiRes)
          Sets the HiRes coordinate of this Locale to the location specified by the HiRes argument.
 void GraphicsContext3D.setHiRes(HiResCoord hiRes)
          Sets the HiRes coordinate of this context to the location specified by the HiRes argument.
 void HiResCoord.setHiResCoord(HiResCoord hires)
          Sets this HiResCoord to the location specified by the hires provided.
 void HiResCoord.sub(HiResCoord h1, HiResCoord h2)
          Subtracts two HiResCoords placing the results into this HiResCoord.

Constructors in with parameters of type HiResCoord
HiResCoord(HiResCoord hc)
          Constructs and initializes a new HiResCoord using the values provided in the argument.
Locale(VirtualUniverse universe, HiResCoord hiRes)
          Constructs and initializes a new high resolution Locale object at the location specified by the HiResCoord argument.